Candy Crush Saga Level 3592 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3592 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 3592 is a dual task level, you have to collect the ingredients and clear the jelly to complete the level.
The ingredients are locked in licorice and most of the licorice is also locked, but don't worry, there are fishing floats down the board.
The fish are the secret to passing level 3592. Make as many combos as you can, stripe/wrap combos are one of the best combos, especially if they are close to the floats so that when you switch the combo you hit the maximum number of floats to get loads of fish.
The fish will target the locked licorice first, then the rest of the licorice and the locked ingredients. Once the licorice starts to clear the ingredients will drop through between the floats and find their way to the exits at the bottom of the board.
Keep making combos and forget about anything else and the fish will take care of everything for you. As long as you can get enough fish you shouldn't have too much trouble passing this level without boosters.
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.


Anonymous said...

Fun level. Gotta love the fish and floats.

Anonymous said...

Twice now I got everything except for 1 nut a row above the exits and the jelly underneath it. Fish did not help. Would not let me use hammer on it so I used hammer on the candy below it and it did not move. Very frustrating.

Anonymous said...

Exactly the same problem as Anonymous said above in comments....unable to play this level to completion. :(

Marsha said...

I had only two marmalade left when I combined a stripe and wrapped for my last move, producing a multitude of fish. The fish did not remove the marmalade. Unfair, King!!

Anonymous said...

Wasted a lot of fish boosters on this one. The last nut won’t go down.

Anonymous said...

I had the stuck nut problem. CB/stripe combo works, but I think the stripe has to be the same color as the candy to the left of the nut. That keeps it in place and lets the nut drop.

Anonymous said...

Same problem with that last nut.....hammer didn’t work for me either

Carol the elder said...

I added a fish booster to the space dash and reset until there was a CB combo. That set off a swarm of fish and when the cascade stopped, all the ingredients were dropped. Then it was just a matter of getting stripes in the right places to hit the 5 remaing jellies. Fish also came in to help out.

Anna Errington said...

This level needs 2 cb's together. Even so it is tricky and based on luck. Sometimes I reset until I get two cb's together. On the phone resetting does not take away lives or boosters. Also in this level one may as well give up and start the level again if the ingredients don't go down before the jelly's are gone. Hammers do not work because instead of the ingredient taking up the last spot where it slides off the board, another candy takes that spot.

cookie56 said...

Posting for luck. Can't get the last nut to drop.

Unknown said...

Cant get the last nut to drop either...

Anonymous said...

Same problem. Last nut will not fall. Posting for luck.

Helen said...

Passed 1st go, no problem with last nut, maybe glitch has been resolved. Started with dbl cb, then made as many combos as possible fish got last jelly on last move

JaneM said...

Same as others, keep getting stuck nut.

Francisco Diego said...

Started with nothing and passed it with a hand switch in first go

Sultanate said...

Same problem as others. The last nut doesn't drop. Need a lucky board posting for luck

Chrissy said...

Same problem as others. Last one won't drop. Using too many lives and boosters.

Anonymous said...

Levels like this are boring. I don't want to have to go back and get a space dash every time I play, just to have a chance. And, I don't want to have to restart the game constantly to get 2 color bombs together. This is getting really, really old.

Anonymous said...

Getting nowhere, totally bored with this level, need lucky board soon to keep me going.

Anonymous said...

Somebody HELP me pleaseeeee!! Lol Can't seem to pass this one.

Anonymous said...

Carol the Elder (and others) - why did you use space dash? This level is so easy. I passed it on the first go with no boosters.
Do you even TRY to play without your "I put two colour bombs together and passed?"

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Not an easy level as stated above. Help with luck please.

Unknown said...

Und schon wieder stimmen die Züge nicht überein und es sollte mindestens als schweres Level eingestuft werden.

Unknown said...

SAME problem, except if the cherry is last, it won't drop either. Used hammer, combo and extra plays to no avail.

JB said...

Ridiculous level...used all 18 moves ...never even cleared 1 jelly...not enjoying anymore...time to quit

KENNET4 said...

Can’t do it without luck, posting for it here!

KENNET4 said...

Yep, posting for luck again.

Anonymous said...

Down to just 18 moves, this level is mind numbing! Getting no where close to completing!

jackied said...

Can't win with 18 moves

jackied said...

I have only gotten 1 jelly...

Anonymous said...

Dull, dull dull.....

collenfan said...

Need help with this difficult level. Posting for luck.

Hilary said...

On iPad and twice I’ve been left with only one nut to get with it just above the bottom row. Nothing will shift it. Fish don’t eat the ingredientbelow it and even using a hammer doesn’t work. THIS MUST BE A BUG. Has nobody else suffered the same problem?

Sue Harvey said...

Need a lucky board on this one

lvoris927 said...

Very difficult setting up combos, and when i get stripes they are usually up/down stripes nothing across to hit the fish, UGH!!

Anonymous said...

Terrible level. Nut won't clear. Not enough moves. Posting for luck. Might be time to cut CC loose. Just not fun anymore.

Unknown said...

Hilary, I have the same problem. I used three hammers to try to clear the candy underneath, and it didnt budge. I even used 10 gold bars to keep playing. Very frustrating!

Unknown said...

Same problem- nut was 1 candy from bottom and I used 2 hammers to bust the candy underneath and it still wouldn’t fall-another candy fell in its place. Had 5 moves left and still couldn’t get it down or make combos. So ridiculous King!! And now to have to go back and get the last witch hat and keep going in and out to get 2CB’s- so irritating already!! Why did they have to mess it up for everybody?!

Unknown said...

Okay- so posted here and went back and beat it!! This page always gives me luck👌🏼 So I beat it with 5 moves left!! I used 2 CB’s on my first move and that cleared most and got all but nut down, and then I was able to make a stripe/wrap combo to get the nut down and remaining jelly gone!! Thanks for the luck Ms.Cookie!!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Jim said...

Sounds like a medical problem

Jim said...

You need 2 color bomb combos. Started with one and got lucky on the second one.

Anonymous said...

Another lucky board game. Boring

Anonymous said...

Losing lives this quickly is no fun. Please help!

Becky said...

Not fun for me. Wasted lots of lives

Anonymous said...

Like a lot of other players I was down to the last nut and couldn't get it down. Wasted lots of life's onthis. Posting for a lucky board

DawnieCoops said...

posting for luck, blooming hard

Anonymous said...

Tired of this level, posting for luck

Alispe said...


katericia said...

Yo solo tengo 18 movimientos.
Publicar para la suerte

Flippenheck said...

Not a fun please

Flippenheck said...

Impossible please

Anonymous said...

I have problem with the jellies, can t do it!not plaisant to play don t have enough time to do somethinh. Posting for luck cause don t feel like playing again

Anonymous said...

I need two CB together to create mega fish!! Posting for luck - help!

Anonymous said...

Can't even get close, lucky board please

spcspc1654 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trinity! said...

Frustrating you have to wait for King to give you a board that will let that last nut fall. I doubt it’s a glitch but more like a way for King to make you use up lives. Nothing can help move that nut except luck.

Anonymous said...

Need a lucky board to pass this level please

Anonymous said...

The last nut it is impossible to get even using hammers, none now left, but having got to one nut twice it is ridiculous! No skill at all just wait for theKing to let you pass. We have got this far then give us games that require skill not luck!

Anonymous said...

this level is geared to make you pay for boosters. bullshit

Marielle said...

Impossible to finish ...not fun, help, help please !

Anonymous said...

Okay what gives king? I used 2 cb’s together had many wrapped and stripe together and still not enough to clear the level!,, so frustrated! Help me!

Unknown said...

No fun level AT ALL! Can't get even close. Really frustrating, I need a miracle

Jo said...

Agree worst level ever 18 moves not enough Boring may say goodbye

Brian said...

This is very hard not many boosters appearing and even when I had one but left (and some tiles) the last but stayed on. Think I will have to wait for a lucky board

Annomous said...

I have tried every which way to pass this game and still nothing. Why do KING make these games so hard to pass, this only results in players quitting. Not enough moves or combinations to get through, I have used all types of boosters and still nothing. Just bring back the fun element of this game just getting ridiculous now. LUCKY BOARD PLEASE CC.

Tina said...

Not fair 18 moves to 25.need to fix.

Tina said...

Still not fixed,immpossible

Unknown said...

Played this Leveled many times no way to win it there are only 2 nuts not 3

Caro said...

I've had 2 CB together twice, cleared all ingredients, but squares get stuck at 27. Fish will be swarming and hitting squares, but counter won't register. Ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

solo necesito ayuda y suerte ,este nivel es imposible ,publico para la suerte ,gracias !!

Unknown said...

Welldone KING!!! YOU CREATE this fucking impossible level probably you want to spend money on this... Babis from Greece played and spent 140 lives..stuck 10 days here...That's it!!! Goodbye a few minutes CC will be removed from my mobile device... 7 years of playing...enough with this crap game!!! Fuck you there in KING society!!!

Pinky said...

Could use more moves, posting for luck please

Pinky said...

Getting no where posting for lucky board for the second time please

Unknown said...

Szia! Pontosan ezt tapasztaltam én is. Már 3x jártam így és nagyon dühítő volt. Mindent megpróbáltam és semmi se vitte le a makkot, ráadásul egy halom pénzt költöttem a plussz lépésekre.

Old school crusher said...

Posting for luck yet again hopefully cookies will recognize my web surfing and throw me a lucky board. That seems to be nearly every level lately 😩

Old school crusher said...

Still stuck need that damn lucky board

Chillgirl said...

I can’t even come close on this one!! And now that we can’t reset the board, most boosters are useless. It’s no fun anymore! Come on King. I’ve been playing against cartoon characters for 2months now and after contacting you numerous times, nothing has changed!!! I want my real friends back!!! I can’t get any lives from the cartoon characters and now can’t reset the board, I’m about done !!!

faithjj said...

CC isn't so much fun anymore. Impossible without lucky board. So lucky board please!!!!!

Rena said...

I need a lucky board! Please!

Rena said...

I need a lucky board! Please!

Paul said...

looks easy, but it's not.
I'm stuck... again....

Paul said...

how is this an easy level???

.... maybe if I pay, they'll let me pass this level???

yshuummu said...

GOD I hate this f n game!!!! Delete! Stupid game boring and it SUCKS!!!! ITS FIXED!

Christy said...

I hate this level, I have used 51 gold bars and 1 hammer and am stuck with 1 acorn above one of the bobbles! Evidently you can’t even buy your way through this level. Very frustrating when I have just wasted so much trying to pass the level! I have 1 disk, would that even work?

Anonymous said...

Help please, no boosters!

Foxdean said...

Posting for luck. I have got this far without paying not going to start now!

Anonymous said...

Another impossible level that again shows how twisted and insane King is. The stupid candy cane fences, blockers on top of blockers, having to hit everything 2 or more times...almost impossible to unlock the ingredients. The fish only go after top it off, only 18 moves. It sucks!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely lousy level. Near impossible.

Elisabeth said...

HELP !!! pas des plus amusants, ni des plus faciles ce niveau... AIDEZ MOI svp !!

Tga said...

Extraordinarily tedious. Slow moving and repetitive with no progress.

Tga said...

Oh for fluffs sake. I’ve had it with this. No boosters left, extra lives spent...I’m done.

Tga said...

Enough! Extra lives don’t help. Boosters don’t help. I’m not buying anything because it makes no difference.

Anonymous said...

17 moves and I have no boosters. Not possible. I hate the fact there is no skill needed just a lucky board.

Lili10 said...

Posté pour la chance Merci

Unknown said...

posting for luck ✨

Unknown said...

Help please 🙏

Unknown said...

Impossible level for luck

Unknown said...

Lucky board please

Unknown said...

Thank you KING 🤴

JC said...

Completely dependent on luck 🍀. I need some!

Stylish said...

Impossible level limited space to make combos not a chance of passing this level. Tried loads of boosters, extra moves and watched videos for extra lives, nothing works. Come on King time to pass this one for me with the special moves!,

cvbcb said...

Can’t get the nut to drop on the right hand side. PFL

Cmp said...

This level is ridiculous. Can’t even get close to finishing half of it. Posting for luck.

S Bford said...

Having same problem as everyone else. Last but won’t budge.

Unknown said...

54 jellies use to be 27.King Con wield the axe again trying to get players to part with their money(NOT HAPPENING)or collected boosters.(NOT HAPPENING EITHER)