Hints and tips showing how to pass level 4317 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 4317 Candy Crush Saga is a score level, you need to score 320,000 points to complete the level.
All you need to do to get the score needed is to make a colourbomb in the top part of the board and use it to clear as many bombs as you can. There is a colourbomb in the bottom part of the board but you need to be careful not to unlock it from the marmalade unless the chocolate beside it has been cleared or it will be eaten and lost.
You can also use a colourbomb to grow the frog and use it to clear some of the chocolate in the bottom left so you can use the colourbomb.
This isn't a hard level at the moment but this could change in the future.
Video by Cookie
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If the level you play is different from the one
here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no
control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change
Waster more boosters here Really struggling. Posting for luck please
I think the target score has been reduced since the video but I still can’t get anywhere near
Start with fukk space dash, use a colour bomb to grow the frog. Place the frog on the chocolate alongside the colour bomb at the bottom of the board and you should get the score from there.
I followed Graeme’s advice three times before getting the score with one star and having to buy extra moves reluctantly but for my own sanity. The combined colour bombs were less successful than using them singly. I don’t understand why this is not a nightmare level
Four colourbomb and still nowhere near, such a BS level
For those of you on Android, if you are about to lose a level and don't want to lose the builder bot (which is now really hard to get), turn off your Wi-Fi and close the game. As long as your Wi-Fi is off and you don't play through to a complete loss oh, you will keep your bot.
The downside to this is that you will have no wheel to earn extra moves, and you will not be able to watch commercials in exchange for boosters at the beginning of levels. However I find it's worth turning off Wi-Fi just to keep the bots.
Posting for luck. I've tried all suggestions. Nothing has worked.
Started with CB from the video, fed the frog, moved it to bottom left,got more than enough points, either a lucky board or level has changed!
postinf for luck lots of luck
Due to the stupid new bot haven’t got a snowballs chance in hell of getting this level. Close to calling it a day.
Well I don't know what more I could fo to get the score. I cleared all the bombs and even mote which dropped down the bottom right
I grew the frog 3 times but still didnt get enough points. I guess the only option is a lucky board. Even with extra moves no good.
Don’t understand how to win this one. I have used 4 spaceships in one game out of pure frustration and I was still 300 points short. Only one of the spaceships sent out a wrap in the bottom right hand corner where the bombs fall all other wraps were a complete waste of time. Half of the time the bombs just dont come out so how you are supposed to collect the points is a mystery. I am very surprised there are only 11 comments, am I doing something wrong?
Posting for luck
Lucky board please,
Bombs won't come out till you move the frog.
How do you watch commercials for extra boosters?
I have cleared all the bombs, moved the frog, and still get no more bombs and no way to score more than about 100 000 pts (need 250 000). No idea what to try!
Ready to give up. Tried all boosters and not close.
Posting for luck!!!!!!!!
I was at 236,000 and got 45 extra moves and was only able to gain 6,000 points in 45 moves before a bomb exploded. We’re not playing the game. It’s playing us.
Absolutely impossible, yet again trying to get you to buy moves! Time to quit
I think I have played this level four, maybe five hundred times. This morning I was starting it again when suddenly I have wondered myself: "is this a game, where I must play the same level for days,waiting Kings giving me that lucky board to pass? And then,also if I pass,to start again the same way in the next level?" The answer was: "no, this is not a game, it is only an attempt of those stupid Kings designers to steal my money! Why should I give my money to those thieves?" NEVER! I'll never pay. It is evident in this level, with five colours, the chance to form colour bombs is practice equal to zero. So I should gave to stay here until I get the luck. Horrible! There are nicer games in the net, why should I loose my time here? CC was a nice game but now I have enough of it. The Kings ruined a nice game and they will not get my money anyhow. Idiots, idiots, idiots!!! Goodbye
Posting for luck
This isn't easy. Very frustrating.
Time to move on to other games. Thus is ridiculous.
Posting for luck
More CHOCOLATE I hate the stuff can't clear it or collect the frog just can't see how to collect the points I've not managed to collect half of them certainly need a lucky board with this one
Come on, king!!!
This level is proving impossible for me I can't even grow frog and I can't even get a cc don't know how to achieve score required really need a lucky board soon as I've been stuck here far to long
Boring, yawn!!!! Posting for luck to get this one over fast. ugh
Want to get this horriable level over, lucky board please!!!
Posting for luck
No frog to grow on my board perhaps king got rid of it, anyway been playing this level on and off and cant even get close even though i started with a cb. Waiting for a friendly board
Really having a hard time, havent even hir 200,000 yet, help
Posting for luck
Poasting for luck
Last level I’m playing can’t take the boredom and frustration...wait g for lucky board voted bored bored never play a king game feel cheated and let down
Lucky board
Waiting for lucky board
Licky board bored boring King cheats
I’m still here, but truly bored.... miserable level
I have no frog !!!
Tried everything and nothing works. This level is rigged against us.
Surprised!.....why am I still here wasting my free time when there are so many other enjoyable games out there????? That is the question?????
Boring boring boring nothing works here just wasting time waiting for the usual lucky board no boosters help whatsoever King do you realise your long term customers are leaving you!! No skill here needed at all coz its kings game but I will be damned to get a penny from me... Fun has long gone, I remember finishing work winding down and having a few goes of cc... Nowadays it's just frustration
I totally agree xxxx
I totally agree been stuck on this stupid level forever
Totally rigged!! No matter what I do I haven't made it over 100k.quite annoyong
So sick of this level !! Now I'm not getting a score higher then 25 thousand !!
Come on King, can ya let me through already pfl
Posting for luck
What a ridiculous level 4 times I have cleared all the bombs still with moves to take and can’t make the right score. How do I get more bombs what am I doing wrong or how do I increase the points
Help please
Posting for luck
Please help
What is the problem? One CB same colour as frog and two of the bombs. Done in one move. Didnt need the frog. Pts 250k maybe that is it. LT
Posting for luck!
Impossible! No way can you get that many points! Need a miracle board
Help! Luck needed
250,000??? There are times I can't even break 10,000! Come on, Mr. King, and send me some good LUCK! Pretty please???
this boring and futile... what frog???
all you do is make useless moves that never produce color bombs
posting for luck
Posting for luck
Post for luck
Posting for luck
Need a lucky board please!
Posting for luck !!!
Posting for luck
Another very frustrating level that requires only luck, no strategy. Getting tired of these continuous hard levels. Maybe time to start the new year with a new game.
As mentioned above this is purely luck level .
I got 2 colour bombs at the top and used the one under the chocolate but still couldn’t pass - only reached 235,000-something points . So dumb.
Efetivamente tem jogos melhores e inteligentes. Não vou perder meu tempo aqui com este jogo manipulado e ridículo. Hora de excluir o CC. Sorte para quem fica.
Outro nível ridículo e nojento. Saindo fora deste jogo idiota.
Niveau très difficile voire impossible et inintéressant :-( Je ne vois pas comment on peut atteindre l'objectif avec si peu de déplacements... Je compte donc sur la CHANCE 🍀 pour passer ce niveau, MERCI 😊
Affichage de la chance
Do I really have to play this ridiculous level for a week before it lets me pass. I will be bored bored bored. I hate timed level. I haven’t even seen the bloody frog yet!!
got close just once...going to try again and again until some of the tips work...thanks, CC friends!!
This level sucks. Posting for luck.
oki, don't don't how I'M going to get thru, even with 3 cb on this try and only got as high as half the 250k points needed. Posting for lucky board...
well after being stuck here for 5 days, and almost 100 tries, this is it. Not even close, therefore I think this is the end for me. Have fun people, as I am not anymore...
I feel like this level now has serious bugs which make it impossible to pass, previously the required score was much higher than the current 100k however all videos I’ve seen including the one here have a colourbomb giving almost all the total required. Now colourbombs get you 5-10k max and the same for moving the frog. I’ve had lucky boards with around 5 colourbombs and several moves of the frog but I’ve yet to get above 60,000.
Target is now 50,000 but still can't pass. Close a couple of times, but put frog near cb on lower left. Grew again & blasted chocolate again. Suddenly could get nothing for points.
Next board I passed starting with booster of wrap & cb. Waited for conveyor to bring wrap above cb which took out most of the board. Frog in lower left took care of the rest
Finally made it after a few days, no boosters used. Try and break the bars above the licorice when possible, if you have a CB hit the frog if same color, then place frog in bottom left, save your stripes for candy Crush, unless you can clear CB in bottom left (if bar is already cleared), or stripped wrapped switch above CB.
followed tips from above
no boosters
but was able to break candy cane border on top
got one color bomb
used it on the frog
and passed
ignored the bombs
focused on make specials
and breaking top candy cane border
plus using frog on chocolate at bottom left
Can’t believe there aren’t more recent posts unless they have been removed….nonetheless another sh!t level. Time to play a different game.
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