Candy Crush Saga Level 4473 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 4473 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 4473 Candy Crush Saga is an ingredients level, you have to collect the 9 cherries to complete the level.
What you need to do is clear the candy curls and waffles to allow the cherries to drop through. There are only two columns that need to be cleared as all the cherries drop out of the same gaps in the candy canes. These are the two columns nearest to the middle of the board.
There are stripes dropping from the columns nearest to the sides, but these won't help much as you need stripes from above to clear down the whole columns. Stripe/wrap combos will work well either from the side or the top and a colourbomb/stripe combo is useful as long as there are candies of the right colour above the columns needed to clear.
You don't really want to release the cherries too early as once they are free they will hinder you making good moves as they will block the board.
Video from YT

Original video by Johnny Crush
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


TNC said...

Coconut wheel booster a huge help on this one. Barb

Anonymous said...

Thanks for tip on using coconut wheel. Worked.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Zenith said...

Yup I needed the coconut wheel for this one

Anonymous said...

Use coconut but no way
Hard frustrating level
Posting for lucky board

Patty123 said...

Coconut wheel. And luck. Finally...

Anonymous said...


Trina said...

Need help with this one maybe I'll get a lucky board

Sana said...

Stuck here since three days...
Coconut wheel is of no help...

Ness said...

Got all the cherries but said I still needed 2!

cookie56 said...

Posting for luck.

Lucy Lou said...

Omg this is unreal

Fräulein Pop said...

Stuck! Posting for luck. Good riddance.


Two times all the cherries went down no other cherries in sight had moves left and lost the game !!! HELP

Zoe said...

POSTING for luck please

Flippenheck said...

Help please

TRE said...

Lucky board needed

Sherelle said...

Cant pass this level.

Grandma said...

I'm having trouble with this one. Lucky board please

Unknown said...

Finally got it.

If you have a coconut wheel booster, that's a big help (still took me 2 tries with that!)

And very important to clear all you can on the bottom of the board, don't worry about anything but the 2 columns toward the center on the top half of the board (as Cookie mentioned)

Happy Crushing!

Obie's Mom

shelleyjim said...

I had the same thing!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡

Tammy Caison said...

Coco wheel as advice? Great idea, wish I had one lol

Popmeg said...

Used loads of boosters, not wasting any more. Posting for luck

Suzie Meara said...

Posting for a lucky board please!!

Brian kite said...

This is more difficult than it looks trying to clear a path through is very hard think only a lucky board it but is there one around I wonder

Brian said...

Completely impossible level can't get anywhere near only a lucky board will do this one but is there one around I wonder and can I wait ?

Brian kite said...

I guess that's it completely impossible level without a lucky board hardest ever over all the years guess it's time to go no fun at all in this one

Brian said...

So is it time to leave can't get anywhere near this level certain only a lucky board will do it but is there one around no fun in this level seriously considering leaving

Brian kite said...

So I guess that's it days now and nowhere near really frustrating. Without a lucky board no chance looks like it's time for me to leave I'll miss it though

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Tina said...

Posting for luck

Tina said...

Posting for luck

Crushed said...

Posting for luck

SVA said...


collenfan said...

Posting for luck again for this difficult level.

Riverlady said...

Coconut wheel saved me on a seemingly hopeless board. I cleared the last column with my last remaining move. I was so surprised!

From New England, luck to us all--from sea to sea to sea...

Unknown said...

3rd day stuck on this superhard nerves are completely broken!!! Impossible to pass this shit !!! Babis from Greece posting for luck or sth to happen to continue!!!!

heron68 said...

ce niveau est tres difficile sans booster, j en suis a 100 essais, rien yfait.
un peu de chance svp.

Shirley said...

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

Boring, boring, boring-i have had it with this game, passing one level could take days to start another impossible level-used to love CC 💔

Deefenbäker said...

I'm loving this level....not!

JAX. said...

Posting for luck. 🙏

TampaTim said...

Posting for luck.

Julllie said...

Please give me help. Lots.

Joosy said...

Ms Cookie saying that there are only two columns that need to be cleared isn't quite correct. It may be easier at some points in the level to clear other columns if they have less waffles.

Friedel said...

Ik krijg slechts 18 zetten
Het lukt me niet

Tricky said...


mamta said...

Posting for lucky board

VIRGINIA said...

16 movimienos imposible

VIRGINIA said...

imposible 16 movimeiwntos es una broma

VIRGINIA said...

otra vez barada esto es aburrido ahora si me voy no pienso gastar plata

Hans Andersson said...

NOT THE SAME BOARD CC!!! As Usual!!! How hard can it be CC???? How about try a little?????

Anonymous said...

The video shows 27 moves. Now there are only 10. Another ridiculous level just waiting for the lucky board.

Krissie63 said...

Only 10 moves. Impossible tot clear thé bord in 10 moves and you have to buy extra moves if you want to finish it. Shame on you, CC ! 😡

Westcar said...

Ten moves makes this level extremely difficult. Even using a coconut wheel I do not get close to solving it. We are not being given an even chance of success in level 4473....

LIN said...

Wow ony 10 moves impossible going to need a lot of luck


Dsayer1975 said...

Insane level WTF King 😡😡😡😡 sort it out!

jackiehh said...

Please can you post a video with ONLY 10 moves!!! so difficult

Sarah said...

Come on, King, 10 moves!? Really? How many weeks is this one going to take me? Just once I’d like to finish a level in under a week.

June B said...

I cannot understand why King continues to change the boards and the number of turns. We, who have stayed with the game and have achieved more than 4 thousand, four hundred games, should be considered loyal players, whether we got here today or two years ago. Level 4473 allows only 10 turns now and is impossible without some extra help. King, please remember your loyal players!

Anonymous said...

No point in complaining but I'm gonna do it anyway. How exactly are you supposed to pass this level with in 10 moves? No skill just luck again. Very boring. I need a lucky board please king 🍀

pkinbergeaauk said...

This is crazy! Not possible without plenty of boosters, I quit!

Kay said...

Posting for luck

Kathy said...

Only 10 moves? I beat nightmarishly hard level the first time playing the level but this isn't even considered hard. Need some luck, please.

red said...
