Candy Crush Saga Level 3693 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3693 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
There are only 11 jellies to clear but they are all inside candy cane fences so are impossible to clear using normal matches. This is very much a luck level, if you don't get the candies dropping to give you matches you have little chance of passing, I don't think there is a lot of skill involved except when you get a chance you can't afford to miss it.
To begin with you need a good start, this means being able to make matches near the middle or top to bring down the licorice from the jelly squares, the licorice will drop through the portal in the middle top of the board if there is space for it to drop. Once on the board you can clear the licorice until all the jelly is uncovered.
The jelly does not have candies in it so it has to be cleared using special candies and combos. Stripes, wraps and stripe.wrap combos are good if you can make them, also colourbombs switched with another special candy will clear some jelly.
I'm sure this level is possible without boosters but it needs more patience than I have. I used a jelly fish booster to clear the level and other videos on YT use other boosters too.

Video by Cookie using a jelly fish booster
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.


Anonymous said...

Very difficult level.
Posting for luck which is what is needed here.

Anonymous said...

If you are not adverse to boosters, CB + wrapped where the color is well distributed near jellies and this is doable.

Jannie said...

Fish booster did it for me.

Elektra said...

I used both Anon 29 August 16:33 and Jannie; thanks to you both! I reset until CB next to wrap — 13 more candies of the wrap color distributed throughout. Fish finished off last 2 jellies near the end.

Judie said...

My reset had stopped working. Is it back? Play mostly on PC at FB

Vivien said...

Done 1st time used full helmet then started with 2cb together very lucky just left 3 jellies had to use lollipop to get last jelly πŸ˜€

Helen said...

Colourbomb /wrap, done in one move!

Anonymous said...

Going for a 4th lucky board!

Redjam said...

Mine stopped too on iPhone. Been this way for past few weeks...

Anonymous said...

Another commercial suicide level... level after level I'm loosing my fun in playing CC :-( !!

EVERY level... jigsaw SHOULD have a solution, but not in CC world... a lot of luck seams to be more important.

Tony M said...

C'mon, King, you're better than this. Start making levels where some level of skill is involved, not 100% luck as to where candies fall in the board. Pure luck levels are stupid.

Anonymous said...

Bored with this. Posting for luck, because that's what you need to finish this level.

Unknown said...

I'm posting for good luck. I need it desperately.

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Jan said...

I have the same,very annoying!

Anonymous said...

the only way to pass this level is mixing 2 CB

what happened to CC , now it's a brainless game, all level base on luck , booster & MONEY

near future should add PAY TO PASS button

wish to see all ppl leave and let the game die soon

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

stupid fish not hit a jelly , it keep hitting idiot waffle

I wonder the one who design this not just test it before release it ??

Anonymous said...

cc is suit for the one who spend a money

for who not pay like me,,, just stop playing ... just play another game

so done, enough

Neen Katzman said...

Posting for luck!!!

Anonymous said...

Very annoying level. Pl pl help

Neen Katzman said...


Elizabeth said...

Posting for luck! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!

Unknown said...

So frustrated.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

After about ten tries with no boosters (I don't have the space dash) I used the fish booster and passed on the second attempt with it. I was very lucky to get a sprinkle/stripe combo and had cleared all but three jellies with twenty moves left. After that I couldn't get any decent matches until I managed to set the fish off with the last move.

Nickytje said...

How can I stay calm and solve this puzzleπŸ˜€

Anonymous said...

I think this is the most tedious level in the history of CC. I have no boosters.. and those I have had made no difference anyway. Think it might be finally time to say goodbye! Ugh!

Becky said...

So frustrated! Read hints and comments. Went back and played using fish. Still not able to complete! Need some luck please before I run out of fish!

Becky said...

This is the worse level! I just thought some of the the other levels were the most awful! This has made me so nervous because if I don't win this soon I will have to quit cc and I really don't want to quit! I have two fish left out of 17! Please send me luck ASAP!

Anonymous said...

I think CC made a competition amongst the developers who can create the most boring level.
So far this one is at least in the top 3.

Anonymous said...

Vivien 3rd sept 06.53 h.
I am really impressed bybyour CC skills ... 😴

Kelly D. said...

I played many times without even getting close. I then read the tips on here and was excited. Thought the fish would help.... it gave me ONE fish. :-( I'm gonna have to try another combo.

Anonymous said...

Using wrapped and colorbomb. Then the last jelly with a fish.
Incredibly stupid level.
If this is all you can do CC, better stop developing new levels and stop CC

Anonymous said...

And yes. This is all CC can do.
Next level as stupid as this one

KENNET4 said...

Having to post for luck

Anonymous said...

Another one of these games where you sit and play for days and days, borrrrrring!

jackied said...


jackied said...

Impossible and boring... I quit!

Anonymous said...

Seriously need some luck on this level.

Anonymous said...

A couple months ago I worked my way into the Wednesday Club. Since then it has been bullshit level after bullshit level (like this one). New levels are released every week. If too many people pass them to quickly, they change the rules. Fewer moves, more requirements, more blockers, etc. I have fallen further and further behind with levels like 3693, which I get stuck on for days, and even weeks. I have a FB friend that i was running neck and neck with for several years. In the last 2 or 3 months he has moved 100+ levels ahead and still gets a crack at easier levels every week. This game is not only frustrating, it has become tedious and boring. There is no skill involved in most of these levels. They are rigged just like the Daily Bonus Wheel that I have spun every single day since it was instituted and still have not won the jackpot. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

J.J. said...

Boring....Posting for luck yet again

Giovana T. Campos said...

After a week trying posting for luck ...

lvoris927 said...

Horrible, just impossible without boosters

Unknown said...

Had to use 2 hand switches to get 2nd key

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck! Ridiculous level!

Anonymous said...

I have tried everything I know that I can do - to no avail.

Wendy green said...

Absolute shite no chance as no boosters left, time to say goodbye King you are just taking the p no fun anymore.

collenfan said...

Posting for luck yet again with this very tricky level. Shouldn't have to be so hard to play this game.

Tblackmon said...

This is a frustrating and impossible level. Need about 50 moves. Please need a lucky board

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Graeme Pratt said...

This is one of the most unpleasant levels in Candy Crush. You are completely at the whim of their computer. You have almost no say in what happens. Thank heavens it is behind me.

Jonah said...

Lucky board needed

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck, please!

JanJan said...

Yes, very annoying. Reset stopped a couple of months ago for me. Posting for luck because this level is ridiculous.

Cordella said...


Flippenheck said...

Need loads of luck please

Rosita said...


Dben said...

This level has changed and now requires you to clear 41 jellies.

Anonymous said...

Very boring level. I rarely get a strip and hardly never a wrap. I do not feel you can complete this level without a ton of stripes and wraps. Posting for a lucky board.

Anonymous said...

Wow really hard level, lucky board please

Anonymous said...

Have to commend again, I am never going to pass this level! playing for days now and have not even come close. This is the first level that I cannot even come close to winning. I need a lucky board.

Anonymous said...

This is an impossible level to pass. I have been stuck for a week and not even close. Lucky board is needed please

Anonymous said...

Very hard level, need a lucky board to pass please!

Anonymous said...

Why oh why do you make these levels ridiculously impossible King! Come on get it together and make it fun, not frustratingly hard! I have had it!

Susan said...

CB and wrap did it for me.

Unknown said...

No fun. Just luck and no skill. Posting for luck.

Missy said...

Plz HELP!!!! Seems impossible to pass. Ugh!!!

GDB said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GDB said...

Totally fed up with this level. No skill just total luck. Been trying for days and am about to give up. Just moving candy around and get nowhere. I've given up trying

wanda said...

Please help

Charper223 said...

Please help! I’ve tried everything and can’t even get close - so stuck!!!!! Please send a lucky board. Thank you!

kiting_in_paradise said...

I was getting ready to complement CC on some decent levels and then they throw this one in. No strategy possible. Very few options for moves. I give up trying without boosters. So, I'm going to load up the booster bot, add a fish booster to the mix, reset until I get a good board and be done with this piece of crap.

AnΓ΄nimo said...

NΓ­vel ridΓ­culo e nojento. Tem jogos melhores. Hora de excluir o CC.

Nancy said...

This level is completely dependent on nothing but a luck board😴😑

JBR said...

Need a lucky board please...

Unknown said...

Very nervous , going to insult, PLEASE POSTING FOR LUCK!!!

Pinky said...

Need a lucky board for this one HELP

Pinky said...

Second time posting for lucky board please ,,,,,,,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

meliana said...

again??? only need lucky board and no need skill ?
Im tired with this game

iseark said...

Finally found the most retarded level in the game.

Joosy said...

This level is just PAINFUL! It is literally making my head hurt. I give up. Having a break for a while. Why on earth CC says relax at the beginning of the game I don't know. This level just notches up the stress. Need to leave for my sanity.

Old school crusher said...

Posting for luck πŸ™„ thats all that I seem to be able to do is wait for a lucky board

Addict said...

I'm addicted to this game that infuriates me. Awareness of that fact made me change my gameplay. Instead of actively trying to pass levels, now I just mindlessly move candies around until out of moves. Sometimes a lucky combo appear and I'm awarded with the false feeling of success we all are looking for. You would be surprised of how liberating that feels. IF YOU CAN'T QUIT, JUST LET IT GO!

yshuummu said...

This game sucks!!!! Its rigged to take your money! That is all this game is good for! No skill! Luck only for the rest of the way! Do yourself a favor stop playing because this game because will just piss you off! You wont be able to pass until you give money or king decides to give a lucky board!

Shari said...

Never spent a dime and never will!

CandyCrushIdiot said...

Another non-skill level. What's new. Just totally boring. Waiting for King to let me pass onto the next non-skill level. Maybe I will play Monster Busters. :o)

Max said...

Horrible level. Agreed with all of the above.

vicrock said...

The secret is jelly fish -

Martinat said...

Horrible level

Tammy said...

This level is ridiculously hard. I don’t even come close to beating. Posting for luck.

Unknown said...

Ridiculous... there's no fun in being endlessly stuck... DONE with this game!!!

Unknown said...

I suppose I'll pass this when CC decides.There is no skill to this level, just luck. So boring. And a distinct lack of extra boosters coming my way recently. If they think I'm going to spend any money they can jog on. I've got this far without buying and I'm not going to start now.

Hailey said...

This level looks different from the one I have. Mine requires 147 jellies to be removed in 18 moves.

Unknown said...

Please help mine level is different too posting for luck ✨

CathieM said...

I have a different board

Nellebel said...

Het bord is anders en veel te weinig zetten. Dit lukt nooit zonder hulp. Please πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

Unknown said...

This level has totally changed.