Hints and tips showing how to pass level 6235 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help!
I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: This is an ingredients level, you have to collect four ingredients to complete the level. This is all about timing, there is a straight route to the exits for the ingredients as long as you release them when the gap is below them.
See image.
As you can see there are blockers moving around the conveyor which will prevent the ingredients dropping through the gap into the bottom part of the board.
Each ingredient will drop from the dispenser as soon as the one before it drops out of the exit at the bottom and if there is a blocker below it on the conveyor the ingredient will drop onto the top conveyor and will be impossible to collect until it has moved around the conveyor to the left side. There are not enough moves to wait for any of the ingredients to move around the conveyor so you need to be very careful to only allow an ingredient to drop out of the exit when the way is clear for the next one to drop.
Video by Cookie
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If the level you play is different from the one
here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no
control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change
Very difficult level!
Very hard to beat
Why is this level not classified as DIFFICULT or VERY Difficult?
Well this level is just about IMPOSSIBLE! Takes foreve just to clear the blockers!
Need help here. Posting for luck🍀
If one ingredient is in the belt, the level is lost. It does not move up the belt on the left side, but always falls back on the belt. I could not even use a switch due to the rests of the blockers. Really really unfair.
I can get three ingredients but no more. Frustrating 😡 Posting again for luch🍀
Wishing that to bring me luck
I'm having a hard time just trying to get the keys let alone the ingredients.
Developers are just trolling loyal players with these poorly designed levels. The token stupid level for an episode to gobble up boosters and not even classified as hard
p.s. Why don't the fish eat the keys. Ridiculous
Posting for luck please
I got this once I knew the tricks. You have to get the cheeries dropping as soon as possible-watch the fish drops and combos. Then, just refuse to let a cherry drop if a blocker is coming up. The last couple are easier because most blockers are gone by then. I think this is a fun level although very hard!
Really hard posting for luck going to need it!!
And (additionally to this kind of glitch) the player in the video has 27 moves and has ridiculous luck the last moves - I do have 24 moves. I won the nightmare level some levels ago with the second try - and here I don't even see a chance how to pass it.
Yes! I keep watching the fish and trying to decide what they are doing! They don't seem to do anything to some of the squares.
The Lord of CC had mercy with me. Tried it this morning the first time and immediately got it... Combined often fish with stripe, the most important part is to get the keys. (don't focus on blockers or jelly or the spirals, they are not really important. Try to get many stripes from the dispenser and use them to open the top. Had 6 moves left when all keys were hit and the port was open and the first ingredient fell on the left side of the belt. So the next move, it was in the middle. Could move it down with a stripe, the next ingredient fell, too. Also the 3rd one was falling through 2 moves later or so, so with (I think) my last move I hit a wrap in the bottom. It was gone and the next one somehow fell and vanished there, too... Very happy. And much luck. Also luck to you 🍀
Adding the "coconut wheel", along with full "bot", got for me!
Posting for luck. I’m going to try the coconut 🥥 wheel
Coconut 🥥 wheel really helped
Also used coconut wheel, even then still went into my stash of gold to get a few extra moves but glad to be past this horrible level
I need help
posting for luck
Tried everything nothing works!
Lucky board please!
Lucky board please
Nit possible
Niveau cauchemardesque
Besoin d'aide et de chance please
Ugh. Pfl
Choccy bombs target the keys without any interference from the blocks and licorice. 24 moves is hard.
as if this level isn't hard enough but the fish are attacking the candies, not the blockers or the keys.....PFL
Posting for luck
Blatant rigging on this and so many other levels; fish don't ever go for difficult candies, and even stripes don't clear the top section when they should. I'm utterly fed up with this complete waste of time.
Totally Frustrating and frustrated....waiting once again for a very lucky board
Hate this level...can’t pass it...not enough moves...need more than a lucky board..Getting really tired of building bot and then loosing the bot because of a level like this. :-(
Posting for luck yet. Impossible level not enough moves. Boring boring
Wow... Cannot even get one ingredient to drop, absolutely pointless even trying, think I'm done
Another stupid level
First I’m quarantined then this ugh
Posting for Luck please🍀
Concentrate on stripes and keys. Fish do nothing. Drop the ingredient down thru the centre - none of the other areas will be unlocked in time. Once they start they all can go - got it with 2 moves left after first ingredient dropped. Don't let ingredient get caught on the belt - only drop it when it can go thru.
Please help me please I need a lucky board please
Is it possible to play somme easy levels ?
Each level is very frustrating very very hard
Posting for lucky board
Thanks CC :)
No no no 😡😡😡😡 boring boring 😡😡impossible 😡
Need lots of help with this one!
This is impossible! So frustrated! I must be choosing all the wrong moves! Please help asap!
Find ths level horrible. I can't even get the keys. Need help because I am having no luck at all. Trying to follow all tips but haven't enough moves. KS
Thank you. Thank you. KS
Help please
Playing for lucky board can see all my lives going on this one seems impossible only got 2 fruit down then no more moves!
Posting for luck
Wat een verschrikkelijk level. Krijg de sleutels niet eens laat staan de kersen
Still trying this one......
Posting for luck!!!
Posting for luck thank you!!!
The fish are absolutely WORTHLESS!!
Posté pour la chance.
Merci. 😊
Pfl. Coco wheel didn't help
Same old shit. Boring cheating level you have to play at least a hundred times before the logarithm changes...... What is the purpose King?
Here we go again.. impossible... lucky board pls
I don’t know what I’m doing...just wasting my time hoping something gives on its own...need a lucky board please...seems like the blockers don’t budge after even hitting them...help!
Pfl please
Lucky board please impossible level
Tried everything... please send lucky board!
Need a lucky board please
Hard level
Help please!!!
Posting for lucky board
Posting For Luck
Even though I read the comments, I don’t get the strategy. If I do get the first ingredient, the next one drops on the belt, which everyone says not to do. I don’t seem to have a choice. I agree with others that the fish don’t help with the keys at all. Guess I’ll be here for a long time.
Tricky level. Posting for luck!
Don't quit because you are low on moves. The first cherry dropped onto the conveyor and I thought it was over. But there are enough moves for it to go around the conveyor. With just a few moves all of the ingredients were collected. Good luck everyone!
Goodbye CC. Bored to death with these levels now. Every level impossible until a lucky board comes along. Sick of having to play every level for days on end.
Outro nível nojento e ridículo. Queria saber quem foi o idiota que projetou este nível, é um débil. Melhor opção é deletar o CC.
Board changed. Luck board pls
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