Candy Crush Saga Level 3674 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3674 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have to collect the three ingredients to complete level 3674 Candy Crush Saga.
The ingredients are held inside candy cane fences and can only move to the exits when the spawners have been cleared. The spawners block the board with licorice swirls if they get the chance, so you need to keep hitting them with anything you can.
Don't worry about collecting the keys, if you keep making combos to hit the spawners the keys will be collected anyway. The keys release dispensers at the top of the board which drop stripes and wraps. You can use these stripes and wraps to continue hitting the spawners until they are destroyed.
Once the spawners are destroyed the ingredients will drop out of the exits.
It is fairly easy to make special candies and combos on this level as there are only 4 colours on the board. Keep looking for chances to make combos and you should pass this level without too much trouble.

Video by Cookie completed in 12 moves
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.


Anna Errington said...

Best way to get the spawners is to use two wraps together. I didn't get the level first try but when I put the two wraps together, the spawners were gone and down came the cherries. Of course I had to hit at the spawners earlier with stripes etc as the wrapped candies only give two hits.

Carol the elder said...

Good advice, Anna. I had to use a few swaps and one hammer to get it. I’m clinging to the space dash by a hair!

Sandy Porter said...

Impossible without space dash or a crap load of boosters. Can’t stay ahead of the licorice. By the way my friend who is quite a way below is still able to reset. She has finished 54 levels since Sunday. If we are going to be punished we should ALL be punished the same. Totally unfair.

Anonymous said...

I really think the problem is platform specific. I am using the ipad app and have NO problems,

Elektra said...

I am on iPhone and I can still reset, maintain helmet (it’s Friday so SD ended and helmet began), etc. I agree that everyone should be playing the game with the same advantages and disadvantages or else it’s unfair. If I lose reset, I’d probably have to quit!

Anonymous said...

I’m on iPad and iPhone. I can’t reset or retain SD o4 helmet. It’s like I’m being punished. I don’t even get those videos to watch that give me extra lives or boosters. It’s way to difficult now. This level is impossible without a bundle of boosters.

Anonymous said...

I am on iphone and ipad and cannot retain SD or MH....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Needed tons of hammers to pass!

Francesmenth said...

Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Whaaat!! My spawners are much more evil!! And needs more hits then in the video, even with all boosters it seems impossible!!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Five colours now makes it much more difficult!

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Well I just did the latest update and can no longer reset the board without losing a life.
The beginning of the end for me I think. Shame after all this time.

Unknown said...

Wasnt that bad.double wraps quite quickly took out the bottom generators and needed a bit of luck for the top 1 but then it was done.most liquorice gets blasted away with a combo so dont worry yoy will be bogged down.i came really close twice before i did it third time and didnt use a booster up and had 8 moves remaining

Melanie said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

A coconut booster helps hit the spawn ears.

Anonymous said...

I meant spawners!

Monique said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...


Zolug said...

Need a lucky board

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

KENNET4 said...

Impossible without luck. Posting for luck.

Marylou said...

Sandy, I've never had the helmet or space dash or a lot of goodies that I see people talk about. This level is really easy as was the last few if you just study it. I got it 2nd try with no boosters. Keep going

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lol. Spawn ears!

collenfan said...

Well I will just have to post for a lucky board I guess. Having difficulty with this level.

Catherin01 said...

Lucky board !! Stuck stuck tried. Stripes loads of cBs nothing stick for days sooo bored lucky lucky board only way !!!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck! Think I need it!

Anonymous said...

I just don't see how! Impossible level, posting for luck...

Anonymous said...

Need a lucky board please, having trouble on this one

Anonymous said...

1 don't know how I made this far because I must not be very smart. I have used everything on this and still can't beat it. If I have to do this very many more days then I am through.posting once again for lucky board

katericia said...

Muy aburrido

katericia said...

En el vídeo mucho menos regaliz

katericia said...

Publicar para la suerte

Anonymous said...

Algo no funciona, tengo 22 movimientos pero solo puedo hacer 3, cuando quedan 19 el regaliz avanza tan rápido que es imposible trabajar.
Por favor arreglar

katericia said...

Por favor ayuda!!

katericia said...

Pues nada, sin movimientos, en busca de otro juego...

katericia said...

Una pena tener que abandonar después de tantos años, porque los creadores cometan fallos y no se preocupen de arreglarlos :(

Anonymous said...

Does seem possible...

Flippenheck said...

Help please

Flippenheck said...

Can't see how this is possible without a load of help please

rosereddragon said...

Can't get enough wraps to kill the spawners - posting for luck.

Jelly said...

Struggling with this level- posting for luck!!!

Anonymous said...


Fräulein Pop said...

Posting for luck.

Annu said...

I used my sd and all my other boosters and still can’t get anywhere with this one. Please give me a lucky board.

Shirley said...

Posting for my daily luck

Shirley said...

Still looking for that lucky board
Bout to give up

Anonymous said...

Not possible! Help me, help me, help me please!

grama V said...

Help!! 🍀🍀🍀🍀

SVA said...

No kidding... spawners fill up the board in a couple of moves and it’s impossible to make special candies. I hate this level.

Irmaki said...

Very hard to kill the spawners !!!

Janet said...

Help me please!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why are the spawners so strong? I've hit them more than 5 times and they won't go away. Trust me to get mutant spawners!

Anonymous said...

Ok this is not funny now. The stupid spawners are indestructible. I'm hitting them numerous times and they won't go. I need a lucky board king.

Ladyjane said...

This level is the end for me. I've been playing way too long and it has become tedious and boring!

KySunrise said...

Posting for luck!

JBR said...

Posting for a lucky board please!!

Anônimo said...

Realmente é o fim do CC para mim. Outro nível ridículo e nojento. Tem jogos melhores. Hora de excluir o CC.

Pinky said...

Hard level could use more moves, posting for lucky board please !!!! said...

Posting for luck

Sparkyjo said...

Posting for luck please

Laura said...

Coconut wheel was also helpful for me.

Shirley Ragland said...

I guess I'm not smart enough for this level. I love playing, but I'm old and have spent too much money. I've played this over 20 times as nd have no boosters. These are too hard for me without help on each game, especially this one.

Shirley Ragland said...

Seriously, I have been on this level for two weeks now.old lady can't get any help.I haven't even come close! Please some help!

Unknown said...

Wow-now you can only get 5 sugar drops per level so it takes forever to build up boosters for impossible levels like this-no unfair!

Shystar said...

Posting for luck

Shystar said...

Luck please

faithjj said...

Another ridiculous level!!! Lucky board PLEASE!!!!

Just me said...

I am lost here. I can not get close to finishing this level. I am out of boosters and have no idea on how to get past this level. If ever I need help on a level it is this one. Please lucky board come and pay me a visit. You will be most welcome.

Pjcastree said...

Hoping for a lucky board please

Rena said...

I need a lucky board

sonbeam said...

This is the worst yet. Even posting for luck hasn't helped. Insane level and boosters don't help either!

Shari said...

Don't need this frustration right now king. Ease up a bit for awhile. This level is mind numbing and angering!!

Delicados Fiapos - Tildas said...

Olá, King!!
por favor, sorte e ajuda nesta fase!

Delicados Fiapos - Tildas said...

King, obrigada!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ridiculous stupid level.

Martinat said...

Horrible level

red said...

This just might be the level that causes me to find something else to occupy my time.

Kelcie capetillo said...

This is one of those levels that makes the game not fun anymore

Lb said...

Please I need a lucky board! Come on CC help me out with this level. I have tried and tried and can't pass this board! The spawners take over faster than I can destroy them! I keep hitting the generators but I could only destroy one I can't seem to make enough boosters. Please give me a lucky board!Good luck everyone! Stay safe stay healthy!

Joanne said...

So level 3674 is the same board as 3673, but made even more difficult. Just like with levels 3667 and 3668. Isn’t this supposed to be fun? These repeated consecutive boards are so tedious. I feel like I’m being trolled! I stopped paying for Candy Crush recently and now it’s almost impossible to make progress. Calling it a day after 8 years.