Hints and tips showing how to pass level 7072 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help!
I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 7072 is an orders level, you have to collect bubblegum, rainbow twists and blockers to complete the level. You need to work your way down the board using any combos you can make. Wrapped candies are best and there are some dropping from the dispensers in the bottom part of the board. If you can switch a colourbomb with a stripe or a wrap this will help and double wrap combos are best of all.
The video took 14 attempts to complete.
Video by Cookie
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If the level you play is different from the one
here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no
control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change
Not worth trying without boosters, especially stripe and wrap
pfffff ennuyeux ....
impossible de passer ....
Classified as a Super Hard Level now
Pitié CC ,un peu de chance SVP ! Merci.
Way too few moves. Came not even close. Also boosters are no real help due to the restricted board in the beginning and as reset is not possible (to place them next to each other). Suddenly (without boosters), got a super lucky board (many CBs came out of nothing during the game) and after the last move a CB ended next to a wrap. So I invested 10 gold coins of my stock (collected during the last weeks) and bought 5 more moves. This was sufficient then.
Had boosters to start and I can’t get near the bottom of the board! Waaaaay to few moves! PFL
Impossible without lucky board, posting for luck
Need some of that good luck!
SIGH! Just another ridiculously boring level.
That seems to be the norm these days!
Anyone able to finish this level? Posting for lucky board pls
I agree, I’m not even getting close! This level is extremely difficult and frustrating! Help!
Used all my boosters and still cannot pass. Not enough moves. Very tiring.
To those of you struggling and playing endlessly for that lucky board-
Took three tries, came very close on the second, and no boosters or particular skill on my part, other than the usual looking carefully for possible combos. Once those two boards opened up, the games practically played themselves. Lucky boards, but...
When I read how difficult others are finding a level I've found really easy (no matter how it's been designated), I'm reminded of what's always been the case when our positions were reversed, as has happened frequently over the past several months, and my literally impossible to pass levels have been very easy for others. I always had different versions, and after many complaints each time, once I was sent the version others had, I too found it easy. It's unfair and ridiculous. And perhaps true for those of you having difficulty with this level. We should all have the same versions.
Good luck.
Please help me with a easy board Thanks in advance
Very very very difficult level.Please help me with a lucky board Thanks
I must have tried more than 100 times, but I am stuck in this level.Posting for some luck
Help me Rhonda
Besoin d'aide et de beaucoup de chance please
Yep, another ridiculous level. Why am I playing this "game" anyway.
Posting for luck
Posting for luck
Posting for luck please
Posting for luck
Posting for luck
less moves now only 24
Lucky board is the only way with this episode as to few many moves.
Should be called impossible not hard .
Help, need a lucky board please
2 days on this crap level bored with this, if I don't pass in the next 5 lives then I will QUIT this shite
Posting for lucky board can't get close at all!
Extremely difficult board, not coming close, starting boosters don't help way too few moves
Posting for luck!
Posting for a lucky board
Lucky board please
Not nearly enough moves. Back to waiting for a lucky board.
Posting for luck Mr Candy Crush
Another impossible level waiting for them to do it 4me borin borin borin borin borin borin borin
Agora este jogo se resume em uma única palavra: DINHEIRO!!!!! Apenas os favoritos do CC conseguem fazer tantos boosters nos níveis, para gravarem seus vídeos e postarem no YouTube e ganharem monetização, alguém do CC também está lucrando com isto! Tudo agora aqui só depende de dinheiro, não lançam níveis para testar a habilidade dos jogadores, ou pagam ou ficam presos por semanas em um nível manipulado e ridículo!! Estou saindo fora desta farsa, sorte e dinheiro para quem fica, vão precisar!!!
I am convinced that this level is not possible w this number of moves. I’ve tried everything and used all my boosters!! So frustrated!
אני צריך מישהו
I need somebody
(עזרה) לא סתם מישהו
(Help) not just anybody
(עזרה) אתה יודע שאני צריך מישהו, עזרה
(Help) you know I need someone, help
כל כך הרבה יותר צעיר מהיום
So much younger than today
(אני אף פעם לא צריך) מעולם לא נזקקתי לעזרה של אף אחד בשום אופן
(I never need) I never needed anybody's help in any way
(עכשיו) אבל עכשיו הימים האלה חלפו (הימים האלה נעלמו)
(Now) but now these days are gone (these days are gone)
אני לא כל כך בטוח בעצמי
I'm not so self assured
(ועכשיו אני מגלה) עכשיו אני מגלה ששיניתי את דעתי
(And now I find) now I find I've changed my mind
Ridiculous, almost impossible with 23 moves and no boosters. Lucky board, maybe
Posting for a lucky board please. Impossible level. ☘️☘️
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