Candy Crush Saga Level 4444 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 4444 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 4444 is a dual task level, you have to clear the jelly and collect the three cherries to complete the level.
The cherry in the middle will drop out of the exit once you have unlocked it and cleared the licorice holding it back. The two cherries on the left are a bit trickier to collect. These two cherries have to drop through the portals into the right section which is covered with blockers.
The blockers on the right have to be cleared to allow the cherries to drop through and the best way to do that is by using colourbomb combos. Two colourbombs switched together is the best, but switching a colourbomb with any other special candy may work too, depending on where the candies you need are in relation to the blockers.
Once you begin to clear the blockers on the left, which are thinner than the ones on the right, you will get striped candies which you can use to clear the blockers on the left.
There are only three colours on the board at the time of writing so it is fairly easy to make colourbombs and combos, you just need to get them in the right place to do the most damage to the blockers.

Video by Cookie

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Anita said...

Need a lucky board, very difficult?

Anonymous said...

The tips & video helped! Just be sure to open the right hand blocker top two before letting the cherries fall from the left.

Rhodesia said...

Opening the right-hand blockers first is not easy! Need some luck here please.

Rhodesia said...

Got it third time after posting :-)

Anonymous said...

Per favore una tavola fortunata la liquirizia è difficile da finire!

Tou52 said...

The last cherry was just stuck at the bottom and just stayed there, even if t he right and left sides had no more blockers...??

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

This level is HARDER then it looks!

Anonymous said...

Need a lucky board !please!

Anonymous said...

Got it on first try......must be lucky I guess....and my name is not Roger and I don’t ever pay money to play.

Dex F said...

The 1st time, 1 cherry got stuck in the bottom section of the board. There was no where for it to go. I lost the full bot I had.
The 3rd try was the charm, but I had to switch 2 color bombs so they were side by side.
Good luck!

Ian said...

Impossible level yet again, want you to buy moves!! Time to quit

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

CC from vero said...

I dropped the first cherry pretty quickly . After several tries I had a lot of color balls form and I cleared the blockers are left two cherries dropped but I didn’t win!! What’s the glitch? Help!

Roberta said...

Same thing happened to me. Anybody know the answer or is it a glitch?

Anonymous said...

A level where too many color bombs make it difficult to pass

Stacey said...

Very hard to clear the right side before the left and if you don’t one of the cherries will fall to the bottom half of the board. Then you cannot get it to the portal. May as well end the game and start over. Ugh.

Anonymous said...

Perseverance! Took me many tries to beat it. No boosters (because I only have a few) 2 stars!

Erick S said...

I tried once before looking at the blog, and it was tough. I figured out some of the tips and the flow of the board as I played, but Cookie's tips and the supporting video really brought it home and I completed it with 1 move to spare on my next attempt. Good luck everyone, thank you for the tips, and happy crushing!

TTUBJ said...

Extremely hard and almost out of boosters. How do you get the right hand blockers to get unlocked first?

TTUBJ said...

Ughhh been here for weeks. No closer. Any other tips?

Anonymous said...

Quit again!!

Anonymous said...

Tough level...waiting for a lucky board :-( :-( :-( :-(

Anonymous said...

Tricky level. Posting for luck!

TRE said...

Posting for luck

Monique said...

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

Lucky board please

Millie's said...

Fun level 😊 No boosters, 3 tries😊

Mark JD said...


Jo said...

Harder than it looks need luck please

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Jan said...

Need a lucky board, please!!!

Laura said...

Help! I have played this level at least 15x and I have never been able to clear more than one stupid blocker on the right. I even watched the video twice. What am I missing? It makes no sense to keep playing it because obviously there's a strategy that I haven't figured out.

Laura said...

I still haven't passed this level but I just checked for updates and read some of the new reviews. Everyone is saying the same thing so why hasn't Candy Crush done something about the problems? One reviewer said level 4445 is impossible! Obviously, some people have passed it but maybe not so many after all of the changes taking away the ability to earn free boosters. I have emailed King directly several times and they respond back quickly but nothing ever comes of it. I am very close to quitting which will be a shame after getting this far. I wish that the original developers hadn't sold it! It was much more enjoyable.

Laura said...

In case you didn't know, you have to clear the blockers on the right before the ingredients on the left drop or they fall to the bottom of the board where they cannot be collected. Getting ready to play it until I lose my 5 lives. Shouldn't take long. Still no boosters. Plenty of special candies, especially CB'S are formed during the game but they usually self destruct so aren't very helpful. If anyone else is still torturing themselves with this level, good luck! When you pass, please come back and tell me how you did it.

Teto said...

A fun level, no boosters, first try.

JAX. said...

Posting for luck. 🙏

Joosy said...

To the person who commented and said just drop a couple of UFO's..Who the heck just happens to have a couple of UFO's to spare? I barely ever get one as a booster and I'm certainly not paying for them. Sheesh. Obviously if I had a couple UFO's it would make it easier..duh.

Joosy said...

CC must have changed it because the cherries don't fall to the bottom of the board now, even when the blockers are still in place. They will only drop through to the exits on the right. So you don't have to worry about clearing the right side blockers first.

zhouderwanda said...

CB/stripe combinations. As many as you can make. Keep trying that and it will eventually work.

Jon said...

This is beyond words. Everything keeps exploding, so no change to make any kind of combo. If by utterly luck you can combine a chocolate ball with stripes, nothing does seem to hit the blockers. Played this level 50+ times. Never ever came close. Tsss, probably they slow me down because otherwise I might have a chance to win some gold with the lucky 5. Boring as hell.

Charper223 said...

Posting for a lucky board please. The cherries keep getting caught in the bottom of the board and it is very problematic that there is no route for the cherries to move out of the bottom section. I’m not able to make any progress and would appreciate assistance. Thank you.

MicT said...

Like some other people, cleared the blockers only for the cherry to drop to the bottom of the board where there’s no exit! Used a load of boosters as I was so close to finishing, to only be stuck. That’s just horrible candy crush! It’s unfair as I have no idea why this time it happened or how to stop it happening again.

Unknown said...

Posting for luck. Can't get 3rd cherry to exit.

Unknown said...

Posting for luck ✨ 🙏

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Lucky board please 🙏

Megan L said...

I need a lucky board! Even switching 2 color bombs didn't help.