Candy Crush Saga Level 3599 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3599 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You need to collect orders to complete level 3599 and you have only 11 moves to collect them all.
The orders are:  60 licorice, 30 fish and 10 wrapped candies.
The only way you will get enough lucky candies to get the orders is by creating cascades to bring down candies without using precious moves.
Creating cascades is not easy when the lucky candies are changing into fish and wraps, but the wraps can be helpful as they explode. The only way to really have a chance of clearing level 3599 is to use colourbombs, as many as you can make.
Use colourbombs on any colour, it doesn't really matter although if there are bombs you can use the colourbombs to clear them.
Don't worry about the bomb dispensers, try not to unlock too many or you'll have trouble keeping the bombs under control, but some will be unlocked as you play and this can't be avoided. Don't waste moves switching bombs, try to clear them with colourbombs or let the cascades clear them, you don't have enough moves to be thinking about clearing bombs, just keep making cascades and hope for the best.
You will need some luck to complete level 3599, but it is quite possible without boosters as the video below shows. It took me 9 tries to pass without boosters.
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.


Tony M said...

It's 11 moves now (not 13), and I've yet to come close to completing it.

TNC said...

I used fish booster which was very helpful. Also even though I had space dash I didn't used double CB because I didn't want to unlock all of the bomb dispensers as per Cookie's hint. Barb

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck. Very tough!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Geneviève said...

Allez CC ! Un peu de chance SVP ...
Je n'y arrive pas !!! Merci

Anonymous said...

Had 2 chocolate sprinkles from SD and one from Didi. Used them separately on lucky candies. Also used a checkmark booster. Got more wraps than needed and they helped with bombs and lucky candies. Made a stripe/wrap combo which got the last four licorice. 1st try with one move left. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Really not enough moves to pass this level. Why does CC keep reducing the number of moves to make the game nearly impossible and boring to play.
Very frustrating!

Anna Errington said...

Good job Sharon. For me, not enough licorice not enough moves and too many bombs. Actually I did pass this one on my PC when I had more moves. But not first try. I am not too far ahead now. only 3616.

Carol the elder said...

Thank you, Sharon! Your advice worked very well. The fish got the last jelly for me.

Dog lover said...

How does cookie have all those boosters??? I never get any of the paint brush or the party booster.

Brown dog said...

Posting for lucky board

susieq said...

Me neither!

susieq said...

I cannot get even vaguely close to padding this level, no matter what boosters I use. I can get the wrapped candy but not the liquorice. Frustrating. Can’t see how to do it 😉

susieq said...

Why do Cookies fish swim off and turn into 3 fish where as mine stay as one fish???

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Used a fish that was helpful. But no success. Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Very tough. Posting for luck!

Anonymous said...

Hard to get a”l the licorice. Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Time bombs getting me. Posting for lucky board.

Anonymous said...

Surprised this isn’t marked hard level. Been on this too long. Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

IMPOSSIBLE. Haven't even got close on licorice.

Anonymous said...

No surprises that while Cookie's fish behave perfectly, mine target the corner locked blockers, releasing bombs in places that are hard to reach, meaning that even when I get close to finishing, a bomb explodes before I can get there. I honestly have a hard time believing some of these videos are real lately. The closest I've managed on this one, after four days of trying, is 13 licorice left to get, and that was using full space dash plus winning extra moves. These levels are getting more and more stupid, and are clearly designed to get me to spend cash.

Whatever. I'll fluke it eventually I guess.

susieq said...

Hi. Do your fish stay as one fish or change into 3 like Cookies? I’m getting nowhere fast on this level.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mine stay as one also. No matter how many cascades I get going, I cant get close on licorice. Most games I still need more than 10 fish also.

susieq said...

Finally succeeded. Don’t really know how. I got a few wrapped candies and used those. Somehow did the trick because suddenly I’d passed. If we’ve all got this far in the game then we know we will pass eventually.

anonymous37 said...

Horrible level. HORRIBLE!!! I tried Space Dash a few times and couldn't pass. I refused to keep scrolling back to get it so I tried my own boosters from daily spin/sugar drops. No luck. I watched the video to get a booster. No luck. After 6 days of playing off and on I finally got down to 6 licorice left and one move (11 moves total). I used 4 hammers and my final move to take out the last two.

Anonymous said...

Switch fish with wrapped candies as often as you can. The cascades that are created will help you pass this otherwise horrid level.

Anonymous said...

Help ...posting for luck ..not getting enough liquorice ..not enough moves ..need more ..should be a hard level .

Anonymous said...

Still stuck on this level !! Not getting anywhere with it .even starting the level with boosters isnt helping ...posting for luck ..again !!!

Anonymous said...

After making the above comment i passed this level .i got an extra 15 moves on spinning the wheel & had to use 3 hammers for the bombs long last

Vivien said...

Another really hard level so posting for luck 😀

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck. I can’t get the licorice.

Anonymous said...

Used my CBs to make matches and had to use a hammer to get the very last licorice. As I posted on the last level, it seems like King has changed the rules and you can't press the quit button before making a move to reset the board. Now, if you quit before making a move in order to reset the board, you lose a life. Verified this on the PC version and on my iPad. If you have hundreds of lives in the bank it may not matter much to you but as hard as some of these levels are now, where you almost have to keep resetting until you have 2 CBs together, it may be time for me to call it a day unless they change it back.

Anonymous said...

the level was changed suck

now it's only 11 moves

the stupid fish not hit the bomb

the idiot licorice not drop

Anonymous said...

I used the fish booster and the fish seemed to just keep coming and coming, the board virtually played its self.
Guess it was my turn for a lucky board.
Good luck all.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Elizabeth said...

I only has11 moves instead of13. Please help!

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

I finally give up at this level 3599 because a bug has now been fixed. I can still scroll back to the three start levels in order to get the magic helmet but, after failing on a hard level, I can no longer close and re-open with the boosters still there. That was the only reason I continued to have some fun until now ( and without having spent a penny on purchases) but there is no way I am going to try difficult levels a zillion times until I get lucky. No, no, a waste of time. Bye, bye Candy Crush. Joe.

Geese said...

Anybody know how the fish are counted?

Anonymous said...

Posting for a lucky board please not enough moves to complete

Anonymous said...

Grrrrrrnating this level - been stuck for weeks with ZERO boosters left. Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

In need of luck again.

Anonymous said...

I think you have to buy paintbrushes and party. They gave a couple out when they introduced them but no more freebies.

Anonymous said...

My fish avoid those bombs like the plague. I guess they don't want to get blown up? ;) sigh. Help me CC! ~Anna

Anonymous said...


jackied said...

I only have 11 moves. Another IMPOSSIBLE level!

Anonymous said...

As one get closer to the end of the existing candy crush levels, kings provides us with impossible levels (this is ridiculously impossible) to force people to pay. The reasoning is simple: "I arrived at 3600, the maximum is 3800, I cannot leave right now!" And so the stupid people buy boosters, lives etc. and Kings get fat. On my own I decided to give up, I do not care to have come so far and having to leave: I want to measure myself with a difficult game yes, but possible and also, perhaps, fun, Candy Crush literally disgusted me!

Rolo said...

Due to multiple stupid levels I stopped playing CC daily. Now the "trick" to keep your space boosters by swiping the game away on a tablet, is disabled in the last update. So after every insane level I also lose my space boosters.

Fun is completey gone now. Thanks Cookie for all the efforts!

lvoris927 said...

not enough licorice falling down to clear them, what's the secret? I tried to clear the two middle rows hoping they would fall down, to no avail.

Anonymous said...

Need so much luck for this one !!!!! X

Anonymous said...

Come on 11 moves Every level kings sinks lower and lower

Jonah said...

Posting for luck again

Deb V. said...

Posting for luck!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck. Not enough moves to even get started

Anonymous said...

Impossible please help

Anonymous said...

Another ridiculous level...I only have 11 moves. What is the trick for getting licorice to appear? Posting for luck!!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck. Not enough liquorice falls. Hate these levels where no skill needed just luck.

User 54 said...

Impossible level!!

Flippenheck said...

Ah feckin please

Flippenheck said...

My fish don't seem to be getting please

barb W said...

Give me strength! 11 moves? Are you kidding me CC?

Unknown said...

Nowhere near, horrible level, need atleast 20-25 moves I guess

Anonymous said...

Another lucky board level...if you don’t get don’t pass. Not enough moves...ridiculous level..not very happy to have to wait for a lucky board again :-(

Fräulein Pop said...

Posting for luck.

Blueblood said...

Another lucky board needed

Anonymous said...

😱🤮😱🤮 lucky board please

Anonymous said...

Another impossible level, lucky board please!!!

Anonymous said...

Need a lucky board to pass this level please

lorraine said...

11 moves. Christ King you are getting ridiculous. Why so little moves. I'm so done;(

Texas Red Rose said...

Not enough turns. Can get the fish but not the licorice. Will pass when they want me to. Until then, boring level.

Babci said...

Time to sit this one out till I get a lucky board. Used plenty of boosters and no way to get all The licorice .

Babci said...

So ready to call it quits with this game!

EC said...

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

Wow, this is VERY hard. Need help, lucky board please??!!

Unknown said...

Still here, asked once, may I please have a lucky board???

Unknown said...

Posting for luck!!

Unknown said...

Lucky board please!

Trini said...

In 1. Thanks cc luv u

Unknown said...

Posting for lucky board

Shirley Ragland said...

Need help!

Old school crusher said...

Posting for luck.....again

Nanann said...

I got through with a color sprinkle next to a wrapped candy. Then lined up another one with a fish. Then the cascade happened with the licorice and finished with 1 move left.
Good luck on this one to all!

Aisha said...

Very tough

CandyCrushIdiot said...

This level is just like all the other levels in candy crush. It is very hard and as the days go by it gets easier and finally you get through the level. It is the story of candy crush life. Idiots.

Shystar said...

Posting for luck

yshuummu said...

This game sucks!!!!! I have been on this level for over a week and I NOT EVEN CLOSE TO COMPLETING!!!!!! King you suck for making levels so IMPASSABLE!!! This game is rigged to take your money!!! Fucking bullshit level!!! I QUIT!!!!

yshuummu said...

Fucking bullshit!!!!

yshuummu said...

Are you ever going to let me pass assholes!!! Because of the pure luck it's based on!!! OVER A WEEK!!!

yshuummu said...

I'm not going to pay you money to pass this horrible level!! You can forget it!!! Over a week and over a 100 tries with no luck!!!! And that's all you need in this game anyways!!!! I guess I have to quit this terrible game!!!!!

Shari said...

King will let you pass when they decide you aren't buying boosters. Save your money people extra spins and boosters I had didn't help. As I said it will be king's choice!

Shari said...

11 moves I think near impossible. Might be soon time to move on to a game that is not so frustrating and fun to play. Come on cc increase moves!

Anonymous said...

Such a rigged game. No fun anymore!

Martinat said...

Horrible level

Unknown said...

10 moves - impossible.

Julie joel said...

This level is pathetic I only have 10 goes it's ridiculous how can you get 60 Liquorice I'm playing cookie jam goodbye candy crush

Julie joel said...

Please candy crush give me more moves 10 moves to get 60 Liquorice is ridiculous & pathetic I keep trying but have been on it for weeks even with loads of boosters I can't do it I bet you don't even read these comments lol

wtrc said...

Post tukaraq never enough liquorice to finish, they never kascade until the last 2 moves

Unknown said...

Posting for luck ✨

Unknown said...

Lucky board please 🙏 😢

Unknown said...

Impossible level help please 🙏

Unknown said...

I quit

JC said...

10 moves, I can’t get any where close to collecting the licorice. This level takes the cake. Impossible

Billie Girl said...

Posting for luck please.

Unknown said...

Posting for luck
Not enough moves.

LD said...

Are you kidding me? Posting for lots of luck.