Candy Crush Saga Level 3974 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 3974 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 3974 is an orders level, you have to collect the two cakes and three popcorns to complete the level.
The first job is to clear the first cake in as few moves as possible, this will unlock all the locked licorice and the popcorns. Once the first cake is cleared you will then have to work your way down through the licorice to the second cake and popcorns.
Wrapped candies are best for clearing licorice and they will also grow the popcorns.
If you can make a colourbomb/wrap combo this should clear a lot of licorice and, hopefully get to the cake as well. Better still, if you can manage it, is a double colourbomb combo as this will clear the licorice and also hit the popcorns and cake.

Level 3974 is possible without boosters as you will see from the video below, but it isn't easy! 
Video by Cookie
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know in the comments and I will try to change it.


Anonymous said...

Posting for luck. When there are no comments I don't know if it is because it's to easy or if no one has reached here...

Anonymous said...

Oops, I mean, too easy.

Anonymous said...

Passing by....cleared the episode...finally

Francisco Diego said...

Finished without boosters with 13 moves to spare. I hope they don't reduce the moves to 10.

Snowy in Buffalo said...

Started with CB/CB combo, done on last move, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

VIVIEN said...

Definitely start with 2 cb together then keep making combos done 1st time 😀

Judie said...

Started using the tic mark and finally got it using 2 hammers on the last cake.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

SweetE said...

Had full space Dash combine color bomb with wrapped candy. Added tick mark and I wish I hadn't, they turn into popcorn and locked the bottom cake. I did pass first time but got 15 free lives by watching advertisement and getting to spin wheel.

Tou52 said...

Posting for luck

Tou52 said...

Finally, an easy fun level, waited for soooo long :)

CB/CB combo did the trick.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Ian said...

Again made impossible

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Kevin said...

The video has the luckiest board ever. Total rubbish...

Kevin said...

Ok, so as several posters above suggested, the tick candy is the way to go. Genius guys, thanks😁 Onward

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Ifeanyi said...

Posting for luck

cookie56 said...

Posting for luck.

Foxy said...

Posting for luck

Ihhdle said...

The tick candy was really useful here. Changed repeatedly into colour bomb (while on the escalator), and it came back into the game many times, to enable long cascades.

Danielle said...

Been playing this level for two days...won wrapped/striped candies for 2 hours and not even close!!!! WTF CC

Sharda said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It is already a miracle if you can play the first cake away so nerf it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for no fun at christmas

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck. Moving to peak games

Bun said...

Ugh! U went thru all boosters. 5 tick candies. They kept turning into CBs. Even had a double CB and still couldn't get the bottom cake. I'm just about done. No more boosters. I'm so close to 4000 too. Hate the fact that it's really up to King when you win.

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Unknown said...

irrsinnig schwer. besser gesagt nicht möglich trotz Booster. macht kein Spass....

Unknown said...

nicht lösbar. das Level ist definitiv nicht machbar.

Becky said...

Not even getting close! Need some luck!

Anna said...

That was bad. Used checkmark booster but honestly wasn’t all that much help. Make sure to match it on the conveyor. That way you get credit for a popcorn but only get the CB. After the popcorn requirement is satisfied, the checkmarks do nothing so ignore them.

However, while doing this satisfies the popcorn requirement, there are still the 3 around the bottom cake. They make it almost impossible to hit it. I used no boosters about 10 times, checkmark about 10 times, 1/2 full stocking 2 times, and all three boosters 2 times. I only hit 1 slice out of the bottom cake once before I got the whole thing. All the other attempts I couldn’t even hit the bottom cake. That was crap.

Unknown said...

post for luck post for luck..

Anonymous said...

Not enough moves! Terrible level.

Anonymous said...

����NOT a fun level!!

Anonymous said...


Raimo said...

I used my last life without boosters and I almost passed - only one slice from the bottom cake left. Without hammer I couldn't finish the level. For other trials I need a lucky board.

Rosita said...

posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Posting for a lucky board.

Flippenheck said...

Help needed please

Deb V. said...

Really? Posting for luck! Once again!

Deb V. said...

So sick of this level! Might be the end for me!

shelleyjim said...

Need luck also

Wendy green said...

Who said it was easy its terrible tried for a week now posting for luck

Linda Maitan said...

Posting for luck

Texas Red Rose said...

Not enough moves and I am tired of having to use boosters to complete these levels. King, just stop making CC if this is the way you intend to go. Not fair that Cookie's video is just too good to be true. You determine when a person will beat the level. So not right.

Suzie Meara said...

Here we go again. Another impossible level with the amount of moves given! Waiting for a lucky board!FUN!!

Anônimo said...

Outro nível ridículo e nojento. Hora de excluir o CC. Sorte para quem fica.

Unknown said...

3972 waiting for a week!! Now this fucking one !!! I just can't understand all these fucking crap levels!!! Gimme the fuckin lucky board you bastards !!!

Pinky said...

This is a hard one posting for lucky board please

Shirley Ragland said...

Please, please, help me pass this crazy hard game!

Shirley Ragland said...

There's no way I'll ever pass this without help! I'm very frustrated, it's not any fun anymore to constantly lose! Please help!

Hp.fruity said...

I did most of this without boosters. I started without any as when I tried using some they got wasted and did nothing.

You have to clear the first cake quickly. I eventually did the first cake with 19 moves left to tackle the rest. I managed to make combos. I had to use 2 hammers to finish sadly.

On another go I’d cleared nearly everything and had the two colourbomb from the popcorn next to eachother but no moves left to use them. Frustrating level.

Chillgirl said...

This is so frustrating! If I get anything decent to use, I’ve got 1 or 2 moves left !! Help, I need that lucky board or I’ll be here forever !

sonbeam said...

As I've said before, why spend money on this when it doesn't help? And now this race for boosters!!!! Finish last every time and I don't even opt in to "play" And they call this fun????

Pjcastree said...

Hoping for a lucky board please

GC said...

When I get a wrapper and stripe it doesnt swipe horizontally properly. It barely takes out one candy. As for the sprinkle an wrappers they still don't all burst and do much damage like before on other games. And as for trying to get rid of the 2nd cake there just aren't enough moves.

Megan L said...

What is the space dash I always read about? And I never get tick candies either. I must be missing something!

Kay said...

Posting for luck

Lili10 said...

Publié pour la chance Merci

Unknown said...

Lucky board please 🙏

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Posting for luck ✨

Stylish said...

More moves needed and unlock the licorice to have a chance of passing this level!

Mickey said...

Thisis very frustrating!!! Not getting anywhere with this one.
Please I wasso near closing needed only one move but then luck runs out.I really need a lucky board.