Candy Crush Saga Level 4399 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 4399 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 4399 Candy Crush Saga is a dual task level, you have to collect chocolate as well as clear all the jelly to complete the level.
The candies cycle around through the portals and every time they come to rest you need to check the bottom right and see if you can switch two of the stripes together. If you continue to make stripes and wraps in the left side sooner or later they will come to rest beside the stripes in the bottom right so you can use them to clear the top right section.
The chocolate you need is the light coloured chocolate that is made by the chocolate machines so you will have to let it grow a bit and keep an eye on how much you need before the end of the level.
The licorice down the middle will block your combos so clearing the middle section will mostly have to be done from below.

Video by Johnny Crush
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm nog geen commentaar. . Geef mij dan maar een geluksbord

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck 😣

Anonymous said...

Posting 4 luck

msnega said...

What they said. pfl

Anonymous said...

Pass it first try the greatest πŸ’ͺ🏼πŸ’ͺ🏼πŸ’ͺ🏼πŸ’ͺ🏼

Anonymous said...

very difficult board

Anonymous said...

Ugh frustrating level

Still Here said...

Extremely difficult. The lack of space dash is not going to endear this level any further to me.

Anonymous said...

Licorice block everything. Pfl.

Anonymous said...

Cookie says that if we keep making stripes and wraps in the left that "sooner or later they will come to rest in the bottom right"
I Haven't seen the "Sooner". Most of mine happen in the "Later" when I'm about out of moves.

Anonymous said...

Really hard level.. Posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Very very frustrating hard level
Need help
Posting for lucky board

Anonymous said...

Abandon !! Impossible !

Anonymous said...

Once more Kings try to steal our money. It is crystal clear that only with a very lucky board you can pass this. No chance to form CB, the combos are always in the wrong place and of the wrong type: horizontal when you should need vertical and viceversa. Adding then that licorice is blocking everything, it is evident the only way to go is to wait an event when at every move you obtain a combo near a combo in the bottom right, and I'm not sure also this could be enough as the right chocolate doesn't appear immediately and you could run out of moves before finishing. But if you buy a lot of hammers, as usual, you go ahead quickly. And this is exactly what the thieves want: if you do not buy you'll stay on this level for days, but can be that after around 1000 attempts you'll pass it. And this crap would be a game?

Anonymous said...

Not difficult, boringly impossible until you get a lucky board. No skill needed. Posting for luck

Anonymous said...


Becky said...

Impossible! Need a lucky board please!

Julie N said...

No skill needed, only luck. said...


Bubbles said...

I feel like I’m playing the slots in Vegas only worse odds. Lol.

Anonymous said...

Just another BS board. Sure seems like King would rather create BS boards and ties our hands than make it challenging and some what entertaining.

Anonymous said...

Crap again

Unknown said...

Doçuras para dessestresar.... Onde estÑ a diversão? Jogo fora da proposta.

Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Anonymous said...

This level is friggin horrible! Stuck and not happy.

Sharda said...


Anonymous said...

posting for luck

Trina said...

😑😑😑😑omg this level is impossible to pass liquorice does not move so blocks top right side of board can't get any matches down to bottom either really need so luck here

Sana said...


Neen Katzman said...

Posting for luck!!!

Aussie said...

Vertical stripes from the dispenser would help.

hillie said...

4399 ill give up this level is hard and inpossible i think this is the end for me of c.c. good by king i come back whe jou have reset this level.


Anonymous said...

I am already nervous going in with so many players complaining it’s an impossibly hard level. So glad to know what I should watch for before I go. Thank you for this site. Pfl

Martha A said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

I Need a lucky Board

Anonymous said...

Another boring junk level. I think luck is the only way to pass. Roosters are almost gone I don't even know if they will help? Anybody have an idea?

Erick S said...

This level was ROUGH, I passed on my fifth or sixth attempt, with a +5 spin (watched an ad after failing) on my last extra move. I added all 3 available boosters (color bomb, stripe/wrap, and fish). The fish were helpful when I could release them. I tried to make combinations to clear away the waffles and chocolate on the left, then kept making moves on the third column to try and make stripe + stripe combinations (or whatever other special I could get to actually drop, to get rid of the blockers on the top right to open up the jelly and chocolate dispensers. The chocolate was stubborn and didn't dispense often, be forewarned that if you clear the chocolate before you've completed the order, it doesn't dispense until there are candies in front of the dispensers, and then it didn't seem like every move. Good luck everyone, thank you for the tips, and happy crushing!

Sindy said...

Posting for luck

Booboo said...

I don’t think there’s been a more pointless or undoable level than this one. No way to understand how the striped candies line up on the bottom left’s all guess work. King needs to tweak this level to at least make it passable.

Booboo said...

As we say in Yorkshire....”I can’t be arsed with it”!

Booboo said...

I suggest that no one pays a penny to King for boosters for this level at least until it is fixed. There seems no chance of ever passing it even with boosters, as I have tried. It needs fixing since it has a mind of its own....or should I say King decides when to let you pass and collects your money along the way!

Unknown said...

No hints only complaints. Bit of luck would be nice

Cris said...

Player has no chance, the candy stripes do not stop side by side, they rarely stop to make the move ... Annoying!

liloldlady said...

Horrible level.
Totally agree with the above-mentioned money stealing comment.
Impossible unless you are very lucky or spend on this one.

Anna said...

Yeah, this is way lame. Could at least drop vertical stripes and give us a 15% chance of passing this level. As it stands, I think we’re at 2% so enjoy the next 98 attempts. I’m at around 48 and I’m loving it! Oh no, that’s the sharp stick in my eye. That’s what seems like fun when compared w/this level. Grrr! Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Maiga said...

No skill needed, posting for luck

cookie56 said...

Posting for luck.

Nidhi said...

Luck me with a lucky board plzzz

Hubblebubble said...

I cleared the dark line of chocolate as soon as possible. This stopped it from taking over the board as it doesn't grow back. Then I could concentrate on getting the squares and growing the lighter chocolate.

Sioux said...

Boring tedious IMPOSSIBLE level once again you need to spend a fortune on hammers (king has never had a penny from me nor will they ever) just have to keep playing until that sudden miraculous lucky board comes up...boring

Unknown said...

This level is impossible

Helen said...

So, how did you do it???

Anonymous said...

The worst!!! You can’t pass this level without a very lucky board...waiting again for that lucky board :-( :-( :-( :-(

Anonymous said...

I’m still stuck on this level....and still waiting for a very luck board :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

Tineke said...

Ook ik vind dit een naar spel, ben al dagen bezig zonder enkel geluk, dus mijn vraag is kunnen jullie mij helpen aub

cw said...

CCS level 4399 is excruciating. So often left with 1 jelly in the middle right. Put me out of my misery. SEND LUCK as making wraps is impossible to match with stripes.


TRE said...

Posting for luck

TRE said...

Posting for luck

Flippenheck said...

Oh need loads of help please

Dee said...

For God's sake this is impossible

FrΓ€ulein Pop said...

Help! Posting for luck.

Jonah said...

This is a tricky level. Posting for luck again please

Sawsan said...

This is impossible .. there is something wrong, I have no chocllete going on .. please fix

Jelly said...

Dang - super tough level - posting for luck!!!!

Grandma said...

Posting for luck as I can't get them to stop in the right place. Frustrated

K said...


Eliza h said...

Posting for luck!!!!!

Eliza h said...

Can’t get close! Help!

shelleyjim said...

Need luck😑

spike1 said...

I can’t figure out the strategy...HELP!

AEF said...

Is there any strategy to passing this level? I’ve been in it for over a week. I just keep looking for the stripes side by side in the bottom right every move but all the stripes are horizontal. I’m very frustrated! There’s got to be a strategy, I just can’t figure it out. Appreciate any help, hints or tips anyone who’s passed it can provide? Please???

Deb V. said...

Posting for luck please, wasted all my boosters on this level.

JB said...

Been playing this level for 3 days!!!! Am really bored with it!!!! Rediculous!!!!

Unknown said...

Need some luck please!!

Ellen said...

Zonder booster is dit onmogelijk , hoe kom ik hier ooit voorbij

Babci said...

Hate the licorice. No way around it. Forget using boosters. You will just lose them. Get as many combos on the bottom as you can. Obviously I can’t since I’m still stuck. How about a nice lucky board???

He said...

Posting for luck

Shunga said...

Welcome to another pissy, unbeatable, tear your hair apart, swear level from King! What the heck guys loosen up! Remember the game should be pleasurable and not near wanna beat the crap out of it levels! I hate you! Bye!

Shunga said...

I have been o this stupid level for 4 days now! It is impossible again! I saved up tons of boosters and still no luck! King you suck bad!

grama V said...

Boringgggggg....posting for πŸ€

WIXY Rick said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
WIXY Rick said...

I don't know what is more stupid, this level or me for still playing. My question is why are there no vertical stripes on the right? That way, if you happened to get a horizontal on the bottom left you might be able to take out more than a single row at a time. As it is you are never going to get 2 stripes or a stripe and a wrap together more than twice in a row. By the time you get another one in place the chocolate has covered everything you just cleared. Another boring BS level that requires no skill whatsoever. It isn't enjoyable any more. Just send me an email daily saying whether I won or not so I don't waste my time. No fun. You hear me King? NO FUN!

KS said...

I find this so hard. Need some help with a lucky board. How about an early Christmas gift CC. Would be appreciated

Anonymous said...

There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to this board! I cannot figure out how it is suppose to work! So just give me a lucky board and I will move on!

AnΓ΄nimo said...

Efetivamente tem jogos melhores e inteligentes. NΓ£o vou perder meu tempo aqui com este jogo manipulado e ridΓ­culo. Hora de excluir o CCS. Sorte para quem fica.

AnΓ΄nimo said...

Este Γ© um nΓ­vel ridΓ­culo, assim como este jogo. NΓ£o tem mais razΓ£o de ser jogar isto, agora tudo depende de sorte. Estou fora, vou deletar esta porcaria.

Tina said...

Posting for luck

Jan said...

Posting for luck, help!!!

KiKi said...

Been stuck forever! Can get one or the other cleared...boosters have not helped! Will not pay to play! So still waiting for that lucky board......

Laura said...

It's just bragging if you don't share your tips.

Laura said...

Thanks for the tip!

Crushed said...

Posting for luck

Crushed said...

Why would someone blow money on a lollipop or anything else for that matter. Just plain dumb.

collenfan said...

Can't figure this out. Posting for luck again for this difficult level.

collenfan said...

Still here :( need help please.

EC said...

Posting for luck

lorraine said...

OMFG King. Enough of these friggin impossible boring levels. Bloody licorice gets in the way so just making useless moves that don't do anything;(

Mama said...

Beyond tired of 4399

lorraine said...

Still stuck on this ridiculous level. Bloody impossible. I'm done. CC has become boring. C U BYE ;(

lorraine said...

Been on this level for the last month. Thought I would come back and try again. Yeah right. Bloody impossible. CC has become absolutely boring. Other games are more fun.

Unknown said...

Such a boring level! You don’t need scales, you just need a lucky board. The stripes never come in the right places. 😒

Unknown said...

All this episode is fuckin difficult!!! The previous level was this is superhard!!! Really I need a miracle to pass this...Babis from Greece waiting for the lucky board...I hope to come soon...

meliana said...

C’mon king!! Another horrible level, after hard level played for 4 days and now super hard level and hv to wait another days?? Spent a lot of boosters but not help, buy another boosters to pass this impossible level?? Absolutely No. Boosters not help only waiting for lucky board or stop playing this stupid game

Georgeann said...

Got a laugh from your comment anyway 🀣

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Jules said...

Yeah, this board seems impossible, and I'm PFL. But for some reason, I find playing this board oddly satisfying.

Unknown said...

This round seems to depend on nothing buy luck. The. more I move on, the less thinking seems to matter It might be time to find another game to play.

gem said...

Help ple

Anju said...

Posting for luck

Anju said...

Luck plz

Houly68 said...

Hate this level! There is absolutely no strategy other then hope they pass it for you!? It sucks!

Missy said...

Posting for luck plzzzz.πŸ˜’

MM Olson said...

posting for much needed luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Carole said...

Impossible please help

Teto said...

A tough one but doable. I concentrated on getting rid of the dark chocolate, as someone said on a previous comment, while making moves only on the third column to get as many stripes as I could. After that it gets a lot easier. Done on fourth try with just one lollipop to crush the last jelly.

JAX. said...

Posting for luck. πŸ™

DeefenbΓ€ker said...

Nope! CANNOT do this level. So annoying there's no vertical stripes unless you make them yourself. The chocolate comes back too quickly to clear the jelly. Boisters are useless. Probably because I don't have any!

Sab2 said...

well, I guess I will pass this level when CC decides cuz there is no way this is doable without a lucky board. Have tried over and over and the stripes hardly ever end up one next to the other. SO posting for a lucky board

Julllie said...

I woould appreciate a lucky board please

barb W said...

Well, this is a beast! Plenty of special candies, none of them landing where they'd be helpful. I think we're on our own with this one. But I'll ask for help, I'm not proud. :)

AlexCrush said...


Biffy said...

Well I got 2sprinkles 1 combined and 1 fish left to help this shi... level I’ve been on for days.
The boosters are a waste of time as they NEVER go where needed but I’ll use them till all gone and that’ll be me gone too if it doesn’t work. There’s obviously a con going on with king they’ve stopped everything they used to give to help us along and keep us playing but now it’s all stopped the fun’s gone out the game. Time for us all to move on and tell them to stuff their game.

bonita said...

I need a lucky board. HELP been trying for 6 days.

dot said...

Help please

Shystar said...

Posting for luck please

Pinky said...

Unbelievable level soooooo hard, posting for lucky board please

Ggk said...

Posting for luck please. Twice was left to clear one more chocolate and none were left to clear. Very frustrating after being able clear all jelly’s . Can’t figure out why chocolate wouldn’t drop ???? Pleasehelp

Charper223 said...

Posting for luck please - I’m really stuck and can’t make any progress at all. Thanks for sending a lucky board.

Shelby1 said...

Posting for luck!

Twinpletmom said...

Waiting for a lucky board.

Delicados Fiapos - Tildas said...

OlÑ!! Sorte e ajuda, por favor!! Obrigada! Abraço!!

Twinpletmom said...

I’m so tired of this level. Guess this is when I start playing other games for a while.

Candy Thompson said...


LIN said...

Cannot do this kevel not enough moves please help with a lucky board


Pagani Elda Leonor said...

Publicado para la suerte de lo contrario no puedo salir es MUYYYY difΓ­cil

Sharon said...

This is not the same as my 4399. What’s up?

Julie joel said...

Sharon my game is different as well i need fish & gels not chocolate & liqurice ?

wtrc said...

This game is totally different from the game I'm playing for 4399 so I would like help or lucky ball on the game I'm playing 4399 which is also ridiculously hard to finish, straight after a very hard level.

wtrc said...

A very lucky board please

arjuca said...

niveau totalement diffΓ©rent et encore une fois pour bouffer des vies, mais je ne donnerai pas un centime €, pousser des bonbons en attendant que CC veuille bien nous laisser avancer

Ulbru said...

Help! Lucky board please

dawn said...

my level 4399 does not look at all like the video . posting fur luck our help would be most appreciated

dawn said...

I need help my board 4399 is nothing like your video 4399, and all other that I have googled is totally different to my board. I am posting for luck pleeeese

dawn said...

my level 4399 has not got chocolate every thing on above comments is totally different to my 4399 . Please please what is going on. I am posting for luck and hopefully for some answers.

JMI said...

My level 4399 is also not like this either.

Rena said...

Mine is different also. I need a lucky board. Posting for luck please!

Rena said...

I need a lucky board please!

Lili10 said...

Plus du tout le mΓͺme tableau mais aussi difficile donc publiΓ© pour la chance Merci

Lili10 said...

Des dizaines de vies perdues impossible besoin d'un tableau chanceux Merci

Lili10 said...

Vais je Abandonner maintenant ???
Besoin de chance Merci

Lili10 said...

PostΓ© pour la chance Merci....

Lili10 said...

5 jours et toujours au mΓͺme niveau.....postΓ© pour la chance Merci

MicT said...

Any tips for the new board, which is completely different?!

MicT said...

The strategy I used that worked was to free the fish dispensers as soon as possible. If you don’t, you risk clearing the jelly and not having enough fish, which happened to me once. I needed the extra 5 moves to finish. Sometimes small moves at the side to let more fish down, might be better than moves in the middle, it’s just working out what needs clearing first. What helped was making a lot of wrap and stripe combos in the centre to blast either side. It’s a really tough level and I lost a few lives before I passed.

Rute Lima said...

Yes the board is different. But is so hard as the other. A little help will do. I have a bonus of a cb and the other, but no chance even with them. Help, please

Unknown said...

Different game. Need help. No boosters left. Posting for luck.

Kay said...

Posting for luck

JoΓ« said...

PubliΓ© pour la chance

Visaman said...

Posting forluck!πŸ€πŸ€ž

Nellebel said...

Onmogelijk zo frustrerend. Alle meer dn een week bezig. Ik kom zelfs niet in de buurt. AUB help mij. πŸ˜€πŸ™πŸΌ