Candy Crush Saga Level 3608 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3608 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 3608 is an orders level, you need to collect 18 each of red and yellow candies.
The red and yellow candies will be provided by the lucky candies that drop from the 3 dispensers at the top of the board. Unfortunately the dispensers will also drop countdown bombs which must be kept under control. You are more likely to lose the game because a bomb counted down that for not collecting enough red and yellow candies.
Try not to let the bombs drop to the bottom of the board where they may be hard to clear, but otherwise just switch the lucky candies as much as possible to get the orders.
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.


I give up! said...

I accidentally started this level with no boosters (didn’t realise space dash was over and hadn’t started collecting for the helmet) and found it easier to complete without them. Having previously tried a few times with a full complement of space dash boosters and failed I discovered it’s easier to do this level without all the cascades messing it up.

Saartje said...


Anonymous said...

I can’t believe there aren’t more comments here! I’ve been on this level for a while and the bombs keep getting me. If I am lucky enough to get past the countdown time, I don’t have enough moves left to collect the candy. This is a horrible level, I’m getting no where fast, and I’m sick of it!!

Anonymous said...

I did pass it with a lucky board πŸ’ͺ🏼πŸ’ͺ🏼πŸ’ͺ🏼πŸ’ͺ🏼

Brown dog said...

Posting for lucky board

Anonymous said...

Posting for a lucky board.

Anonymous said...

HELP...bombs are killing me 😒

Unknown said...

Lucky board please

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Avroh said...

I thought I posted on this level earlier but it hasn't appeared so I'll try again. This is yet another useless video demo of how to beat a level. Us mere mortals only have 17 moves to now get 18 red, 18 yellow. Not possible even with both pre game and in game boosters. This is my final level as I will delete the app, with many dozens of unused boosters, including ufos.

But to my more determined crushers who will soldier on we all know the good sugar drop levels but an ignored level is 3309 if there is a space race on. Start with a colorbomb with either striped or wrapped candy and the amount of color bombs you can make is amazing and will guarantee that you win against your grouping (as long as they don't also know about it). My record is over 1000 colorbombs and even then I had to forcibly stop the candy crush. Winning the space race will give you many boosters including the ufo.

Billium said...

Posting for a better board

Anonymous said...

Waste of time even trying. Time to delete this app

Francisco Diego said...

Thanks for the tipπŸ‘

Francisco Diego said...

I am playing now 5 days also with the help of dodi but I have no chance. I will not pay for booster. Before I stop to play.

Anonymous said...

posting for luck on this wonderful crazy game
5 days and still here
posting for luck

Anonymous said...

I really have no fun
Have to stop this stupid game

Anonymous said...

I can not do it
Used a lot of combos but no way
Posting for lucky board

Sultanate said...

Used all 3 boosters a number of times but haven't got through. Very few moves. Need a lucky board posting for luck

Anonymous said...

5 days and still here
Can not do it
Used a lot of combos
This level is impossible
Posting for lucky board

McT said...

You're right! Luck is the only recourse here.....I can't even get the number of yellows or reds required to show on the board for, Crush, what do we do here?....there are no hints necessary because strategy is not the answer....luck, luck, luck...

Anonymous said...

posting for luck please!!!

Dolce’ said...

Lucky board please! πŸ™

Monique said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

By far, the hardest level of the entire game so far. Can't even get close. I have no idea how to win this one. Several days now....

Anonymous said...

Only 22 moves. Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

How is this even possible? Maybe with an additional 20 moves!
Hope you all are having better luck than me πŸ™

Monique said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

again, cookie has 6 more moves on the board than the rest of us. No longer playing with a cheater.

Anonymous said...

Jeetje niet leuk meer,stom spel. Ik zeg stoppen maar

Anon said...

17 moves for 18 red and 18 yellow with time bombs and candy canes. Are you actually joking?!!! Space dash has completely disappeared so no help whatsoever now :( utter BS level.

Anonymous said...

Finally moving on after days here. Whenever I got an opportunity I blasted things up with choco balls, stripes etc and just got lucky..

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Chrissy said...

Only 18 moves and 18 of each color. Lets fix this.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck, need an extremely lucky board!!!

Danielle said...

Another WTF level CC.....the bombs get me every time.

Maj said...

Don't see how this is possible with so few moves and need 18/18! Time for a new game

Anon said...

So I built up my space dash to tackle this one for the 1000th time to find that it dissapears as the level starts!! Wtf? This level with 18 moves for 18 red and 18 yellow is impossible and King is taking the actual P! Can anyone PLEASE give me some advice as I’m about to lose some serious shiznay over here!

This game is not fun. It’s stressful but I don’t want to give up :/ HELP!!!

Anonymous said...

Frustrating level had 2 colourbombs which didn’t get rid of the bombs. Posting for lucky please

Anonymous said...

No way. It's impossible.

Anonymous said...

My assumption is that the good developers have been moved to other King's games and CC has been left to people without much sense of what a good game should look like. Dear current developers, maybe you can have a look at the early CC levels and learn how to create fun?!

LunaBx said...

Start with a color bomb and wrap/stripe. Keep starting over until color bomb is next to wrap. Was successful after a couple of tries with this strategy.

Anonymous said...

Yet another level of luck. Nevermind that we have gotten this far and this is the reward we get. I agree with the comments above about the developers of this game anymore. They suck! Anyone have any suggestions of another game besides CC?

cw said...

Posting for luck re level 3508 which I have tried 300 times or more. Not enough time as the bombs run down and any moves left do not allow to collect the candies. Do developers actually test their creations long enough before releasing them into the game. I realize that you are in a rush to create new levels but at what cost. Once the game is no longer FUN players will stop playing CCS. Remember we are all wanting to enjoy a little relaxation.

cw said...

I cannot believe that as I complete a difficult level that the next one is more difficult to complete. Do the developers actually test these new levels for their difficulty. A game is not to take so long to complete. I have tried CCS level 3508 more than 300 times only to fail. Too many timed bombs with not enough time. Not enough moves to gather reds & yellow candies. Come on developers give us a break after all this is suppose to be FUN. I wonder how much testing takes place prior releasing to the public. Yes lately you have been scurrying to create new levels but at what cost. Players are not enjoying trying for days, weeks to complete a level. So think about it. In the meantime please send the LUCK

Unknown said...

Shhhhh. Don’t tell anyone. I’ve won 6 weeks in a row doing this.

Anonymous said...

Can I have a lucky board please

Becky said...

The bombs are getting me every time! Need a lucky board!

KENNET4 said...

Posting for luck. Bombs get me all the time

KENNET4 said...

Hopeless. Posting for luck again.

Anonymous said...

It seems impossible when you have to collect double the items of moves you have but you need to form those items.. they just don't appear. BUT you waste moves that could form a red or yellow because you have to kill a bomb. Waiting for the game to let me pass. It's ridiculous :(

Hubblebubble said...

Me too.

jackied said...

You are getting so boring with impossible levels... Come on and give us a break!

jackied said...

Please give me an effing break... Can't get anywhere near close.

Marylou said...

King has turned a lot of players away with these ridiculous levels. No fun anymore. A lot of my players have gone to other games which makes it harder to get lives. Why doesn't cc have an option to Gift ppl with colour bombs, wraps,etc. Most games have that option.

Tou52 said...

Posting for luck

Tou52 said...

Posting again for luck

Tou52 said...

Third posting for luck.

I hate this level.

Is this the end of Candy Crush for me?

Anonymous said...


This game really stewed me. Now it is not possible to keep the space dash by exiting before the end. So that you need a lot of time to get them back going to level 1. Kings is thinking about all the possible tricks to get the people desperate si that they buy tons of boosters. This is the only target of them, they want only our money! They will not have mine. This level is quite stupid: bombs are filling up all the screen in a few moves, it is absolutely impossible to finish this level with only 12 moves. I started once with two color bombs switching each other, but no chance: the lucky candies are too difficult to get and to put in combination. So the levels are now not difficult, they are impossible! A nice game should be where the difficulties with intelligence, thinking, use of brain and maybe somme little pieces of fortune can be passed. Here is only a question to wait to a very lucky board that is no fun, no play. GOODBYE!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely Ridiculous level. Posting for luck, but this is probably the end of CC for me. Used to be a fun game, not anymore.

Anonymous said...

Need lucky board please! Impossible level, but I love cc!

Anonymous said...

Please send lucky board! Impossible level!

Anonymous said...

Trying for 2 days! Need lucky board...impossible level!

Anonymous said...

Please send lucky board! Impossible level!!

Anonymous said...

Ready to quit.,need lucky board...impossible level..l

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Catherin01 said...

This is so boring and ridiculously impossible..
Wasted boosters and time .. ready to delete app
Posting for lucky board bored bored

Annu said...

Levels like this one are so frustrating! I’ve used boosters and got to within 1 yellow and 1 red left then ran out of moves. Seems every game needs extra boosters. May need to find a new game. Luck is definitely needed.

Anonymous said...

Lucky board please.. Impossible level

JBR said...

Lucky board please and ty

AnΓ΄nimo said...

Bem vindos ao Cassino CC. Aqui tudo sΓ³ depende de sorte, inteligΓͺncia e estratΓ©gia nΓ£o valem nada. Adeus CC.

Joosy said...

Really don't care if you want to delete the app. Stop telling people. If you think CC cares you're deluded. If you don't want to play, then don't. This is called a TIPS page not a whinge page. Just leave already.

Unknown said...

Not getting this board..very difficult..would appreciate help..cant even get close

GC said...

I watched Cookies game and she got 3 sprinkles plus another 1 towards the end. So it's definitely down to lucky boards like this. I very rarely get a sprinkle. So plod on regardless until it happens. 😁

Tga said...

I’ve been playing this forever. Hate it.

luckylau said...

Not easy..these levels sure don`t help if your tryi g to quit smoking. Not a stress free game at all. As usual, another level that's going to be hard to win. Need a lucky board,until then I'll keep trying...

CathieM said...

Another ridiculous level πŸ™„ 16 moves ???