Candy Crush Saga Level 4249 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 4249 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 4249 Candy Crush Saga is an orders level, you have to collect yellow candies, licorice and the 4 waffles in the top right corner.
First get the keys dropping and the licorice and collect the keys as quickly as possible, as the board is unlocked the yellow candies will drop onto the board and should be matched with the frog to grow it. This will collect the yellow candies and the licorice at the same time.
Once the frog is grown keep matching it with the yellow candies until you have collected them all, if you move the frog before you have collected all the yellows you may not be able to collect them.
Once you have collected all the yellows and the frog is grown, use it to collect the 4 waffles from the top of the board and you should be done.
Video by Cookie
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Pepsiblu said...

Followed Cookies suggestions and had stocking up to the 3 extra moves.Really need those moves but not the other 2 boosters to play 7 games to get them.

Anonymous said...

If you're able to start with CB CB combo, easy

Roger75 said...

Posting for luck.

Mezzanine said...

Posting for luck please

Anonymous said...

Come on CC

Anonymous said...

The frog ate all the yellows that appeared on the Board but he didn't swell up, nor would he move.
What's up with that?

Catherin01 said...

Same frog are yellow s didn’t grow dull waiting for lucky board

Catherin01 said...

Board please

Tou52 said...

Not enough moves to get the keys in time...

Posting for luck

Hulda said...

Even with 15 extra moves bought with diamonds, all starting boosters, hammers and hand tools this level is impossible. There were no yellow candies to activate the annoying thingy that's needed to finish. With the 15 extra moves there was no yellow, no special v candies and no possible moves to make any useful combinations. If king is trying to force me to spend more money on this game, they are in for a long wait because I will never give them any more of my money

Anonymous said...

I don't have the space dash. After a few attempts I used the check booster and passed.

Carrie722 said...

I bought Candy Crush years ago. I’m at level 4249. I noticed a few levels back that when I pass a level I get an ad. What’s going on? I paid not to see ads. Is anyone else having this issue? King stop the ads for those who paid.

donna said...

Figures...down to 15 moves...not having any kuck getting the keys the time I have the last one on the board there is no moves left....posting for luck...

Anonymous said...

Shocker: Moves reduced to be near impossible.

TRE said...

Posting for luck

skeptical said...

I had plenty of moves to win but the yellows wouldn’t drop when I needed them. The frog wasn’t moved up either.

Anonymous said...

This is hard...I’m waiting for a lucky board :-(

Flippenheck said...

Ok will try tip thanks

Staystrong said...

Posting for luck please...

Staystrong said...

Posting for luck...not enough moves.l.

Too much crushing! said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dolly Bluejay said...

Whoa!!! This is a toughie!! I’m posting for luck for the first time!!! Really tired of this one!!! C’mon lucky board!!!! 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀

Laura said...

Collected all of the yellow using the frog and hit him with stripes but he won't move. Left with the stupid four waffles in the corner. Any ideas?

Houly68 said...

Unbelievable! You guys are just pathetic!

JAX. said...

Posting for luck. 🙏

Unknown said...

15 movies???? Impossible. POSTING FOR LUCK!

Shan said...

Not enough yellow. Ughh

Donna said...

Less moves again crush... help

Pinky said...

Not enough moves posting for lucky board please !!!!

Unknown said...

Not enough moves so posting for luck

Unknown said...

14 moves really? Don't even try this without a hammer to take out the last yellow. Finally after numerous tries got a lucky board! Not a fun level so glad to be done with it.

yshuummu said...


Shystar said...

Posting for luck

Hans Andersson said...

14 moves! 19 in the video. Really CC! Kidding us? Lucky board PLEASE

Old school crusher said...

Same old shit different level, King only allows you to pass when they are ready and by a set up lucky board....

Julie joel said...

I had 17 moves 14 now why klng, i am always left with 1 yellow its pathetic

Rute Lima said...

No yellows, no frogs. Looks like another game, nothing to do it yours. And looks like a tough one. With no help.

Maddie said...

here again posting the same thing over and over my board looks nothing like mine.I don,t have yellow candies and no frogs.Why is this happening all the time?Need help please