Candy Crush Saga Level 3932 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3932 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 3932 Candy Crush Saga is a dual task level, you have to collect two ingredients and clear all the jelly to complete the level.
The only hard thing about this level is the shortage of moves to get the ingredients out of the exits.
The ingredients have to travel up to the top of the conveyor and while they are travelling upwards you must not clear any of the licorice or they will drop back and waste moves. Wait until the ingredient is at the top of the downward conveyor, then clear as much licorice as you can from below it to get it down to the bottom. Once at the bottom it will move up to the exit and the second ingredient will drop out of the dispenser.
Repeat as for the first ingredient, wait for it to get to the top then clear the way down.
All the time you are watching the ingredients you should be clearing jelly so that by the time the second ingredient is out of the exit you should have completed the level.

If you don't clear the licorice from under the ingredients you won't have enough moves to get them both to the exits.
Video by Cookie
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.


Anonymous said...

Moves have been reduced from 20 to 14 making it very difficult to pass this level.

Francisco Diego said...

Now it is super hard. I took all boosters and 6 hands to finish this level. This is what they want. Take boosters or buy them, if you don't have. Luckily I had enough

Jimmy said...

This level is now flawed. 14 moves and 4 candies are now locked directly below the cherry (2x2) and the same for the exit point but above it (2x2) so 8 in total. P off King I'm off to play candy crush friends like you want us to cos you've given up making this game enjoyable

Anonymous said...

Absolutely impossible now it's down to 14 moves from 20. It literally can't be done in that amount of moves.

Anita said...

Please help! Can’t get this level

Rick said...

I don't know when this was reduced from 20 to 14 moves. When I played this I have 17 moves including the 3 from Space Dash and I have to handswitch the second ingredient several times to make it exit, otherwise I would have to buy extra moves.

Unknown said...

I only have 14 moves which made hard to pass as not enough moves

Unknown said...

please reverse back to 20 moves

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Now it is 4 ingredients and only 14 moves.

Anonymous said...

If anyone can figure out how to do this without buying extra moves, please explain. Thank you!!

Pjay said...

Well my strategy for this level is simple. I'm just going to wait until King fixes it.

Unknown said...

Not enough moves to get both ingredients ffs

Ann said...

Give us the 20 moves the example has. It’s important with only 14 moves. I can’t even get 2 fruit down and I’m out of turns. So not fair.

Ann said...

On my message above, I meant to say it’s impossible to get through game 3932. It should be winnable without using so many boosters and bars, I’ve tried every which way to win and if if I use a hand to move the fruit quicker, I can’t clear all the jelly, it’s one or the other, or both for that matter, and lots of them which I’m not buying.

Never pay a cent Bobby said...

If you have a lot of switches, as soon as the ingredient gets to the top of the liquorice column, blast them with boosters you made. Use switches to move out of the exit. Get new one to the top, and blast off again. Use switches to get to exit again as needed. It may take a few tries. You can not switch over a candy cane line and once I had no candy at the bottom to switch with to get to exit.

Globb said...

Perfectly possible in 20 moves; perfectly impossible in 14. Why have you done this, King? As you can see on the video, the first ingredient falls back from its own empty space, so you waste at least 3 moves before it can even start to descend. That leaves 11 to finish. Utterly ridiculous. If you're lucky you can then blast a few liquorice spots and get it out with 1, 2 or possibly even 3 moves to spare. But then you have to get the second one out with a dozen spaces to traverse or blast! You can't even use a spaceship or party blaster, since they remove the conveyor belt and the last ingredient can't climb out. You can't use the space dash either because that's been cynically removed for good. The only solution is about a dozen hands/lollipops. Bye-bye, King, I've had it with your money-grubbing.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Ridiculous level cannot do in 14 moves. I have full SD and leave game without losing. When I return SD boosters are gone. Why when I did not lose level? Game's gone to pot. Time to go elsewhere!

Anonymous said...

What a crap level! It must have been programmed by GUS...

2sweet said...

Not possible!!! So annoying they lower moves! I bet there developers couldnt even do it with such few moves!!!

Lynn K said...

I agree this is a crap level. 14 moves. Just managed to have my best shot. 2nd ingredient appeared with 2 moves left. Not enough booster to win

Roger75 said...

Finally passed, but I've spent lots of hand boosters to take the second ingredient...

2sweet said...

Not even worth playing untill its modified ... not possible

Anonymous said...

Don't give up! I used half a SD, just to get the 3 extra moves, and didn't trigger a CB/stripe combo until the cherry (or was it the nut?) had gone round the corner. The other ingredient dropped immediately and didn't fall back and a stripe wrap combo cleared the liquorice. Needed one switch at the end to get it to drop on the last move. Actually, on reflection it probably was a very lucky board as well but it didn't feel like it at the time. Nanny Annie

lala said...

I rarely post or complain but I must agree with other posts. First of all, I don't get any bots or golden spaceships on my computer or chromebook so I use my phone. That is extremely difficult for someone with vision problems. BUt I have to in order to get the goodie boosters. That being said, even with the goodie boosters, I can't get anywhere. You would need to have about 10 hand switches and another 5 moves to conservatively have a chance of success. I may just have to wait a couple of weeks. I don't have time to spend working on this until I solve the problem and gleefully wait for the following wed release. I truly hope King monitors this blog and sees that they have gotten over the top. They are the equivalent of the saturday ny times crossword puzzle. Just ridiculous and entirely not fun.

Snowy in Buffalo said...

Here's how I got it, once the cherry was over the curve, was lucky to have wrap/wrap combo bottom left, that got the licorice so fruit dropped, needed a hand and a hammer to finish, without those boosters seemed impossible... happily moving on!

Anonymous said...

I guess I had a lucky board. I had full space dash, so I started with 17 moves. I didn't use the CB/CB combo. I used one CB on one of the locked candies, then lucked out that there was a CB and wrapped candy next to each other with locked candy of same color. Then proceeded making more combo's to clear the licorice. Didn't have an issue with the fruit getting stuck. Finished with one move left. Couldn't have done it if I had only 14 moves.

Vivien said...

Omg what a horrible level I used 2 lots of extra 5 moves to finish good luck people

Rhodesia said...

Only 14 moves and some of the cells are also blocked - ridiculous!!!

Anonymous said...

im waiting til they fix it! this is silly!

Anonymous said...

Nearly done it with 17 moves from SD. Ran out of boosters ages ago. I could have passed it if I spent £1.99 for 5 extra moves. But this is what they want and I’m not buying extra boosters for them to change the level in the future. 14 moves is just not possible, it’s basically a con to get you to part with your cash. If it is a con, is it legal for them to do this?? They’re making a level unacheivable so you’re suckered in and you feel obliged to part with cash to pass it.

Lin5stet said...

After numerous attempts I eventually completed this level by using three hand switch’s as soon as the fruit came out to lift it over the top. Then get as many bombs etc to bring it down, then wait for it to go out and do the same with the second fruit. There is just not enough moves to do it otherwise.

Sultanate said...

This is the 4th time that I have spin the wheel after the game to get extra moves by spending my 7 gold bars the game has frozen. I have written for help to King but haven't got any response. I have wasted my 28 gold bars without getting anything.Need help.

Sandra Nottestad said...

Followed above advice and used hand switches at the top to move ingredient to top of licorice, then used combos to clear the licorice. Also had 17 moves thanks to full bot.

cvp said...

IMPOSSIBLE!! With 14 moves???!!! It uses 3 moves just to get the 1st ingredient moving!! I have used up all my boosters!! I have used all my bricks for extra moves!! Just king squeezing more money from longtime loyal players!! We spend like crazy, and or wait for a lucky board!! Where is the fun??!!! If you don't want us to play anymore, end the game!! Don't screw us!!!

Anonymous said...

Not fair king give us 20 turns also. Ready to quit don’t mind challenging levels but this one 3932 is impossible.

Laura said...

Posting for luck

Pascorp said...

Can't get it... posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Niveau impossible avec seulement 14 déplacements changez svp

Anonymous said...

Hey King, l am just curious what is your intent and what are you trying to achieve whit such impossible levels? Are you trying to slow down the game or thete is no thinking involved from your end? If you state your rasons maybe you will not look so stupid in the eyes of your players.

LynnKaiser07 said...

I have tried everything to pass this level! I've been back and forth to 606 so many times, I fell like I live there, tried adding all boosters, spun for moves and nothing worked. I'm seeing candy in my sleep!

Unknown said...

Passed it with 16 moves, a full space dash and a bit of luck. You need to keep resetting until you have two colour bombs together. Then only use them when the first cherry has made it to the top of the conveyor. The luck is not having to use or move them for the first three moves.
But when you pass this, the last one of this group of levels is just as impossible. Now stuck on that.

Sultanate said...

Still stuck on this level. Need a lucky board posting for luck

cvp said...

I always have that problem!! Spin for extra moves has never landed on extra moves!! Waste of gold bricks!!

cvp said...

I have tried everything for the past 3 days!! Playing past levels over and over for free boosters from ibot! I wait until 1st ingredient is over hump, then combine 2 color bombs!! Helps with 1st ingredient, but then it takes 3-4 moves for licorice to drop, and second ingredient. It takes 5 moves to get over the hump, because as it starts to move, it falls diagonally back to start!! So many ridiculous levels used up my boosters. No bricks for extra moves!! Coincidentally a sale on bricks!! I used up my switches on this level!! No luck!! Because impossible without boosters!!! Definitely requires a lot of extra moves!! Until it's fixed, I am done!!!

Sultanate said...

Haven't got through. Used all the boosters. Lost all my gold bars to frozen spin wheels. King has not responded to my complaints. Need a lucky board posting for luck

Pascorp said...

Tips for this level? Posting for luck..

Anonymous said...

This game is getting so boring now. Think of all the hours we have wasted in playing. It’s not even enjoyable any more.
I’ve made up my mind that when I reach level 4000, I’m definitely going to quit playing. I’m going to delete the game so that I cannot change my mind.

Rhodesia said...

Impossible, I have tried everything. There is no skill left in this game now. Simply a waste of time.

Anonymous said...

Used 2 hand switches and a lollipop, but finished in 14 moves (Using those 3 boosters technically 17 moves). After about 100 tries I got the LUCKIEST board ever. 2 wraps formed in rt side for the cherry to clear a lot of licorice - then side by side CB's formed on left side for the nut to clear a lot of licorice. BUT, based on how many moves it takes the ingredients to even get to the top of the conveyor - I still needed to use those 2 switches and a hammer. Good luck!

Rhodesia said...

Cookie can we please see a new video on how to do this in 14 moves!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Totally agree!!

Anonymous said...

King, even an artificial intelligence will not be able to pass this level. Please revise it.

Brown dog said...

I am like everyone else, not enough moves to get the second fruit down. Posting for lucky board

Baking_Pan said...

I think that’s the only possibility...

Baking_Pan said...

Mine is just 2 ingredients - why so wildly different... 20 moves, 14 moves, 2-4 ingredients... weird

Baking_Pan said...


Anonymous said...

Another insane adapted level by the King Developpers. I will never pay for a game. I already have to want fit the advertisement beteren the games.
Of King doesn’t adapt this quickly to 20 moves or something like that I will look for a game not developped by King.
For now awaiting a Quick fix.
CC exists 6 years, but it seems that they learned nothing of All comments saying that a game should be fun and winnable.

Anonymous said...

I used a wrap/wrap combo to clear the licorice so the fruit would drop but as there was no licorice at the bottom the fruit kept slipping back and couldn't travel to the exit. Be warned.

cvp said...

Still trying on day 7, NO LUCK!! I have played old levels over and over for free boosters, no matter what combination I try, there's not enough moves!!! I used up hand switches, just not enough of them!! It uses at least 5 moves to get over the curve!! Ingredient consistently falls back to start after 4 moves are wasted!!!! I have used hand switches to get past that, then 2 color bomb combinations to speed up the ingredient down to the portal!!! Then 2nd ingredient doesn't appear until after 3 moves!! How is this ever possible to complete??!!! That's right, YOU HAVE TO BUY EXTRA MOVES OVER & OVER to complete!! How is this free anymore?? Way to squeeze more money from longtime loyal players!!! I don't remember when this game was fun!!

CatMcQ said...

My board requires 17 moves and only 2 ingredients. I just got to this level today so hopefully this level has been modified for everyone. I am on my iPad.

LynnKaiser07 said...

So, usually on a Tuesday I am excited to start the next episode. Not so, this Tuesday. Still stuck on this rediculous level! Getting so frustrated! Maybe I should turn on Netflix and binge watch "The Walking Dead"

Jonny B said...

I went on youtube to find this level, and watched about 6 of them being played - no-one accomplished it in 14 moves without guy however had 800 cb'

Connor & Caroline said...

Go to 3711. Easier to scroll back to

cvp said...

Someone really needs to show this can be done without boosters and only 14 moves!!! It will never happen because it is impossible!!! It takes 13-14 moves to bring 1st ingredient to the portal!! You win king!! I am done!!

cvp said...

WmK8ng really needs to show us how to complete this level!!! With 14 moves it's impossible!! The 1st ingredient takes 13-14 moves to drop thru the portal!! Then it takes a couple moves for 2nd ingredient to drop!!! How is this possible???!!!

cvp said...

After a week, & a 2 hour unlimited play time, I am no closer to competing this level!!! Playing past levels over and over for free boosters from space dash isn't helping. There aren't enough moves!! Because of the previous extremely difficult levels, all my boosters are gone!! Nothing is being done to make this level possible!! It really shows how much king just wants my money!!! This isn't fun anymore!!! Way to treat loyal players!!! I guess you win!!

SweetE said...

I'm stuck. The only way to pass this is with lots of hand switches and hammers. I'm not going to waste the ones I have right now. Hoping they'll fix it. In the meantime I'm going to try to earn more by playing candy levels.

LynnKaiser07 said...

Third time posting..still stuck! Here’s a Wednesday that I won’t be playing the new episodes! And they tease us with 3 this week?!?!! Maybe it’s a ploy to let more Crushers catch up and wait for the new levels. That or a money grubbing scam! So over this game! Maybe my closets will get cleaned out this Fall after all.

Jewel Shaw said...

This level absolutely can not be passed with only 14 moves! Who was the genius who decided to change 20 moves to 14. I sincerely believe that this level can’t be passed without 20 moves and tons of boosters! I think Candy Crush has gotten to tough for me. It was good while it lasted!

Anonymous said...

When playing, I carefully counted the moves and determined that it is theoretically impossible to do this level in fourteen moves, even if when the ingredient is at the top of the vertical column, enough wrapped candy can be set off to clear all the licorice and get the ingredient to the bottom quickly. When I finally got this level, I played on an iOS device that has the option to play a video for a booster. I kept backing out and trying again until I won the three extra moves (real click-bait videos too) and then I had to spin for extra moves, and got five of them and needed each one to make this level. I also started with a wrap and stripe that I got adjacent to each other while waiting for the first ingredient to get into position. With fourteen moves, I believe this level is impossible to complete without boosters.

Anonymous said...

Got three stars first try no boosters. I couldn't even tell you what I did. Twenty moves. I am glad I fell behind. hopefully King responded to the comments on this level and it was fixed by the time I got to it.

Anonymous said...

Finally did it! But only because King changed 14 moves to 23 moves. Made me realize King do respond if enough people feed back when it’s not a fair game. So glad to move on. Wasted too many of my boosters when it was only 14 moves.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

McT said...

I still have 14 moves and I will reiterate the impossible situation here...I can get the first fruit out, but I can't even get the 2nd one to the top, let alone get rid of the licorice below it...many more moves are needed here...otherwise, won't be able to move forward...and that would be a shame

VG said...

Play in Android. Morning when I played it was 14 and now in the afternoon, it is turned to 20. Just check

SJN said...

Still 14 moves for me. Only thing is to inundate the King "Care" (oh, the irony) site with complaints - there are already quite a few. Or stop playing this ridiculous game.

McT said...

I have no boosters and STILL only 14 cannot be done under these, do you want me to quit???

Anonymous said...

Yes it is very annoying that King has made many of these levels nearly impossible. But you must remember that they are in this business to make money. There’s nothing wrong with that. If you don’t like the game don’t play anymore. If they make the game impossible or nearly impossible it is not illegal. It's mean spirited and it’s slightly unfair but it’s not illegal, as anonymous Nov 10 asked.
If you think the game isn’t fun anymore, stop playing or play something else.
I do wish that King would just end the game. All good things must come to an end. I'm almost there anyway. Enough is enough.

Emsa8 said...

Agree - nobody of us wants to work for free. CC provides a well working, addictive and clever game since 6 years or so, so it's OK that they also want to earn sth. Still the prices for boosters are quite high in my opinion and King earns REALLY much (1 mio a day?). Anyway, I also buy sth from time to time. When I watch a film in the cinema, it costs much more. ..

Emsa8 said...

...I did it, hooray, and it WAS possible within the possibilities of the game. First, I "trained" a bit to find the best way. Which is (as everybody wrote) to wait until the cherry is over the top and then make the explosions. I found CB+Stripe even more effective than CB+wrap. When the first ingredient is gone, same story again. Therefore I knew with 14 moves and nice explosions always around 4-6 moves are too few. I waited until the waiting time of my free spinning wheel for extra moves was over. Then I first played to get the half booster bot (played 3711 until I had extra CB, wrap and 3 moves more). When my 17 moves were over, I was missing 2 moves for the ingredient and one jelly. I then spun the wheel and was sooo lucky as I had 5 moves more for free. Of course this was enough then and with 20 moves in total I was through.

McT said...

On both android and desktop, I still have only 14 moves...this level can be beat, BUT NOT with only 14 moves and no is fruitless to play any longer.

Cathy said...

This is actual insanity! I really need to good luck. Why do they do this? I love a good challenge, but it needs to be doable.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Ian said...

Yet another impossible level! Not enough moves! Totally fed up now

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I used to be one of the front runners. I used to play for boosters so that when new levels are released I could quickly run through them and start collecting boosters again. King has put a stop to that by creating levels that you will just not win without buying extra.
So I stopped playing for a while, but came back. I refuse to use any boosters. I enjoy playing the game much more, because I’m not chasing anything. It’s quick and easy to recognize the money levels this way. You can read the pattern. First you will have a few games you almost win. You get a good start, but then the moves dry up. You can use hammers or switches or extra moves to go through. If you don’t, you get a lot of games where you can’t even get close. Then they start giving you games where you end up with just one jelly or something like that. You can easily hit it with a hammer. I refuse. Soon after that you will get that lucky board.
However, this one I will have to wait for them to fix it, because not even a lucky board can win this one.

Booboo said...

I have 20 moves presently and there is no way to pass this without using some kind of booster, which I refuse to do. It is impossible to pass with even 20 levels (without boosters), given all the licorice and jelly as well as the friuit having to go down the conveyor before another fruit arrives and even then there is a move delay.
Totally and utterly a waste of time. How on earth King expects anyone to pay for boosters on a level like this....not to mention the previous one..... is beyond comprehension!

Booboo said... my post above, PLEASE do NOT pay King anything until these ridiculous levels are made passable. If you do, you are just encouraging them to produce more impossible levels!

Kevin said...

Did it with no boosters after about 15 tries. I just needed a bit of luck with an orange landing in the right place to get the last jelly on the last move. If you concentrate then it's perfectly possible, even in 14 moves.

Monique said...

Posting for luck

Melanie said...

Posting for luck

Kat Tail said...

Thanks Mick Harwood , perfect

Anonymous said...

And again a very boring level. There is absolute no idea of winning. I will wait for a week and come back.

Anne said...

This may be the end for me playing CC. This level needs to be fixes. No way can this level be completed as is.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!!!

Neen Katzman said...

Posting for luck!!!

Carol Kirkley said...

When I go back and see the videos, there are no X's over the candies and thus makes it even harder to clear out the jellies, (takes 3 moves each now) much less the licorice just at the right time so that there are enough moves.

Anonymous said...

Impossible. Not enough moves. Guess I have to beg for luck!

Jan WM said...

Level is back to 20 moves and 2 ingredients, but there are some locked cells. Make as many combos as you can and save them until the ingredient is at the top. Then use the combos to clear some licorice to move the ingredient down quicker. starting with a color bomb and stripe/ wrap is extremely helpful as long as you can save it until the 1st ingredient is at the top. I needed my last few moves to clear remaining licorice.

Anonymous said...

I have made it to this level without spending a dime...and I wont ever spend any money on it. Eventually you get past it and continue on. You get or win a few boosters here and there and you play with that. Who would ever spend money...its just a game for entertainment.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck! Not enough moves!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!

Julie said...

Just don't understand why you want so many annoyed players.

Anonymous said...

They didn’t cut moves they just added 8 locked spaces Well at least they’re changing their cheating around a little

Anonymous said...

Need a lucky board....

Anonymous said...

This is an awful level. Definitely agree...not enough moves...wasting boosters every try...I’m down to a few and never won a jackpot spin..could use one right about now. This isn’t a hard level just not enough move you need a lucky board. Hope I get one soon...been on this level awhile and it’s getting very frustrating :-(

Anonymous said...

Followed the advice above with getting half of build a bot, for the 3 extra moves. The level is back to 20 moves, so had 23. Once the ingredient was over the top, I used the rest of the bot to blast the licorice. Had plenty of moves and a few booster to clear the 2nd ingredient. I also used a fish booster but didn’t use it until ingredient was over the top, wasn’t sure if it would hit a licorice or helped with clearing the “here and there” jelly. So thankful to be past that one. :-)

Jonah said...

Help !!! Lucky board needed again

nicx said...

aidez moi please besoin luck

nicx said...

posting for luck please

Anonymous said...

Mis caramelos están encerrados en celdas!!

katericia said...

Imposible sin un tablero de suerte...

Flippenheck said...

Oh please

Katericia said...

7 días jugando este nivel y no veo la forma de pasar, se necesitan mas movimientos o interruptores de mano.
MUY muy muy cansada

katericia said...

Publicar para la suerte

Katericia said...

Aburridisimo, me rindo. Regresaré cuandon lo arreglen.

katericia said...

Técnicamente imposible,el segundo ingrediente cae cuando solo quedan cinco movimientos, por favor ayuda, quiero seguir adelante

Anonymous said...

This level is impossible!
Time to quit, bye bye CC

Skylark said...

Boring level have got close a couple of times and extra moves would have done it. But no boosters to win at moment.

Fräulein Pop said...

Is this possible with 14 moves? Posting for luck!

Mr. Magog said...

only thing i can say is, you'll have to wait for a lucky board with alot of combos in order to complete this board. Thanks for the lucky board

Cindy said...


Cindy said...


Robin said...

Is this even possible with 14 moves?? It takes 5 moves to get the first ingredient to the top of the conveyer!!

Unknown said...

I have 20 moves but now it starts with locked candies.

barb W said...

This is awful! Takes way to long for that first ingredient to the top - simply not enough moves to unlock candy, clear the jelly and get a second ingredient out. Something is not right,here.

Unknown said...

No veo cuál es la gracia de poner niveles imposibles de pasar ,pretenden que dejemos de jugar ? Publicó para la suerte ya intenté todo !!!ayuda por favor !!!

Brian said...

This is so difficult only once have I got closer need a lucky board I'm sure but how long do I wait ?

Marielle said...

I don’t understand how it is possible to finish it in time ...5 more moves needed !!!! Please Help !!!!

Anônimo said...

Efetivamente tem jogos melhores e inteligentes. Não vou perder meu tempo com este jogo manipulado e ridículo. Hora de excluir o CC. Sorte para quem fica.

Trini said...

Lucky i jad a flyin saucer to bring down d 2nd candy faster. In 2

Shystar said...

Posting for luck

Shystar said...

Need a lucky board please

Anonymous said...

Another absolutely ridiculous level that’s rigged!

AlexCrush said...

Really Candy Crush?! Really?! What are the rules in these levels? They always seem to change or get shorter. I like to have some skill involved. Sigh. Posting for lucky board.

Old school crusher said...

Posting for luck

Old school crusher said...

Help!!! Posting for luck, all these boards seem to be is luck. I took a year off maybe its time again!

Megan L said...

Been stuck on this level for weeks. Down to playing just once a day since CC hasn't been fun for a while- play out of habit now before bed.

Julie joel said...

This is so hard how can you get them out, 13 moves to get each ingredient out, so 26 moves you need but you only get 19 moves so how can you do it ? You need a miracle please candy crush give me more moves I beg you

Julie joel said...

If I had more moves I could get through this level it's pathetic, 19 moves & to get the ingredients out you need 13 moves but it takes 2 moves before the ingredient comes out so 15 moves so 26 moves for 2 ingredients plus 4 more give me more moves candy crush I'm losing the will to live

Julie joel said...

The fruit drops after the first 2 moves so you only have 17 moves left then when first ingredient gone it takes another 2 moves for 2nd ingredient to drop so you only have 15 moves to get ingredients out when it takes 26 to get round this is stupid candy crush I'm not playing anymore cos it's so annoying

Julie joel said...

I don't believe this, the nut was halfway down & I got 2 coloured bombs together I thought great, done them & it got rid of all the liquorice & loads of gels but the nut went back to the top pathetic candy crush really I hate this game

Unknown said...

Not enough moves. Posting for help.

Kay said...

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

Posting for luck ✨

Unknown said...

Lucky board please 🙏

Unknown said...


Nellebel said...

Te weinig zetten. Onmogelijk nu. AUB HELP HELP HELP

Nellebel said...

Niet leuk meer. Al dagen bezig. Geen vooruitgang. AUB help mij. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

Unknown said...

I can’t get any combos going! Posting for luck!

Unknown said...

Still stuck on this level. This is crazy!

nancy ray taylor said...

So many of these levels are impossible to pass unless you use boosters or spend money. This level is just evil