Hints and tips showing how to pass level 7001 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help!
I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 7001 is a dual task level, you have to collect the cherries and clear the jelly to complete the level. First clear the rainbow twists using the stripes and combos in the top part of the board, then you can begin to look for moves in the bottom part of the board. You don't need to worry too much about the cherries as long as you use combos to clear the jelly. The cherries can get stuck on the "shelf" near the bottom of the board, but if you use combos to clear the jelly the cherries should slip out and down to the exits.
Video by Cookie
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If the level you play is different from the one
here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no
control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change
All the levels are just getting to difficult without booster. Very few are fun anymore.
Posting for luck
I'm surprised this isn't rated "hard"... Posting for luck
No boosters.. done
Moves have been lowered!!!
Still stuck here.. Pretty bad when you have to post for luck twice...lol posting for luck
Struggling with this one. Posting for luck.
Need a million more moves
Really! Is Right! This is not working! Hard level! Not enough moves!
Give in. Give us help!
Not enough moves again. Must be a lucky board game. Maybe I could have one or I will be stuck here forever!
Boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring boring
Posting for luck.
Did you say this level is boring? lol
Posting for luck. Seems like this is the new normal.
Ridiculous.. tired of these levels where there is no chance of winning without waiting for a lucky board. Which some times takes several days. The game is meant to be fun.. Not worth playing any more
It's an effing joke....less moves and you have to hit the canes at the bottom more times than in the video..... time to take a break from King and CC
Silly game where you have no chance without a million boosters and more moves. No skill as most of the time there is only one move you can make. And then you run out of moves anyway. Is king going to fix this??
This is stupid boring, incessant shuffling to no end and not enough moves. We get this far for this? Stuck til they let you pass 😪
stupid waste of time!
It wastes too many moves to get through the extra layers they added to the bottom and all the sideways stripes you get on the top don't help much either. You need a lot of special combos to get through. I don't mind hard levels but not when they get boring.
Posting for luck.
Dispensers do not produce the special candies in more frequency as shown in the video. need a luck board. posting for the luck
Posting for luck!
Not enough moves....
posting for luck
REALLY.....?? You seem to be EXTREMELY LUCKY with all your levels....just saying!
I thought, 6992 had to be classified as WORSE level ever....but this one is right up there!!
They need to add another classification to the levels "IMPOSSIBLE"!
Been stuck on this level for quite a while now. Could really do with some help please.
Posting for luck
Please help me with a easy board Thanks in advance
Posting for luck
Agree with Wider Smile, very few special candies from dispensers and my cherries ALWAYS get stuck. Nowhere close, boosters a waste.
Posting for luck
Takes a lot of hits to break up the rope twists on the bottom. I managed one time to break them up but then there wasn’t enough moves to break up the sides. I don’t know. There were several good boards, now we’re back to needing the lucky board. My nerves!
REDICILOUS, over and over, same thing, just expecting a better out come. REDICILOUS!
Posting for luck impossible
Clearly Not enough moves, don’t waste any boosters! again you won’t win until they want you to! ☹️
One cherry left stuck and boosters wasted. Posting for luck.
Struggling with this one. Posting for luck.Not enough moves.Please help me with a easy board.Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posté pour la chance.
Merci. 😊.
ANOTHER BORING IMPOSSIBLE GAME! One after another that u can’t win till they feel sorry for u and throw it to u!
Lucky board please
very dull shuffling the limited available moves around while waiting for the lucky board.
Impossible level! Really need help bb
lucky board please
time to quit CC --levels are too complicated for my old brain.
Need some major Help
thanks ms cookie
Este jogo é extremamente ridículo! Como alguém pode pensar em gastar dinheiro com isto? Eles são muito desonestos, querem apenas seu dinheiro. Não estão interessados no seu entretenimento, querem manipular o jogo para te iludir a comprar reforços, como se isso tivesse algum valor. Pura ilusão! Ninguém precisa deste jogo para viver, mas eles dependem dos jogadores para continuar existindo, pensem nisto!!! De que adianta ter 1.000 barras de ouro, se não servem para comprar reforços, apenas para ter alguns míseros movimentos extras?? Tudo enganação. Estou saindo fora desta farsa. Sorte e dinheiro para quem fica, vão precisar!
Total pain in the butt level.
Posting for luck.
Posting for luck please
Posting for luck
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