Hints and tips showing how to pass level 4479 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 4479 Candy Crush Saga is a dual task level, you have to collect licorice as well as clear all the jelly to complete the level.
There are plenty of stripes and wraps dropping from the dispensers in the middle part of the board which you can switch together to clear the jelly and licorice. Drop these combos to the bottom of the middle section to clear the blockers in the bottom left section. There are more dispensers in the bottom left to give you more combos to help clear the licorice and jelly.
The only way to complete this level is to use as many combos as you can get and just keep blasting away until everything is cleared.
The moves have been reduced to 30 at the time of writing and the video below starts with 35, but the game is completed in 30 moves so shows the strategy of completing level 4479.
Video by Johnny Crush
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If the level you play is different from the one
here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no
control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change
Posting for luck. Why am I the only one struggling with this level
You're not alone! Pfl!
Struggling also. Hard level. Posting for luck.
Boy I hate this game sometimes. It’s so maddening. I really hate. Don’t know why I keep playing. Sick.
Posting for luck
Posting for luck!!!
Lucky board needed
Need some luck with this level!
Um pouco de sorte??? É hora de excluir o CC. Chega deste jogo manipulado e ridículo. Adeus.
Depois de 5 dias neste nível sem a menor chance de concluir, eu conclui que é hora de parar com essa porcaria.
Nível classificado como difícil? Ele é impossível, tem que corrigir as falhas, ou o jogo acabou para mim.
I thought this must be an easy level because there are so few comments. But, without boosters it still took several tries. It is easy to make combos but choose your moves carefully to meet the goal.
Number of moves has beer reduced to 29 and an extra layer of frosting has been added to the lower left section since the video above was made. And the video above was completed in 30 moves when they was 35 available, and that was with a lucky board. King continues to reduce moves and buff levels to either make you spend money and buy boosters, or wait forever for that lucky boards that plays itself. I refuse to give these greedy people any money.
Two days stuck on this terrible level. It should labeled a hard level. Fish is the only useful booster, starting with a full set of boosters is a total waste. Good luck.
Impossible without boosters. Used all boosters at beginning and 2 UFO's to finish! Opened multiple browser tabs every day to collect lots of boosters.
Posting for luck. 🙏
Moves reduced to 14! Ridiculous!!
From 35 moves, to 30 and then super ridiculously drastic…to 14 moves?!?! I can surly clear the whole middle section easily but forget the whole outer part! Can’t even get a little close!!! Any other tips much appreciated!!! Whoa!!
Definitely in the top 5 of the stupidest and ridiculous levels CC has made thus far. Wasted down to barely any boosters. Spent one of the longest plays on this game. Never got a little close. Finally resorted to 3 hand switches and 2 hammers, not to mention started almost every time with color bombs and stripe/wrap boosters as well. Unfortunately didn’t have any fish. Perhaps that would have help big time.
Dumb, dumb, DuMb, DUMB, dumB level!!!
Fourteen moves makes this game very difficult. In that respect I have found the recent games much more difficult than the site explanations and/or videos present. I would like to see updated helps rather than those that speak of settings from long ago.....
14 moves? These people are stupid. So frustrating.
This level is pathetic 14 moves when it used to be 35 ? 21 moves less why are you people in king so mean, i could do it with 35 moves but 14 a load of rubbish come on king please give me more moves
In august it had 29 moves why has it only 14 moves now ? I hate this game big time thinking of uninstalling to get my life back
I have only 14 moves not 30
The moves have been reduced from 30 to 14!!!!! Impossible!!!!
Obviously a rigged level that requires purchases and wasted boosters.
sorry to say but 14 moves for this level is impossible posting for luck
Never had to purchase boosters etc. and won't now, but I think it's time to give up this game, impossible to do in 14 moves.
If ever anyone was in doubt that this has turned into a rip off, not just profit making but actual rip off and now I'm very annoyed with it. Even one set of boosters will shift it and you can see the pattern early on. Ridiculous.
14 moves? :(
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