Candy Crush Saga Level 7954 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 7954 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 7954 is classified as a super hard level so you are likely to lose some lives before you manage to pass it. This is a rainbow rapids level, you have to clear the way for the rapids to complete the level. The only way to do this is to concentrate on making colourbombs and colourbomb combos. Any special candy or combo will help, but colourbomb combos are best.
Video by Johnny Crush

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Raangle5 said...

Posting for luck☘️

Raangle5 said...

Frustrating! Really need a lucky board. Posting again for luck☘️

Kathy said...

posting for luck

Jimmy said...

They just keep coming this episode. Relentless lucky boards needed. Bore us some more king

Collette said...

Posting please for that lucky board!

mue said...

j'y étais presque pffff ...............

Sunny in Buffalo said...

CB/wrap combo is the key, finally got the lucky board, good luck!

MariaP said...

Posting for a bit of luck.

Roger75 said...

Posting for luck me too!

JaneM said...

4 Luck

Patty123 said...

Posting for luck too.

GloryB said...

Posting for luck

Roger575 said...

Annoyed I chucked a UFO at it and I still haven’t passed

JT said...

Classified as a Nightmarishly Hard Level on my devices. UGH!!

Paula said...

How come my boosters don’t do as much damage as yours does. Very hard level been on it over a week now.

blonde said...


Tom said...

Posting for a lucky board please

cvbcb said...

Need lucky board please. PFL

cvbcb said...

Really difficult to get the bottom. PFL again!

The Savage Traveler said...

As if getting two color bombs is so easy! 🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞

Nic said...

Niveau cauchemardesque
Besoin d'aide et de vraiment beaucoup de chance please

Nic said...

Toujours sur ce niveau impossible
Please donnez moi un tableau chanceux je n'ai même plus envie de jouer
Ce genre de niveau plus le confinement et le climat actuel c'est déprimant
Besoin d'aide , mervi

Gio said...

It seems that king really refuse to understand: we want DIFFICULT levels, not IMPOSSIBLE ones! It is so difficult for them to read? Here we have clearly the need to get the bottom sides and it is possible to do only with vertical striped boosters. But no chance to get those boosters in the right positions, and this should happen several times to destroy the obstacles. The alternative, of course, is to buy some dozen of hammers and this level turns into an easy (and stupid) one. So do not waste your boosters at the beginning! They should be lost! Thanks, king, for being so sadic and... idiot!

Sharda said...


Arrasure said...

Posting for luck

Marie said...

Posten voor een geluksbord, anders onmogelijk

Lizard said...

Posting for luck

JP said...

Tough level.
Bottom corners are a bugger.
Lucky board please!!!

JP said...

Frustrating level.
NOT enjoying it at all.
Bottom 2 corners are very difficult.
No strategy suggested.
Lucky Board Please!!!!!

KittyMom said...

Pfl 🍀

Ian said...

Impossible greedy king wants you to buy moves/boosters time to quit playing this game

Collinster said...

What's frustrating is their developers don't even classify this as a hard level (at least not on my device) so players don't get extra credits for clearing the level.

RBlomquist said...

May I request a board like the Johnny Crush demo above with multiple CBs dropping from above? PFLEASE!!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!

Anonymous said...

Come on CC 2 days on this level is enough already!!!!

cathy said...

Posting for luck thank you !!!

Unknown said...

Lucky board please .

Lilly said...

Posting for lucky board!

Anonymous said...

Nice video above. Hope I get one similar to it soon.

Unknown said...

Post for luck

Unknown said...


Najwa Alameddine Abu Hamze said...

Lucky board please

Angie said...

Posting for luck please!

Sindy said...

Posting for luck please and thank you in advance

Sindy said...

Help please help with this hard level please and thank you in advance

Bruce said...

Need a lucky board please

Carrie722 said...

Crazy hard level. PFL

HT said...


Icooper said...

Yup! Pfl&lb2plz.

bonita said...

Please Please a super lucky Board. I have played 200 x & not close.
help --I do not like rainbow rapids. I LIKE Candy Crush games.
Thanks ms cookie & Johnny Crush for tips & demonstrating level can be cleared without boosters IF YOU are a Pro.

bonita said...

miracle magical super easy BOARD PLEASE. I had it--tired of playing same level 300x. I joined candy crush NOT to play rainbow rapids---KING make it a whole different game --since King sticks us with it over & over.
time for me to quit--games are too hard for old lady.
Frustrated & disgusted with game & me

Lola said...

These are just becoming impossibly unpleasant. We never get a board like the video with Jonny crush. Lucky board please 🍀

Joanne C said...

Posting for luck

Molly59 said...

Posting for luck 🍀 please !!