Candy Crush Saga Level 7712 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 7712 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie 
Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 7712 is an orders level, you have to collect sugar coats and cherries to complete the level. The only real strategy for this level is to look very carefully at the candies and try to make colourbombs or other special candies to switch together and clear as many sugar coats as possible so that the cherries can be collected.
Video by Cookie

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.



mue said...

suis coincée ......

Luís Bernardo said...

It’s a real nightmare. Need to combine CB. Pure luck. Good luck everyone 🍀

Deedee1 said...

Posting for luck

Collette said...

Ok posting g for a lucky board!

Sandykp said...

Posting for a lucky board. The sugar coating is killing me. Good luck everyone.

Pookie8907 said...


Nantz said...

Stupid level. I work to unwrap and poof, they are wrapped again. Waiting for lucky board.

McT said...

You're is hard enough to get the cherries unwrapped, yet alone doing it all over definitely do not have to worry about collecting enough bubblegum wraps, but even if you concentrate on getting the cherries unwrapped, it becomes fruitless to get them all....a lucky board is required here, for sure....

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Very difficult to see through those sugar things, after several tries got the elusive lucky board, was able to concentrate on middle section, lots of wraps, moves to spare, should buy a lottery ticket today! Good luck to all!

Twins mom said...

What is up with up these horrible 😕 levels?!?!

Pat said...

Only CB's can help you to pass this one.

BG said...

Skill and patience, that's all you need.

GloryB said...

Well I obviously don't have any skill and I'm out of patience BG. So I guess I will post for luck and see if that helps.

Jonny B said...

I get it cleared pretty well, but don't get enough cherries ??

cvbcb said...

Need Lucky Board! So difficult to see the moves under the frosting. PFL!

Cactusgirl said...

BG if patience and skill is all I need to pass this horrible level , why am I playing game after game and getting nowhere. For me this game is near on impossilble. So I will be very happy for a Lucky board

Rebecca said...

This level is no fun at all. Waste. Of. Time. Losing interest after the last levels.

Pati said...

Stupid level, wake up 🤴

The Savage Traveler said...

How can it be fun if one can't even see it? Posting for 🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀

Unknown said...

Horrible tarpit. Need to wait for friendly boards.

anonymous said...

posting for luck

Nic said...

Besoin d'aide et de beaucoup de chance please 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀

Lynne said...

Posting for luck

forgetmenot said...

just too hard to be fun

Patty said...

Wow!!! What a horrible level!! Posting for luck please!!!

Agnes Power said...

Horrible level!!!! Posting for luck and a lucky board please!!!!!!

Lav1022 said...

Hurts my eyes. Will try posting for luck. Not even marked as hard.

Dolce’ said...

I don’t know if this is a good tip or not I just finished it with 11 moves to spare..., but I started working at the bottom which cleared the top out in just a few moves and the cherries came down very quickly. So I don’t know if it was because of that or if I was just lucky! But it worked so I hope it helps! 😊

Broomie said...

Thanks Dulce for the tip.I'll try that..made all kinds of specials that don't do any soon as you make them they are covered!! Horrible level and I'm sick of this game..i do spend money..not a lot but enough but i don't think i will anymore..not going to spend money on something Im not enjoying!!

Flippenheck said...

Help please

JB said...

Give us a chance to at least destroy the spawners...I’ve combined two color bombs and two wraps, but the board immediately fills back up with the molasses or whatever that crap is...This level is absurd

Unknown said...

Just work at the bottom!

Anonymous said...

Come on CC how do you expect us to play this level? You can’t see the colors under the candy coating! Posting for luck!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the tip Dolce, started at the bottom and finished with 17 moves to spare!

Sb said...

Please help

Maisis said...

Publicando para la suerte

Raisedbybees said...


Maw said...

Can't kill the spawners

Teach said...

Getting nowhere despite use of numerous boosters. Lucky board please!

Hassel said...

Posting for luck impossible

Unknown said...

Work on clearing from the bottom. Cleared on my second try this way.

Nance said...

Great tip Dolce!! I started at the bottom & passed with 14 moves to spare! Thx so much! We come here to get tips not to see PFL or further moaning!

Angie said...

I find I can get everything except the cherries. The spanners don't take my hits at all• tried everything and hurt my eyes finding matching colors. Need a lucky board please! Thank you

Laura said...

I followed Dolce's tip and worked in the bottom. Thanks!

Ronster said...

It's time again, PFL

Najwa Alameddine Abu Hamze said...

Lucky board please

Sherelle said...

Please send a lucky board. This level has too much coating . I tried the bottom but everything gets covered so fast .Finding this level irritating .help please help . Lucky board please

Bresych said...

Blockers are created too quickly.

Sindy said...

Posting for luck please and thank you in advance

Sindy said...

Help please help help with this hard level

Unknown said...


Irmaki said...

Why do the cherries fall so late ?

Evelyn said...

Posting for luck and free spins

iMac said...

I hate this level. Everytime I get close I get zapped. Working from the bottom.

SVA said...

Good grief one ridiculous level after another. Where are the cherries???

G said...

Haven’t passed yet, but it looking like working from the bottom of the board is the way to go. Just waiting for lucky board. No use wasting boosters on this one.

Ggs said...

30 moves 5 cherries and 300 bubblegums, posting for luck.

Anônimo said...

Outro nível totalmente impossível!!! A dica para fazer movimentos na parte inferior é uma dica inútil e imprestável, já fiz isto dezenas de vezes e não adiantou nada!!!! Este jogo está decadente e acabado, merece uma auditoria para constatar as fraudes praticadas, quadrilha de estelionatários!!# Melhor opção é deletar esta merda!!!@@#

Lu said...

Postando pra dar sorte

Lola said...

Wouldn’t be so bad if the gun was all just covered it it covers everything repeatedly. Frustrating and the zipping noise is sooo annoying. Lucky board pls

Lola said...

Ok that being said, I stayed super low to the board from the start with combos and got a lucky ball and matched it w a Candy and that started a bit of an explosion and I did not work in the top half of the board at all.

Linda Maitan said...

I can’t see the cherries

Anne said...

Impossible level. Help, please!

Jen said...


anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip to work on the bottom
Got it

Collenfan said...

Posting for luck again for this difficult level. Need a few more moves to complete this one. Very hard to see.