Candy Crush Saga Level 4035 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 4035 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 4035 Candy Crush Saga is a dual task level, you have to clear all the jelly and collect 2 ingredients to complete the level.
The first job is to collect the keys to unlock the bottom half of the board, you will get wrapped and striped candies dropping from the top of the board and these are very useful for growing the popcorns and clearing blockers and jelly.
Once the board is unlocked look for colourbomb combos, especially switched with wrapped candies as these will clear the jelly and collect the ingredients the best.
The moves have been reduced and here is the latest video from YT

Video by Cookie
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Anonymous said...

First here? Too easy for comments? Posting for luck.

2sweet said...

Only 20 moves now!! Annoying

Anonymous said...

This level is impossible as the ingredients never drop onto the board. It's bad enough that these levels can't be done without boatloads of boosters but this no ingredients is just crap. How about King fixes this so a person can at least use all our boosters to beat the level.

Mike said...

Yup, no second ingredient on 2 consecutive attempts. I was able to clear everything else, one without the SD, and left hanging. Playing on Android tablet.

VIVIEN said...

Full bot then 2cb together had to use extra moves but done

Anonymous said...

I’m with you. I cleared board & the one cherry. The nut would not drop. Decided to stop game while I still had money left . Not good

Anonymous said...

This is going to be a nasty Christmas.
Reached an impossible level (again)

Anonymous said...

Cleared all the board and with 5 moves left the nut never fell and I lost the game

Anonymous said...

Online 20 moves 😩 Help 🍀

Anonymous said...

Only 20 moves 😩 Help please 🍀

Anonymous said...

posting for lucky board please x

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Cleared the whole board but NEVER got a nut or cherry. What is going on!!!?????

Anonymous said...

Where’s the nut? 🙀🤓🥺

Mimi said...

Help, posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Is it just me, whenever a popcorn sprinkle auto detonates it never targets the colour of the keys? I've played this level so many times and each time it picks another colour. Most of the time they auto detonate so you are left trying to clear the keys which is just about impossible with 20 moves...grrr...

hillie said...

4035 inposible level i can pass this level in 20 moves even if i jus boosters pleas help it,s verry boring to play this levelgrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


Anonymous said...

Impossible posting for luck

Anonymous said...

mark it as a SUCK level


Anonymous said...

Cleared all the jelly with moves to spare but never saw the last 2 ingredients, so how is it possible to complete the level?

Anonymous said...

Re my previous comment just left, actually I cleared the ingredients but they didn’t register. I assumes there were more but going back to the game, it’s only one of each. So there is a fault in the game. I’m done.

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Anonymous said...

20 moves seems impossible
Can’t close the level
Need help
Posting for lucky board
Thanks CC

Anonymous said...

20 moves are not fair
Impossible level
Posting again for lucky board

Dolce’ said...

For sure they want our money, these people need to get paid. It’s a game, if you can’t enjoy it then quit! No on said it was easy. And be nice for crying out loud!!! Geez.

Foxy said...

This level sucks! Posting for luck.

Cathy said...

I cleared the whole board, but never got credit for candies. Not sure if they weren't counted or wetter never even there! I wasted my free spin for more moves!

Cathy said...

This level is not working! How are we supposed to contact king? They are smart, we can't!

Cathy said...

Well this level is broken. Very different story on this one.

Cathy said...

Same here

jenn2727 said...

need to fix this!! I've "beat it " twice now but doesn't register the cherry or nut collected

Catherin01 said...

Needs fixing sooo boring stuck and waiting for
Board board

Catherin01 said...

Bored waiting for lucky board

Catherin01 said...


Anonymous said...

Very hard help

Anonymous said...

Just don’t seem to have enough moves. By the time I’ve cleared the keys,which isn’t easy, I’ve not enough moves to clear jelly.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!

Raven2009 said...

Another tough level. Posting for luck!

Bun said...

Yet another impossible, rigged level. How can you win a level when the ingredients won't drop. Where's the nut? Typing this message I think! It's crazy to continue.

Bun said...

WTF????? 30 extra moves and NEVER SAW A NUT. Tucked much. You suck King! Fixed. Rigged. Done!

Anonymous said...

Can’t believe that such an innocuous looking board may be the one that defeats me. Need luck to do this one

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

PyroDecor said...

Well thats bullshit....cleared everything and like many others no second ingredient ever dropped...

Unknown said...

Ich hab nur 20 Züge und das ist nicht machbar. Selbst mit Booster hat man keine Chance. Sinnlos solche level

jackied said...

Omg I only have 20 MOVES.... This is a waste of my time. IMPOSSIBLE

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Neen Katzman said...

Oh come on cc!!! Really!!! NOT ENOUGH MOVES !!! GRRRRR POSTING FOR LUCK!!!!

Anonymous said...

Iimpossible in 20 moves !! Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Where are the nut and cherry. Cleared the board with 8 goes left but no nut or cherry how do I get them to drop.

Anonymous said...

Now the evil CC has taken away the ability to go back to level 3711 to get the bot. That’s it for me.......they obviously don’t want us to continue playing. I won’t play any other Cc game.

Anonymous said...

Impossible. Playing Crossy Road now. At least I have a chance at that game!

Martha A said...

Posting for luck asthen gonna go play angry birds & words withfriends🤕

Unknown said...

Tell me HOW are you suppose to clear the game if the 2 remaining nut/cherry do not fall. Its impossible. I cleared board twice but for the 2. Play fair CC or its off to a new game....plenty to choose from

Maria said...

Cleared everything first time but no ingredients falling also. Not fair

Unknown said...

Where are the ingredients? Cleared the board but no ingredients. There’s no box with ingredients dropper.

Raimo said...

I have lost ability to go lower levels and get boosters over 100 levels ago. CC is not fair because some people can keep this ability. Some people do not have reset ability too. This is not fair. CC is not a fair play. However I hope a lucky board. This is the only possibility. I haven't bought any helps from CC and I never will buy. Why am I still playing this game. The game itself is not fun, it used to be.

Anonymous said...

I’m done playing and paying for this game....ever since I got screwed spending $ on piggy bank for only 30 bars instead of 60 with no “heads up” informing me of the change and now my fruits disappear from board making it impossible to pass. This game has become so boring!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!

MaryPR said...

Lever is broken. Impossible to conolete 🤬

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck! Impossible!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck! Ready to quit!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck! 2 days!! Ugh!!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck! Help please..l

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!

Betsy said...

I cleared everything with moves to spare but the ingredients did not register as being released. There is a problem with this one! Please advise

Rosita said...

posting for luck

Anonymous said...

You need a lucky board to pass this level..I’m still waiting for one :-(

Julie said...

Thinking Candy Crush will end here for a lot of players. This board is not with the effort.

Anonymous said...

Feeling a little ticked off. I cleared this level off all the jelly, and dropped the two fruits down, had moves left but not given the clearance on level. Still said I had fruit to clear.

Unknown said...

Same problem, no ingredients dropped and if they did, didn't register.

Flippenheck said...

Oh crikey... Please help

Flippenheck said...

Oh crikey...please help

nicx said...

besoin d'aide et de chance please

collenfan said...

Posting for luck again for this difficult level.

E.Ham said...

Why does king always reduce the number of moves? Ridiculous!!! Now tells me at start of level how many people used extra moves on the level...ok, a high number only means the level sucks! Not giving them a penny!!! And I used to.

Deb V. said...

Posting for luck! Again!

Blueblood said...

Posting for luck again, can't even get close !!

DawnieCoops said...

Posting for a lucky board please

Linda Maitan said...

Now if I got a board like they show
I’d be happy
Posting for luck

Cruella714 said...

This level REALLY sucks big time, I'm actually getting fatigue from trying so many times, I'm NOT spending a dime on this one, I wait a month if I have to...screw you King!! Posting for luck!

Cindy said...


Cindy said...


Cindy said...


R.Sulahian said...

Posting for luck.

Ruth said...

Posting for a lucky board gonna play cookie jam for a while

Player said...

After numerous tries....nothing, nada.....pffffff

barb W said...

This is the pits! Time you get the keys open, not nearly enough moves left to finish the level. Stinks! Help!!

Unknown said...

Extremely difficult level with such a few amount of moves. Also, why can I no longer reset the board before the first move if I don't like the set-up? King, please increase the amount of moves and let us re-set the board without losing a life!

meliana said...

so boring level not even close to clear all the jelly, so stupid to play this such game

JAX. said...

Posting for luck.

Sparkyjo said...

Looks easy but of course it’s not!!!
Posting for luck please

Sab2 said...

is it just me or is this episode a really boring one, where pure luck is the only way to get thru?? Even starting with full boosters right from the beginning, not even close to reaching the keys at the bottom! Real close to being fed up with this game! Once agin posting for a lucky board

Sab2 said...

well, I think this is the one that gets me to quit. It's been fun. But now, not finding it fun anymore. You've been helpful on many occasions. Good luck to you all

Frustrated said...

Posting for luck. Hopefully

Pinky said...

Help!!!!!!! Posting for lucky board please

Shystar said...

Posting for luck please

Nancy said...


Shystar said...

Posting for luck please

Shystar said...

Posting for luck please

Shystar said...

Posting for luck please

Shystar said...

Posting for luck please

Unknown said...

Please help me with level 4035 I have been stuck on the level for days I'm not getting anywhere with it thanks

Anonymous said...

Game is rigged beyond belief!

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

AlexCrush said...

I know I need to make those bottom keys into bombs to even make a good attempt at beating this, but it ain’t happening. Need some luck

Chillgirll said...

I’m stuck here !! Can’t get those bottom keys in time. Help !! I need a lucky board !!

Rena said...

Posting for luck!!!’

Rena said...

I really need a lucky board!!

Rena said...

Third post. This is an impossible level. The only thing that could possibly help with the lucky board. It’s one of those I give up levels.

Old school crusher said...

Posting for luck

Pjcastree said...

Hoping for a lucky board please

Henie said...

All my levels are hard if not , very hard . I need help , this is impissible to pass with fewer moves ..

Julie joel said...

This level is the pits I'll never do it please give me more moves candy crush it's driving me insane

Julie joel said...

This level is so hrd the nightmarishly ones are easier I'm coming of it cos it's driving me insane

Julie joel said...

Arghhhh one left to hit & I didn't have a hammer please give me strength I need more moves please candy crush give me more moves

jackluver said...

Hard, boring level. Need lucky board. Posting for luck. Horrible level!!