Candy Crush Saga Level 4058 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 4058 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
You have to collect licorice, waffles and bombs to complete level 4058 Candy Crush Saga.
The orders drop from the top of the right side of the board and you have to keep the candies dropping by using combos which you can fire into the right side of the board.
Stripe/wrap combos and colourbomb combos will keep the candies moving and get the orders dropping, once the orders are on the board keep making combos to clear them, but remember to let the licorice drop before clearing any or it will stop dropping.
Colourbomb combos are the best for collecting the orders, switch with a stripe or a wrap to get as many cascades going as posible and you should collect the orders withing the moves available.

Video by Cookie
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Anonymous said...

No matter how good my moves are I never get enough licorice.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck.

Donna said...

I agree...enough licorice doesn’t fall even if I let it build up

Unknown said...

The moves reduced to 17... way to go cc

Anonymous said...

Very frustrating trying to get cascades. Colour bomb/wrap is a good combo but hard to make and that doesn't always give any liquorice. So needing 2 liquorice, one move and 2 hammers and 2 liquorice on the board I hammered the liquorice under the dispenser and another one dropped, so I obviously hammered that as well and another dropped. So if you are close and have hammers, worth hammering that liquorice under the dispenser. Nanny Annie

Naz said...

Posting for luck

Tou52 said...

Posting for luck

Tou52 said...

I just can't get enough licorice ?

Tou52 said...

Posting for luck, I just can't get enough licorice :(

Tou52 said...

Wow, I finally made it but it was quite tricky at the end. Had to use three hammers to place candies in the right position to get the 3 missing licorice, but it worked. Add to that the fact that I had a full SD at the beginning. Good luck everyone.

Brown dog said...

Posting for lucky board

Anonymous said...

Finally passed this level after I decided not to care about the licorice. Just keep clearing the board with any combo, and more licorice’s will fall. If you avoid hitting the licorice, it’s slow to build up.

Anonymous said...

Posting for a lucky board

Anonymous said...

Damn! The liquorice is bloody difficult to get!

Anonymous said...

"get as many cascades going as possible and you should collect the orders within the moves available".
The operative word is "should"
Like everyone else I can't get enough licorice to drop. IF they would drop I might be able to collect them.
Using the Lucky Booster hasn't helped.

Anonymous said...

Well here we go again. 6 moves left and one licorice needed and guess what none dropped. Lost track of how many times this has happened....
Time to give up. damned if I will pay one penny to King.....

Anonymous said...

Only 17 moves😬 Help 🍀

bec said...

licorice shortage!

Melanie said...

Posting for luck, can’t get enough licorice

The Savage Traveler said...

Ditto to the lack of licorice. Ugh!

Emsa8 said...

Same here. Had even 20 moves (3 more from space dash) and all ingredients except 2 liquorice, but no liquorice came with the last move though I didn't hit any the move before (as no liquorice was on the field...). The last move was a CB, so enough candies fell down under the respective spender... But so liquorice..
It's OK if King to make hard levels, but it's not ok to reduce the moves to almost impossible and then insert a glitch so it's really impossible to win (apart from using a huge amount of hammers like some bloggers told us above).
Because every game with liquorice was programmed like "a liquorice falls when you haven't hit one" (same with growing chocolate), so it's quite unfair to change the rules suddenly.

Emsa8 said...

CHECK BOOSTER is very helpful. Played half space dash for the 3 moves more and used check booster. With the very last move made the very last liquorice.

Ian said...

No way is .this doable with so few moves, looks like king want us to pay for extra moves? Very crafty time to quit I think

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Booboo said...

This level cannot be passed in its current state. There aren’t enough licorice falling to complete the orders. I give other choice! This game is over for us crushers!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Started with a cb/wrap nearly at the beginning (luck, not boosters). That helped a lot. Then a few moves later got a cb/stripe which took care of a lot too. Managed to end the level needing only two licorice (a miracle). Free spin for extra moves and completed it.

Unknown said...

The licorice fall 5 at a time. Once you clear one, no more will fall for 2 or more moves . So to start, there are 2 on the board and you should restart your board (i.e. do not make one move, quit, and restart to preserve your lives) until you have wrapped or striped candy to clear the bottom of the board without hitting the licorice until the other 3 fall. Then try to clear as quickly as possible. Managed to pass without using any boosters. So pay attention to when they start to drop and dont collect until all 5 fall throughout the game would be my best advice.

Anonymous said...

Same got down to 2 licorice almost every try

Anonymous said...

Really need some licorice and some luck!!

Anonymous said...

17 moves. Posting for luck

John said...

I get everything but the licorice. Can't get them to fall.

Anonymous said...

Can’t get the licorices

Hard level
Need help
Posting for lucky board
Thanks CC

Anonymous said...

Not enough licorices
This is a joke
If you need to play hours to get a level with no possibility to get close than is time to stop playing

Anonymous said...

Two days on this level
This is impossible
Left always one licorice
Gonna stop definitely playing CC
Use a lot of boosters but no way

cookie56 said...

Posting for luck & more licorice.

Anonymous said...

no matter how many times you play using how many cb also no use cause the licorice is always no enough. This level is just shit l

Catherin01 said...

Board please ������

Catherin01 said...


Catherin01 said...


HelenD said...

I get mighty fed up with people threatening to quit when they've come this far. However, this level does seem to be a waste of my time as it appears to be logistically impossible to collect the liquorice. I've followed the hint to leave it to fall at the beginning but this doesn't work and the amount of moves producing liquorice if you clear below it just doesn't add up in 17 moves. I can only wait and see if I can win a tick booster in the daily spin to see if these will convert to liquorice but I'm guessing they will guess to waffles or bombs. Help required with hints to overcome this glitch rather than listening to whinging and posting for luck

HelenD said...

So, the next time I played the level after putting up my comment, I miraculously cleared it - no tick booster, no extra moves - in fact no boosters whatsoever (as I don't have any!). I wish I could tell people what I did differently. Thing is I really don't know. Swapped a CB with a stripe twice but I've used this strategy before. All I can say is good luck and persevere!

Anonymous said...

Like Helen said, it is simply impossible to win until cc decide you can.
As simple as that.

Marylou said...

Stupid level

Anonymous said...

Well, been on this level for over a week and can’t get enough licorice to drop. Have read all the tips but none work. Used all boosters and now CC has stopped us going back to an easy level to get space dash I have no way to get boosters. I had one tick but they changed to bombs. All the remarks say the same, not enough licorice and not enough moves.

Anonymous said...

Used a check mark booster. Also, hitting licorice no longer delays more dropping.

jackied said...

PLEASE HELP... I only have 20 moves.

Anonymous said...

Dumb! Only 20 moves! Impossible ����

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Here’s how the cheat in this one Not enough licorice falls and cut moves by 5 Pretty disgusting

Anonymous said...

And as what was written above U don’t have to hit a licorice to get them to stop they stop on purpose whether u hit licorice or not

Erick S said...

Tough level. I got through it with full bot boosters (2 color bombs, 2 striped candies, 2 wrapped candies, 3 extra moves) WITH a +5 moves wheel spin. Cascades are key, as is watching how the candies flow through the candy cane fences. Make as many combinations and moves in the bottom right corner as you can, that seems to maximize the flow of stubborn licorice and allow you collect them, waffles, and countdown bombs best. Good luck everyone, thank you for the tips, and happy crushing!

Anonymous said...

Very hard level...licorice is a problem...waiting for a lucky board to pass :-(

K said...


Dee said...

Ridiculous. Can get to 1 liquorice needed. Then out of moves. 3 times have had 2 colourbomb combos I a games but still no liquorice falling

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

So after making comment get through with the next go. Go figure that one!

Flippenheck said...

Too much liquorice. please

Popmeg said...

Posting for luck

Eliza h said...

Where’s the licorice? It doesn’t fall out of its slot!!! I actually used to spend money on this game when an occasional booster was needed. Not a penny in months, since you have to multiples on almost every level! Never enough moves. Ripping us off! There shud be a middle ground btw making money and making levels that are passable without money.

Eliza h said...

I can only get down to one licorice but it doesn’t fall! WTH?

Katericia said...


Anna A said...

Ignore the right side of the board unless you see an easily made special candy like a colorbomb. Play the left side and make combos as high as you can. Use them asap so that they hit as many licorice as possible, allowing more to drop soon. Colorbomb/stripe or colorbomb/wrapped work good. Don't worry if licorice doesn't fall right away, more will with the next combo strike. Good Luck!

User 54 said...

Seriously!! Not enough licorice falls even when I have the moves!!!

Cindy said...


Cindy said...


Alessandra said...

Not enough moves to collect liquorice. My patience is running out ! Sucky level indeed.

EC said...

Posting for luck

barb W said...

I don't know why this isn't classified as difficult, nasty difficult. Like the other posters, the licorice is few and far between, but no problem with the other two. Help!

Goldenmama said...

Although I haven’t passed this dumb level yet, I think Anna A has good advice above and I have come very close since starting to follow her tip to ignore the right side of the board.

Laura said...

Checkmark booster. Got it on the first try. Good luck Crushers!

Unknown said...

My nerves are going to explode with this crap level !! The previous level took me 4 days to I have another shit...someone cut moves and disappear the liquorice...why ? We want to have fun...not the opposite to happen...

Cathy said...

Always need 2 licorice. Lucky board please

steve said...

after about 50 games where I never got enough licorice even to appear on the board. I finally got lucky. a CB/wrap and a CB/stripe left me needing 6 with 8 moves to go , then 3 with 1 move to go and they were actually ON the board. Had to use a saucer to get them. So glad to be done with this one.
good luck all

Shystar said...

Posting for luck please

Shystar said...

Posting for luck again please

Shystar said...

Impossible posting for luck again please

Shystar said...

Posting for luck again please

Anju said...

Looking impossible each time I left with licorice To collect not enough licorice fell from dispenser
Plz luck

Anju said...

Playing from 2dayz

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Chillgirll said...

Can’t come close with so few moves. The video has special candies dropping almost every move—- that’s not the case for me. Posting for the lucky board with some special candies !!

Paul said...

a nice and an easy level only to be ruined (as always) by a ridiculously insufficient number of moves...

this is becoming an all too familiar pattern. it takes days to pass a level....

Max said...

Not enough moves

Westcar said...

After playing this level for several days I think the only way for me to pass is by the developers to offer either : 25 moves instead of 19 OR a 25% increase in the number of licorice released with the 19 moves.

Under current restrictions I can do no better that ending the round with 7 or more licorice needed and not even on the board yet.

Candy Thompson said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

No way to beat this level..not enough moves for one, there is never enough licorice dropped. I have foklowed suggestions and tips to no avail. This sucks. I got to within 1 and no licorice dropped so no chance to beat level. Not spending a dime on this game...King can suck it with this level.hard to beat when they don't drop nearly enough of what you need..

Sharon said...

Posting for luck

Ticka said...

Followed the tip posted above about ignoring right side of the board and concentrating on combos. Finally passed this this horror show.

Sharon said...

Posting for luck

Barbie5000 said...

That’s about the end of me for CC. This level is impossible!

Rena said...

I need a lucky board.

Old school crusher said...

Posting for luck

Old school crusher said...

Posting for luck.....

Old school crusher said...

Really king??? Come on already Im not spending a dime....

Anonymous said...

Never enough damn licorice, you 😡

Anonymous said...

Truth in advertising, “We never give you enough licorice to pass this level so shame on you for even trying!”

Cath said...

Il reste des coups à jouer mais plus de réglisse qui tombent ( il en manque toujours 2) !!!

Ulbru said...

Never enough licorice. Lucky board please

Henie said...

Use all my boosters and still could not get licorice to come down ….helppppppp pls !

Rhonda said...

Impossible to get enough liquorice 😢😢😢😢😢😢

wtrc said...

As a lot of people before me there's never enough liquorice 🥴to finish the game how do I get more liquorice 🤔 help please or the lucky board😀

Poonam said...


Kay said...

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

Scripted to not drop enough licorice. Even when it should drop more..similar to bombs etc, they simply won't drop. I had 6 moves to get 2 more licorice and although the licorice column was moving nothing came. Lucky board or Pay to Play. Should be CCs new name...Pay to Play

Unknown said...

Posting for luck ✨

Nancy said...

only 19 moves. not enough licorice

Stylish said...

Needed 3 licorice the don’t drop, even if I leave them to build up they don’t!
And moves reduced to 19! What a joke this game is, tou can only pass these stupid levels when king decides to let you waste time on the next impossible level, so boring no skill needed.