Hints and tips showing how to pass level 4443 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 4443 Candy Crush Saga is a dual task level, you have to collect licorice and clear the jelly to complete the level.
This level is made harder by the candy canes and chameleon candies, which block the board and make it harder to plan your moves.
Try ro make moves as close to the bottom of the board as you can to create cascades as much as possible, but you will need to look very carefully at the candies before every move to make sure you don't miss any chances to make combos. There are not always chances to make combos and a lot will depend on the candies you get so this needs a bit of luck as well as careful playing.
I suggest you concentrate on clearing the jelly and hopefully by doing this you will collect enough licorice along the way. Colourbomb combos, while not common or easy to make, will give you the best chance of completing level 4443.
Video by Johnny Crush
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If the level you play is different from the one
here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no
control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change
The chameleon candy should be illegal. It's hard on the eyes and it puts my blood pressure up.
Please give me a lucky board asap so that I don't have to look at the blinkers.
One comment???. Posting for luck
I agree! Very distracting and annoying.
Very challenging, but I got it on my second attempt. Cookie's tips are on the mark. Make a color bomb and combine it with either a striped candy or a wrapped candy, and most of the licorice and jelly will be hit. Repeat as often as you can, 2 or 3 times should get almost everything collected. Good luck everyone, thank you for the tips, and happy crushing!
Oh crikey help please
Lucky board needed
Posting for help please...
I had 15 extra moves and still lost lol
I Am curious, which player is not fed up with cc, and the kingsize games? I Am on the end of playing.
Not much chance of cbs with the fences in the way & combos are pretty useless in collecting such a crazy amount of liquorice.
Those chameleon candies give me a HEADACHE- they should be permanently removed from the game (along with candy fences) .
This level made me feel ill and gave me a headache, I have only played it once but really don’t want to play again, it feels dangerous to health!
Lucky board pse, even with double combos didnt get close. Too many blockers and not enough moves
C'mon where is the lucky board??? Have been playing this level hundred times but still can't get through. This shd be remarked as hard level, this is so frustratingg too many licorices block the way. Lucky board pse!!!!
And also in the video shown so easy wto get wrap candies and i never got the wraps only stripes which is wraps is more usefull than the stripes, and also the licorices drops little by little but my board 1 full row of licorice drop each time and make it harder to pass. c'mon give me the fair board
Cleared the jelly not able to collect licoric
Posting for luck plx
Lucky board needed! I agree that the chameleon candy is hard on the eyes. I have to turn my phone off and close my eyes cause they start to hurt and twitchy sort of. Not healthy I think.
I agree with others here. There should not be chameleon candies. It's terrible on the eyes. It's bad enough on the a PC but when I play it on my phone, I really can't look at it for long. Really stupid idea CC.
Posting for luck. Had all clear with many moves left. A couple licorice left and would not drop
This happened a few times. So frustrated
Li or ice doesn’t fall soon enough to finish, posting for lucky board
no comment does not helpposting for luck
So annoying, no where near enough licourish drops to complete the level. Can’t work out how to get more to drop? In other news, there have been so many great levels recently and at least this one is a lot of fun, just annoying that it’s glitchey. And very pleased the colour switching candies are gone!
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