Candy Crush Saga Level 6668 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 6668 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie 
Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.

Tips: Level 6668 Candy Crush Saga is an orders level, you have to collect sugar coats, bubblegum and rainbow twists to complete the level.
You will need to look really carefully at the candies under the sugar coats so you can try to make special candies and combos to clear the rainbow twists as quickly as possible. This will open up the board so that you will be able to make combos more easily. Use combos to clear the bubblegum along the bottom of the board and these will help finish off the sugar coat order.
Video by Cookie

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Nic said...

Besoin d'aide et de chance please

Carrie722 said...

Can clear everything except the bubble gum. The keys take a long time to drop and I don’t really get wraps from the dispensers. Didn’t finish even when I started with the recommended boosters. Please send the lucky board. Thank you

Schuckerboat said...

Horrible level AGAIN. Can't get close to getting bubblegum. Too many useless moves available. Posting for luck

Sharda said...


J.J. said...

Posting for luck

kate said...

need a lucky board. posting for luck. or need more moves.

kate said...

this is difficult. HELP!!!!!

Helen said...

Yet another boring, difficult level, board restricted at the bottom which makes it impossible to get bubblegum in the moves we're given

apex said...

Another easy level that takes 2-3 days to pass.

Rosebud said...

Posting for luck

JD said...

Another crappy impossible level.

Unknown said...

Post for luck

Najwa Alameddine Abu Hamze said...

Lucky board please

Suzie Meara said...

Another crappy level! Posting for a lucky board!!

Fred said...

Every game goes into a pointless phase where all the bubblegum is in the bottom row, and the only moves available are pointless ones in the top half - and then you run out of moves. Very tedious.

Ronster said...

Needing help

ChrisChristopher 1 said...

Another impossible level waiting for them to do it 4me borin borin borin borin,makin 1 pointless move after another knowin ya aint gona pass till they do it 4ya

Anônimo said...

Totalmente impossível!!!! Este jogo está decadente e acabado, merece uma auditoria para comprovar as fraudes!!!! Tudo aqui é manipulado!!! Melhor opção é deletar esta merda!!!!

Anônimo said...

Nem usando reforços!!!! Gastei todos meus boosters, e não resolveu nada!!!!! Apenas os favoritos do CC como Cookie, Johnny Crush e Kazuohk conseguem fazer tantos boosters em um único movimento!!!!! Chega, não sou palhaço!!!!

cookie56 said...

Another pain in the butt level.
Posting for luck.

Linda Maitan said...

Posting for luck

Not many posts