Hints and tips showing how to pass level 6511 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help!
I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 6511 Candy Crush Saga is an ingredients level, you have to collect all the cherries to complete the level.
The cherries drop down the middle column onto the conveyors and from there down to the exits at the bottom of the board.
Work on clearing the blockers using stripes and combos and also detonate the wrapped candies down each side of the middle column as they drop. Use the conveyors to get stripes and combos into position to hit the blockers.
Video by Cookie
Video by Cookie
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If the level you play is different from the one
here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no
control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change
Besoin d'aide ou de chance please
This us impossible
Another tough level. Even with a full bot I can’t come close. Not enjoying this episode.
Looks like it’s gonna be a tough episode sine I’m already stuck
Posting for luck
Used full set of boosters and 2 hammers - one to get a color bomb/wrap combo and the other to get coconut wheel/stripe combo to finish off board
Don't know about anyone alse but I have got waffles and licorice locks on the bottom 2 rows, impossible, even more so with only 22 moves and not 28 like in the video. Getting so fed up of this game now. We don't even get to know which is a hard level to he able to save up boosters ready.
marre ............................................
Ridiculous level!
Can’t even come close!
Ridiculous level ..☹️
As if it isn't hard enough, now they have all the bottom row candies locked plus reduced it to 22 moves. Will he stuck here forever.
Doesn't matter if they say hard or not. It's IMPOSSIBLE!!! Posting for luck
4 luck
Ugh pfl
This is ridiculous, might be the end for me. Been stuck on this level for 2 weeks
Been stuck for days. Impossible level. Wasting time and lives.
Even with unlimited lives, and one hour color bomb, on the third day I've been on this level, I still get nowhere with no boosters to help me.
Today, after 7 years of playing, is the day I delete Candy Crush.
Enough of King's greed! He took all the fun away from us.
Bye Bye!
Também tô saindo, sem condições este nível.
Nível horrível, vidas ilimitadas , 1 hora de embalado com listrado , 1 hora de bomba colorida e nem assim cheguei perto ! Vou procurar outro jogo .
Posting for luck impossible
Having spent 4 days on the last difficult level I did this in a few goes using no starting boosters and 2 hammers to finish. It took 2 bomb/stripe combos to clear a lot of the board and 2 hammers on the last go. I also needed a lot of stripes firing up the board for the 24 goes available
the level is harder now because of the waffles and locked candies under the crystals.
posting for luck 🍀
Posting for luck
Horrible, boring level.
The video is totally different from the actual boards; putting in extra layers to clear the bottom two rows prevents getting the cherries down the middle row. Making it harder and getting rid of boosters is mean.
I’ve looked at every video, but they are different from the current boards. Not possible to succeed this level with the extra layers and fewer plays.
This game has been really un-fun lately for the last 15+ levels at LEAST, really ever since they made all the terrible changes which made it so hard. I’ve been trying to hang in there hoping it would be fun again, I mean especially considering I’ve been stuck at home during coronavirus SAH orders. Our orders were just extended through May 15. Candy Crush/King could have at least brought back some of the things that made the game fun and everyone’s been complaining about, since everyone is stuck at home, and a lot of ppl are struggling financially as a result too and can’t afford to pay bills right now, much less to pay for boosters in a game!
posting for luck
Absolutely ridiculous. Thanks for taking all the fun out during a global pandemic . Won't be coming back.
posting for luck
Impossible to pass the level.Very difficult.Please help
posting for luck
I dont even get close enough to buy extra moves! Talk about rediculas! Fire the one who built this level! He ain't even giving me the opportunity to spend my money.
Just give me a good board and you can have your couple of dollars. But I'm not going to invest on a crap board.
That's good. So true
I've been here for longer I think..
This is a stupid level cos its impossible to get anywhere near close enough to beating it and smash it by buying extra moves etc
Fire the one who built this level
Stuck. Posting for luck and a lucky board please!!!
Posting for luck
Reading the instructions to deal with this level are laughable. Hitting the blockers once is tough enough leave alone three times and such limited movement, be a miracle to pass this one, refuse to pay my way through. PFL.
On my 1st try, I got 4 ingredients down but couldn’t get the last 3. I’ve probably played 40+ times since then and have never gotten 1 ingredient down. I’m so pissed that I didn’t use some boosters or gold and finish on that 1st try.
Had 30 min w/wheel and wrap+stripe w/unlimited lives... didn’t matter one bit.
This level is BS.
I’m not having fun. Grrrrr.
Ugh help Plwase
HELP!!!! It's IMPOSSIBLE!!! Posting for luck. NEED LUCKY BOARD
Full Bot allotment, lucky board and two hammers got it done in third try.
Pfl no skill required ..pathetic
I just daydream and keep playing. It does not require any expertise to get pass the level. I am just waiting until they realize I will not be buying any boosters and let me get by all these hard levels.
I cant do this ....five days ...i need 20 hammers
All boosters used and not got close, no point spending money as going to be the same, just buy boosters and not pass...... No thanks I'd sooner Quit this now boring game
53 comments complaining about this level. I am now number 54. This level is ridiculous...everyday I am now questioning myself if I really want to play.. lately...not so much. Once I loose all the boosters...I don’t play until I build some up....only because you can’t pass these levels anymore without boosters and lucky boards :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(
Posting for a lucky board please
Lucky board please
Impossible level
Each level is very very frustrating hard
No boosters to help me
Posting for lucky board
Thanks CC
Way too much going on now with so few moves..do they really want all the original players to uninstall?? With so many new games out there I'm sure they are not finding as many new players as they did when originally came out..if they lose us long timers they're done!
Posting for luck, this one is treacherous! Have used everything I had. Help!
Posting in hopes for a lucky board ! Not enjoying the saga anymore !
Still here playing this shit? THEY DRIVE YOU CRAZY TO GET YOUR MONEY!
There is just one solution: quit this nightmare and stop wasting money and time.
I have no sympathy for those of you spending money on this game. There is no skill in doing that! It is just a game after all.
Achieved playing on and off for about 4 hours - without buying my way through! The licorice wheel worked well for me.
Help please
Posting for luck PLS
Very hard level!! Posting for luck!!
Not the same as the video at all!! Licorice blocks on the bottom row and double waffles on the second row and 4 less moves. Ridiculous! Not possible without a super lucky board .... please!!
Change the board back like it was or there is NO chance of passing at all. I am done .... kinda sad!!!
Posting for luck Thank you!!
Posting for luck
posting for luck
Posting for luck please and thank you in advance
This level is way too hard . Lucky board please help help help
Mmm . . . best ask for a lucky board to start with on this one!
REDICULOUS!!!!! Played this level probably 1000 times. Totally unwinable. Changes need to be made or everyone is going to quit. Even with help it is impossible.
I cannot clear the middle whatsoever even using my boosters...so sad!!
Please help with a lucky board...thank you!!!
This is officially the worst. I’ve used all the tips and still don’t even get one ingredient. Absolutely ridiculous it’s been so long!!!
Pfl please
Post for luck
Boring...cc mustve had their good programmers quit? Lol. Recent games are rubbish and boring. No skill just awaiting lucky boards. Sigh
Im done. Years of playing. I quit. Nofun now. Bye all!
Another joke of a level... no skill needed just waiting for that lucky board pls
Impossible level lucky board please
Lucky board please impossible level
Impossible Impossible no way to finish this level lucky board please
With the moves changed to only 20 it is impossible to win without a lucky board please
This is ridiculous. Not even close to completeing Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Its no fun playing anymore. Help needed or its goodbye
Wat een vreselijk niveau, zoveel commentaar, dat is toch geen ontspanning bah!!!
Need a lucky board please
Hard level
Can't even get close enough to hammer myself out! Ridiculous level needing a lucky board to pass...AGAIN
Posting for luck
Aide s.v.p.
Tricky level. Posting for luck!
Posting for luck
This is impossible and there is no video of proof it can be done. Old ones just show double locked rows at the bottom and also stripes just pour out without jellies. Have deleted game no longer fun or
Three days in and nowhere near ! Lucky board needed please. 🙏
4 days later 😴😴😴 still stuck 😡
Posting for lucky board please
🤦♀️ Ouff mais quel niveau celui-là…..s.v.p. CC 👑 ….aidez-moi à traverser ce niveau….merci tellement Roi ☺️🤗🤗🤗🍭🍭🍭🍭
🤦♀️S.v.p. j’ai vraiment besoin d’aide pour traverser ce niveau….s.v.p. CC ROI 👑 AIDEZ-MOI 🥵…merci tellement…merci à l’infini ☺️🤗🤗👑🍭🍭🍭
🤦♀️Tellement découragée 😭..plus de 60 vies de perdues et toujours pas réussi 😥….votre tableau Roi est vraiment plus facile que tous ceux que j’ai eu ….s.v.p. donner moi un tableau chanceux 🍀…un gros Merci ….merci tellement ☺️🤗🤗🍭🍭🍭
106 comments tells it all. I have 4 less moves than video. Not getting even close! PFL because luck is the only way to pass this level.
This level is ridiculous!! The closest I’ve come is 5 cherries in the channel! Wheel doesn’t help because of the ice cover. Posting for luck because that’s what it’s going to take!
Posting for luck again please
With all the locked candies this level now IMPOSSIBLE. Obviously King want all loyal players to quit.
I don’t see how I will ever pass this!
This tops them all. Pflplz&lb2
Terrible level. No point in reading the helpful hints, 2 years out of date, moves reduced, blockers increased etc. Not sure that CC have any plan other than to fleece people who get desperate. That's not a game !!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, I won't be bought off. I will continue to play mindlessly (not looking for moves) for a few more days and weeks until the 'lucky board' turns up. CC, you should be ashamed.
What a nightmare! Posting for luck and free spins
Pathetic! PFL!!!
With a reduced number of moved than stated above I need some help and hints on strategy for this one please!
Posting for luck, please. Impossible!
Impossible level. Please help!
I don’t know what King is trying to do in this level, but he is certainly losing his players by posting videos that are not even near the levels we get. Can’t even get three good moves together but on the king videos every move has special candies. I’m fed up with this game.
nowhere near, lucky board needed please
Posting for luck
A PITB level.
Posting for luck.
Meu único conselho para este nível: hora de deletar esta merda!!!!!!! Existem jogos melhores, inteligentes e honestos!!!
Os movimentos foram reduzidos e a dificuldade aumentada!! Este jogo é manipulado e insano, como os desenvolvedores dos níveis!! Não adianta usar reforços, nada resolve! Este é o motivo pelo qual muitos jogadores abandonaram o CC, este também será o meu destino! Tenho coisas melhores para fazer!!
127 comments is all you need to know, another cheat level, fewer moves, locked candies, no way of getting any special candies, lucky board like the video please, don’t want to be stuck here for days , no skill needed so it gets very boring , abitlike this comment really
No lives left after working so hard to build them up I am now uninstalling this ridiculous game. Smarten up King. Hard but not impossible would be an idea. After five years I am done.
I definitely need help with this one!! 😩 Please Help 🙏 Thank You 😊
I have been on this one way too long. Used boosters which is s complete joke because they are locked and they can’t be used right away. Not sure where to go from here. No light at the end of the tunnel.
A load of total BS! King obviously don't want people to play their game. Boosters don't help and I'm not paying 3 bucks to get their BS extra moves. Total scam level and they go get F**KED!
The lower middle blockers never clear.
Posting for lucky board please, getting nowhere not even close !!
Whats the point of those awful pink things? They are hard to swipe and dont help at all. Horrible level lots of complaints. I wonder why
Impossible. Lucky board, pls
This level is impossible!! I can’t even come close!! Guess I need a super lucky board, plz !!
I need a lucky board please!!!
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