Candy Crush Saga Level 6284 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 6284 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie 
Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 6284 Candy Crush Saga is classified as a hard level so you may lose some lives before you manage to pass it. This is impossible to pass without boosters at the time of writing as the moves have been reduced to only 22.

You will need to make some combos to clear the main part of the board and get the orders dropping from the dispensers. I would suggest you use at least the lucky candy booster to give you a bit more of a chance.
Look for colourbomb combos and stripe/wrap combos if you can make them and this will get more of the orders dropping. Collecting the orders isn't too hard once you get them on the board, but getting enough to drop is much harder and combos work better than simply making moves below the dispensers.
The video uses starting boosters and also 2 hammers to complete.
Video by Cookie

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Abbygirl said...

No one is meant to pass this without buying boosters. I'm tired of these hard levels that are impossible. Just a huge time waster. It used to be fun. Now they've taken away the ability to reset the game. Fed up!

Brown dog said...

This definitely is a game stopper, impossible. Posting for lucky board again

Nic said...

Niveau cauchemardesque encore. impossible
Besoin d'aide et de chance please

Carrie722 said...

Lucky board. This one is very frustrating.

Raisedbybees said...


? said...

Ridiculous. This game has become extremely boring. All you have to do is wait for a lucky board. Or spend some money and buy your way through it. NOT

? said...

After playing this level hundreds of times, apparently a lucky board is not in the cards. Waffles never fall. It is time to say goodbye to what has become the most boring game available in the app store. Totally rigged by King. Bye

Dowerland said...

I am definitely posting for luck, not enough moves by miles. Help!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck ....extremely hard level

Robin said...

Can't even get close to collecting all the waffles even using all 3 boosters. Posting for luck since nothing else seems to be working😜

J.J. said...

Impossible level not enough moves. Posting for luck yet again. Boring boring boring boring boring

Anonymous said...

Impossible....waiting again for a lucky board

Runner94 said...


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JB said...

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

30 waffles + 15 whatevers = 45 orders in 22 moves... Hmmm my math or your math is off. Math was never fun. Neither is Candy Crush anymore !

Sharda said...


Ian said...

mpossible, wants you to buy moves, where as the fun gone and in lockdown to!!!! Time to quit and find something less stressful!!!!

Tennis girl said...

Exactly the math does not add up. Not interested in levels you can only pass with boosters and extra moves! Times are tough right now give us a break we have come this far why make it so less fun?

Annu said...

My sentiments are the same as many above. I’ve used all my boosters and still no luck. Help please!!!😩😢

JP said...

Shite level

Nana said...

Posting for a lucky board please, but the replies in the comments it's another level impossible to pass

Alydar66 said...

The board I have is different than the one here. On my board the bottom rows are filled with candys, NOT WAFFLES! I never have enough waffles to complete the game. Impossible.

LilSis said...

Don't hate me, but after coming here and reading tips, reviews and watching the video, I beat it with one colorbomb, one stripe/wrapped candy and a mystery candy. With 2 moves to go. I must have gotten extremely lucky! Good luck.

Rosebud said...

Posting for luck

cathy said...

Posting for luck thank you!!

TweetNC said...

Posting for luck once more. Boring and impossible with the board and few moves

Sindy said...

Posting for luck please and thank you in advance

Sindy said...

Lucky board needed

Sindy said...

Help help help

Sindy said...

Posting good luck again as usual! Lucky board needed please abs thank you in advance

Me said...

Posting for luck!

Annie May said...

Again not enough moves... lucky board needed pls

Annie May said...

Bored now.. help pls!

Annie May said...

Not fun anymore.. time to quit

Najwa Alameddine Abu Hamze said...

Lucky board impossible level

Unknown said...

Lucky board please

Ness said...

No chance of passing until you've played a few hundred times. No use buying stuff as it only gets you through a level and you're back to square one 😔

Ness said...

And..mind numbingly boring!!

Bruce said...

Need a lucky board please

Bruce said...

Hard level

Anonymous said...

For God’s sake. Don’t use your UFO’s on this one. It doesn’t blow up near the Blocks!!!

Paola said...

En 22 coups ,juste impossible ,King franchement vous vous jouez de nous ! Je crois que je vais en rester là . Merci Annette pour le conseil .

Unknown said...

Can’t get anywhere near close. Posting for luck

Unknown said...

Posting for luck

Ginny said...


MiMi said...

Help please!!!!

Nay said...

Going on day 3 being stuck on this horrible level! Came close a couple times but never have enough waffles on the board! Hoping for a lucky board soon :(

Rob said...

This is impossible with no availaible vid with 22 moves. In fact only example is 30. The game isn't fun I agree. People don't mind paying when they are stuck but it's impossible levels all the time and so there is no point in purchasing. Sorry king fun while it lasted.

Laura said...

My strategy was to get to the dispensers asap. I started with a checkmark booster and used a hand swap to combine a stripe/wrap combo at the bottom to finish with one move left. Good luck everyone!

ChrisD said...

Nowhere near enough moves to complete this yet again ridiculously boring level. I used to recommend this game to friends but no longer as am just fed up with all the boring levels that take too long before a lucky board appears. The tips are a waste of time as all they do is point out the obvious knowing it won’t really help pass them. Am not parting with money to buy my way through levels, have better ways of spending it!!!

Jo said...

😡😱🤦‍♀️quel cauchemar ce niveau là… WoW 😮…s.v.p. CC ROI AIDEZ-MOI à passer ce niveau là qui est extrêmement difficile 😥……merci à l’infini 🤗🤗🤗🤗🍭🍭

VIRGINIA said...

otro masss noo tengo mas bonmbas el video esta compaginado no gatso en potenciadores me aburri chau

Evelyn said...

Posting for luck and free spins

Evelyn said...

I don’t like nightmares at all. Posting for luck and free spins

Cindy said...


Sas said...

This game is becoming tedious and not the stress reducer as it says

bonita said...

miracle board & divine intervention--Boosters & pay for extra moves seems to be the only way to pass. Thanks so much CC techs for the crappy level & enforcing my desire to QUIT.
thanks for the tips & video ms. cookie

Rainbowgirl said...

I’ll have a board like cookie please

Anônimo said...

Outro nível ridículo, e impossível. Qual o motivo para lançarem um vídeo onde você é obrigado a usar boosters? Certamente é para vender reforços, ou afastar os jogadores. Funcionou comigo, prefiro deletar o CC a gastar dinheiro com esses estelionatários. Adeus, sorte para quem fica.

Rainbowgirl said...

Still here bored to tears, colourbombs drop randomly just as I have no more moves left so what’s the point of that, also I can just play with no planning or thought and end up with only needing 5 waffles, shows how you never need skill, just a lucky board

cookie56 said...

Posting for luck.

Tina said...

Posting for luck

Petunia said...

Pfl before even starting this level

Ggs said...

22 moves, 15 blocks and 30 waffles. Posting for luck.

Shirley Ragland said...

Could use some help on this hard one please! Thank You!!

tonytones said...

Constantly finish with at least 20 waffles remaining. Total load of BS from King yet again! Had enough.

Sue said...

Posting for lucky board please, can't get all the waffles not even close !!!!!

Jan said...

Need help, please!!!

ITZIK said...

Help and luck
Or leave the game week to over this level

Brian kite said...

So difficult desperately need a lucky board to help me move on please and thanks

Brian kite said...

Really looks like it's time I left after many happy years. Nowhere near and I try to buy something it just buffers so desperate for a lucky board but if nothing very soon then it will have to be goodbye

Rute Lima said...

Wow, this time you scared me. I came here for an advise and i am astonished. Lucky board, pls

Ggk said...

Posting for a lucky board please ☘️☘️

Ggk said...

Posting for a lucky board please 🎄🎄

JA said...

Posting for luck!

yshuummu said...

I have been on this level for over a month!!!! This level cannot be passed!!!! I guess I'll quit!!!

yshuummu said...

This level cannot be passed!!!!! Almost 2 months on this level!!!! How do you pass it?! I'm NOT paying to pass,even though I think that's the only way! It looks like the end,FINALLY, of this stupid game!

yshuummu said...

I'm still here!!!! Going on 2 and a half months! Someone please help!!!!!! Or should I quit because this level is not possible without paying!!!! THIS GAME SUCKS!!!!

Mickey said...

Give me a break! !, Not enough moves!

Mickey said...

Aaaagh no! I cannot get any further! Please so e luck!

pkinbergeaauk said...

I’m through with this game! Goodbye!