Candy Crush Saga Level 6817 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 6817 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie 
Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.

Tips: Level 6817 is a dual task level, you have to collect the ingredients and clear the jelly to complete the level.
Forget about the nuts, they will find their way to the exits as you clear the waffles and jelly. Treat this as you would any jelly level, make as many powerful combos as you can and keep switching them until the board is clear and the level completed.
Video by Cookie

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Sunny in Buffalo said...

Surprised there are no comments/tips, was on this for 2 days, finally got close, spun for 5 extra moves, bottom left/right were the toughest spots, good luck!

Twins mom said...

Definitely going to take days to pass this level, not nearly enough moves.

Roger75 said...

Posting for luck.

mue said...

passer 2 niveaux d'affilés pfff un rêve .....

Sunset said...


Sana said...

Lost all my hard earned bots on this level...😭

Patty said...

Posting for luck

Turkeylady3 said...

Difference in this video is there’s a ton of combos in mind they’re hard to come back Would like to know how many attempts this took to get that winning screen they gave him

Pati said...

So bored playing a level that requires no skill

Nic said...

Après plusieurs niveaux sympa de nouveau un niveau impossible
Besoin d'aide et de chance please

Anonymous said...

This level sucks just not enough moves

Rebecca said...

What the last guy said. This level sucks. Waste of time and boosters.

joyous100 said...

Posting for luck

joyous100 said...

Ridiculous level. I’m not spending any money. They might as well let me pass. 😖

? said...

This game really has become monotonous and boring. Time to move on

Tou52 said...

Posting for luck

Tou52 said...

Wow, those bottom corners are impossible; can't even get close to finish this level, would need an extra 20 moves at least....

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

Impossível! Não aguento mais jogar isto

Jannie said...

Used all 3 boosters alongside hard earned full bot......didn't even clear half the way down the board. Help

Ifeanyi said...

Posting for luck

Agnes Power said...

Impossible, not enough moves. Posting for luck and a lucky board please!!!!

Rhodesia said...

I have been on this for over a week now and I cannot get the two corners. Really sick of Candy Crush since you cannot get and extras boosters anymore. It has become very boring.

Raisedbybees said...


Broomie said...

Been on this level for days!! Even bought the 5.99 special so sick of this level..usually you spend money they give you the lucky board...not even getting close with the full special to start!!

kate said...

Impossible, not enough moves. Posting for luck and a lucky board please!!!!

Gonzo said...


Loon61 said...

Another board where you need them to give you a doable board. Ridiculous.

CTP said...

And here I am again. Had to buy extra moves last round, not doing that here so truly need LUCK!

Annu said...

Posting for luck again. Not enough moves. Please help!!

Eliza h said...

I was exhausted by last level and I refuse to blow what few boosters I have left on another impossible round in a row. Not fun. Losing interest.

Unknown said...

Here we go again. Post for luck

Anna said...

I am waiting for the lucky board. Thank you

Lalit said...


Najwa Alameddine Abu Hamze said...

Lucky board please

Laura said...

Fish booster helped clear those nasty bottom corners.

Bruce said...

Need a lucky board please

Bruce said...

Hard level

Ginny said...

Posting for luck

Ginny said...

Posting for luck again!

Unknown said...

Help bb

Juno said...

Not sure it’s worth any more of my time trying to pass this ridiculous level. Might be time to move on to something new.

bonita said...

Level is difficult especially with the Crappy boards I get---how about an easy board???
No free boosters or extra moves any more implies CC King expects players to BUY BUY BUY to pass ridiculously hard levels. Stinks of cheating --play fair CC KING.
Lucky Board Please
Why is target numbers higher than Ms. Cookies?
Thanks for tips & video--Yep blast away level IF lucky to get a playable board.

Rainbowgirl said...

That was a crazy lucky board Cookie had, plus I have more than double the number of jellies to pop, this is not a great video, needs to be changed to see if Cookie can get 155 jellies in 30 moves, lucky board please or I’m out

Rainbowgirl said...

Not buying boosters, just waiting for a lucky board seem like all I ever do now, no skill needed it’s just when you’re allowed through, only having 77 jellies would help massively, I can clear 1 side but forget the other, I’ve also managed 1 cherry Yeay!! Go me , getting very bored now, a bit like this post , I’m finding other games so might even quit altogether

Rainbowgirl said...

Used gold bars in the end, took 46 moves (30 original and 16 extra) just needed to be rid of this bs

JAX. said...

Posting for luck please. 🙏🕉️

Lola said...

Ridiculous yet again. Another extremely hard level back to back w the last one. And you cut our lives off at 20? Get a grip King. This is BS. Def lucky board. Zero strategy in any of these

TrickyTricky said...

Need luck pls

Ellen said...

Niet genoeg zetten please some luck and help

Joanne C said...

Posting for luck

Kay said...

Posting for luck

Bebs said...

Why isn’t my comment been posted
It’s a ridiculous level
Suck and tired of waiting for a lucky bored
Boring game
Bye candy crush

Mickey said...

Please cc help with some luck.