Candy Crush Saga Level 6474 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 6474 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie 
Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.

Tips: The first job is to collect the keys in as few moves as possible. This will unlock the licorice and the spawners will begin spawning bombs. The bombs only have a short countdown so you need to get through the licorice to destroy them before they count down. Wrapped candies and colourbombs will be best for the job, especially if you can switch them together..
Once you have opened up the board you need to make more wraps to destroy the spawners. Double wrap combos or double colourbomb combos are again the best for the job.
Video by Kazuohk

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Twins mom said...

Yep, you need a quick start on this level, or your not gonna pass!

Twins mom said...

Absolutely, should be labeled a DIFFICULT LEVEL!

Sunset said...


Unknown said...

This is an awful level s/b labeled a Nightmarish Level

The Savage Traveler said...


Lcky said...

Lucky board please

Luís Bernardo said...

Starting with a double colourbomb this level is not so tough as it looks like. Good luck everyone 🍀

dr said...

Not sure how but check mark helped here. dr

Jewel Shaw said...

I have no boosters! I need help if possible.

Chris said...

Another ridiculous level. They must want all the players to quit

Jewel Shaw said...

This level is ridiculously hard!!!!! No sooner do I get started a BOMB goes off. I am convinced with no boosters I will never be able to complete this one. If possible I need some help.

Tez said...

Boosters don’t help! Need to get the keys ASAP and pray you get color bombs and pkts. Use them straight away because you’ll lose them if they go down the bottom of the board. Still trying after many attempts hoping for extra shots!!

Unknown said...

Whatever u do, don't use an ufo to destroy the spawners. Needed only one spawners and it didn't got near them...

Paula said...

Been on this for over a week, not enough moves before bombs go off. Maybe it’s the end for me. Shame I was enjoying it.

Unknown said...


Carrie722 said...

Had a good start. Managed a double color bomb. Some other specials crashed. Still didn’t pass the level. It’s crazy how the rows of bombs multiply.

Wendy said...

After two ok levels, we're back to another discouraging level. Impossible to get boosters that might help,

Mom. 1 said...

OMG. Posting for luck

Awee said...

posting for luck

Ifeanyi said...

Posting for luck

Anna said...

Maybe I’m doing this wrong I normally have 22-23 moves after keys. Once had 25. Then I start making specials (or trying to) using the bombs. However, the spawners drop bombs right away on my special candies. Maybe I should be making them at the top of the board? Will just need a LB to go w/it or bombs will just kill me...

kate said...

Posting for luck

J.J. said...

How's this not a nightmare level, bloody ridiculous, just playing over and over and not getting near it. Play these 5 lives and if I don't pass then I quit, bored to death of shite level after shite level 😠

Anonymous said...

Soooo frustrating....always waiting for a lucky board

Tom said...

Posting for a lucky board please

JB said...

Posting for luck

Teach said...

Lucky board please

Teach said...

Nightmare is right!!! Don’t even think a lucky board will help. Boosters haven’t.

Teach said...

Impossible to get ahead. You make a stripe or a wrap and it turns into a bomb the next move 🤦‍♀️

Olive said...

Posting for luck, please! Help!

Michelle said...

how do I get through a nightmare level n 2 hard ones w 1 life n come to an easy level n its ridiculous..pfl

Anonymous said...

This level takes first prize for being the stupidest level ever. I can't get one spawner never mind 9. I will give it a rest and if it isn't changed I'm out of here. Tired of wasting my time. Marj

Cher said...

Bloody stupid boring no fun at all . No boosters disentangle help either .

Geese said...

15 moves and out every time is not fun. One of the worst levels ever.

Staystrong said...

Posting for luck! Impossible level!

Becky said...

Get the keys quickly but that’s about it! Need a lucky board please!

Flippenheck said...

Help please

Flippenheck said...

How is this possible

Flippenheck said...

Help needed please

Nance said...

All King wants is your money now that it’s not possible to get free boosters as it used to be. This game used to be fun esp with sugar drops. Now it’s a slog & I play it for a few minutes in the day but give up after giving a hard level a shot but then I move on to something else.

Nana said...

Posting for a lucky board please, absolutely impossible without one

Rosebud said...

Posting for luck

Stuck said...

utterly ridiculous. Have yet to knock off one spawner. PFL geez louise

Beth said...

I’m not even sure anymore that getting rid of the keys quickly is good advice. It makes it harder to keep the bombs under control. The first time I played I mixed a color bomb and wrap and by the time the game ended I’d come within one move of winning. Had I known that was a near miracle, I’d have used a hammer and eliminated that last spawner. Sadly, I’m still playing the same boring game and haven’t close again

Sindy said...

Lucky board needed please and thank you in advance

Sindy said...

Help help help needed fits this ridiculous level

rosereddragon said...

Not a very helpful video - in my game, the bombs come much more thick and fast! Also, a double colourbomb - come on! However, enough moaning, pfl!

Najwa Alameddine Abu Hamze said...

Impossible level lucky board please

Najwa Alameddine Abu Hamze said...

Lucky board please

Tineke said...

Vreselijk!! Ach HELP ME AUB.

sam said...

This is the one.
good bye CC

sam said...

Just goes to show, posting here and watching the video replay gives the player good luck. Was not even able to get CLOSE to winning this level until I posted my comment. Passed the next day.

Bruce said...

Need a lucky board please

Bruce said...

Hard level

Paulapops said...

Bombs are relentless

Suzie Meara said...

Ridiculous! Posting for a lucky board!

Ginny said...


Ginny said...

I haven’t come close to killing even half of the spawners posting for luck

Ginny said...

Pfl again

Unknown said...

Not even a hard level but absolutely stupid! Posting for luck

MiMi said...

Help please!!!!

Jojo said...

Aide s.v.p.

Unknown said...

I need help please!

Candy crush crusher said...

Wow, don’t post very often and I’ve only played this level 10 times or less.
I believe I’m
Going to be stuck on this level for a lifetime. Four hard levels coming right up after
I defeat this one. G/l me… lmfao… I need a candy crush god

VIRGINIA said...


cw said...

Candy Crush Saga level 6474 is another Nightmarish game. Miss Cookie Kirby you need to practice this level many more times prior releasing to the public. Since playing level 6000 + more than often the levels are much too difficult. The creators of these games are intent on selling $$$ more boosters. The games are dependent on a computer releasing the right board. No matter the amount of boosters used. Let's get back to when games were challenging but fun. After reading other's comment I am POSTING FOR LUCK.


Evelyn said...

Posting for luck and free spins

Evelyn said...


bonita said...

pretty sure this level is my Waterloo. Played 5 times & had a panic attack.
I hate bombs--raise my BP< sweats shakes nausea . I'm getting all worked up thinking about trying again----------------not tonight.
Miracle board please.
thanks ms cookie for tips & video but don't think anything can help me.
No sense buying extra moves __Bombs kill the game immediately

bonita said...

Level is too damn stressful--not worth ruining my health over.
NO fun with BOMBS. My boards are nothing like the video-------game rigged to pay to pass?
super lucky board please

Anne said...

I need a lucky board. Impossible level.

Jeannies said...

Just been to my GP for raised Blood Pressure...this level is not helping me at all 😱 I'm nowhere near 🙄

Tina said...

Posting for luck

Anônimo said...

Totalmente impossível. Hora de abandonar essa merda!!!!

Anônimo said...

As dicas de Cookie são imprestáveis!! Fala o óbvio, mas impossível de fazer. Para mim não é possível fazer os boosters como nos vídeos, o que comprova a manipulação do jogo, para impedir o jogador de concluir o nível. Este jogo está decadente e acabado.

Janet said...

Bombs give me anxiety. PFL

JAX. said...

Posting for luck please. 🙏🕉️

Stacie T. said...


AAA said...

I would like to see comment on how to beat this level. Too many bombs and I don't get to the spawners. Need a lucky board I hear about and luck. Will keep trying.

Shirley Ragland said...

This is way too hard for me with these crazy countdown bombs! Please Help Me! 🙏 Thank You 😊

Anne said...

Posting for a lucky 🍀 board.

Anonymous said...

luck for lu

Sue said...

Posting for lucky board please, getting nowhere the bombs are impossible to get

Ron Mexico said...

Every time I think I’ve found the worst Candy Crush level, somehow they outdo themselves. This level is idiotic. Even if you get a special candy near the bottom it turns into a bomb automatically. This is nothing more than a “give us your money”.

2thmaster said...

You need a quick start to get the keys ASAP. From here, if you can get a double colorbomb, it paves the way to use all the usual strategies in dispatching the left-over spewers and gels.

Anonymous said...

Well i am glad im not the only one
Having trouble!! Lucky board or a
Mulligan please

Jan said...

Need help, please!!!

Ggk said...

Posting for a lucky board please ☘️

jb said...

Only way to win this one is with a lucky board and after a week of playing this level haven't had one yet!! Most of the time, a bomb goes off and I still have 10 moves. Sure could use a lucky board.

Mickey said...

Such ahard level, posting for luck.

Visaman said...
