Candy Crush Saga Level 6106 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 6106 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie 
Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Level 6106 Candy Crush Saga has been updated, below is the latest video by Johnny Crush.
Tips: The frog is very useful for getting to tricky jellies and it can also hit the fishing floats and give you fish if needed. Apart from the frog, make as many combos as you can, especially stripe/wrap combos, to clear blockers and hit the spawners and fishing floats. The fish will generally target the spawners and help to destroy them. There is jelly under the spawners so you need to clear them to complete the level.
Video by Cookie

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Twins mom said...

Should be classified as DIFFICULT!

Tou52 said...

Posting for luck

The Savage Traveler said...


Unknown said...

SOS por favor, muitos obstáculos. Surgem muito rápido difícil....

Pho said...

Yuck, a lot of difficult jellies to get to in the number of moves!

Mr D said...

Should be a nightmare level!

Pookie8907 said...

OMG why? This level sucks and should be considered ridiculously hard!

mdrea said...

Nível extremamente difícil, preciso de uma placa de sorte.
Postado por sorte

Anonymous said...

This level is insane no way

Pati said...

Wow, tough level, thriw thus GranMa a bone King

Eryka said...

Wish those,spawners would go away ..may have a chance then to pass this horrible level ...posting for luck

heatherriddle said...

Ugh. Pfl

Nic said...

Niveau cauchemardesque
Besoin d'aide et de chance please

Unknown said...


Carrie722 said...

The frog wasn’t really helpful and the spawners are ridiculous. Send the lucky board, as usual.

Anonymous said...

Frustrating.... waiting again for a lucky board :-(

Awee said...

posting for luck

J.J. said...

Posting for luck yet again. Impossible level until you get the lucky board

J.J. said...

Absolutely shite, no chance of clearing, spawners are ridiculous.... I QUIT

Helen said...

Correction, should be classed as IMPOSSIBLE!

Helen said...

Impossible, will give it another day or two then quit, had enough! Worst level ever!!

Cathy said...

Help please

Kiki1166 said...

Posting for lucky board

Martha A said...

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Sharda said...


Anonymous said...

Gosh what an awful level and its supposedly not even a difficult one. My frog is useless and one would need explosives to shift the spawner things. Very much in need of a lucky board please.

Ian said...

Stuck another day, where is the stress relief?? At least with unlimited lives you can quit after so many moves if it’s not looking good!!! Time to quit though as not doing my B P much good!!!!

Brandy said...

Impossible level, so frustrating!

Joy said...

No way without boosters and no way to get boosters with no sugar drops. Not fun any more.

Fred said...

Another wonderful easy sympathetic frustrating hard level
Can’t get it close
Need a great help
Posting for lucky board

Dee said...

I always wondered why people posted I quit! No I see why! This is a frustrating totally boring level that has taken the fun out of the game so I do not even look forward to playing anymore, will see if the PFL works, if not I am outta here. Ps never paid a penny!

Lilly said...

Nasty level....good luck getting to the frog!

Olive said...

Posting for luck. Again. Please.

KayJay said...

NOT POSSIBLE!!! This is NOT fun anymore.

Flippenheck said...

Help please

Flippenheck said...

Help needed please

Flippenheck said...

Breaking my heart... Help please

cvbcb said...

Need lucky board!

Monique said...

Posting for luck

Rosebud said...

Posting for luck

Bum said...

Omg this level is RIDICULOUS!!! I cannot even come close to beating it . Levels like this take all the fun out of playing and frustrate me and make me want to quit and delete the game completely!!! I think they put impossible levels on purpose to try and force you to spend $ for boosters and stuff . I have 3 lives left then I'm retiring for a month or indefinitely!

peches4 said...

Much changed since the video help, posting for luck.

Dave said...

I struggled for a while, then used the fish booster. It helped me to clear it first go (I was lucky and several fish fall for me to use).

Sherelle said...


Zotteoma said...

Another impossible level. I’m getting tired of these levels. It seems they want us to quit?
Annoying !

DawnD said...


Tammy Caison said...

Just when I think it can't get worse lol. Pfl. I cant quit now. I enjoy cc. Argh help

Tammy Caison said...

Fyi, fish booster is a waste. Fish appears only once at beginning of game.

Eliza h said...

This website is pretty messed up right now. Don’t know why it looks like it does. But anyway, don’t get this level.

Unknown said...

This level seems impossible. The spawners are relentless.

Fraggy said...

I will definiterequire a lucky board to pass this level, Thankyou, in advance, for sending one. 🍀🍀🍀🍀

Unknown said...

Posting for lucky board please

Unknown said...

Posting for lucky board please, I am getting nowhere on this level, very frustrating

Anonymous said...

I noticed for a long time that you can’ t get advice from other players anymore because King has changed the whole game so it’s all about lucky boards - not skills and strategy

Mshell said...

Pfl please

Unknown said...

Totally frustrating level again... lucky board please.

Unknown said...

Super hard...can't even come close.
Posting for a lucky board please.

rosereddragon said...

Don't know if this will help - I started with a colour bomb and stripe/wrap and at 10 moves left, used a spaceship! Job done - but very wasteful!

Tineke said...

Walchelijk niveau!!! HELP ME AUB

Paulapops said...

Too tough

Ronster said...


Ronster said...

Never have, never will pay, candy makes plenty off my playing from the advertising. PO

MiMi said...

Help please!!!!

Lalit said...


Nita from North Carolina said...

Please for a lucky board. Cannot pass and want to move on and hopefully to a fun game. Thanks!

Harbor Girl said...

Seriously, why is this NOT considered a ridiculously had level?????? Five colors, chocolate that doesn't give up, spawners that lock the fish floats. Give me a break!! Come on King, where's your sense of fair play????????

Joanne said...

Posting for luck please 💜

Mas said...

Just another mind numbing frustrating level that makes no sense and requires no strategy. Its having the patience to wait for a "Lucky board ".Best strategy is for first 50 boards just to quit each board and then after couple of days you get a little closer to the lucky board turning up.

kik said...

This should be an easy lvl?????? Ridiculous🙁😭

SVA said...

Ug I hate this “easy” level 👎🏼

Evelyn said...

Posting for luck and free spins

Evelyn said...

Too many blockers and hard to win. Posting for luck and free spins

Cindy said...


Jo said...

Ohlala 😱,je suis coincée à ce niveau ….ça bloque beaucoup…pas moyen d’avancer…….SORTEZ-MOI de là….s.v.p. ….s.v.p.
Merci beaucoup 🍭🍭🤗🤗

Jo said...

🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🍭🍭🤗……S.V.P. S.V.P. AIDEZ-MOI à passer ce niveau là ……MERCI , merci beaucoup cc roi

Jo said...

Toutes mes excuses pas demandé le bon niveau 🤦‍♀️

Icooper said...

Yet another challenge. Can't wait for a fun streak. Pfl@lbplz.

VIRGINIA said...

jua jua 94 gelatinas que reventar no gsto en potenciadores chau me aburri

Alicia said...

This level is insane and incorrectly is (darn) hard. 🤯 I can't even come close. I got one spawner once. My frog has been soon as I put it near a pesky corner the spawner imprisons it with licorice. The only way I made it out of the last level was to use a hand switch and a hammer. I'm sure I'll be forced to use my ever dwindling boosters if I ever get close because that is just the way it is 😖😵

cookie56 said...

posting for luck.

Anonymous said...

Lost count of how long I’ve been on this tiresome level.
Not one to always be saying “I quit” but this level is really testing me and I’m close.
Please send me that lucky board King!

Winegums said...

You have 32 moves, I have 19. That says it all about this game. A sham!

Tina said...

Posting for luck

Janet said...

PFL. Begging again.

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Ggs said...

32 moves and 94 jellies. Posting for luck.

ZZ said...

Different than shown. Boring. impossible.

Sue said...

Posting for lucky board please, my board is different than yours, HELP !!!!!!

Kaba said...

Seriously totally different board wtf not even fucken close need a lucky board

cherylb said...

So boring. You have no choice for most moves...and there's not enough moves to clear the jellies. Again, they shouldn't make it harder than the level was when it first came out

Brian kite said...

This is different to my level which is ver hard but 6106. Please help with a lucky board before I go mad. Thankyou

Charper223 said...

Requesting a Lucy board please. I have only 16 moves and that is not anywhere even close to being enough to acquire 144 items.
I would have to collect almost 20 items on each and every move and tha5 is not mathematically feasible. Please consider correcting the board for everyone, and in the meant8me, please send a lucky board as I am completely stuck and have no hope without a winning board. Thank you.

Happy said...

Need a board like the video. Been stuck for 2 weeks Need a board like this. Been stuck for over two weeks. Not fun.