Candy Crush Saga Level 7730 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 7730 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie 
Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 7730 is classified as a hard level so you can expect to lose some lives before you manage to pass it. This is a dual task level, you have to collect the cherries and clear the jelly to complete the level. 
The first job is to collect the keys to unlock the middle of the board. While you are doing this you can be also clearing the licorice curls and waffles to get access to the spawners down the middle of the board. Stripes and stripe/wrap combos are best to clear the licorice curls and once they are cleared and the keys are collected you will be able to destroy the spawners. Destroying the spawners will release the cherries so that you can get them to the exits. You should also be clearing the jelly while you are doing this and colourbomb combos are best for this job as always.
Video by Kazuohk

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Sunny in Buffalo said...

Tough level, also keys on my board had "sugar coats", after 2 days added 1 of each initial booster, fish helped, used 1 hammer to get last top spawner just to be done with this, good luck, til Wednesday...

Newfie said...

Congrats sunny

Beachlover said...

Going to be here a while. Don't seem to be enough of moves.

Beachlover said...

Needing that lucky board my keys are covered with sugar coats by the time I get the keys I'm out of moves

Danielle said...

OMG what an evil level....I can't come close to completing. Come on CC give us more moves

Twins mom said...

Yup. by the time you collect the keys, very few moves left....GAME OVER!!!

Newfie said...

I tried a good 50 times without boosters. Knew it wasn’t happening. Got within one spawner and three or four jellies. Could have used my 10 gold bars for 5 extra moves but wouldn’t do it on first day on level. Waited till I got my couple boosters from daily chocolate box being completed. Had a good start. Cleared keys somehow with 13 moves to go. Once you clear the board a bit things happen fast. Done with 3 moves to go. Lucky board as well probably.

Roger575 said...

Impossible. By the time I collect the keys I’ve run out of moves

Anna said...

After reading the comments, I was really not looking forward to being stuck on this level. Luckily though, managed to pass first go with the help of some bot boosters.

Sunset said...


Mi said...

Posting for luck

JT said...

Now classified as a Nightmarishly Hard Level. UGH!!

GloryB said...

Yes, DEFINATELY need more moves. I'm having the same problem Beachlover. Posting for that lucky board.

ktrene said...

Not enough moves with keys covered in sugar. I probably need to slow down and concentrate more on making special candies, instead of focusing on one key at a time.

Drood said...

It must be possible but it doesn’t feel that way for me!

csh56 said...

I am lucky to get 1 key!! Going to be a long time.

Chrissy said...

Hard to clear the keys. Takes too many moves to clear and once you do not enough left to clear the rest and bring down the cherries.

Hope said...

This is a horrid level. Only 25 moves now. I eventually completed it by starting with a flying saucer to unlock the middle area. It still took a lot of effort but completed with 2 moves to spare.

cvbcb said...

Yet another level... waiting for Lucky Board! PFL!

Tez said...

You need more than 5 shots to clear the middle section, but that’s the most I’ve had left after the keys. CB combo are an are most combos. Another lucky board game

Tez said...

Lucky board needed this is ridiculous how is anyone getting past

Maks said...

Again last level of an episode so hard. Posting for lucky board pls

Cat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cat said...

Hideous impossible level. Used my last two painfully earned UFOs in a vain attempt to escape at last. Escaping at last is not how you should feel while playing a game that's supposed to be fun. Wish it still were, and I continue to play in the hope that it will be again. But I don't know for how much longer.

blonde said...


blonde said...


Unknown said...

Rotten level posting for luck

Pati said...

Hard hard levrl

The Savage Traveler said...

One after another terrible level. Posting for 🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞

Unknown said...

Need better boards

Unknown said...

Ridiculous figit spinner tarpit. Cannot be passed except by friendly algorithms

Unknown said...

Still need better boards

Runner94 said...

Please send a lucky board. This level is no longer any fun!

Unknown said...

Still waiting for better boards. So tired of this stoopid level

Unknown said...

This is ridiculous

Unknown said...

Three days and not able to come anywhere close to clearing this ridiculous level. So bored. Still waiting for better algorithms.

Unknown said...

Crap level. Very frustrating

Unknown said...

Go suck rotten eggs, King

Unknown said...

Going on day 4. Really fed up with this level. Still waiting for better algorithms.

Unknown said...

Even with full boosters, only managing to collect the keys after nearly exhausting all available moves. This is a very stupid and frustrating level

joyous100 said...

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

Últimamente los niveles son imposibles que juego más aburrido. Lo dejaré pronto

Raven73 said...

Just nasty not enough moves

Nic said...

Manque de mouvements
Besoin d'aide et de beaucoup de chance please 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀

Anne said...

Impossible! Not enough moves. Most games cant even get more than 2 keys!!!

Lynne said...

Posting for luck

Suesue said...


Suesue said...


Wendy said...

At this rate I’ll be on this level all week. Not even able to get close. Not enough moves and only daily wheel now for boosters. Better board please.

Lizard said...

Difficult level & not enough moves. Need some help please

Agnes Power said...

Not enough moves. Posting for luck and a lucky board please!!!!!

Marie said...

Wij hebben alweer minder zetten op ons bord, dit niveau is onmogelijk, hulp aub

Lav1022 said...

Got on 1st try after reading above comments. Had 1 CB 1 stripe/wrap and fish to start.

Broomie said...

I 100% agree with Cat said above..i continue to play also hoping it will get fun again..i don't think it's going to happen..I'm looking for new game.

JP said...

Come on!!!
This many comments!!!
CC you know this is a redicullous level.
Have to beg for a lucky board please!!!!!

Noplacelikehome said...

Stuck with no sign of collecting keys easily here! PFL please.

JB said...

It’s ironic that those that pay the most money are those that complete each level as they come out...they are the ones who in effect work for king...if a certain game isn’t earning enough money, they change it and make it harder, like this level. The first players weren’t spending enough money on the level so they added the goo to cover up the keys so it’d be harder for the future players, and many would spend money to pass

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!

Anonymous said...

This is not fun anymore Candy Crush!

Anonymous said...

I woke up this morning and instead of looking forward to playing candy crush I’m dreading it knowing it’s going to be another day of playing this level over ans over and over. I thin I will find something else to do.

Anonymous said...

If you are coming here looking for tips on playing this level - first look at how many comments- 63. What does that tell you - get ready to play this level over and over. No strategy involved. You simply can’t pass it until CC let’s you. So get ready to play this level for days.

Godiva said...

I give up. This is impossible. I bought a package of boosters for the first time in months. This is not fun. It’s sad to get to this level and not be able to pass it with boosters and purchased packages.

Ian said...

Impossible, not enough moves. Greedy king wants you to buy moves/boosters. Time to quit

Ian said...

Game reduced to 25 moves and video takes 27 moves with a very lucky board! Just goes to show how greedy king is, what a waste of time and effort

Tom said...

Posting for a lucky board please

Ally said...

Not enough moves. Can barely collect the keys before the game is over.

Goodienuf said...

This is a terrible level. And if we are all this far, we know terrible when we see it!
I was so bored with it, I broke down and used my 1 and only free, precious "Party Booster" at the start. I earned it a long time ago. I had used all the more common boosters in combination, too, without luck. Once I got the keys, I would only have about 5 moves left. So no money spent, but hard earned boosters gone and have to slowly build up the stock again. (BUT....can a "Party Booster" even be won?? It's not on the wheel, in the Race, in the chocolate box...or in any rewards I see)

Unknown said...

Have made it this far without spending any money and will not start now. Of all the levels I have played this is absolutely the worst. I do not possibly see any way of beating this level.!

Cher said...


Cpap said...

Posting for a lucky board please

Maisis said...

Publicando para la suerte

Rhodesia said...

I can just about get the three keys in 25 moves but no chance of doing any more!!!

steve said...

Posting for lucky board not enough moves

NancyO said...

REDICILOUS, listen buddies, I had 39 minutes of all 3 boosters and unlimited lives. NOT EVEN CLOSE, NOT ONCE. REDICILOUS!

NancyO said...


cathy said...

Posting for luck thank you !!!

Sue said...

I am sure we could pass this level if we had 30 moves 😭 please HELP.🥰

Fraggy said...

Feel I’m getting further and further away from getting this one. Please could I have one of those lovely, lucky boards, Thankyou 🍀🍀🍀🍀🥦

Lilly said...

Holy cow! Not even close!!! PLEASE send lucky board...pfl

rosereddragon said...

Posting for luck - what a lot of blockers to get through!

Kaz167 said...

Very restricted prescribed moves at the beginning, once the board has opened up even with careful planning still not left with enough moves to complete. Posting for luck

DeeBleep said...

Please, please help, Mr. King. Pretty please???

Unknown said...


Hassel said...

Posting for luck impossible

Hassel said...

Our skills have been lost to the game is RIDICULOUS and only get through with lucky boards you have lost the way KING

Corine said...

Terrible and boring level. Just saying

Angie said...

Wow wee this one doesn't have enough moves!! HELP!! THANK QUE!

Angie said...

Thank you TEAM!

Leon said...

Lucky board please.

Unknown said...

A really challenging board. Not enough moves and need some help with this one, please. Thanks!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

This level is impossible with this amount of moves. I haven't gotten any where close.

Helen said...

Impossible level, can't even unlock centre section. Been here a few days, had enough, so boring

Najwa Alameddine Abu Hamze said...

Lucky board please

Helen said...

Been here over a week now, really can't think I can ever complete this one, on verge of quitting, any advice welcome.

Tineke said...

Zoveel problemen op dit vreselijk niveau HELP ME AUB

Sherelle said...

Help please. Challenging . Cant get close. Keys are covered in icing . So difficult tp to collect keys . Please i need the lucky board

Tineke said...

HELP ME!!!!! Vreselijk niveau!! Hoelang moet je hier opzitten, walchelijk.

ChrisD said...

Another impossible level without a lucky board. No skill just patience and bored trying again!!!

ChrisD said...

24 hours later and still no chance. Haven’t even got close. I have 35 extra moves but only 9 gold bars, there is absolutely no way I’m going to part with any money to finish this level. I am closer to giving up playing altogether as this game is no longer enjoyable just tedious!!!!

Unknown said...

PFL, haven't even come close to collect 1 key, let alone 3 of them.. very boring and useless playing until the lucky board comes along., Sad

Evelyn said...

Posting for luck and free spins

Unknown said...

Posting for a lucky board please. Thanks you

Anonymous said...

Tricky level. Posting for luck!

SVA said...

All aboard the struggle bus!

Tina said...

Posting for lucky board

Candy crusher said...

Posting for luck. Not enough moves to clear sugar coats on keys to have enough moves left!!! Worst level so far!!!! Need help!!! No boosters left

Lola said...

Not enough moves. Come on king. Geez. Last level sucked so bad and now this. I may just delete this whole thing now if I don’t get this. No boosters. Sucks. Lucky board pls.

Ness said...

It's always at the end of the level! Not enough moves to even get the keys!

Jelly said...

Impossible level - not enough moves - posting for much needed luck please!!

Sandi said...

This level needs some tweaking. There are not enough moves to even get close. King let’s reevaluate this level

The Petersons said...

Agree that this is impossible without boosters or buying their extra moves. 😵‍💫

Jan said...

Need help, please!

Jan said...

Still waiting for help, please!!!