Hints and tips showing how to pass level 4226 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 4226 Candy Crush Saga is classified as a hard level so you can expect to lose a few lives before you manage to pass it.
The first thing you need to do is to collect the keys to unlock the board before you will be able to clear the jelly, the keys will also unlock chocolate which will have to be cleared, but this can be done by using combos.
The keys will only drop one at a time so you need to clear them as soon as possible to get more to drop, this uses up your precious moves but can't really be helped.
You are going to need combos to clear the jelly so even before you unlock the board you should be trying to make them. Colourbomb combos are the best combos to use and may be the only way to complete level 4226.
Video by Johnny Crush
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If the level you play is different from the one
here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no
control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change
Posting for luck.
Ok I am pulling my hair out over this level! I have started by swishing 2 cb together about 8-10 time to start the level. Getting absolutely nowhere! Bombs go off before I barely get started. HELP!
I had a full stocking and with watching how Cookie did it and your comment I knew I wouldnt be using 2 cb together. I had them on each side of the board and when I saw a key I used 1 and then used the other with the next key. My concentration was on the bombs since they can get you pretty fast. I had 16 moves left with the popcorn left and 1 sq. I had 6 left and got 2 stars. 1st try but it was with both of your helps! Thanks and GL Jewel!
Doesnt look like you can edit I got 3 stars!!
Thank you for everything you do Cookie. I so appreciate your blog. Unfortunately, I am stuck on this one too.
I am stuck here. Posting for luck please again
Another terrible level dependent on luck—used so many boosters.
I added a colour bomb from my stash and a fish booster to full space dash and it was an easy level to get first attempt. It usually pays to hand back some of the boosters King gives you. There is no point in hoarding them, they give you plenty.
I'm stuck... posting for luck🍀
My problem is that the bottom gets cleared and then there is a big gap between the bottom and top of the board. Nothing left to clear the top.
Yep, that was pretty horrible. It took me a day to get that level. The proverbial lucky board, mixed with a few boosters ( hammer, hand switches, choc ball) and finally managed to clear it on my pc.
No chance to pass this level. No chance to get combos in the right position to grow the popcorm, no chance to hit the bombs which have a very low counter. Furthermore la last crazy idea of Kings has been to prevent reforming the stock of boosters by playng a lower level 7 times. This automatically means the end of CC for me and, I assume, for thousand of other players. Stop candy crush, this is the right time. And stop to those thieves of kings who think to make the beautiful life on the skin of those players who buy boosters. I got also a hint how to gent infinite moves and boosters, but, in the end, I refused to use it. Also making it very easy is not fun. And it is not fun to make it impossible. STUPID KINGS! IDIOTS!
Waiting for lucky board boring
I need a lucky board this is so boring
Dull dull dull dull wait for lucky board
Just another test to see how your perseverance is. Won't clear despite many and various combinations of boosters. Get closer to completing with out boosters of any type but can't complete until the game decides it's time to move on. May be next time or twenty times in the future.
Just going thru themotio s tillmyti e comes. So boring, no challenge, just time wasting.
Posting for luck!!
So battery a great few levels that were actually enjoyable here we are on a virtually impossible level!
Even with a full bot and I'm getting nowhere fast. Definitely a level to slow everyone down. No chance of passing until King decide it's my turn!
Needing a lucky board for sure!
posting for luck
Hard to clear the bombs in time unless you get a lucky board like the video.
I think it is time to quit. This level is harder than hard. Frustrating and no fun. Been on for days. Need a lucky board.
I’m stuck here
Give up or need help
Posting for lucky board
Give up
Stop playing
Too hard too boring and frustrating
Bye bye
Need help
Posting for lucky board
Posting forluck
Posting for luck
Presa nesse nível stressante
Still stuck stopped playing for a bit only to come back getting nowhere
Is there a way to keep bot like we used to be able to do by backing out of the game?
And now we can't even go back and play Easier levels to earn bot? This isn't near as much fun as it used to be
I'm done with cc. I'm deleting cc and cc friends today. I'm tired of having to post for luck all the time!!
posting for luck
posting for luck
Been stuck here for a week, nowhere close to completing, can't even get all keys, bombs get me every time... Help!
Damm after reading comments im not looking forward to this level, i do know i wont di cb combo, here i go, wish me luck, ill let u know how i do
Still here! Is this level even possible without boosters? I think it's not; even starting with boosters, my supply has diminished greatly, maybe this is the end of the line for me.
Had two CB's from bot. Used them individually on the keys then manned to make another CB next to a wrapped and it all fell into place from there. Lucky board I guess!
I've been playing this level for 2 days.....not even close....what a horrible level....if the bombs don't get you the chocolate does.
posting for luck
Ousting for luck
Hints about bots and space dadh do not help me...I am one of the unlucky ones that don;t get all the goodies. What a crock!! Used up my boosters andf the bombs get me every time...posting for luck...thank you
I started on the 16th..posted a comment on the 17th...played on the 18th , played today...just getting nowhere in this level. Have the bows and they just get lost bevause the bombs run out of time...this is getting mighty boring. posting for luck
17th-19th...made it down to two left once but have used all my boosters...played half the day today...I have one nerve left...I really need a lkucky board...lol Out of lives again...used all my stash of lives...guess will be here tomorrow too...
Extreem difficult. I was in a flow last week, made 43 levels in 1 week, but now stuck here. Came as close to 5 left, but mostly a lot more. Not enough boosters to complete. Just have to be patient. Pffffffffffffff. Fons
Súcceeded shortly after posting comment above. Move on. Fons
Posting for luck....please
Posting for luck.
Posting for a lucky board
Been stuck, need more moves.
CCS level 4226 is extremely difficult. Used all boosters in my possession. I need LUCK and more. Please send luck.
Ik ben nu met dag 3 bezig om door dit vreselijk spel te komen, als je naar jullie filmpje kijk allemaal cb ik krijg ze niet heel.jammer, denk erover om met jullie spel te stoppen, zo is het echt niet leuk meer😭😭😭 aub kunnen jullie mij helpen!!!!
Yesterday I asked for LUCK. I think you forgot about me. I am now out of Lives, out of boosters and still waiting for you to send the LUCK. Blue and silver boosters do not show up too often or at the wrong time. Please help.
Wanneer gaan jullie wat aan dit spel doen wat een verschrikkelijk spel is dit HELP aub geef aub kleurenbollen.
Same posting for luck bombs are the killers terrible level
posting for luck
Posting for luck!
Posting for luck! Impossible level!
Posting for luck!
Posting for luck! 3 days...bored..
So after being stuck on a previous level for days...I finally pass...played and won a few levels, had bot back and I went to bed. This morning, went to play while having coffee and lo and behold...BOTS GONE!!!!! Seriously...I’m so close to quitting....why do they disappear overnight? CC was fun for a long time until now. They are making the levels so hard you can only pass with boosters. And to get boosters they expect you to pay. I’ll admit I bought a few color bombs in the earlier levels but not now.
Now here’s another level that you need boosters for and I have none...so I’m waiting for a lucky board if there is one :-(
Impossible...impossible...impossible without a lot of boosters. Not enough moves w/o boosters...can’t pass it. Only a lucky board will get you through this one...guess I’m waiting for one..but not for long :-(
Ridiculously impossible. Kiss me goodbye King. Jerks.
When I started this level I had full not now I am left with nothing. Impossible level, posting for luck.
Add me to all the others. Need a lucky board please
Again. Another lottery level. It doesn't matter wether you have boosters or not. Only miserable King has the power to let you win. Veeeery boring.
lucky board please...... impossible even with boosters
Stuck again, tough one. Posting for luck!
Posting for luck AGAIN!
Impossible! Very hard to make a CB
CHOCOLATE! Need I say more? Need something to work....please!
No strategy, no plan, no amount of boosters, nothing works on this game. Just pray and play. Someday King will listen to you and send his blessing. Keep waiting and hoping, nothing else is going to work.
Posting gor luck because luck is the only way
Posting for luck
Posting for luck
Tried everything. Nothing works except for maybe some luck!!
Posting for luck.
Posting for luck
Not enough combo's to desteoy the bombs and everything else 🤔
So very bored here, not even close! Posting for luck :(
This is not Hard it’s just Stupid
How am I supposed to make combos to get the keys , popcorn & bombs & jellies when I have no room to manoeuvre??
Even a CB + wrap won’t do it . Dumb boring waste of time
Entre la nombreuse gelée, le chocolat, les bombes et surtout le pop corn et le peu de déplacements et de boosters, comment voulez-vous passer ce niveau horrible à part l'AFFICHAGE DE LA CHANCE !!! Merci 😊 C'est bientôt Noël...
Efetivamente tem jogos melhores e inteligentes. Não vou perder meu tempo aqui com este jogo manipulado e ridículo. Hora de excluir o CC. Sorte para quem fica.
Outro nível ridículo e nojento. Fora do CC.
Very difficult only a lucky board will do it. Much harder all the time now that can't go back to reset why has this been taken off will discourage many including me
Completely stuck
Think it's time to leave
Posting for luck-bombs getting me every time..
Impossible. Impossible
I really hate watching videos where the first move makes a color bomb. It seems like every video I watch is really easy setup. This is another level where it just seems impossible to pass. I mean, I look at the level and what should happen does not. Like making a match across should make a horizontal stripe and it make a vertical or 5 in a row should make a bomb and it makes a stripe candy. And now with this Fantastic 5 I get players that don't play or don't really exist. Not fun. Oh well, we all have a bigger problem to deal with but it would be nice if everyone could just sit down relax and take their mind off the real problem and just be able to pass a few levels.
stick again...this is so ridiculous, not even get closer even with the double colourbombs. what the hell is it?, so it's time to stop playing
This one has me stumped and ready to just give up totally. I can't even get close. Ugh!
After 3 days of unlimited lives I still can't get past this level. HELP!!
Posting for luck. 🙏
Um, yeah, no
Day number 5 on this level. Please, please, please how do you get a double CB? No space bot, no stocking, no sugar candies to earn more boosters and no re-setting for a lucky board.
Posting for luck cause I might finally be done with this game if something doesn't change soon.
Been on this one several days and not even getting close. Definitely losing interest in CC these days.
So very bored here, not even close! Posting for luck :(
Very hard Lucky board plz
Bored with this level; day 7.
This ones driving me crazy! Boosters don't help, only a lucky. or a magic board will get me through this. I'm hoping for one!!
Help please!
This game Sucks!!!! Every level requires NO skill only luck! So what is the point in playing this game? All you do is move pieces around until you are out of moves....and then....DO IT AGAIN!!! Waiting around for a lucky board,which takes about a week!! And King even reduces moves for each level to make the impossible really NOT doable! Like I said,this game sucks!!!
Impossible Crush strikes again!!!! NO CHANCE IN HELL TO PASS THIS CRAP!!! GEEZ!!!!
Posting for luck please
Lucky board, please...
Posting for luck
Lucky b oard please
Why do we even bother to play???? Bo skills just pure luck needed!!!! Lucky board PLEASE!!!!!!!
Lucky board PLEASE!!!!!???????
Dont waste you boosters on this one, its pure luck or when King wants you to pass! This is why I barely play now because it is no longer a game of skill, so rigged!!!
Of course as always
Advertiser for luck
Posting for luck please
Video shows 25 moves needing 62 jellies. My board now shows 20 moves and needing 107 jellies. WTH —-this is impossible!! I’ve never been closer than 28 jellies left !!!! This is no fun anymore. No skill involved, just waiting for the lucky board.
This level is awful takes so long to get the flippen keys you can't do much else, & i have 20 moves on this tablet but on other tablet 31 moves ? Why ? But both 107 jellies to get plus 6 keys it's really hard i need more moves on this tablet 11 more on other tablet, i will check my pc see how many moves on their this should be a nightmarishly hard level
Why 31 moves on my other tablet but only 20 on this one candy crush ? It's not fair it's a hard level really hard i'll never get through please give me more moves on this tablet
Posté pour la chance. Merci..plus du tout la même vidéo et 24 moves plus que 20 moves
Sos help posté pour la chance Merci
3e jour et toujours bloqué Posté pour la chance Merci
Posting for luck
Zonder hulp krijg je dit soel niet geklaard. AUB help mij.
again another board that looks nothing like the one I am playing.Been on this board for weeks and is so frustrating.Some help would be very welcome.
I have been on this level for weeks.I really couls use some help.
Another level I'll be stuck on for days because I refuse to buy extra moves. Hang around for a lucky board or give up entirely
Posting for luck because I'm still stuck on this stupid level. Got it down to only one left just now but nope.
Finally! On to the next not enough moves level now
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