Candy Crush Saga Level 3703 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3703 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 3703 is a score level, you have to score at least 30,000 points to complete the level.
Look carefully at the 4 sections of the board before every move as you are going to need to make some colourbombs to get the score needed. There is no real need to collect the keys or use the UFO's, but it all helps towards the score.
Making moves at the bottom causes the candies to drop down the sides so look carefully before you make moves at the bottom, this can either help you to make the colourbombs you need or it might ruin the planning you have made.
If the UFO's are unlocked they will be detonated after your moves so you don't need to worry about using them.
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.


Anonymous said...

A very easy level if you can uncover at least one flying saucer. This is a good level to use to replenish your helmets. A bit long to play, but easier than scrolling clear back to some of the other levels for that purpose.

Anonymous said...

Not a happy camper. My target is 120,000 points in 15 moves. Twice I have had scores over 100,000 and the level was considered failed. Why does King take pleasure is creating frustration every week it seems. Grrr ...

Anonymous said...

Likewise. The target has gone from 30,000 to 120,000. Doesn’t matter how many saucers you get, I can’t get close to this total.

Helpme said...

I got all keys and all saucers and still did not get 120000.

Helpme said...

I have never had to post for luck,but I am now. Can't get this

Anonymous said...

yep, not happening and not going back to get space helmet now that you lose it if you back out of a game

Rick said...

I think I just got lucky. On my 2nd attempt, I scored over 200,000 using the 2 CBs from Space Dash, 1 from Didi, and the 5 or 6 I was able to create.

Bear with me said...

I was able to get over 200,000 first try too. Remember, to get the best score use the cbs on a single color ( not wraps or stripes). Also, when you clear a color it makes it easier to make cbs. I started with three and was able to make 4 or 5 more.

Anonymous said...

When you're close to the end of the game, leave any sprinkles on the board to explode when you're done. That put me way over the top.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Anonymous, for that reminder!

Brenda said...

Good tips from Bear with me an Anon. I always forget those idiosyncrasies :-)

Anonymous said...

same here. My target is My target is 120,000 points in 15 moves. How can I finish it ??

Lynn K said...

Not 30,000 now 120,00. Impossible. Haven’t made past 50,00, not sure how do do this without bombs. Earlier players said to easy with 30,ooo points so made harder, I hate you.

cvp said...

I have been stuck here for 2 days! Tedious level.And very hard!! Score also is 120,000 in 15 moves!!!

Anonymous said...

Struggling with this level. Posting for luck.

Mina Padina said...

Bear with me said that using color bombs on a single color scores better than using on stripe or wrap. However, I thought most points are scored when color bomb is used on wrap, followed by using on stripe, then single color. This assumes no bombs on the board. Those score highest and you don’t want them to turn into wraps or stripes. Can someone clarify if I’m correct or if Bear with me is correct on this?

Sunny In Buffalo said...

I finally added a CB booster after getting over 150,000 with 1 move left out of 15...perhaps a lucky board too...CB's are the key, better if used on a single color than w/ stripe or wrap for more points as noted above!

Anonymous said...

The target for Android is way way way above reachable level.

CC from vero said...

Thanks Bear with me. I always have a tendency to switch color balls together but using on one color each time did the trick!

Michelle said...

120000 here too
Tried everything above
Still can't get 12000

Michelle said...

That worked for luck
I switched a cb with a stripe first thing
That set all 4 saucers.
I needed 20000 more switched with a cb domanent color
Made the score
Moving on

Francesmenth said...

Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

I tried numerous times not matching cb with stripe (or wrap), got nowhere. Finally decided to try matching cb with stripe. Gave me another cb. MTched that with another stripe. That gave me 2 cb's. Ended up with 4 cb's on board when I ran out of moves. Was able to pass level but not by much.(142,000) just glad I'm pass this one. Good Luck!!

Emsa8 said...

Tried both ways, but with my way (= how you explained it and what is NORMALLY true) I did not even come close 100K. With Bears' way I passed the level easy in the 1st try...

Emsa8 said...

The (only) solution is to do as many CB as possible. The keys, space ships and waffles are of no importance. So the normally best idea (CB+Wrap or stripe) gives you some points, but this will NEVER be enough for 120K. So - as Bear described - you must join a CB with a normal color in order to hopefully create new CBs by cascades. I passed the 120K when I had even 10 moves left (but must admit, I had a CB of space dash and a CB of Rami to start with).

Anonymous said...

To Mina Padina and Bear with me,
Like Mina, i wondering why matching cb with a single color pay more than with a wrap or stripe one? In my mind, matching a cb with wrap or stripe candy will blast all the candys in the same color and ever more. Is it because we don't want to eliminate others colors in order to have the best chance to make another cb?

Naz said...

Mine is 120,000 also. Will definitely need luck on this one

Anonymous said...

Emsa8: Can you please tell me what a "Rami" is. You said you had a cb of Rami.

Anonymous said...

Rami is the sheep you collect camdy for - six stages 5 rewards of 1 hour sprinkle before last reward of some boosters J

Jeroen Kuijper said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Yes her name is Rami D' Ewe
And I am posting this for some luck
A sheep she is, a poet, I am
If I fail this again, it will suck!

Leon said...

My target score also 120000.

Leon said...

Same here

Sultanate said...

Difficult level. Used both the boosters a number of times still stuck on it. Need a lucky board posting for luck

Tuulsa Einar said...

This sucks! Have space ship and all boosters and can’t get over 60000 points! Frustrating

Dolce’ said...

Have done everything! 120,000 points in 15 minutes is just not comprehensible. Need some luck please. 🤗

Dolce’ said...

Oops 15 moves. Lol
I just don’t understand how we can go from 30,000 moves to 120,000 just don’t get that.

Dolce’ said...

I just don’t understand how you’re supposed to get over 120,000 points? What is giving all of the points? No matter how many sprinkle candies with stripes I get I still can’t get over 100,000??

Dolce’ said...

Please king, Help? Or At least explain what the trick is to getting any kind of serious points here in 15 moves!!? Thank you.

Dolce’ said...

Finally got through this one! Yes it is all about making sprinkle of candies and hitting it on other colours not stripes or wrapped candies. thank you everyone for your tips that is how I made it through!

Anonymous said...

The video is total nonsense - 25 moves and he gets a star after what 30000 points? So everyone at the top of the tree gets a free pass and yet we come along and yet again it's all changed 120,000 in 15 moves! How the hell is that fair???? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Anonymous said...

And it's been like that since the 3rd comment. But oh no don't bother updating the video. Grrrrrrr

A2 said...

Posting for luck. 120,000 points. Right. Need a lucky board.

Anonymous said...

I about fell out of my chair when I saw this use to be 30000. I've got to 30000. I've got to 50000. But 120000? Hell no. Not even close. Not even with chocolate balls and wraps and stripes. I just had surgery and for a small second thought "I'll play some Candy Crush to relax" HAHAHAHA I should have known better. This game is full on bullshit now. I managed to not play for the 4 days in hospital. I guess I can just not play at all anymore and survive just fine.

Geese said...

Yeah, this one is going to take a lucky board. I've tried Space Dash, double CBs to start, 3 CBs on single colors and still on it after 3 days. Closest I came to 120,000 was 115,000. Haven't come close since.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck. Level after level......

Anonymous said...

ugh Posting for luck, I'm not liking this at all

Anonymous said...

Have activated all saucers multiple times and barely hit 100K. Sometimes can't even reach 50K! Boosters and/or luck should NOT be required to complete a level. We got this far via skill. Let our skill be what is needed to complete a level!!!

Anonymous said...

Alrighty... so looks like posting for luck helped :-) I posted the last comment, less than 20 mins ago. 3 games later and I passed!

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Monorma said...

Score increased to 120000 and moves reduced to 15. Incredible! I tried starting matching cb with wrap. Also 2 cb together. But didn't work. Even letting the UFOs to be played after running out of moves I couldn't pass. I don't understand what purpose is to set up such frustrating levels.
Posting for luck.

Ness said...

120000 here too with 15 moves. Was just enjoying the game again and now this!

Monorma said...

Passed. The point are cb matched with a plain candy. That's what gives more points and also enables further cb. So I could have 6-7 successive cb. Even 2 together with the last move left. I just matched one, achieved 90.000 points and let the other one to be played after running out of moves. With the ufos and this cb I got slightly over the 120000 and got rid of this nasty board.

Anonymous said...

Score 120,000. Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Can’t reach 120,000. Frustrating level.

Neen Katzman said...

Posting for luck!!!

Neen Katzman said...

I can't even get close!! This is crazy!! POSTING FOR LUCK!!! GRRRRR

Anonymous said...

Poeh, niet te doen dit, kom niet in de buurt. .... shit level

Pauline said...

Very difficult, i have 15 moves to make 120.000 ponts, thats not possible. Also in you use extras pffffff

Elizabeth said...

How could you possibly increase the necessary points to achieve this level, your video shows 30,000 points and I am required to get 120,000. Please make the correction!

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

just not fun anymore. played this level numerous times. don't even come close even though I've been able to make color bombs and detonate all the ufo's. just don't play as much anymore since you can't back out of a game you don't like the looks of. Oh well, saving money cuz I'm not tempted to buy more moves, etc.

Unknown said...

THIS!!!!…………….Montserrat Ortega said...
Passed. The point are cb matched with a plain candy. That's what gives more points and also enables further cb. So I could have 6-7 successive cb. Even 2 together with the last move left. I just matched one, achieved 90.000 points and let the other one to be played after running out of moves. With the ufos and this cb I got slightly over the 120000 and got rid of this nasty board.
26 September 2018 at 11:59

Anonymous said...

Nerf it boring again and again and again and again. Why still playing?

Anonymous said...

Why should it go from 30,000 to 120,000. All the 'experts' who post how well they did, had a much easier game. It isn't helpful at all.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous Oct 5 at 13:12
The 'experts' you refer to kindly posted their tips based on the board that they played. They have no control over the fact that the board changed after they posted.

You didn't post ANY tip. You just whined that the game isn't fair.

This site has nothing to do with King. It's Cookie's site where players can post helpful tips for other players. It isn't intended for "oh, poor me"

If you aren't happy, complain to King directly or just quit playing.

Anonymous said...

Just another stupid level

Anonymous said...

Thank you for those who posted the tip about matching a cb With a single color. Used one of my cb and made the match. I had to use a switch to get another cb. But once that second one was made, they just kept coming. Just kept on matching with the dominant color on the board. Easily topped over 200k. Every time I start a new level i always try it on my own a few times, but if something seems off or I get stuck, this is the blog i go to. even if it's just to reassure myself that I am not missing something obvious. So thank you to those who give legitimate posts. And for the's a game. King is a business, don't fault them for trying to make money. If you don't like it, don't play. And please don't post!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!!!

Anonymous said...

I was stuck on this for 2 days and decided to search for help, the tip on this page to take out single colours with a CB is very good advice and I completed the level on my second attempt. Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

Struggled with this level for a few days trying all sorts of methods, until I read a few comments about matching a CB with a stripe!
Bingo! 1st time I tried, passed it easy. Ended up getting another 3 or 4 CB’s which seemed to be next to another stripe😀
Try it !!

Unknown said...

Cant do it.been on it for week know

jenn2727 said...


jenn2727 said...

posting for luck

Timewaster said...

Ditto. Got keys and sauces early and had plenty of moves left. Even made a couple good CB combos - but still not enough! WTD?

Lara Muria said...

Don't think yourself cleverer than the rest. We all made it this far in the game, and that is because skill, and luck. What you describe we have all been doing it. I have been doing it and I can tell you luck has a big part. I looked and looked and no "random switch" would give me a colourbomb.

Unknown said...

Same. 2 sets of colorbombs together and 2 colorbombs matched with stripes. Not even close to 120,000.

Suesue said...

Posting for LUCK!! Even had 15 extra moves & still didn't get to 120,000

Anonymous said...

Stupid frigging level once again!

Anonymous said...

Impossible level king. What the hell? This is the end for me.

Anonymous said...

Need help! Posting for luck. I've tried everything and nothing works.

Anonymous said...

I've made CB and hit plain colors and hit stripes but nothing works. Even left them on board. Been stuck here for days. WTH?

Anonymous said...

Cleared the keys, used all the space ships, boosters, etc and can't get even half of the points needed. Ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

I quit till King fixes this game. No chance to even come close. Not going to waste any more time on this impossible game.

Grandma said...

Don't know where they get the very easy level guess it's cos they o ly need 30000. Different for me, I need help please withLUCKY BOARD

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm grabbing my ankles. My cheeks are spread. Ram it home King. Why don't you require 1,000,000,000,000 points and we can all quit.

Unknown said...

I think this might be the level that ends the addiction!! Maybe that’s not such a bad thing?!

Carrymeback said...

Great tips

K said...


Anonymous said...

Posting for luck 🍀

Anonymous said...

Just saw the original the goal was 30,000 now 120,000, seems too much compared to the original amount. Ugh!!!

Anonymous said...

Just saw the original the goal was 30,000 now 120,000, seems too much compared to the original amount. Ugh!!!

Julie said...


Jett said...

I get more points in the cascade after the last move it I avoir setting off the UFO's It's lie reverse psychology! Also on some attempts I get 50ish K and on others I get 100ish K but the amounts of points I accumulated during game play is the same - it's all the the unpredictable final cascade.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck...

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck. Terrible level.

Anonymous said...

120000 points is impossible to reach. Been playing this level for a while now and not even coming close. Used all booster combos and still no luck. Very frustrating and have reached the end of my CC habit. Will finish up my lives, but this is the end of the line for me. Just not fun a anymore.

collenfan said...

Posting for luck with this very tricky level.

Anonymous said...

Video shows 25 moves I have 15 Wth disgustingly dishonest app

Deb V. said...

Impossible,posting for luck!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck soon got fed up with this level

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck. HELP!!!

JanJan said...

Same here. Posting for luck!

Anonymous said...

Now only 15 moves not 25 and have to get 120000 not 30000. Help

Unknown said...

Totally impossible!!! Posting for luck!!

Flippenheck said...

Aw come on now...have a please

Anonymous said...

Seriously??? 15 moves 120,000...crazy...can’t even come close even with saucers...waiting again for a lucky board..not happy :-(

rosereddragon said...

Finally got Bear's single colour colourbomb idea to work - thank you Bear! I was beginning to lose hope.

Anonymous said...

Never even close.

Millie's said...

Same. 😣

JA said...

Posting for luck

Jelly said...

Posting for luck - not even close to the score needed to pass!!!

Anonymous said...

Luck please

Holli said...

I don't know if this would help you or not but I started my game with a colorbomb and as others have suggested, I only used it on a solid colored candy. That set me up beautifully and after much frustration from failed attempts, I finally won this stupid level with almost 200,000 points. Good luck!

barb W said...

I've had several color bombs matched with a dominant color, I've matched color bombs with stripes and wraps, I've opened the keys, the flying saucers have done their thing - alas, still nowhere near the score.

Annu said...

I’m unable to get close on this one. Tried the cb with single color and many other boosters and still can’t get close. Luck and help please!

Anonymous said...

Thanks KING for making this a worthless game to play. Why play a game that you can't win? You have ruined it for so many players. Levels like this make us hate the game and the algorithms you have set determining when we can win.

Anonymous said...

We ave to get ticked off so much and post it on here to win a game? why? I think I'm more pissed at myself for continuing to play this game. And, if I post anonymously, how is it that I miraculously win after commenting? The game cheats.

Anonymous said...

Posting for a lucky board,,,,not even getting close,,,ugh

Anonymous said...

I quit!!

Zabeth said...

Niveau inintéressant et impossible :-((( Affichage de la chance 🍀 merci 😊

Anonymous said...

Been playing this level for a while to understand there is no way to accumulate 120,000 points in the allowable moves. You are not given enough special candies to even come close, so I am asking for a lucky board.

Anonymous said...

This is my second post about this level. I am still struggling. Not able to even get over 78,000 points let alone 120,000. I really need a lucky board as I am tired of playing this level and literally getting no where. Thanks in advance for the lucky board.

Anonymous said...

I see no way of passing this level. Nothing works. Can’t even get close.

Anonymous said...

Post for luck

Jean said...

Good heavens...I'm not even getting close. I love how in the video they are able to make colorbomb after colorbomb...I'm lucky to get 2. This is purely a little skill and a whole lot of luck kind of level. Hoping for some luck.

Anonymous said...

Not even close! Help please!

Sue said...

Still need 120,000. Not close with all four spaceships. They don’t get any points. Can’t get over 50,000. Rough.

Unknown said...

You now need 120,000. I cant even get close. I had 5 colored bombs and activated all 4 spaceships and only got to 90,000.

Unknown said...

Why change what you need to win. First its 30,000 now 120,000. What the hell is that.

Anonymous said...

120000 is not possible without boosters!! How does King justify jumping from 30000 to 120000 for a win. It cannot be done. Why can’t we have space dash and helmets and fun boosters back so we can at least have a good time. Please give me some kind of help!

Yankee girl said...

I dont believe this level can be completed with only 15 moves. Please make this level more realistic to play or I won't be playing Candy Crush anymore. It's just no longer enjoyable to play an impossible level with no skill involved.

Yankee girl said...

Well, I stand corrected. I did finally get that lucky board after many frustrating attempts. Hang in there. It will happen!

JJ said...

What’s going on, three days later can’t get anymore than 50,000. Last ten levels have been boring and so hard to pass. How do you get a high score on this level? Help please.

JJ said...

Do you actually get forgotten in this game. I don’t get why some can complete in a couple of try’s. I started on Saturday night it is now Wednesday pm. If I don’t get any luck tomorrow I’m giving in. Just frustrates the hell out of me now. There has to be better things to do with my time.

SVA said...

Omfg this level is so boring and ridiculous. I made four CBs and still only got to 105k.

Anonymous said...

Nauseating level. How can king justify the jump from 30,000 to 120,000? I really need a lucky board before I lose the plot completely.

Unknown said...

Lo intente todo bombas de color varias ,combine con rayas ,y nada ,combine con color sólido y nada no logro el puntaje ,por favor ayuda ,publicó.para la suerte ,gracias

Unknown said...

Otra vez aqui para pedir ayuda ,no llego a 50000 ,intente todo gaste mis reservas y no logro ,llevo varios dias en este nivel ,publico para la suerte ,gracias

Judeye said...

I will try that. Goal120,000 here too

Judeye said...

Think king will lose a player on this level. 120,000 pts. Reached 108,000 twice. Too frustrating for me.....

Unknown said...

Wow, triple the points needed and only 15 moves!!! Let’s make it close to impossible King!!!! No fun left in this game anymore! Why is every level so frustrating??? Could use a lucky board with lots of color bombs please!!??

Donna said...


Donna said...

Mine has to score 120,000 no way possible at all!!! This is ridiculous. Quit

HT said...

This level is garbage. Goal is 120,000 points, only 15 moves. The last time I played, all keys cleared, all ufos activated plus I had 4 color bombs and I barely even broke 100,000 points

Unknown said...

Finding this level really hard and getting bored now.Please can I have a lucky board xx Thanks xx

Marwanjo said...

Boring, less moves more points to get, Thats CC, Thats why most players choose to play other games and left CC. Very Good choice.

Trini said...

Just passed by a few points. In 1. Thanks cc. Luv u

Anônimo said...

Realmente tem jogos melhores. Este nível é o final do CC para mim. Deletando...

Paulette said...

Wow! Difficult AND boring!

Lynn Taylor said...

This level is all about luck. I failed around 30 times. Then I created a CB. When I combined it with a solid candy it created another CB. I combined that one with a striped candy and that created three more CBs. That was the last move so they remained on the board and racked up lots of points at the end. Ended up with 142,000.

Miss M said...

ugh posting for luck

Miss M said...

this level sucks

Miss M said...

yeah keep trying this... ☹️

Old school crusher said...

Posting for luck

Nanann said...

This level was interesting. It goes against what we’ve always done to gain higher scores. So just follow the previous advise about the color bombs and you will pass quickly.

Aisha said...

Posting for luck because I am sick and tired 😴

faithjj said...

Can't even get close!! Lucky board PLEASE!!!!

Pjcastree said...

Hoping for a lucky board please

Paul said...

boring shitty level with no skill required.
just waiting for the game to let me pass....

Paul said...

and then just put of nowhere the colour bombs appear......

Rena said...

I need a lucky board

Rena said...

Pure luck is needed!

Rena said...

I may throw in the towel on this one. It’s impossible without luck. I need a lucky board please!

Unknown said...

Way to high from30000 to 120000 made me quit and start play another game

Just me said...

This has not been easy for me. I thought it would be but I thought wrong. I can only hope for a lucky board to come along and help me out here. Please.

Epicentre said...

120000 target. Can't get above around 50000.

Unknown said...

120,000 is ridiculous. Too frustrating. Games like this one drive people away.

Amp and Decks said...

Huge thanks to 'Bear with me'. Pairing CB's with plain colours produced enough extra CB's to get through this horrible level!

Martinat said...

Horrible level