Candy Crush Saga Level 4041 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 4041 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 4041 Candy Crush Saga is classified as a hard level so you can expect to lose a few lives before you manage to pass it. It is also a dual task level, as well as clearing the jelly you have to collect the four popcorns from the middle of the board to complete the level.
You need a good start to have any chance of clearing this level and by that I mean you need to be able to collect the keys in the first few moves, if you are unable to collect the keys quickly you will have zero chance of clearing anything else as your combos will be blocked and the popcorns are not accessible.
At the same time as you are collecting the keys it is also important that the chocolate is kept under control, especially along the top of the board or it could block your moves just as much as the locked cells.
Once the keys are collected the popcors will be exposed but so will the spawner which will spawn blockers around the popcorns, this will not stop you hitting them, but it can cover any colourbombs you get from the popcorns and also the jelly that is under them.
Wrapped candies and colourbomb/stripe combos are really useful in this level once you have collected the keys, they are fairly easy to make so look carefully before every move.
If you find the noise from the spawner disturbing turn off the sound so that it doesn't cause you to rush your moves. The spawner has to be destroyed as there is jelly under it, but once the popcorns are cleared it will be much easier to make matches beside the spawner and hit it with combos.
Finally don't forget the four jellies in the corners of the board. Hopefully you will have cleared them with your combos but make sure you do clear them as they are easy to overlook.

Video by Johnny Crush
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Dee said...

Got keys in first four moves. Still needed 5 extra moves to pass. Ridiculous!

Sandra Nottestad said...

Full stocking plus two hammers for final jelly in upper corner.

Unknown said...

Need better boards

cvp said...

I play past levels over and over for free boosters!!! I have tried every combo to start!! I can't come close!! Once again, another tedious level!!! NEED TO BUY EXTRA MOVES!!!! And lucky board!! Or just quit!!

Donna said...

Started with full space dash and added a fish booster. Must have had a very lucky board because I finished with 7 moves left.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Posting for Luck....xoxoxo Katie from Sydney

Anonymous said...

Am seriously sick of this type of crap level which depends purely on getting a miraculous lucky board

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas King!
A little gift in a lucky board would make me very happy.
groetjes uit Amsterdam:-)

Anonymous said...

Posting for luckπŸ˜•

Melanie said...

Posting for luck

EL BEATLE said...

Achieved in 4 moves with 1 chocolate Bomb booster.4

Anonymous said...

Posting for a lucky board, please.....

Anonymous said...

I can’t see how you could possibly pass this level without boosters.. I couldn’t do it with boosters. One time it even said I had defeated all the popcorns, yet there they were with their jelly under them. Finally, I was doing well, and since I had 11
moves left, I took a chance and used my party hat/Pinata. I never had one before, and I have no idea how or when I earned it.
But the Party hat cleared the top layer off everything plus caused a few extra explosions, and made it possible to continue ans pass this nightmare level.
Sorry, no words of wisdom. Just wishing you good luck! πŸ€

Anonymous said...

EL BEATLE is mean and a falsifier.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Connor & Caroline said...

I’ve only gotten one key once. Yikes

Ifeanyi said...

Posting for luck

Ness said...

Horrible level! Chocolate grows so fast and can't keep up with it!

cookie56 said...

Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Aussie said...

Now a nightmarishly hard level.

Anonymous said...

Can’t come close this level
Very hard
Need help
Posting for lucky board
Thanks CC

Anonymous said...

No better board
Posting for lucky board

Taytay5 said...

How does anyone complete this level!?! This level is insane! I can barely grow the popcorn before time runs out not to mention clearing the jelly under the popcorn!

Taytay5 said...

Right after I posted the above comment, I passed the level! Coincidence? Whatever it is, I am happy to be moving on. Good luck everyone!

Anonymous said...

Boring nightmare

Momma Fox said...

After reading the comments. I knew this was going to suck. Full bot used 2 switched to make colourbomb/wrap and colourbomb/stripe combo. Used a hammer. Had only the spawner left. Spun the wheel and won 15 moves used 8. It took all that but I beat it first try .

Trina said...

Another ridulously impossible level I can't even get all the keys so no chance in completing there's either something wrong or I'm doing something wrong either way I'm totally getting to the end of playing cc
Will give of few more goes hoping a get lucky then its bye bye cc

Anonymous said...

Thank you for luckyboard, passed 1st go using all boosters, pure luck.

Anonymous said...

Used full bot + fish booster, bought 5 extra moves (with gold won from challenges),used one hammer on last jelly and won at the very last move... certainly not easy..

Catherin01 said...

Lucky board

Catherin01 said...


Catherin01 said...

Help with
Lucky board

Catherin01 said...


Catherin01 said...

Please bored bored boring

Anonymous said...

Fuck you King for coming up with such a stupid frustrating level for your loyalist players. If you want us to quit the game, just stop releasing new levels. Where's the joy in making your loyalist players feel like shit? NO MORE REVENUE FOR YOU!!!

Anonymous said...

They always have to throw one of these awful boards in. Well I'm done going to play peak games!!!

Anonymous said...

They have to throw one of these levels in just to piss us off. Well I'm done going to play peak games

Anonymous said...

Awful level!! Stuck for days. Lucky board please

Bun said...

Ugh! Another horror.

Anonymous said...

2 boring days so far.

Tedious crap level (another)

Fed up said...

Yikes this used to be fun now it's just very frustrating

Martha A said...

Oh. My. Gosh. Lucky board PLEASE

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck too!

Anonymous said...

Extremely can’t pass the level with a lucky one. Couldn’t seem to make combos or stripes to hit the popcorn...hard...waiting for a lucky board :-( :-(

Grandma said...

This is the most frustrating game for ages. I hate it. I like a challenge but this is ridiculous. Lucky board please.

Jonah said...

Another ridiculously hard level. Posting for luck again

Sunset said...

Help please

CidDeMizar said...

This Game has became tedious. Every few levels you are stuck waiting for lottery. No enjoyement.

Cindy said...


jan said...

Day 2 - stuck on this level - help! Not fun playing this game anymore.

He said...

Yikes! Lucky board is what I need.

Julllie said...

Help me with luck please.

Marwanjo said...

Same shit again. I try this game After a while, i Am not surprised, less comments, less players, back to my other games. More fun and i came further in a sporter time. Cc takes to much and endless time. So, not interesting to play.

AnΓ΄nimo said...

Por que vocΓͺ nΓ£o deleta logo o jogo ao invΓ©s de ficar fazendo comentΓ‘rios idiotas?

AnΓ΄nimo said...

Efetivamente tem jogos melhores e inteligentes. NΓ£o vou perder meu tempo aqui com este jogo manipulado e ridΓ­culo. Hora de excluir o CC. Sorte para quem fica.

meliana said...

so, the strategy is....we need the lucky board? when we'll get the lucky board? nobody knows, so one thing we can do right now is, stop playing and quit the game

Lindy lou said...

This game is irritating instead of fun. Sick of reading comments about boosters I never have so are useless

Sparkyjo said...

Posting for luck

Pinky said...

This level is impossible by the time you get the keys times running out posting for luck please

Shystar said...

Posting for luck please

Anonymous said...

Can’t get past the chocolate let alone get all of the keys! Ridiculous impossible level!

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Delicados Fiapos - Tildas said...

OlÑ, King!! Sem sua ajuda e uma placa de sorte, não consigo vencer essa fase! Então, por favor, ajuda!! Obrigada! Abraço!!!

Delicados Fiapos - Tildas said...

Muito obrigada, King!!!!!!!!

Paul said...

where are all the players going?
hmmm, could it be due to these shitty levels that can't be passed until the 3rd or 4th day....??

sonbeam said...

Here we go again Luck is the only requirement and a waste of time that could be spent doing something productive. This isn't even fun or educational or brain stimulating!!!!!

Max said...

I beat this level only because I won 15 extra moves with the wheel. No strategy here. Just luck.

Old school crusher said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Totally impossible 😑

Ulbru said...

Lucky board please

Henie said...

Can’t even get close to it … really need help!

jackluver said...

yet another hard tedious level with too few moves.posting for luck

karleneg said...

This board is nothing like the board on my phone for level 4041.

Unknown said...

Not same board posting for luck ✨

Unknown said...

Completely different board

Unknown said...


Nellebel said...

Ze spreken over sleutels. Ik zie geen sleutels. Heel ander spel. Waarom zo moeilijk dat je er dagen over doet. Help me aub. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ˜€πŸ˜©