Hints and tips showing how to pass level 4467 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 4467 Candy Crush Saga is classified as a hard level so you can expect to lose a few lives before you manage to pass it, this is an ingredients level, you have to collect the two nuts to complete the level.
The nuts drop from the dispenser on the far right of the board, drop through to the bottom right conveyor, then through one of the two portals into the top left where the popcorns are and from there to the exits at the bottom left of the board.
As you can see from the above, there are many obstacles to getting the nuts to the exits, there are candy curls on the right, popcorns top left and blockers at the bottom left. All these things have to be cleared before you can collect the nuts. Combos will help wherever you can make them, basically you need to blast everything with combos to clear it and at the same time keep your eye on where the nuts are. Once the popcorns are gone you need to make a move somewhere under the portals on the left when the nuts are sitting on the portals bottom right.
Once you have the nuts on the left section of the board you just need to get them down to the exits however you can manage it.
Video by Johnny Crush
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If the level you play is different from the one
here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no
control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change
Let me be the first to post for luck. la la la
Posting for luck. Must clear popcorns. Wish i had read tips before playing as i had lots of boosters on first go.
Coconut wheel helped. Barb
Come on CC lucky board please
Non arrivo nemmeno vicino alla soluzione i popcorn sono terribili ! Un po' di fortuna !!!!
Vorrei andare avanti !UNA tavola fortunata per favore!
Posting for luck
Postat la noroc
No need to clear both popcorns if you line the nuts over the correct porthole on right side of board.
Need some Luck,King!!
thanks cookie
Tip 1: use a coconut wheel if you have one. Reset until you can hit both popcorns (it eg rolls to the left and comes back from the right if there is nothing in between and therefore hits both)
Tip 2: nevertheless, as Tracey said, one open popcorn is enough to win. Do popcorns first. Right Portal = right popcorn and vice versa. Take the popcorn then that is easier for you to hit.
Tip 3: combos are easy to do, use them to open the both fields if possible while taking care for the popcorn.
Tip 4: take care that the nuts are not on the left or right side on the belt before you do a combo to bring them down. They must be in the middle (otherwise they will not fall down). So in the end of the game with an open field only start combos, when the nuts can fall.
After multiple failing with and without wheel I made it with the wheel with 8 moves left.
Very hard to clear top to let the nuts fall. Wasting too much time and lives on this level.
Ridiculous. Absolutely impossible.
Posting for luck
Need a lucky board please!
Omg freaken asinine rigged level I’ve attempted way over
A hundred times Have used a lot of free boosters Can get down to 1 Apple but they’ve rigged it so you cant activate the popcorns until it’s too late to bring both apples down and any combo I set up they have rigged to busted up before I can use them This level is way harder that the nightmarishly hard one they have Am BORED SICK OF PLAYING THIS RIGGED LEVEL AGAIN WILL NOT BUY BOOSTERS TO PLAY A RIGGED LEVEL NO ONE SHOULD it will only encourage them to keep up the dishonest rigging of these levels
Posting for luck
Help!!!! That’s all I have to say about this level.
Please help
Posting for luck
Posting for luck!!!
This level is a JOKE!!! STILL STUCK!! OMG
Came here for hints.....I'm struggling with this level. I had an hour of Color bombs did not even come close!!!!!!!!!!
Come on CC....will use my coconut wheel and hope that it helps
Ditto Danielle! No coconut wheel fir me. Hoping for a friendly board please
Ask nicely and you shall receive a friendly board! Yes, after playing for several days I passed it after posting above and it was all luck
Played 100 times finally had both nuts on bottom left conveyor but no moves left..so tempted to spend money for more moves but i didn't and i won't on these kind of levels.
I can get close but always run out moves. I suppose I can’t clear it because I haven’t cracked and spent money on extra moves
Not even hard; all you need is the coconut wheel to pass the first time.
Just another freaking lovely level! Just so boring...can’t wait to get my lucky board and move on to a fun level. Time to quit but I haven’t pulled the plug on this brain dead game yet. I keep hoping that it will change back to a fun game but every level gets more boring than the last. Posting for luck...what can it hurt?
I am using the coconut wheel but still stuck...posting for a klucky board
Posting for luck.
Posting for luck yet again. Nuts don't drop for ages, just runs out of moves
I give up!
I give up too
I haven’t asked for help for a few weeks, but this one has me stumped. The popcorn has to go before the nuts come down, but there is never anything to use against the popcorn. Round and round we go, on and on and on. Taking a sanity break.
Posting for luck again please
Posting for luck...need more moves to clear...
This is a hard one, need lucky board please
Posting for a lucky board!
This board is impossible! And glitchy, used a color bomb and store and some didn't turn into the store as it was spotted to!
I’ve been stuck here for almost three weeks & used all my boosters. The popcorn is really hard to break.
This is so ridiculous!
Please help!!!
Impossible! Posting for luck, or a miracle actually.
I’d been playing this nasty level for quite some time, without any result. I decided to go and play level 3711, a very easy one, to gather some boosters. Played this one about 10 times, each time winning, and then I went back to 4467. Weaponed with a nice booster bot, I finished 4466 without too much trouble.
Last line above should read: “I finished 4467 without too much trouble”.
Posting for luck again.
Need luck
Please give me a lucky board King. Have been playing this level for a week now!
Posting for luck please!
Wow!! This is a tough one. Please, please send me a real lucky board!
King has definitely rigged this level. Stupid and frustrating. You tell us to play the game to relax. This is a joke! Frustration is all I can feel.
Evil. Posting for luck.
Post for luck
Fed up now posting for luck
Absolutely impossible
PublicΓ³ para la suerte ,ayudaaaa por favor !!!
I had coconut wheels, fish, double chocolate you name it I used it! Still no luck! Pfl again!
Posting for luck
Lucky board please or some free coconut wheels. Thank you.
Help pls
Posting for luck
Posting forluck .....
So sad π
Why have collecting candy drops stopped
Very hard takes ages for.nuts to appear then cant get them through bottom right portals sure only a lucky board will do this is there one out there for me though
Impossible without a lucky board guess its nearly time to move in I will miss it though
Posting for luck
Posting for luck
Posting for luck!
Posting for luck again for this difficult level. Very frustrating level.
Convinced this level is quite impossible!
Here I am still. I think it's time to delete Candy Crush and move on. Too stressful especially at these times.
Insane tremendous hard level!!!! Posting for luck again...Babis from Greece...
I used cb fish coconut wheels so many times still stuck lucky board plz
Posting for luck
Impossible board
Posting again for a friendly lucky board
1st time I’ve been ready to stop playing cc
OMFG here we go again. BORING wait for the lucky board ;(
Finish nightmerishly level and now hard level Lucky board pse!!!! Playing shd be fun, but this game has no more fun
Even with the coconut wheels, fish, all didnt work. Hugf.... so tired playing this game impossible level again, again and again
C’mon king where is the lucky board????
Have been playing many times today but still didnt get through,
The tips above said it’s easy to make combos but always blown not at the right place & time. And the board always reshuffle it means i got very bad board!!!
So frustrating only waiting for the lucky board to pass
Even i hv been playing this game for many years, but this what the king gave to all the players, make them quit to play
And spend money???? Never!!!!!
Maybe the right we shd do now is stop playing this stupid game
I won’t try anymore, im quit!!!
This level is rigged, no doubt about it now.
Mine is the comment that says this game is rigged. As you can see from the date I’m STILL here! I shall post a comment next week too no doubt.
Mine is the comment on 22 and 31st. I finally did it today, pure luck and 1 hand switch. Hateful, mind numbing level.
posting for luck...King pleaseeeee!!!
Another asshole board that can't be finished without spending money. If you are spending money to play this stupid game, ask yourself why? King, I've had enough, no fun anymore.
I have been stuck on this level for well over a week now. Used up all my boosters and can get down to 1 apple but never enough moves left to clear it. Even with a lucky spin and 15 extra moves couldn't do it. This one seems rigged against me. How long do you try before you admit defeat and give up on the game?
No clue why I'm always surprised the only way to pass a level is to wait for a lucky board!!
I've no boosters and can never get my combos in the right place to clear the popcorn. If I work on popcorn annihilation I don't have time to release the nuts and vice versa.
I'll just wait then.....
Posting for luck. π
very challenging and hard..going to try again and again I"m sure.
Please help and give me luck
It should not take so long to get through a level. I've been on this for over a week. That's ridiculous. Apparently every level is passable without boosters, but CC fails to mention that it will take hundreds of tries before you pass. How on earth is this relaxing?? Yes, I'm a fool to keep on trying. That's where CC has us by the short and curlies. At least I don't spend money on this crap so I don't feel too bad.
Nearly two weeks. The closest I came to passing was when I only needed to get one candy out of the way. This feels like work not fun. Guess this will be the level that I end on. I'm not paying for boosters so maybe time to stop.
Impossible. Please help
Ewwww, definitely need a lucky board,
Absolutely terrible!! I don't see how this is even possible?? I can't come close to popping the colorbombs out! I've used all kinds of boosters including coconut wheel. When you only get 1 or 2 the whole time that's not helpful. Boring and frustrating!
π¬π¬besoin d’aide pour passer ce niveau , voilΓ 3 jours que je suis dessus π€ͺπππ¬π¬merci beaucoup
Poster pour la chance ππmerci
Merci ☺️
Le sigh...posting for luck yet again
Posting for lucky board, this level is impossible !!!!!!!!!
Second postfor lucky board, getting nowhere, popcorns are impossible to get too many obstacles !!!!!!!!!!!
Posting for luck please
I have been on 4467 for a very long time,there are only 12 moves and totally different game than is shown in the "all help" I want to know how move on.
This level SEEMS simple (even though it says hard, and it is) yet is fun to play because it actually seems doable and I will keep trying because I know I can do without using even one booster. These kind of levels I can Have patience for because I can tell I won’t either be stuck here forever and/or I definitely can and WILL do it not using one booster. However, I did and still do have from some levels before I got a few hours left of unlimited lives, stripes and wraps and a hammer per game, so now in my 4th try and should beat it here soon. Just wanted to check in here as I normally do if I don’t beat a level by the 3rd try. Here’s to PFL!!!
Well, I beat It immediately right when I went back. I was Down to 3 moves left and one blocker in the way from releasing the last cherry and maybe, just MAYBE I could have pulled something off as I had a few boosters towards the top that coils have came down and busted it out, but why when I had a complete freebie from the 2 hours of free one per level hammer to use. Didn’t even care and just used it and passed. Definitely take advantage of those. If you ever purchase anything, I like the options it gives you once in awhile of having the “for a limited time“ uses of boosters and lives etc. I don’t care about lives as much as I have plenty stored up and there hose take aero time of recovering, but boosters…grab those if they give you that opportunity. However, I do find that that boards seem to be even MORE stubborn (totally rigged as we all know) when I do have those unlimited boosters. But at least I can play as fast as I can and get through more tries and plays still figuring it mind wise if you do need some skill (again, so rigged whether skilled or not) but I know it does help even if a little! Cheers and good luck and on to the next! Crush it can crushers!!!
Oh my! Sorry for all of the typos. I do known grammar and how to spell, but sheesh…I get so excited apparently to just get all of what I wnant and have to say out and don’t go back and ever edit. Hope all who cares to read can decode the hot mess. ;-)
So I will at least try and type out this line I like to say often but will do it correctly this time from butchering I in last comment…”Go crush it all you crushers”!!
There is some good news buried in the anxiety of this level. It is that with so few moves (12) I am able to play a full game, including trying to devise a strategy, in less that 90 seconds. Then I can look for a useful way to find enjoyment and entertainment. It surely is not level 4467.
I need help 12 moves is pathetic come on candy crush give me more moves please i beg you
Oh i forgot to say 2 nuts ? i have 6 cherries to collect this is not fair
Publicado para la suerte muy difΓcil por favor no lo hagan tan complicado porque todos amenazan dejar el juego .
Totally different board than shown. So no help watching the outdated video. This is a level that just needs more moves since CC decided to make it impossible with hardly any moves at all.
Agree different board than shown
level 4467 is utterly impossible. I have tried everything I need a luck board before I have a nervous breakdown
Yes, new board...but still wicked. Been stuck on this one longer than most. Not hard to make combos, but just not enough moves to make enough of them. At least the games are short so I am out and on with my day rather quickly.
You need either more moves or a lot of luck. Posting for luck please
Has anyone actually passed this one yet with only 12 moves? 3 days and no lucky board, I’m starting to think this isn’t possible without buying extra moves.
Feels like I have been stuck on this for a week.
Nowhere near enough moves.
Not much fun, no way to win until CC decides you can win.
There’s no skill involved, not even luck, it’s the CC gods who control who wins and how quickly.
I’m wasting my time with this game.
Please need lucky board for this level
Lucky board
Posting for luck ✨ π
Lucky board please π
I quit
Still waiting for luck π
Can I have lucky board please π
Playing for weeks now no booster left
Please help π
Again a level that has been modified to impossibility so King is forcing you to buy boosters or extra moves in order to pass this ridiculous level, without them it's just NOT possible to pass this level. I bet that if you do buy boosters and moves and you finally pass this level, King lets you play 5-10 levels that are easy to do before you get in another impossible level again. It's their business case now!
Zipped through several levels only to be stuck on this impossible level. Not enough moves to even figure out a strategy. Just have to wait for the lucky board
4467 has changed! So many of these levels are not the same as what we are playing now. I refuse to pay to play.
posting for MAJOR luck!!!!
Posting for luck
Te weinig zetten nu onmogelijk. AUB help mij ππΌππΌππΌππΌππΌππΌππΌππΌππΌππΌ
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