Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3946 Candy Crush Saga by Cookie
Level 3946 is classified as a hard level so you can expect to lose a few lives unless you have plenty of boosters.
You have to collect 2 ingredients and they drop through the candy cane sections when you have cleared the blockers.
You need stripes and stripe/wrap combos to clear the blockers and you can use the conveyors to get your combos into position. However, even when you manage to get the first ingredient out of the exit the second one still has to make it's way through the portals to the exit and you are unlikely to have many moves left to collect the second ingredient.
Using a coconut wheel might be helpful but it is better if you can switch it with a stripe or a colourbomb to get more stripes. Make sure there is no licorice in the way when you use the coconut wheel.
A colourbomb/stripe or colourbomb/wrap combo will be useful too if you can make them, but with 5 colours and so many obstacles it isn't easy to make these combos.
Video by Johnny crush using a coconut wheel and a couple of boosters.
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If the
level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have
changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know
in the comments and I will try to change it.
Posting for luck. Been stuck for days used almost all coconut wheels. Help
horrible! I have been at this for awhile and only uncovered 1 cherry! Wheel not helping plus have 6 hrs of CB and stripe wrap!
Even Johnny Cush had to use help!
I am hopelessly stuck on this level also. It took a lot of playing and the best I can do is get one cherry!!. Putting two colour balls together usually does the trick but not this one[level]. And the bombs!! They go off before you even have a chance to get things going. Used(wasted) about 20 coconut wheels. When I get this one I will post what I did but really it's up to the lay out of the board. More moves could be helpful and/or the eliminating of those nasty bombs.
I can't believe I actually finished this level after two tries without any boosters! Had to be a lucky board for sure!
7 hammers needed
Posting for luck. For me, this level has been opened just today. Very unfair with mobile players...
Don't hate me, passed this first try after struggling alot on earlier levels. Used coconut wheel and it did the trick for me. Good luck! Barb
After numerous tries, I passed using a full SD (2 CB's together) plus a wheel, lots of hand switches and a few hammers. Brutal level. Save your boosters for this one.
Just wait for 3948! Not only that, I just saw they released 3 episodes this Wednesday! I quit!
The coconut wheel tip worked, plus 1 hand switch on the last move to drop the last cherry...onward
The licorice is blocking everything. The wheel is useless because every time you get a match the licorice cascades. I have once dropped the first cherry but could not get the other to drop no matter what. What is the point of CC if all you do is play mindlessly until you get the gift of a lucky board? I applaud those who have deleted and moved on to better things. Just using up my boosters and then will join them.
Unbelievable. Wish I could give some tips but after posting played two games and beat this level.
This is really stacked to use boosters. Frustrating and stupid.
What a level! Having no luck at all! Is anybody getting any lucky candies dropping from the top dispenser between the licorice swirls? I’m not could be an error?
Posting for luck.
Posting for luck on this awful level 😡
Not much need to try this one any more! I have used all my boosters and have only gotten 1 cherry, the second one never dropped,
This is the level that just caused me to delete candy crush. Not even fun anymore. I like a challenge but this is boring and I’ve lost interest. Feels good to have deleted it! Do yourselves a favor and do the same
Finally done started with the wheel which fell few times then bought more lollipops to hammer last cherry home that was a really horrible level dread what's coming next 😬
In the middle of the board at the top, it looks like you’re supposed to get special candies. Nothing is falling for me. Is it working for anyone else?
The only way to pass this is to have alot of boosters which I don't have. I can't even get the first cherry to drop. Posting for a very lucky board
Posting for luck again
Got this on the first try Thank God! I started off with Space Dash and I selected all the boosters available. Opening board had two CB next to each other. I played the 2 CBs and with all the boosters, it really blew up the board and two cherries went thru. Problem was, I didn’t know where the cherries came from. I used a coconut wheel and mived it left. Cherries dropped and processed thru with 18 moves remaining. Good luck.
I'm not getting them eithrr.
This is the 1st time I saw a level described as “nightmarishly hard”. Holy shit!
I had the full space dash, plus used the wrap/stripe booster & coconut wheel.
I actually got more than 1 coconut wheel which cleared all but 2 blockers. I used up 2 hammers on them
but it got rid of 1 ingredient.
The other ingredient got 1/2 way down but I used a switch to put a coconut wheel next to a stripe.
I didn’t think I would get thru this but never would have without the space dash & coconut wheel.
Good luck!
Posting for luck
Posting for lucky board
After reading so many negative comments about this horrific episode & watching video I was prepared for a long battle.... but Got it on 1st try! I started off with Space Dash but without coconut wheel, I managed to clear some blocks with wrap candy then used just 1hammer for clearing final blocker & make way for 1st cherry which fell down >then colourbomb combined with wrap candy & 2nd cherry also came nearly to exit. Then managed to create another stripe to get it done. Lucky me :)
yeah first time I ever saw a so called "nightmarishly hard" level. they should change 3891 and 3893 to that. after struggling horribly on those and then 3842 just before this, I was dreading it. but I passed on the first try! it was hard but not anything crazy to me like the rest mentioned. goes to show just how much this game is based on luck not skill. only reason I still playing is to reach the milestone of 4000. when I get there and this is still so silly I will stop
Better to stop playing candy crush now...
This has nothing to do with the level. I just wanted to say how sick I am of that damned bird (Odi was it?) Jumping up and down on the level map near this impossibly hard level. I wish there was a booster I could use to take him out!
So frustrated and sick of this level, even with all the tips I'm nowhere near. Hoping for a lucky board please please!!!!!
I need more moves.
Cleared the 3 columns on my own, after numerous tries and then relied on 2 space dashes to take me home. I needed the space dashes because I never could figure out how exactly to move the ingredients from one column to the next.
I just can’t ... so frustrated.
Right after I posted above, I got it done! Started with full loaded ship. I can’t even remember if I did cb/cb or cb/wrapped to started off. But the seacret really was that I posted here. It always works! Thank you, Cookie!
So frustrating.
This is the longest I have spent on a level and cannot get anywhere near, for the first time I am close to giving up.
I have been on this level for days and have used almost all of my boosters and have had full space dash lots of times. Not even close and refuse to spend any money. Never have. Too much licorice falling and no boosters fall. Coconut wheel no help because of licorice. Yikes!!!
Posted last week! Still no luck or lucky candy dropping down! I need help!
Used space Dash, all boosters for several Times. Totally broke....
Fingers crossed for be too please ��
Postig for luck
A nightmare this level is indeed. Even with a full SD and a coconut wheel, I only got one cherry through...the second one never showed up, aaarrrggg!!!!
Posting for luck.
Got through on first attempt because of full space dash from 3711
Don't know if it has been changed but did not use any boosters and had 6 moves left. Finished third or fourth try. Make wraps or combi with wrap or stripe under or next to the fences and the first cherry if the fences are empty just take the first cherry the second one travels if you make any combo to any fence.
Posting for luck
The cherry follows a path. Down the top left Candy Cane fence, into the Center Candy Cane fence, and then to the lower right Candy Cane fence and out the exit. You need to clear below the cherry in order for it to move and follow that path. I started with the three boosters, and found the Coconut Wheel to be the most useful when used to help clear a path for the Cherry. After the first Cherry exits, you need to hit the candy in the top left Candy Cane fence, to create a space for the other Cherry to drop into play. Good Luck!
Same here, and some combos don't go off properly.
This wasn't so hard, just needed a bit of careful planning. Got it with no boosters on the 6th attempt. I actually enjoyed it. Reminded me how things used to be, when a little bit of skill wins the day and it's not just blind luck. Onward.
Reading comments above I can’t believe that people buy boosters to pass these levels. That’s exactly why King makes it so difficult, to get people to spend money. I’ve got this far and never spent a penny. They let you pass given time, so by buying boosters it only encourages King (who BTW are now American owned and stock market listed), to make the levels more difficult. It’s a no brainer to most of us!
another mindless game. Posting for a lucky bord.
Can someone tell me how i activate the presents?? Sometimes i get 2 green presents and if i match them they turn into strped or wrapped , but sometimes i can get an explostion ...is this a totally random thing or am i causing it somehow xx
Please HELP... BEEN ON THIS for days!
Try combining a CB and a wrap in a color that’s around the blocks. That’s what did it for me, clearing most of the blocks so the fruit could whistle on through...
Bored shitless.time to give other games a g0
On this level for days, horrible !! Posting for luck ! ,
Not working. Shouldn't it drop something from middle where it shows the candy with a question mark?
postng for luck
Oh yikes....help please
Miserable level. Conveyors, fences, bombs - WAY too much stuff going on for this to be fun, only confusing. Posting for luck
Oh, and the licorice........... ugh
I agree horrible 😡😡😡
Another impossible level, I’m gonna hate CC
I hate this whole episode. Level after level nothing but lottery levels. Nothing yo do with stretegy. Nasty work, king
No way. Fed Up with this chapter. This level is scam. Waiting for my "lottery" as usual lately. What a bad work.
Need a lucky board! Ugh!
Grrrr. Posting for luck. And no, nothing special drops from top middle of board.
Posting for luck
I can get the first cherry just fine but the second one doesn't appear until u only have about 2 moves left, what's that all about??? I need a lucky board please.
Posting for luck! I’ve used all my boosters!
Can’t contact store for hammer! I need it to win the game! Playing on my iPad!
This is super difficult. I've had lots of lucky special candies and matches, but still can't make a dent - have had the first ingredient a couple of times, but took so many moves, not enough left to get the second. Help!
This whole episode sucks...MAJOR. There is not one level that is possible to pass with some strategy. It all comes down to luck given by king. I noticed that other players pass some levels faster. I guess they are buying lots of boosters and as a bonus they can pass sooner. FAIR PLAY PLEASE KING!!!!
Tough episode and this level is king me. Luck needed and itsvtoo early for wine, sigh
Finally! Used wheel and ran it up the middle of first candy canes, carefully removed key bombs and made wrapped candies next to xandycan rows. Wraps blew up every and moved ingredients along the path and out
Help please!!!
This is so difficult haven't managed one ingredient and can't see how I will lucky board would be really appreciated before I go off my head
How do you get the second cherry??? I've gotten the first with plenty of moves but nothing else drops!!
Thanks. That helps a lot!
Was going to stop playin at level 4000. But this level made it happen earlier. Bye cc.
Posting for luck please
Hard but passed without boosters. I managed to make 3 colourbombs 1 switched with a stripe, 2nd switched with a wrap, last one I matched to a colour to active a stripe elsewhere to get the last ingredient out. The first ingredient just falls out if the chutes are clear. The 2nd you may need to take care of some bombs.
July 2020 and special candies still not dropping! What’s going on?
It’s not classified as hard. Mine is pink, and it’s ridiculously difficult. It’s fun to play either. I hate it & cc is starting to not be fun anymore
^^NOT fun to play
Please send me a lucky board. I’ve been stuck for a couple days and am getting nowhere. Thank you
Hoping for a lucky board please
HELP lucky board please!
Horrible shocking level.
Impossible en 14 coups . C’est décourageant
Oh come on candy crush give me a break 🥲🥲🥲🥲 I can’t see how I’m ever going to get this level. I can’t afford to buy boosters to bet past every level.
Veel te weinig zetten nu onmogelijk. Aub help mij.
My board has only one cherry and very few moves.I am not sure why but I do know I cannot win this level without some help or a miracle.
In May 2023, the board doesn't look anything like this, there is only one item (a dragon at the moment), and TEN moves.
This level has completely changed! Update please?
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