Candy Crush Saga Level 4070 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 4070 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 4070 is a multi task level, you have to collect waffles and licrice as well as clear all the jelly to complete the level.
The two spawners will lock the orders in licorice locks every third move if you don't hit them, so the more you can keep making combos to hit the spawners and the orders the better chance you have of clearing the level.
Stripe/wrap combos are good as are colourbomb/stripe combos although colourbomb/wrap combos won't help at all with the orders so don't waste moves making them.
You don't need to clear the spawners but if they get cleared as you play it isn't a problem as you don't need them to give you the orders.
Make sure that you don't forget about the jelly while you are concentrating on the orders, it will most likely be cleared as you work on making combos, but you need to make sure you don't forget and leave a jelly which will make you fail after all your hard work.

There are now only 20 moves and the video below starts with more, but it is completed well within the 20 moves available.
Video by Johnny Crush
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Anonymous said...

I'm still in level 4036, but I want to stay that I'm one of the bests in the world and I never will pay a penny to King! Take that Gus! hahaha!

Anonymous said...

is that you Roger?
started to hide behind Anonymous?

cvp said...

Tell me this isn't rigged to let you win or lose!! Is it really skill???!! Or just a lucky board??!! I have only been on this level 2 days. So I completed everything required to pass this level, except I needed 4 licorice!! Just 4 when I ran out of moves. I thought I was lucky when I spun the wheel and got 15 extra moves!! No stripes dropped from the stripe dispenser!! I managed to make & combine a color bomb with a striped candy!! Twice I did that!! Both times ZERO HITS to the licorice!! Zero!! Every striped candy lined up with the licorice went the wrong way!! This is the second time in 2 days!! I have no boosters left, or money to spend!! It sucks to use skills to complete, and then have blocks to stop you!!

Geneviève said...

Romana , qui es-tu ???Un extra terrestre !!
Faire 12000 bombes multicolores en 3 jours dans la course cosmique !!!!c'est impossible !!
Je voudrais qu'on m'explique !!!Merci .

Anonymous said...

Oops I forgot to say that it is me, Roger75, the greatest ever!

Geneviève said...

Coucou, j'attends toujours une explication !
Ce "Tamana" doit tricher !!!
Roger75 , vous êtes le + fort ! Vous devez pouvoir me répondre !! MERCI .

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but my French is not so good... Could you please speak in english ir even in portuguese?

Anonymous said...

or maybe you should learn french mon revoir

Anonymous said...

ok only because you are a friend i will translate for you...she said that you were an idiot and that uou are still pathetic
your pal

Anonymous said...

I think she said she hates King programmers like Gus, who are very angry with people who will never buy boosters from them. Hahaha!

Anonymous said...

What a horrible level to end this episode. I used all the boosters to start with, and started with a stripe/colour bomb all the time. At the fifth attempt, I managed to eliminate the spwaner in the right lower corner, and managed to get the waffles needed.

Work as much as possible in the left lower section, where the stripes drop on the board very often. I was lucky with the cascades I guess, and lucky with the 'wheel' giving me 5 extra moves. I would classify this level as a 'nightmare difficult' level.

I only paid once for a booster, at level 350, back than, where you did not get a booster at all for free... 5 years ago?

A few days of rest before the new levels come to Europe next Wednesday again.

Good luck from the Netherlands!

Geneviève said...

Bonsoir à tous . Merci pour votre humour : j' apprécie vos échanges !!!!
Je suis une mamie à la retraite depuis bien longtemps et Cc est mon passe-temps favori .je pense même que c'est une addiction !!!Je n'ai jamais acheté de boosters , Je termine rapidement les niveaux proposés le en attendant les prochains je fais la course cosmique . D'où ma question .
Le joueur dont je parle a ce soir dépassé les 14000 points et je ne comprends pas !!!
Par contre pour répondre à Roger 75 , je ne parle ni anglais ni portugais et je le déplore ! J'aurais tant aimé connaître des langues étrangères !
Encore une fois merci . J'adore vos si quelqu'un a la réponse à ma question .... A la prochaine ; je vous suis régulièrement .

Unknown said...

Need better boards

Geneviève said...

Bonjour ,
Il est en France 6h55 et je suis déjà sur le jeu !!! J'ai déjà fait monter mon confisiomètre et gagné quelques boosters pour le prochain épisode ! Quand je vous dit que je suis accro !!!
En fait ,je suis une mamie à la retraite depuis déjà longtemps et Candy crush est mon passe-t-il temps favori !!
Bonne journée à vous tous .

Anon lafy said...

Bonjour, Genevieve, je parle un peu de francais. Vous devez jouer '3309' pour gagner les bombes molticoleurs. J'espere que mon reponse vous donner que vous voulez comprendre. Bon chance!

Unknown said...

In dire need of friendly boards, especially as King is withholding my access to the Space Dash, Bots, Helmet, and other boosters.

Geneviève said...

Merci beaucoup Anon Lafy ...
Je faisais le niveau 1476 et je récupérais 25 à 30 bombes . J'ai suivi vos conseils et j'en ai récupéré 202 !!!!!!!
La course est terminée pour cette semaine , mais la semaine prochaine je vais"briller" !!!!!
Encore un gros merci .Une question un peu indiscrète : qu'elle est votre nationalité ? Votre français est parfait .
Bonne soirée .

Anonymous said...

Genevieve, peut etre est parce que il utilize goodle translate!

Anonymous said...

haha google translate

Anon lafy said...

No, Anonymous, I learned French at school.

Genevieve, je suis Anglaise. Merci pour votre gentilesse. Bonne Nuit! A demain.

Anonymous said...

moi aussi quand jaite en ecole secondaire. J'ai 59 ans et je souviens un petit peu de francais

Geneviève said...

Coucou , et encore merci Anon Lafy .
Je viens de rejouer le 3309 et j'ai eu 1850 boules !!! Maintenant je comprends la progression de Romana !
Je suis une retraitée de 73 ans !!! J'habite le sud de la France et j'adore Candy crush !! Merci et bonne journée .

Anon lafy said...

De rien, Genevieve. C'est bon, 1850 boules. Jouez plus, pour gagner plusieur. Il faut jouer et jouer!!!! Bonne chance.

Bonne journee. (J'ai 75 ans et je demeure en Somerset, c'est dans le sud-ouest d'Angketerre.)

Snowy in Buffalo said...

Changed to nightmare level today! Got it after 2 days with full stocking and 2 moves to spare, go figure, perhaps the elusive lucky board, finally caught up, til Wednesday 😊

Anonymous said...

Doable level. Almost passed.

Carol the elder said...

I wonder if King made this one easier. I had 33 moves and didn't have full stocking. I used a color bomb and stripe/wrap boosters. Look for stripe combos and especially stripe color bomb combos. Try to get the licorice order first. That seems to be the hardest to get. Finished with moves to spare.

Ed Zamoe said...


Anonymous said...

I am finding this level impossible. Tried all combinations of boosters and not even close. I think my time with Candy Crush may be over. It is just not fun anymore. I don't mind a challenge but when it takes days I find myself ready to move on to something else.

Brown dog said...

Posting for lucky board

Anonymous said...

Wat weer een vreselijk shit level, alle boosters en nee hoor lucky bord of toch stoppen. ........

Anonymous said...

I am unable to get anywhere near the number of licorice. it would be difficult enough with ordinary licorice but the locked licorice is just plain evil.
Posting for a Lucky Board.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone else noticed that the Stripe dispensers do NOT dispense stripes. Not one, none, zip, zilch, zero.

Anonymous said...

Not enough licorice. Hit them and then they lock up again. Need a very lucky board. Started this level last year, and I'm still on it. Lol
Posting for luck.

EL BEATLE said...

Why do people "post for luck?" I can never understand that, it is just a wasted of time and column space. This was not a pleasant level. I have tried it since this morning and just got it. Achieved with a chocolate ball booster automatically awarded at the beginning and then I ran out of moves.. Fortunately, I managed to get 15 extra moves using the lucky spin feature on my 'phone, which meant that I could get the 7 pieces of licorice outstanding. Like many of you, I won't pay a penny for any boosters. The skill of the game is achieving it without doing so.

Anonymous said...

This is way harder than it looks. I hope I'm not stuck here for days.

pamccabr said...

To get a lucky board

Anonymous said...

Mine has more orders😫 Help 🍀

Anonymous said...

Please help

Patti said...

Same here

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Posting for luck because i find it helps

msnega said...

I post for luck because it works for me. It takes less space than people complaining about it. Lol

Anonymous said...

please give me a lucky board.

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Need a lucky board please! Impossible

Foxy said...

Posting for luck!

Rita said...

Another impossible level! Posting for luck

Cathy said...

Help me please

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Too many rigged levels now, it comes down to lucky boards every level. Half the time the squares don’t clear even when you hit them and the spawners block everything too quickly. 4070 might be time to quit.

Pati said...

Wow, getting ready to play this level,, wish me luck

Anonymous said...

Ughhhh, so frustrating!! So many times I’ve cleared everything but 4 licorice, then run out of moves!! They just lock up too fast after hitting them! STOP LOCKING UP THE LICORICE SO WE HAVE A CHANCE,!

Angelique said...


Still Here said...

Nope. Nope. Nope.

Anonymous said...

always a bit short...used up my boosters on the lasdt level...hoping for a klucky board

Anonymous said...

It looks so easy on the video...getting tired of ending up with 7 or 11 to get...posting for a lucky board again...

Kevin said...

Thought I'd get stuck here for a while, but I passed it easily enough with no boosters on about the 10th try. The key is knocking out the spawners early. I managed to get 3 colourbomb/stripe combos that got rid of those and also picked up plenty of licorice and waffles. It was a breeze from there and I finished with moves to spare. Onward..

Bun said...

Ugh! Another rigged level. Unbelievable. Been at it for days....and days...and days. Impossible.

Anonymous said...

fourth day and posting for luck looks easy enough but the licorice locks to quickly and never get anything for the waffles till they lock again and then that does nothing. I got his far so I know how to play....just need some decent moves to play with. Oh and the old one left trick is getting tiring,

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Danielle said...

On this level going on three days not....not even close....I have won 2 hours twice of free Color bombs.....nada nothing! Even a double CB did't help

Anonymous said...

Posting for a lucky board please getting close but not enough moves to get the last licorice

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Impossible impossible impossible not enough moves!

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Anonymous said...

After the difficult level 4068 which took much lives, now this terrible one. Tried a colourbomb, no help. So many difficult levels. Waiting again for some luck. Fons

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Clear the spanners as fast as you can. If you can get rid of the spanners you have a better chance of clearing the level

Anonymous said...

Posting for that lucky board yet again

Martha A said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Waiting for a luck board

larfingravy said...

Just reached this level and not even tried it yet but -

Posting for luck!

Anonymous said...

This must be one of the hardest games so far. Been on this for 2 weeks and can’t get near. Why can some people still get space dash and others like me can only get it when we pass the game. You used to be able to go back to an easy game and build it up but not now....why. This could very well be my last game, which is a shame as I like it.

Anonymous said...

Please just leave tips for game, if you want to speak another language to each other get a room. I don't want to read through your crap to get tips for this game.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck! Impossible level!

Rosita said...

posting for luck

Rosita said...

first go after posting for luck and i pass it...mirricle, but i think i need luck for the next level it seems hard as this one

Erick S said...

Color bomb + stripe combination appears to be the best bet in clearing jelly and collecting orders. If you can knock out the spawners it makes it so much easier to collect the waffles and licorice without them getting blocked by cages from the spawners. Tough level, but doable with boosters, patience, and some luck. Thank you all, and happy crushing!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck! No fun...

J.J. said...

Posting for luck yet again boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring

Anonymous said...

Very hard and frustrating level....I’m never going to pass...licorice hard to get...waiting for a lucky board...again :-( :-( :-(

Flippenheck said...

Help please

Anonymous said...

In need of a lucky board. Please help!

Anonymous said...

Stuck for days, Dispensers at the top do not drop striped candy. Ready to quit.

Anonymous said...

Sick and tired of this level now :( the times I've got down to needing just one item is unbelievable! I will not pay for boosters! Grrr!

Winegums said...

This is outrages. The video looks so easy and yet the level is so stressful. Hard to take your advise and relax when the game is in King’s hands. That’s stressful in itself. A SCAM!

Mar said...

Another terribly difficult level! Cannot seem to make enough combos to complete! It is not fun to play the same level so many times over and over.

Skylark said...

Got close a couple of times, but getting bored now!

Robin said...

Posting for luck works! Usually a game or two after you post you will get through the level...just sayin'...

Unknown said...

Posting for luck bored now

DeeBleep said...

I'm not asking for luck. Heck, I'm begging, pleading, whatever it takes. HELP! I need lots of help or a small miracle. Okay, mr. king???

spike1 said...

I appreciate the tips...whining, not so much.

Annu said...

I need some luck or help with this one, please!

Annu said...

No strategy for this one. Can’t get close even after using all my boosters. I give up.

Cindy said...


Cindy said...


Cindy said...


Cindy said...


Shunga said...

Hy,why,why,why? This level is ridiculous. Have been on it for 3 days! Help!

Alessandra said...

Impossible level even with full speed space dash & fish booster + free extra moves. Can’t even reset board to get a cb next to stripe/wrap . Really tedious. I feel like I’m doing the same thing over & over again, shooting stripes left, right & centre. Sucks .

Sue Harvey said...

Posting for luck

Marwanjo said...

Lot of comments in 2018, uhhh, most players said goodbye in 2019? I think So, only shit levels, growing chocolat, bombs, whats new, boring, not a level of this time. CC is out.

Anônimo said...

Efetivamente tem jogos melhores e inteligentes. Não vou perder meu tempo aqui com este jogo manipulado e ridículo. Sorte para quem fica.

Tony said...

I am out, merry xmas, CC r too creedy
Thx 4 me

Annomous said...

I have been stuck on this game since Christmas Eve. Really not an enjoyable game any more, these ridiculously hard games are killing CANDY CRUSH. Come on KING bring back the ENJOYMENT to this game. Last day of trying and then off to find my entertainment elsewhere. LUCKY BOARD PLEASE CC.

Annomous said...

How much longer am I going to be stuck on this game. I have tried everything but still nothing. The ENJOYMENT has completely disappeared from CANDY CRUSH over a week now, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, I have asked for help but that has fallen on deaf ears. I think 2020 will be the year to find another pass time. LUCKY BOARD PLEASE, LUCKY BOARD PLEASE.

meliana said...

i hv different board again? and more impossible to pass with 30 moves, 48 jellies, 16 waffles and 10 licorice. IM quit king

meliana said...

so....stupid game, reduces the move, change the board, no more fun but frustating

meliana said...

c'mon king ive been stuck on this level for days and it's absolutely impossible to finish this level not getting closer to finish the task especially with the licorice. even you give 30 moves, but with the 16 waffles and 10 licorices. IT'S impossible to finish. i will finish my 5 lives and i will delete this game

Cathy said...

Posting for a decent board. I can’t get enough licorice.

KySunrise said...

On day 2 of this level and it's driving me crazy. Posting for luck!

Unknown said...

King please help me in completing level 4070 I am playing since two days I am unable to complete and feeling bore King please help me

Pinky said...

Posting for lucky board please need some help !!!!

Unknown said...

Lucky board please😁

Unknown said...

Lucky board please😁

Shystar said...

Posting for luck please

Shystar said...

Posting for luck again please

Shystar said...

Posting for luck yet again please

Shystar said...

Impossible.. Luck please

Shystar said...

Still stucckkk.... Pleeeaassee help

Shystar said...

Luck please

Shystar said...

Stuck too long need luck please

Anju said...

Luck based level each time short with licoric

Posting for luck plz

yshuummu said...

Stupid boring fucking bullshit level!!!! I hate this game!!!! This game sucks like no other!!!! I quit!!!!

Anonymous said...

Horrible level yet again. Totally rigged!

Delicados Fiapos - Tildas said...

Olá, King!! Eu novamente aqui, pedindo sorte e ajuda!! Abraço e obrigada!!!

Barbie5000 said...

How is it I can get super hard levels as this one, in a few goes, yet some of the easy ones are just ridiculous and take days?

Old school crusher said...

Stuck again, need lucky board please

Martinat said...

Horrible level

Julie joel said...

This is pathetic each time I play I nearly finish but can never get all the liquorice just 4 left to get each time I need a good board please candy crush more moves or a good board

Kay said...

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

Posting for luck ✨

Unknown said...

Lucky board please 🙏

Unknown said...

Not enough moves. Posting for luck.

KinderLit said...

I only get 14 moves - impossible! Need some luck!

gp8656 said...

Not enough moves! Sick of this leve!
Need a lucky board!
Posting for luck again!

gp8656 said...

The level I’m playing(4070) is not the same as the one shown above. Need help please!!!

gp8656 said...

Need some help here. I’m still on this level that
Is different than the one above. Still getting nowhere!
Posting for luck again