Candy Crush Saga Level 4559 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 4559 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 4559 Candy Crush saga is a multi task level, you have to collect fish, clear the two spawners and clear all the jelly to complete the level.
If you concentrate on clearing the spawners everything else will follow from this. Clearing the spawners will help with clearing the fish, they will either unlock or clear them.
As you are working on clearing the spawners you will be clearing jelly and fish so the important priority has to be clearing the spawners.
The best combos for everything are colourbomb/stripe combos, these will hit just about everything on the board. Colourbomb/wrap combos are even better if there are still fish beside the spawners of the same colour as the wrap as this will turn the fish into wraps and hit the spawners several times.
Due to the shortage of moves you really need several powerful combos to complete level 4559.

Video by Kazuohk
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Erick S said...

Interesting and challenging level. Cookie's tips lay it out well, as does the supporting video. I played before viewing the blog and passed on my first attempt, playing much as she describes. I was able to take my bot color bomb from passing the previous level and make a wrapped candy the same color as a fish next to both spawners, then combine the color bomb with the wrapped candy. That made at least two hits on each spawner (2 on one, 4 on the other), and cleared most of the blockers. I was then able to open up the board by finishing off the chocolate and blockers, form a striped + wrapped combination in the lower left hand corner that struck both spawners, finishing off one, then worked on clearing the second spawner, followed by jelly cleanup. Good luck everyone, thank you for the tips, and happy crushing!

Mary-Rose74 said...

Thanks Eric for your tips I've been following them for the last 15 levels. I'm having much difficulty with this level I can't get that last spawner. Been stuck for awhile. PFL KING

Martha A said...

Hard level. Posting for luck

gidget said...

posting for luck

liloldlady said...

Posting for much needed luck. Vert hard level.

liloldlady said...

Keep following the above mentioned tips with no avail.
Posting for luck again

cookie56 said...

Posting for luck.

Donna said...

Fun level but can never get rid of the spawners....everything but the spawners..playing with fish. speckled ball and stripe and wrap that got free time on...posting for luck

J.J. said...

Posting for luck yet again

TRE said...

lucky board needed

Staystrong said...

Posting for luck! Hard to clear spawners..l

Popmeg said...

Posting for luck

Marwanjo said...

As a prisoner in the house, does cc also have the Coronavirus? Looks that way, stuc on an easy level. Hihi.

Marwanjo said...

Thank you cc for no help. Thank you cc that i found a much better game to play. I can leave cc far behind me. The time i spent on another game is at least no stress or annoying.

Marwanjo said...

Its the year 2020, now its time cc listen to players. If you want hold on in 2020, get notice of the problems the players have on your game. You earn money on the players, without players, no money. So, dont make iT So difficult. The difficult the game, the less money i spent, not a penny.

Marwanjo said...

Less comments, i think most players are fed up with cc and the coronavirus. The game has a lot of virus.

Marwanjo said...

Easy level or difficult level, same shit. Must be the coronavirus.

Laura said...

Set up the colorbomb/wrap combo first and then focused on making a series of stripe/wrap combos to hit the spawners. Worked on the first try. Thanks everyone for your tips.

cherylb said...

My spawners don't even look like this..they have sections..I cant even get 1 gone after 50 attempts. I planned in getting to level 5000 and quitting but this level might be the end

JA said...

Posting for luck

meliana said...

How many time we hv to hit the spawner??? I hit it many time but still didnt make it
Now easy level is also a hard level in Cc. Even got colorbombs many times but still didnt work

Frustrated said...

Posting for luck please

Unknown said...

Can clear all but spawners. Posting for luck 🤞

Unknown said...

Can't clear spanners. Posting for luck.