Candy Crush Saga Level 4396 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 4396 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 4396 Candy Crush Saga is a dual task level, you have to collect yellow candies and clear the jelly to complete the level.
The yellow candies are provided by the lucky candies on the board and moves are very limited at the start so you need to start getting the board opened up very early in the game.
Wrapped candies are the best special candies to make if you can't get colourbombs, double wrapped candy combos are great for clearing large areas of the board.
Level 4396 needs a fair amount of luck as well as careful playing as there are not many moves to spare.

Video by Skillgaming
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Rp said...

What's the point in build a bot? It's barely possible to pass 2 levels first time

Anonymous said...

They want your money!

Tina said...
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TRE said...

Lucky board needed

SueB said...

Why do I always win timed boosters when I have no lives left?

Laura said...

Where is everyone?

Laura said...

There are lots of special candies to work with but a shortage of moves. It took me 3 tries. Adding boosters didn't help. Passed with no boosters. I found the top right to be the hardest to clear. I wish these order levels included a checkmark option. Good luck.

Biffy said...

It just gets worse, not many comments on here probably as most people on these levels have given up the game.
I can’t build a bot anymore can’t reset the game and now the free spin for extra moves has been stopped.
Looks like I’ll be stopping too, it’s not worth playing anymore for this level, can’t get near it and don’t get boosters needed.

Julie joel said...

This level is awful it looks easy but its not i need more moves please candy crush

Unknown said...

It is almost impossible to pass levels at the first try. I have been stuck here for far to long.
Please CC/King review some of the levels. It’s not fun and games anymore, just games imo.

Unknown said...

Posting for luck ✨ 🙏

Unknown said...

Lucky board please 🙏

Unknown said...
