Candy Crush Saga Level 5093 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 5093 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Level 5093 Candy Crush Saga is a score level, you have to score as many points as possible in the moves available. Since levels are changed regularly by the developers there is no point me putting the score here as it could change in the future so you will have to check your own game to see how many points you need.
The way to get the best score is to make colourbombs as many times as possible and switch them with the colour that has the most candies on the board. There's no real need to clear the board, but it is easier to make colourbombs if the board is more open.
This should not be a hard level to pass for players at this level in the game.
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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Roger75 said...

Posting for luck.

Godiva Gods said...

If Roger75 is posting for luck, it’s not easy! 130000 seems impossible to me!

Raangle5 said...

Posting for luck 🍀

MrsStanley said...

after multiple attempts including saving sprinkle bombs till end, I used a Bomb and wrap which worked still with moves left afterwards

Luís Bernardo said...

Starting with a double colourbomb cleans the board and makes things easier. Tough level. Good luck everybody

Tez said...

130,000 !! I have to get 210,000 how come it has risen so much?

Godiva Gods said...

It’s 250000 now, unbelievable!

Unknown said...

Played this level several times with a full bot... made many color bombs... My best score was 138000 not even close to 210000 goal. King is being greedy again.

This is not relax and have fun. This is annoying and makes me rethink king games.

Patty123 said...

Not getting close to the 210k. Frustrating.

Tou52 said...

Hey, what's the deal with upping it to 210000??? That's crazy!!!

Cindy said...
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Tez said...

Yep me again! I had 3 color bombs and didn’t even get past 130000 which was the limit when I first reached this level. How is the level to be passed? No time bombs to get extra points. Switching with a stripe or packet gets you useless points! I have had the the whole board no blockers and heaps of stripes,packets and color bomb made 135,000 omg

Pati said...

Tough level to get even close to 210,000 is a joke, ok King show this Grandma some love and give her a Friendly board

penicillin said...

posting for luck

Turkeylady3 said...

So it changes from 20 moves to get 100,000 to 20 moves to get 210,000 Omg so sick of their cheating

Turkeylady3 said...

They also lowered the point value when u hit candies it doesn’t add up to same as video Maki g sure u don’t beat it Good job low life’s

Cindy said...

Not sure how anyone passed this after they raised the points to 210k. Those that passed earlier most have had 100 or 130k. If you do pass it at 210k, please let us know how you did it.

Diane said...

I had a full robot and lost one game. The entire robot then disappeared and I have nothing. This new twist, coupled with the fact that boosters now our time and you can’t store them, is taking away the fun to put it mildly. What’s up with that?

Unknown said...

Is there any hope of the points needed on this level to go back to 100,000 or 130,000? I just don't believe it is possible to get 210,000.

John said...

At 210,000 this should be classified as a hard level

Dee said...

Needed spin for extra moves. Got 15 and finished with 5 moves left. CBs formed pretty easily once board opened. Got to 150000 with CB/wrap combos, then used extra moves. 210000 impossible w/o extra moves!

Emsa8 said...
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Emsa8 said...

Finished with 316K and 22 moves and NO boosters. Had quite a lucky board (2 CBs after 2 moves - used one to open the board, used then the (double) wraps from the dispenser to open the board more in the left side and used the second CB (around move 10) when the board was almost fully open and combining with a normal candy. Had another 2 CBs the next 10 moves and still only 174K after 20 moves....! Spun the lucky wheel (had saved it for a moment like this) and won 5 extra moves. With the first move got the next CB (by accident, not by skill) and when I passed the 210K many cascades came till I had 316K.

Tou52 said...

Still trying, but I'm losing hope. If the score still remains at 210000, only an extra 15 moves will help. I found that keeping color bombs till the end helps raise the points when the game finishes, but it's still is never enough.
King absolutely knows we need extra moves, and he is laughing all his way to the bank.
I for one will rather quit CC entirely than pay.

So, for now, my only other option will be...

Posting for luck.

Els said...
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Lynn said...

More than impossible! I have been stuck on this level for Days! Hoping for a lucky board and possibly some extra Moves! So Frustrating!

DeNini said...

I cannot even get close to 210! Very tough level! Lots of luck needed!

Cindy said...

Update - I did get 210k without any extra moves. As Dee said, get the board cleared as soon as you can. CBs seemed to form very easily afterwards. Switch CBs with single colored candies and not wrapped or stripes to get there max points. I had 2 moves left. Good luck!!

Unknown said...

In the video the min score is 100000 and in the actual game it is 210000? This cant be passed :(

Tou52 said...

I just finished this level about one hour ago, at 210000, with a very very very lucky board. And now I see it at 290000? Just awful!!!

So I think King is playing the score day by day and hopefully, maybe he will be generous and lower it back to the original 130000.

Good luck everybody.

Tez said...

You can only get this with the 15 extra moves. It’s been a week and I just passed by getting the extra moves. 6 color bombs and I only just got through with 1 star!!

Anonymous said...

I had a clear board and won the 15 extra moves and still had to use two space ships and a hand switch. This level was probably designed to use up the space ships.

Unknown said...

took 1 ufo, 4 hands and a starting CB finished with last move. also used 4 lives that never evn got close.without the boosters

Unknown said...

Ana from Argentina
The game is silly but you never get the points without boosters
Greedy King!!

Mom. 1 said...

Posting for luck

JaneM said...

4 luck

Turkeylady3 said...

Everyone complaining level required too high and that’s at 139,000 Mine is 210000 not even close and have had 5 color bombs still not close they have the nerve to raise the amount required and not labeled it hard Never cease to amaze me how far they’ll cheat to get people to buy boosters Which will never happen here I don’t encourage cheating

Unknown said...

This seems to have got a lot of people stuck, so just want to give some hope that it can be done at 210000 target. After nearly giving up, I cleared the board with 2x CB, I also had a free timed wheel, then focussed on making CB and matching with highest number of plain candies. I reached the target with 10 moves left. Good luck@

Lynn said...

Congratulations to all who have passed this crazy hard level. Second time posting, as I am still stuck. Hoping for that elusive lucky board, as nothing I have tried has worked. Wish me luck crushers!

CTP said...

This level is BS. The only reason I didn’t reach it sooner is because I was saving up new levels so that I could have more to play in to actually reach the Fantastic 5 goal for once, since the other players I get put with don’t ever f’ing play!!

Godiva Gods said...

Noticed all the posts so came back to this one. Difficult at 130000 impossible at 250000, without extra moves etc Good Luck

Unknown said...

Good Luck everyone! Personally, I am done! 210,000 points is impossible. I have only hit 100,000 one time in three days. Obviously a joke or a way for King to generate more money with folks purchasing boosters. Not me! Goodbye!

Lali said...

Posting for luck!

Scotty said...

Even with a full bot I can’t get the original 130,000 points
Never mind the 210,000 points. I see no point in playing if you have to depend on a lucky board to win.
Should have quit at game 5,000

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Sana said...

Not getting enough points 😒

Jo said...

Phew! Learned a lot from others' comments. Need for wrapped candies, CBs and clearing board to encourage bits of cascades. This morning I'm on my PC which doesn't give video boosters, extra moves or anything. Famous Five finished which gave me a space ship plus timed CBs and Striped/Wrapped. Played a couple of games, keeping space ship back till I reckoned I was getting close. Launched it on the next game when I was up beyond 160K. And it worked!

So hang in there - I was planning to beat the level after winning Dexter's space race but I got there a day early so Dexter's spaceship can be for the next horrid level.

Good luck!!

MissyM said...

47 comments is a lot of comments. We need 210,000 pts at this stage. I haven't been able to get even 100,000 after many tries.

Fed up said...

Seriously this is impossible

Lav1022 said...

Today it is 100,000 with 20 moves. Still working on clearing it

TRE said...

Lucky board needed

TRE said...

Lucky board needed

JanG said...

Posting for luck

Jeannies said...

Not a good level at all....nowhere near the target.

Laura said...

Hard to believe that King reduced the points needed from 210,000 to 100,000. I just played 4x in a row and the first two were at the higher number and the last two at 100,000. I don't know but I'm glad to move on. Good luck everyone.

Laura said...

Oh, and don't quit if you aren't going to pass because when you finish Sugar Crush activates and you may get what you need.

Anônimo said...

Outro nível de porco igual aos desenvolvedores do site
Não vou perder meu tempo aqui com este jogo manipulado e fraudulento. Adeus.

Anônimo said...

Impossível obter a pontuação no tempo disponível. Precisa corrigir o nível.

Anônimo said...

Também não estou conseguindo a pontuação. O CC foi um jogo divertido, não é mais. Hora de excluir o CC, existem jogos melhores e inteligentes.

mary said...

posting for free lives. I am desperate to get off this level. thank you much. I