Candy Crush Saga Level 4781 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 4781 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 4781 Candy Crush Saga is a jelly level with jelly on every section of the board so it all needs to be cleared. There is a very useful frog in the middle of the board, under the crystal candies but it can be hard to see what colour it is to begin with. You should try to grow the frog at the start if you can as this will open up the middle of the board and make it easier to make the combos you need. Once the frog is grown use it to clear the top part of the board and stop the licorice dropping down. You don't have to use the frog at the top if you have a different section that needs clearing but since you can't place the frog on top of the crystal candies I found it best to put it on top of licorice to get it out of the way.
Once the middle of the board is opened up look for colourbombs whenever you get the chance and switch them with a stripe or a wrap to clear some of the crystal candies and jelly. Each time the frog grows use it to clear crystal candies by placing it beside them.
As with all jelly levels you are going to need lots of powerful combos to have any chance of completing the level. Colourbomb combos are likely to be the only way to do this so don't miss any chances to make them. You can use the conveyor in the middle to get your combos together.
There are only 4 colours on the board so it is fairly easy to make special candies and combos.

Video by Cookie
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


cedarberry said...

What??? Why don't I have company on this crazy hard level yet? The licorice under the crystals are brutal. And as you can't place the frog over a crystal, it's hard to get any of the corner jellies started, let alone cleared. My only tip is, make colourbombs as often as possible and every time you get the chance, choose the frog's color to grow the frog ASAP and clear those hard-to-reach corners. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

You’re not alone. This is tough

EL BEATLE said...

I will join you! I have had about a dozen attempts so far. I have hit the frog and grown it, plenty of times, but no joy on clearing all the jelly - yet!

Mom. 1 said...

Posting for luck. OMG. How is anyone passing this level

Rp said...

Two days on this level

Melanie said...

Posting for luck

Hassel said...

Posting for luck impossible 😣

Anonymous said...

Still on this one. Sometimes the frog is full and blinking but freezes and can’t use it. Anyone else have that problem?

Eryka said...

Horrible level ...need lots of luck with this one

Anonymous said...

Not wasting my long wkend trying to pass this ridiculous level

Hassel said...

What a terrible level i am not getting anywhere 😣

Hassel said...

Stupid level 😣

Mary-Rose74 said...

Been stuck here for a cpl of days. Posting for luck please. I can't get the corner jellies even with a full frog

JaneM said...

Also having trouble with the frog, it freezes.

Sharda said...


Lou said...

Lucky board needed now!
Lowest I have got is 9 jellies, it’s painful ......

Ifeanyi said...

Posting for luck

Rhodesia said...

I started with a double colour bomb, got the frog out quickly and blocked the liquorice. I did not think I was going to make it, but one hand switch and two hammers and I finished with 1 move to spare after moving the frog to two difficult corners. Think a lot of luck went with it, but after all the above comments I tried every trick I could think off. Have left myself with no boosters but I think it was probably worth it.

Kcuf said...

This level dedicated to kings n team's funeral.

Becky said...

Having an awful time with this level! Please some luck soon!

CMF said...

Posting for luck

CMF said...


Raisedbybees said...


JB said...

Back to level 606 I go....

Unknown said...

Didn't know you could do that again, nice one!

Sindy said...

Posting for luck please please help

cookie56 said...

Posting for luck.

J.J. said...

Posting for luck yet again. Impossible level not enough moves. Boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring

MsDee said...


Koni said...

I’m tired of this level. It’s teally tough!!

Flippenheck said...

Help please

Flippenheck said...

Breaking my please

Flippenheck said...

Oh my giddy aunt...I seriously need help please

Staystrong said...

Posting for luck! Impossible level!

Tineke said...

HELP ME AUB, zenuwslopend spel!!! Bah.

Tineke said...

Posten voor geluk aub

Andy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Andy said...

I have used 40 lives on this level and still only got to 12 jellies left thinking it is time to quit

Andy said...

Still trying used another 20 lives to no avail think it's time to quit this level is stupid and stressful

TRE said...

Lucky board needed

Eliza h said...

I don’t understand how to stop the licorice! It comes out of 3 slots!

spike1 said...

I could use a color bomb on every move and then still not clear the jelly. As much as I hate must post for luck once again! Please and thank you.

Anna said...

NED a lucky board

Grandma said...

Oh dear another bad one. Need help please

Fraggy said...

I have to be honest, I love this level. I keep getting to 4 or 5 jellies left but no closer. My suggestions are frog straight to centre top and keep an eye on corner sections so you don’t miss opportunities to clear jellies and obviously making colour bombs is a top priority. 🍀🍀🍀🍀

Deb V. said...

Posting for luck please!

Anonymous said...

For crying out loud, been stuck here forever!
PLEASE give me a break, I need to move on, soooo bored with this crappy level 😫

Shunga said...

Not doable! Help!

Winegums said...

Impossible level. I’ve had colorbombs together, stripes and many other special candies but no go. King is conning his players big time. I’m sick of this boring level. It’s fixed and crappy. Goodbye King.

Anônimo said...

Efetivamente tem jogos melhores e inteligentes. Não vou perder meu tempo aqui com este jogo manipulado e fraudulento. Hora de excluir o CC.

Anônimo said...

Este nível é o final do CC para mim. Não jogamos mais, quem determina se vai concluir o nível é o site. Este jogo perdeu a razão de existir. Chega.

Suzie Meara said...

Posting for a lucky board please!

Sue T said...

Awful level. Posting for much needed luck please!

Crushed said...

Posting for luck

Popmeg said...

Posting for luck

Linda Maitan said...

Posting for luck

Linda Maitan said...

Posting again. The board does what it wants
You Set something up but it destroys it

Brian kite said...

Really need a lucky board for this level please. Thankyou

Brian kite said...

Really struggling cant get near desperate for a lucky board please

Brian kite said...

No chance of this without a lucky board would really appreciate one please

Brian kite said...

Really desperate now cant get close would really appreciate a lucky board please before I give it all in

Brian kite said...

Really struggling desperate for a lucky board please x

Anju said...

Lucky board plz

Joanne C said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck as I have no boosters so need a lucky board to give me colorbombs

Unknown said...

Yeah my frog froze up too😏

Marwanjo said...

Yes yes what a bullshitt. Goodwill cc, make it more difficult. The less players you get the more I have fun knowing that your game lose of other games. Cc is not interesting anymore. Of course , no one like to play a level a hundred times and still got nowhere! Good luck with your lose!

meliana said...

Lucky board pse!!! This absolutely impossible, hv no clue how to clear the corner jelly

meliana said...

Lucky board needed!!! Not even getting closer

meliana said...

Lucky board needed!!!! Not even getting closer, on the video shown licorice didnt drop and blocked the board, but my board full of licorices
I will not beg for lucky board many times, just delete this game is my choice. So tired playing this game

meliana said...

And also each time i can combine colorbombs and wrap/stripe to clear the jellies at corner side, the candies always drop down before it blows and place it in midlle board again, so it means useless to use combos or buy boosters, right???

meliana said...

Lucky board needed!!!!!

meliana said...

Need help!!! Not even getting closer

meliana said...

Lucky board pse!!!! Have tried many times today but still cant get through. Not enough moves and too many licorice and ice How many times we hv to try to pass this level??? Why this game Become more frustrating rather than fun??? Only to get the money??? This is not fun king!!!

meliana said...

LUCKY BOARD PSE!!! This is horrible

meliana said...

Ok, i will never play this game again king, so horrible!!! Even all the players said horrible it seems king didnt care, right???

Joanne said...

Posting for luck please💜

Jan said...

Help, please!!!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

I had to color bombs together twice and it didn't do anything to clear the cream and to me the frog is worthless so this is the worst level ever posting for luck

Ggs said...

I also need a lucky board to pass the level!

bonita said...

Cookie tips are spot on & video is excellent--totally understand what needs to be done to win this level. I have ONE MAJOR problem, I have a very elderly brain that cant see future moves to create color bombs. The frog idea is perfect--need a super lucky board to help me out.
thanks for Cookies blog

JAX. said...

I quite enjoyed this level to start, but have been here for quite a while now, and I just can't do it anymore. Please give me a lucky board. 🙏🍀

mamta said...


Unknown said...


Pat L said...

This isn’t the game I have. I have no frog only fish. What’s going on?

Unknown said...

Posting for luck.

Unknown said...

So , where is the frog? Been on this level over a week

Miss M said...

Very hard! Wish I had the frog :( Posting for luck 🍀

Biffy said...

No frog here either just lots and. Lots of liquorice, can’t reach any of the top corners.and as in my previous comments on the daily spin and booster wheel I only get fish or coconut wheels. I wish I could reset the board again. AND how do you manage to start with two colour bombs together am I missing something after all these years?

Biffy said...

Me again! No I’ve still not been able to get over this level. Booster wheel and daily spin surprise surprise, fish again! And now I’ve noticed all the times I play this level there’s no wrapped to line up as, as soon as one drops it explodes! I’ve had my chances today and not once have I been able to get the top corners. I honestly think I’m not going to get past this level as it’s impossible without the frog and the fish don’t hit the corners either. Anyone any suggestions?

Dunegirl said...

Mine is different. Mine is two cherries and I have no clue how it works.

Julie joel said...

This one is so hard, plus video has a frog & I don't, this is so unfair all I have is fish which are useless

Meme said...

Cookie, cookie, cookie! Why did you say the frog came in handy???? Why why why?? They read what you said so they took the frog away, reduced the moves and increased the cream and lots and lots of liquorice! No way can this be done without boosters galore and adding about 100 more moves. Then it’s iffy!!!

Unknown said...

The top corners and bottom row have been impossible for me to clear! I am stuck on this level and very bored with it! Please send me a lucky board so I can move on! I too wish I had a frog to help clear the corners!

Rowdy200 said...

like so many other episodes, Cookie shows how to solve a board that no longer exists, so it's no help at all. Also, too many of the difficult levels are solved by setting off two color bombs together, which is next to impossible in a lot of games. If Cookie wants to be helpful, he needs to start over and show us how to solve current versions of these games. I come here hoping to get some tips from fellow gamesters.

Rowdy200 said...

Come on Cookie, show us how to solve the current version of these games. The samples you show are no help at all. And when you solve a difficult one by setting off two color bombs together, show us how to do it without having such luck. Only help on this site is tips from fellow gamesters.

Rowdy200 said...

Need help

LauraMiller1019 said...

No frog, just fish and a very difficult

LauraMiller1019 said...

I passed! Started with a multicolor bomb and a fish. Watch for chances to make more colorbombs and switched them ASAP. Once the middle ice blockers are cleared the board opened up and I was able to hit lots of fish with stripe/wrap combos which cleared the last of my 20 jellies in one move.

Topmillwright said...

What frog? Pfl

Anne-Marie said...

Pas de grenouille dans mon jeu,même en regardant bien avec des bonnes lunettes....

Rute Lima said...

And i thought that only the politicians of my country
werent honest. Well, they are not alone. Lucky board, pls, im getting tired of this game. Pitty