Candy Crush Saga Level 4216 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 4216 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 4216 Candy Crush Saga is an orders level, you have to collect licorice and yellow candies to complete the level.
There is some licorice on the board at the start of the level and the rest will be provided by the lucky candies. The lucky candies will also give you the yellow candies, so the sooner you collect the licorice the better chance you will have of getting enough yellows to complete the orders.
First clear the cake, this will clear the licorice and unlock the lucky candies from the marmalade so that you will be able to change them.
The lucky candies can only drop into play through the portals and onto the conveyor so you need to try to keep clearing the conveyor to get the lucky candies to drop out where you can change and collect them.

This is quite a hard level due to the restricted space you have to work with.
Video by Kazuohk
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


TNC said...

Hard level. Tried about 40 times with no luck. Finally went down to 606 and got space dash, started with 2 color bombs together, still need a hand switch to finish. Barb

Snowy in Buffalo said...

CB combo to start worked with 1 move to spare, matches under the center portal afterwards helps too!

Anonymous said...

Use the check booster

Mezzanine said...

Posting for luck please

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck please

Graeme Pratt said...

TNC is another resetter, added him or her to my list.

Anonymous said...

Its als hard level i need a lucky board

Tou52 said...

Once the cake is cleared, it's not easy to get yellows, even with the checkmark booster :(

Tou52 said...

I never figured out how to get yellows on the conveyor. But starting with 2CB and a check booster made things happen. How? Beats me, but I won't complain :)

Anonymous said...

Lucky board pleaseb

Anonymous said...

Space dash is no more available on iPad.what about you?

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

kittycatt said...

So what's the deal with the retry after a level fails? There are two retry buttons. If you tap the one on the right a very loud video/advertisement comes on. If you tap the one on the left, no video. Not knowing this, I tapped the one on the right. When all the noise started, I closed the app. So tap the one on the left. I guess it's just another way for greedy King to make $$$

Anonymous said...

Hard level
Can’t get it close
Need help
Posting for lucky board

Anonymous said...

How clear the yellows ?,,,,,,
Posting for lucky board

Anonymous said...

Impossible level
Give up definitely
Bye bye

Anonymous said...

3 days on this level
No way
Posting again for lucky board
Need help

Anonymous said...

Get it

Ifeanyi said...

Posting for luck

Ifeanyi said...

Posting for luck

Ifeanyi said...

Posting for luck

Ifeanyi said...

This level is really impossible. Posting for luck

Dog lover said...

I don't even have space dash anymore. This level seems impossible without it.

Anonymous said...

posting for luck please

Rita said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Impossible!! Posting for luck!!

Anonymous said...

I've been stuck on this level for days. You better send relief soon King or I'm moving to peak ganes for good

Anonymous said...

Even got the pinata and still had 6 yellow candies left at the end. This level is ridiculous. Bye king going to peak games

Anonymous said...

I wasn't even getting close then I used the check booster and got it first time.

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Pati said...

Sounds like the check booster ia most helpful, ill give it a go and let u know

Pati said...

I beat this double first time using a check booster only. I made a lot of color bombs it was lucky to get them side-by-side making it easy to clear

Sharda said...


Sharda said...


Maiga said...

Posting for luck

Martha A said...

Posting for luck again. Can’t figure out how to get the yellow ones !

Anonymous said...

20 moves is not enough! Playing it over and over and not even coming close. Hate this level!

jackied said...

I only have 20 moves IMPOSSIBLE PLEASE HELP

liloldlady said...

Can't even get close...not enough moves.... nearly impossible

Anonymous said...

Seriously King! I can barely get to clear the cake sometimes. 20 moves only is NOT enough.

Anonymous said...

this is impossible! the licorice keeps blocking the damn portals, you can't keep it clear for the specials to fall!! bout had it with this game!!

Timewaster said...

Checkmark booster did the trick! Thanks all

Anonymous said...

Day 2 of being stuck on this level. Closest I've come is needing 4 yellows, would have gladly hammered them to be done but only had 2 on the board! Back to posting for luck. RB

Mary-Rose74 said...


Andre said...

Posting for luck please

Andre said...

Help please..........!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Boring no chance even with boosters so nerf it

Anonymous said...

Impossible impossible impossible tried so many times.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rey hard level...levels like this, without boosters are so frustrating. Here I am again, waiting’s for a lucky board :-(

Staystrong said...

Posting for luck!

Anonymous said...

Hate this level...need a lucky board or I’m never passing :-( :-( :-(

Anne said...

videi has extremely lucky board and 2 extra moves. IMPOSSIBLE level. Time to quit.

Anonymous said...

So I posted on May 2, about this horrible level. It is now May 7th and I still can’t pass because I can’t get 2 cb’s together. There are hardly any chances to make the combos to clear the left side. I’m fed up. If I don’t pass soon...I’m moving on. It’s ridiculous to not have enough moves to pass a level without a cb/cb. If a lucky board doesn’t show up and I loose all the boosters I have left...I guess that’s it for me. :-(

tonytones said...

when they say nightmarishly hard do they actually mean nightmarishly boring as hell???

Unknown said...


Flippenheck said...

Much help needed please

Dee said...

Insane. All games now come with message saying people usually use extra moves on this level. No he always trying to push players into buying boosters. I used to go back to becoming to earn boosters from playing hard levels but they've taken away hard level status no these levels no good now. Reducing moves and increasing difficulty on all moves so unfair. Only for Cookie I'd have quit a very long time ago. So thanks Cookie

CidDeMizar said...

Another nasty level. It's a cheat itself. King, thieves

Deb V. said...

Posting for luck!

Harbor Girl said...

Another horrible level.....

Unknown said...

Completed the level, after reading this 😀

Laura said...

I was able to complete this level without clearing the Cake (who knew?). I did use a checkmark booster though which was very helpful. I am not a careful player. I tend to blast everything and hope for the best so I don't really have any other tips for this one. Good luck.

Unknown said...

Help! I cannot get this one.

anonymous said...

got it first time
thanks for all the tips in the comments
used all boosters
hammered last candy for cale
ised my only check msrk booster
plus 3 extra moves

Jo said...

S.v.p. j’ai besoin d’aide.Niveau extrêmement difficile pour moi.. puis-je conter sur votre aide 🙏🍀🎅🏻💝🍭🍭merci à l’avance Jo

wanda said...

Stuck, help for the holidays please

Hoi said...

Dit level is stress en stress en stress. Bericht voor lucky board. Dit is zo nieteuk meer. Bahbah level... 't zoveelste wat niet te doen is.

BottaBingBottaBoom said...

Ok...I have a totally different board than what is described here. I am clearly on 4216 and wish I could post a pic to prove it. This the third board I have came across as of recent in the last 30 games or so where it is completely different. My board shows I have to clear jelly, bombs and licorice. Anyone have the same? I have looked and researched all over to make sure I am not loosing it and not sure what is wrong or what is going on?! 😟 WTH?! Anyone have a different board or have had this happen?! 😩

Cookie Kirby said...

You are not losing it, King keep changing the levels, sometimes they are switched with other levels and sometimes they are just changed. I have lists of hundreds that are changed and no time to put them right.

ITZIK said...

I need somebody
(Help!) not just anybody
(Help!) you know I need someone

H e l p

Unknown said...

Another ridiculous level. I no longer enjoy playing this game. It used to be fun, now it’s infuriating. Gradually weaning myself from playing. Kung, if you want to keep players playing and spending money I suggest you make it fun.

Julie joel said...

I can not believe this i had 1 yellow left to get i need more moves pleaze candy crush this is cruel

Julie joel said...

Been on this level for 2 days i hate it, i can get the cake but getting the yellows are a nightmare it should be a nightmarishly hard level, got through some of them quite quick don't know who rates them, must be kids lol please candy crush give me a decent board cos i can't take this anymore, i am so stressed i need more moves either that or i'm quitting

Lili10 said...

Au vu de tout les commentaires pas facile du tout.donc posté pour la chance Merci

Visaman said...
