Hints and tips showing how to pass level 4436 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 4436 Candy Crush Saga is an orders level, you have to collect the blockers and waffles to complete the level, this means clearing the whole board.
From the start you need to be looking for combos, when you get colourbombs, which you will, it can be just as useful, if not more so, to set it off using another combo as this is much more likely to start a cascade and it will save a move. You will need to get cascades going whenever possible as there are not enough moves to clear the board with normal moves and combos.
There are dispensers at the top of the board which will give you stripes and wraps which you may be able to switch together, if not let them self destruct and this will cause more damage and hopefully create cascades.
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If the level you play is different from the one
here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no
control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change
Posting for luck.
Posting for a lucky board🍀
Double CB to start
Only 3 comments
This level is very frustrating and hard
Can’t get it close e en with boosters
Need help
Posting for lucky board
Give up
Bye bye
Nível stressante, já perdi muitas vidas .Nada divertido.
Again and again ... this level is quite easy, but the number of moves is ridiculously low. It is evident this level is done only to force the players to buy extra-moves. It should need at least 10-15 more. The best result I got was 4 waffles remained ... should need a very lucky combination of cascades, but it is not said tah tthis will be anough ... ALL the waffles nìmust be cleared and maybe you do not have the right candies ti hit them in their position. A check booster maybe helps but you should know in advance if you have the lucky board or not. I tried and it was a disaster. 67 waffles left! At the end of the day the result is always the same. This game is only a steal, no fun anymore, since the level 3800 (around) there is no chance to puss without luck. And also all the helping booster have disappared totally, also those with advertising! Very bad, very boring, time to quit!
It is impossible to pass this level without buying extra-moves. This automatically means the end of my experience with CC. Goodbye!
Totally agree! What a bad end for a nice game!
Posting for luck
I agree with others that you seem to create levels that are impossible without boosters. (and a lucky board) Yet you have taken away most of our ability to earn free boosters. So either make the levels easier (less chocolate or licorice) or give us more moves, and give us back our bots, hats, spaceships...because from what I see in these postings, people are NOT going to buy them! They are quitting the game. How many "this is no longer fun" posts do you need to see???
If you are lucky enough to get to 10 or below on waffles or blockers, use a flying saucer. Have a move or two left to be able to hammer anything else that remains after that.
For those of you who bog this site down with your "pfl"'s.....the game doesn't have any knowledge of you posts, so if you truly believe it helps, I have some swamp land in the desert to sell you....
Tough level, but fun to play because of the cascades (when you can build them). The first and third time I played, I was able to use my partially built bot boosters, added a color bomb and lucky (check mark) candy booster, and was able to get two color bombs neighboring, then combine them to remove all the licorice cages and meringue, which helped kick-start my efforts. The lucky candies didn't fall often, and I believe stopped after the blockers order was fulfilled (may not have yielded any waffles, which were the toughest for me to collect. The dispensers are VERY helpful, and I had better luck with the center dispensers, but had to work to make those special candies fall far enough to do damage to the blockers and waffles. Be patient, make and combine specials, and kick off the cascades as often as you can. The wrapped candies are a god-send for this. Good luck everyone, thank you for the tips, and happy crushing!
Posting for luck
It is so easy for CC to make hard levels. Just reduce the moves to a rediculous number .
Lucky board needed for this one.
And yet again another total BS level that is so boring because you don’t need skill you just need to be granted a lucky board from CC or buy tons of their boosters. I need to quit this but I haven’t been able to pull the plug. Posting for luck as it can’t hurt...CC keep it up and you will finally get me to quit!!!
Not an easy one...waiting for a lucky board :-( :-( :-( :-(
Absolutely not enough moves!!! I refuse to buy any boosters and extra moves. Would rather quit.
Posting for luck
Posting for luck! Need more moves and boosters...
Totally discusted with this level. In one hit two colorbombs together and still didn’t clear the board. Fixed games are frustrating. King is in control and now I think it’s time to leave this obnoxious game.
Lots of people commenting about quitting the game. I’m starting to feel that way also, after five years! And I’ve contributed a decent amount of money towards buying moves and boosters. No more. This level is impossible without boosters and to top it off, they took our BOT away.
Post for luck
Posting for luck
No longer fun is an understatement. Impossible levels are ridiculous and pointless. Where are the boosters and why can't we reset the board anymore. Posting for luck again but not for much longer at this rate
Você é um tremendo imbecil.
Melhor coisa a se fazer e deletar este jogo manipulado e ridículo.
Posting for a lucky board please!
Again, waiting for a lucky board!!
Posting for a lucky board again please!!
Posting for luck
They are not hurting you.
Everyone who is complaining about King removing our ability to earn free boosters needs to send them an email directly. There is power in numbers.
Gee, I only needed 27 more waffles. Ridiculous! Give us boosters (and more moves)!
Always just nearly!
Crazy thing about this level is that it should be easy, but there just never quite enough!
If its not crazy, then I certainly am through this level!
Posting for luck. 🙏
Impossible, impossible. Please help
105 waffles with 22 moves ??? Please please give me the lucky board.
Aggghhhh! Been stuck here a long...LONG time.
Still trying to use the tips but still here
Still here....2 weeks now. fix this level please!
posting for luck, not enough moves, even with combos.
POSTING again for a lucky board--not even coming close to clearing waffles best effort 39/100. HELP , must be doing something wrong, but have NO idea of what!!! Used boosters too. IDK Feel like a big loser.
thank you for the tips/
As others have mentioned already in the comments….this is absolutely beyond lame!!! Per usual, never enough moves!!! There are always dozens and dozens of waffles still remaining when your moves are completely out. It’s so boring too as there is absolutely nothing else challenging, skillful or fun to do in the midst of trying to accomplish the winning goal. Just have to play over and over waiting for King to offer up that sporadic damn lucky board. The special candies that do come down are never enough to break through large portions at once either. But I felt I was patient for as long as I could be and tried what felt like a hundred times over and zero help in any way. So I broke into my what use to feel was a slow go, dwindling down, booster stash. Now that pace has definitely sped up after a legit promise to myself and out loud to this blogger community that I will NOT purchase even one booster even if I just need one thing of this or that no matter how close I am to a win. I ended with a win by using one hand switch and two hammers. Enough of the stripes, wraps and color bombs being formed on their own did own up to their purpose and made good chain effects until there were just a handful of waffles at the very bottom and that’s when I pulled out a few of the boosters. Thank God this boring mundane level is behind me. There will be more just shortly ahead, I KNOW!
posting for luck
Posting for a lot of luck!
Too few moves. IMPOSSIBLE without luck!!!
Posting for luck ✨ 🙏
I had a run of wins as a tease, but now as punishment I'm stuck on this crazy level. not nearly enough moves! And its supposed to be easy?
Posting 4 luck
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