Candy Crush Saga Level 3968 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3968 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 3968 is an ingredients level, you have to collect three cherries to complete the level and you only have 23 moves to do it.
The first job is to clear the cake as quickly as possible and if you have a coconut wheel to spare I would suggest you use it.
Once the cake is clear the first ingredient will drop and the remaining cherries will drop as you play so you you don't have to wait until the first one is out of the exit to get the rest.
Don't worry about the route to get the ingredients to the exits, they will find their way as you play. All you need to do is to clear the waffles out of the way and the cherries will be collected. If you can keep making moves on one side of the board the whole time all the cherries will drop out of that side and this will make things a bit easier.
If you can maanage to make a colourbomb/wrap combo or a colourbomb/stripe combo you will have a better chance of clearing the most waffles, but it isn't easy to make combos as the board can be very restricted due to the number of waffles.

The video below starts with 27 moves but is completed in 22 although the waffles are now much thicker so much harder to clear than in the video, but at the moment there are no new videos available.
Video by Kazuohk
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.


Anonymous said...

Posting for luck.

Carol the elder said...

Thanks Cookie! The wheel was a big help, especially when two turned up side by side during play!

Unknown said...

Twice this level has just gone on for ever, had to be ended. V annoyed lost special candies and lives for no reason

Unknown said...

Me too, just kept going til I quit the level and started it again. Lost Life and my boosters. Not fair!!

Jan said...

Me too����

Snowy in Buffalo said...

If possible start with CB combo, good news it gets the cake, bad news it drops a lot of waffles, but got it on the first go

Anonymous said...

Three times now this level has gone on forever, until I ended it! Lost all my boosters and life’s! Not happy!

VIVIEN said...

What a nice easy level done 1st try 😀

Anonymous said...

Yet another dumb level that is different layout for me than any of the clearly easier examples on video. Why make these so impossible?

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!!!

Anonymous said...

Mine is totally different from this video and I only have 22 moves. It's extremely frustrating.

Agnes Power said...

Posting for luck and a lucky board please!!!!

cookie56 said...

Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...


1> change the board
2> reduce to 21 move
3> fulfill with idiot thick waffle
4> set the 3rd damn cherry not to drop

Anonymous said...

i think king desperately want us to quit so that they dont have to continue to do new level.

Anonymous said...

Yes the number of moves has changed as well as the waffles (they don't have licorice locks on them)

Neen Katzman said...

Posting for luck!!!

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Marcelo said...

Entire different level, I wonder what was happening when the other high scores in my board are 16000 points, and my goal to complete this leves was 2550000 points. Level with just two colors and bombs, entirely different fron the one I see here

Erick S said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Erick S said...

Same as Marcello above, maybe King recently changed it. I was fortunate to have the full Space Dash/Lucky Letters/Bot or whatever the bonus is now, plus a 2 hour CB bonus from finishing partner tasks. If you play this version of it slowly and carefully, doing CB with single color or other non-CB combos, you can generally keep the countdown bombs (6 moves) at bay. It's pretty much self playing and the candy cane fences are restricting as usual, but don't keep you from meeting the points requirement (hitting several bombs by matching a CB with a regular candy boosts your score the most). Just patiently whack away at one color or area of bombs and watch the cascades go and eliminate most of the bombs every shot. Good luck, fellow crushers!

tonytones said...

whats the point of making a level that you might as well quite 5 moves before end because there's no hope in beating it??? this f''ked

Anonymous said...

What a pointless and dull level, you have almost no choice over the moves you can make because the board is so restricted so it is a case of playing this level over and over again until King finally decides to give you a lucky board. Please go back to designing fun levels....

Sawsan said...

Not the same level ..please fix

Anonymous said...

Hard to make any boosters...I have to wait for a lucky board :-(

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck please xx

Anonymous said...

This is the most annoying level not coming anywhere near ,so posting for luck again xx

nicx said...

encore besoin d'aide et de chance please

Deb V. said...

Lost all boosters, posting for luck! Once again!

Unknown said...

Posting for luck!

Mr. Magog said...

once again, posting for luck

Fräulein Pop said...

Posting for luck

Mr. Magog said...

shocked there aren't anymore comments...this level is killing me. Posting for luck once again

Annu said...

Posting for luck please! Such a frustrating level

Annu said...

I give up. I’m tired of these levels that strategy doesn’t work. Have to depend on luck. Time to try something else.

Jean said...

Posting for luck. Good heavens...I just can't get this one done.

Player said...

Man what a boring level. And of course - in the style of king - impossible to pass. Wonder why there arent't that many comments. Where is everybody? Did they all quit because it is hardly doable these days and very frustrating instead of relaxing?

Player said...

So what's the average on this level king? I mean what's the average of all players to pass this level? Am i close yet to let me pass?

Player said...

BORING AND IMPOSSIBLE...FIX THIS LEVEL PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Crushing Daisy said...

Waffles suck way too many. Impossible. Posting for luck.

Marielle said...

Just seems impossible!!! And not at all funny...just need help please ...

meliana said...

I hate this game, now you reduce the move with only 21. very frustating, no more fun

meliana said...

and i hv different board, so im done!!!

meliana said...

Im QUIT, sooooo stupid level. delete this game is absolutely

Unknown said...

Impossible!! Posting for luck

meliana said...

this level is impossible to pass, even with an hour coconut wheel, the third cherry doesnt drop and the thicker waffle and only 21 moves make it impossible to pass. cmon KIng this level must be get fixed. even with an hour coconut wheel still impossible

Hp.fruity said...

My strategy that nearly worked was clear as much waffle as you can then set off the cake causing 2 fruit to drop. Unfortunately not enough moves to get the 3rd out. Wasted a few coconut wheels as no space to move them properly. Only passed as got fed up and used a saucer + a hammer for last fruit. Horrible level.

Shystar said...

Posting for luck

Shystar said...

Posting for luck again please

Shystar said...

Please please need luck tired of this horrible level

Shystar said...


Unknown said...

Impossible to win this board... Boring.. Only having 20 moves and the waffles are falling down within the first move and block the exit for the cherries. The last cherry is falling down when you have 2 last moves... What do you think makes us fun with this level?? Nothing!!! So please change the board or send luck to everyone... Thx

Anonymous said...

Not fun at all and can't even come close to passing! I can't even tell you how many lives I've gone through because I have unlimited lives right now. Ugh!!!

Shari said...

Not enough moves, too many waffles. Another boring, senseless and luck only game!

Chillgirl said...

Not enough moves —only get boosters to help on the last couple moves, if at all. I’m not coming close,so I’m saying this level is impossible without the lucky board. I’ve used my coconut wheels, cb, and stripe-wrap, all with no luck. Just a waste of my boosters. Help !! I need that lucky board !!

Nellebel said...

Dit moet een makkelijk niveau zijn. Niet dus. Te weinig zetten. Frustrerend. AUB help.

JuleP said...

What a malicious idea to give the last cherry not before the last move? King, this is a brainless trap 😠

Narrabeam said...

Reduced to 20 moves and the 3rd cherry doesn’t drop until last minute. Another King con