Candy Crush Saga Level 4258 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 4258 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 4258 Candy Crush Saga is a dual task level, you need to collect one ingredient and clear the jelly to complete the level.
Passing this level relies almost totally on luck, especially at the start. The only move available to to switch the colourbomb with the yellow wrap which sets off the other colourbombs and wraps. You are then left with a partly cleared board but many candy curls preventing you from making good moves.
To clear the jelly and collect the cherry the candy curls need to be cleared but you will have very few choices of moves. You need to try to make combos to fire through the candy curls but this can be tricky and this is where you need the luck.
Stripe/wrap combos are good and are the easiest combos to make, although not easy.
There is no real strategy to passing level 4258, it basically relies on luck.

Video by Johnny Crush
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Angelique said...

That was hard. I used full SD and all 3 boosters... reset until it I had some CBs in a spot they may would survive the initial cb/yellow wrap explosion. One did, and my other bombs and stripes were dispersed just enough that the first move did a lot of work. Hope that makes sense.

Angelique said...

Wanted to add, that I reset until my wraps and stripes were NOT in the yellow left and right corners, since those 2 areas would blow up on move one anyway, therefore they didnt waste.

VIVIEN said...

Done first time used 1 swap to get cb stripe together to finish 😀

BG said...

Got lucky, moving on.

Jewel Shaw said...

This is a stupid level and if it all depends on LUCK I can plan to be here about a month!

Snowy in Buffalo said...

Started with full stocking, lucky to get 15 extrs moves from video spin, pure luck, done with 7 moves to spare, happily moving on!

Roger75 said...

Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Mezzanine said...

Posting for luck please. I am interested in those who watch videos for moves. That is not an option i have come across. Posting for luck please

Mezzanine said...

Went back to 3711 and followed advice offered above. Success!

JaneM said...

Need some luck then.

Anonymous said...

Listing for luck. Lucky board please

Anonymous said...

I am falling in sleep haha, by this level which only luck let me go on....Well....will have to be patient after 2 more days.
Posting for luck may help?

Anonymous said...

Posting 4 luck

chiromom said...

That was the best advice. Thanks! I kept my color bomb and wrap and stripe in the lower part of the board before setting off the first move. Finished on the first try.

Michelle said...

Nothing works
Trying my tablet next... Maybe better cascades

Michelle said...

Tablet and a couple hammers and switched. .. finally done

CMF said...

Posting for luck

Tou52 said...

Posting for luck, nothing else seems to work :(

Anonymous said...

Need a lucky board!

Emsa8 said...

I wonder how those persons who always claim to win every level the 1st try can also win sth like this level the 1st go. I never had the luck to even get the cherry down more than 2 lines and I have no clue how to get rid of all this fences. I think the advice of angeliquelashelle sounds good and reasonable, will try it later - but how will you know this if even Cookie writes you need mere luck? You cannot have luck all 4000 levels. Nevertheless this level is boring somehow.

Emsa8 said...

On my board you cannot swap anything. I can only start CB + yellow wrap. Swaps are not possible due to the fences

Emsa8 said...

Used angeliquelashelles hint, but “only“ used full bot, not any of my own boosters and needed all (then) 21 moves. Had both wraps in the top and middle of the board, which helped much in the beginning.

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Pure madness!!!! What is KING doing!? Chasing people away from CC??

Dolce’ said...

Yes, I believe they are. Honestly this game has gotten completely ridiculous. Just no fun anymore. When you have to beg for a lucky board because there’s no skill involved is just insane.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!!!

Dolce’ said...

Come on King you’ve got to know 18 moves are just not enough! Using up all my boosters now so I can end this game. Thanks Candy crush for years of enjoyment until this past while. 👋👋

Dolce’ said...

Deleted the game. Good luck everyone!

Ian said...

Again an impossible level wanting you to spend! Time to quit!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely impossible. Used all boosters to no avail and don't have space dash. Thanks King, love the game but this level is totally pointless and frustrating. Adiós.

Jannie said...

Also had enough of this level. No chance at all with no space dash. Really fed up with this, dont mind hard levels but this is pure luck. Please help King and at least give us more moves.

Anonymous said...

Impossible to finish the level😡😡
There are not moves enough 😡😡

Unknown said...

Never seen cookie say that there is no strategy - what a crock!

Unknown said...

And the luck posting worked this time - needed a couple hammers but got it done. Starting to run low on boosters with all these difficult boards lately

Julie N said...

What a stupid level!

Anonymous said...

Another wonderful frustrating hard level
Can’t get it close
Need help
Posting for lucky board

Catherin01 said...

Too boring for words yet anothe level reliant on luck
Or buying boosters
I’m not
Going to spend a week stuck o. This level
No lucky
Tomorrow in deleting King u

Anonymous said...

I have never asked for help for posting for luck but this one's got me dumped. I really think the only way through is luck?

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

This is not a hard level it’s a dumb level you can’t beat without lucky board. It is a pure waste of my time. No skill needed just luck of the draw

Anonymous said...

dont start with booster cause it will be a waste with or without booster makes no different still not closed to pass the level.

John said...

Absolutely at the mercy of King for a lucky booster filled board. There is no skill involved.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Getting tired said...

How are done people still able to reset. I can’t anymore.

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Pho said...

No idea how to pass this one. Maybe waiting for a 'lucky board' as everyone here says!

Pho said...

Still waiting. The moves are so restricted because the candies are locked it. Using up precious moves that have no effect. Very frustrating at this stage in the game now that most people can't go back to earlier levels. Keep thinking that others have moved on so it must be possible- one day!!!!

Pho said...

This was horrendous. Used all starting boosters from my store, then a precious flying saucer but the cherry was trapped had a lucky spin and won 15 moves. Not a level I'd want to revisit!

hillie said...

ther is no way thad jou can pass this level in 17 moves i wait till jou reset this level whith out help is this inpossible good by.


Sharda said...


Mimi said...

Posting for luck��

CC Rider said...

This is awful!!!

Pati said...

Damm this level is tough! SOS!!

Pati said...

More moves and a lot of luck needed to pass this horrible level. Send me some luck please!

Pati said...

I finally beat this level after playing about 10 more times back and forth on my tablet and my cell. starting with no boosters things just fell in place so i guess i got lucky. With 4 jellies left and no moves i spun free spin and git 5 xtra moves, so glad to be done with rhis level

Anonymous said...

passed it no boosters but got a CB and a wrap together by luck

Danielle said...

First of all not enough moves.....using any of your boosters for nothing for you!!!!!!!!!! I guess you need a lucky board

Dee said...

I'm not impressed that such a high level should be one that requires no skill at all, just luck... A bit demeaning to us faithful fans.

Maiga said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Absolutely ludicrous. I'm not even playing the full five games now. After two or three where I've never got within 30 of the target, I just can't be arsed csrrying on. Literally laughing out loud when I'm invited to have a spin to get a few extra moves.

Anonymous said...

Ridiculous level

penicillin said...

Posting for luck

Fons said...

Extreme difficult. Came as close as 8 jelles left. This can only be succesfull with luck. Patience again. Fons

Anonymous said...

What is up with this game? Finally on prev level I completed on last of my 5 lives using cb/wrap, moved on to this level, had look at board then went to read cookies advice, when I opened up board again cb from bot was gone and I had no lives left... I've had it with this c.. P

Erick S said...

Tough level. Those ribbons/curls really restrict move options. Make special candies when you can, especially wrapped candies and color bombs. I made a handful of attempts and kept getting close but not quite, used a switch hand to collect the last jelly with one move to go. Good luck everyone, thank you for the tips, and happy crushing!

Anonymous said...

I could use a little luck here myself.

CTP said...

Impossible level. I can’t get anywhere near clearing the jelly and I have only gotten the cherry out of its spot once or twice.

CTP said...

WOW!!! There really is some kind of magic in posting here after you’ve struggled. I passed on the next go! With moves to spare. Got 3+ moves for watching the ad, and cascades created a lot of specials. Moving on...

Anonymous said...

went thru all my gold coins for spins for extra moves when I got down to 5 jelly left, no extra moves, used all my stash including the sauce, still can't beat, this is the dumbest level EVER. think im done...

Anonymous said...

The lucky board came on day four…

Wendy said...

This isn't fun at all. No thinking just switch the color bomb and the yellow wrap and wait for a lucky board. Stupid.

Part time crazy said...

Bring back space dash! Giving up soon. Not going to force me to spend money.

Rosita said...

first time i spend 3 or 4 days and cannot pass the level. posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Been on this one for days, it is TORTURE! 😩

Rosita said...

still there, just wondering is it possible to pass this one at all....

Anonymous said...

Horrid level! Not enough moves & lucky if I had one combo. ��

Cris said...

Player to pass will have to be lucky myself, I'm 1 day trying and nothing!

Unknown said...

Don't know why this wasn't labelled extremely hard !!!
Been on it for days - no where near completing it. Tooo hard.

Tineke said...

Wat weer een vreselijk spel, je gaat candy crush bijna haten, je bent blij als je weer een level verder bent maar de volgende is nog erger, het is koningsdag we weet geeft dit een beetje geluk. HELP 🎉🎊

Unknown said...

I have been stuck on this level for many days and am absolutely hating it now. Not even close to finishing it. Can't even make combos. Very close to quitting if it continues as is.

Vishwas Jeevant said...

Posting for luck

LG said...

Tricky level! Been stuck for days. Posting for luck.

J.J. said...

Posting for luck yet again. Impossible level. Boring boring boring boring boring boring

Anonymous said...

This level is as bad as the last 4/5 levels we’ve had. Not enough moves...waiting for a lucky board :-(

Staystrong said...

Posting for luck! Impossible without help!

Jonah said...

Posting for luck again.

nicx said...

besoin d'aide et de chance please

Jelly said...

Wow!!!! Hard level - posting for luck!!!!

Jelly said...

Ok - this level is impossible!!!!!

Unknown said...

Not sure how hard it is, as I only played it once so far, but it cheated me. I was able to bring the cherry down but it didn’t register it in the count. At first I thought that there was more than one and I finished the game with all the jelly cleared but no further fruits appeared. So I had a cleared board with no fruits and it said sorry... After restarting the game to see how many fruits there were, I realized that there was only one. So in addition to being ludicrous, it also doesn’t play fair.

Dolly Bluejay said...

Hmmmmm very strange!! The same thing happened to me!!! What’s up with this???? Time for a break; maybe things will change. Just noticed you posted over two weeks ago.....

Winegums said...

I don’t think this level relies on luck! It relies on King as he is in control of this game. I can tell you that playing this game is frustrating and unfair. Every level is controlled by King and that’s it! What a scam!

Winegums said...

Game is fixed. Depends on King if you are going to get it! What a farce.

Deb V. said...

Posting for luck please!

Moneylady said...


Unknown said...

Once again waiting for that lucky board. I hope it hurries here!

He said...

Posting for luck

Anon said...

I really hope this is not going to take another boring few days to pass. I should delete this ridiculous game and get a life.

jan said...

Been on this level for a couple of days, help!!!

collenfan said...

Posting for luck again.

Tina said...

Posting for luck

Marwanjo said...

To many comments, not interesting playing this game . To boring. Bac to better games. Hihi. Not kingsize games. Seems mostbare fed up with kingzise. Well.... i Am,!,,

Unknown said...

Sick of hearing people say they are quitting.Adios!No doubt they'll be back!

Carole said...

Lucky board please

Houly68 said...

I don't get why in a game of strategy you make a board that has absolutely zero to do with strategy and everything to do with luck or you guys just passing the board after we waste enough time on it! In fact if you get something going you just cheat! Boring, frustrating, cheating, aggravating board.

wtrc said...

Cant get out of top half, just goes round and round, never going to finish without help or luck!!

JAX. said...

Posting for luck. 🙏

Unknown said...

Here's how this level plays out.

Put color bomb with yellow wrapped candy in middle, that blows up the two top corners.

Then spend the rest of your moves making useless move after useless move in those top two corners until you run out of moves. Cherry still there right where it started out until the end...

I don't even know what a lucky board would look like. With all those fences there is no way to get àny striped or wrapped candies anywhere that you would need them to blow out the fences to get the cherry to come down, let alone get all the jellies.

Just impossible.

Anju said...

Posting for luck coz nowadays all level base on luck

Silverdollarbill said...

Got it right after reading some of this blog. Started with the two first boosters and a free UFO. Early I was able to make a wrapped stripped switch near the center of the board. Switched a CB with a candy the same color as a wrapped also near center. Then used the UFO on the 6th move. On the last move I had gotten all the jellies, and the cherry was one spot from dropping so I used a hammer to finish the level.

steve said...

I read all the comments and agree with them. Then I played using those comments.
After my first move. I then got stripes and wraps and even a CB and actually got the cherry!
Oh! I still needed 25 jellies. What a waste of time.

steve said...

2 games after I left the above comment. "I GOT LUCKY"
Ended up getting a lot of wraps and stripes combos.
got the cherry with 7 to go and needing 7 jellies and got them with 1 to go.
I'm glad to be done with that board and didn't waste any boosters.

Joanne said...

Posting for luck

Tricky said...

Pure luck, no strategy, boring.

Jo said...

Il me reste toujours la cerise et 5 ou 6 gelées demande de l’aide à cc merci jo

Unknown said...

Oh my are really unfair!! I won this level and you did not accept it win... So speechless unbelievable.
Please do anything for helping me once again.

Hans Andersson said...

NO way to play and finish this game!! It never opens up. Just play on the outside all The time😠👺😡!! Lucky board PLEASE CC

Hans Andersson said...

Boring level. The game never opens up to play. Just pure luck if you pass. Lucky board PLEASE. Lucky board PLEASE

Hans Andersson said...

Thank you CC. Boring though that playing the game should depend on begging for Lucky board. NOT GOOD at all 👺😡😠

Candy Thompson said...


Elisabeth said...

Hello ... Dans un mois j'y suis encore si je n'ai pas de "chance"...
ALORS... Petit message pour réveiller la chance !!

Julie joel said...

This level is tne pits i cant get anywhere i need more moves i cant believe i still play this stupid game some levels are pathetic

Kedi31 said...

Waste of time. No strategy, just pure luck. Time to say goodbye to this stupid game.

June B said...

C'mon Candy Crushers! How many are still enjoying this game? I honestly don't know why I keep playing, as it's boring and not fun like it used to be. I would like to see levels that require strategy instead of pure luck.

Minnie said...

Am trying posting for luck...never done it before. Hope it helps.

Minnie said...

OMG..posted formlick for first time ever...and got it on next try! I have been playing for about ten years!!!

Rute Lima said...

OMG, if the subject is luck, you will be seen me for the next years ahead. Not a lucky person, just brains, lol

cvbcb said...

One of the crappiest levels ever! Posting for luck… Don’t bother with boosters. Very limited moves. Stupid stupid stupid

Rute Lima said...

...and im here again. Lucky board, pls