Candy Crush Saga Level 7988 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 7988 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 7988 is classified as a hard level so you can expect to lose some lives before you manage to pass it. This is an orders level, you have to collect fish and crystal candies to complete the level. The fish are locked under the crystal candies in the bottom part of the board.
You need to use stripes and combos to work your way into the bottom part of the board. If you manage to pop the bubblegum in the top right section you will get wrapped candies dropping, these will be very helpful to clear stuff in the bottom part of the board if you can drop them through.
The level has been made significantly harder since the videos were made, but the strategy remains the same.
Video by Kazuo

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Kathy said...

posting for luck. the level is much harder than the video shows

Candymom said...

Posting for luck

McT said...

Hard level, for have to hit everything so often, you run out of time...luck needed here...

Collette said...

Hard hard hard level! Posting for a lucky board!

Collette said...

Ok, start with CB, wrap and a fish. It worked! I beat it with 15 moves left. Good luck!

Twins mom said...

Thank you, great advice!

Jimmy said...

25 moves now to clear the board. Treat it as normal orders level .... 🖕

Jimmy said...

There is no fish booster option. When you start with the ✅ booster it gives you crystal candies so don’t waste your time or boosters with that plan of attack

Veronica said...

Terrible level. Nowhere near

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck. Tired of needing luck to pass a level.

Mr D said...

Cheers for the advice have only a few tick boosters left so will not be wasting them

Mr D said...

Not coming close no where near enough moves. Another wait for a lucky board, what a bore

Unique48 said...

Terrible level

Wider Smile said...

Very hard level,not enough moves, posting for the lucky board

Beachlover said...

Not enough of moves, can't get close.

Anna said...

Started with the space race boosters and was able to combine a CB and wrap which cleared a lot at the beginning. Then able to combine fish with stripes/wraps later in the game to finish off.

Beachlover said...

I can't even break through to the bottom. Still waiting on lucky board.

GloryB said...

If I had boosters I'd try them, since I don't I'm stuck Posting for that Lucky board.

Maks said...

Halloween horror goes on. Posting for lucky board pls

JT said...

Classified as a Super Hard Level on my devices.

Tez said...

Yep have to start with CB wrap/stripe combo can’t get anywhere otherwise. Maybe lucky board

Patty123 said...

Nowhere close to beating this. Posting for luck.

Patty123 said...

Used all 3 boosters at the start, blew stuff up, got lucky!

blonde said...


John Richard Hazell said...

Ok is it just me played cc for ages now always finish the levels to the end and have never payed a cent Now it’s just impossible unless your dumb enough to get the credit card out I’m over it

John Richard Hazell said...

Ok is it just me played cc for ages now always finish the levels to the end and have never payed a cent Now it’s just impossible unless your dumb enough to get the credit card out I’m over it

Paula said...

Is it me being stupid how come we don’t get the same moves that the video shows. And why do your boosters clear twice as much as mine. I don’t seem to get as many boosters dropping as you do. Play fair or don’t show us games that have less moves please

Mima53 said...

Please, help me.
Posting for luck . The level is different than the video shows.

Mima53 said...

Please, help me.
Posting for luck . The level is different than the video shows.

cvbcb said...

Need lucky board... PFL

cvbcb said...

Still here... PFL

Tou52 said...

Ouch! Just read the above comments before trying the level, and I'm not too encouraged. I have no boosters at all.

Posting for an amazingly and exrtraordinarely lucky board 🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀🙏🍀

Tou52 said...

Well let the bells ring and the banners fly! I got it on the first try, was sooooo lucky and finished with an extra 5 moves. Can't believe my luck.
If it happened to me, it can for you as well 👍👍🍀👍🍀👍🍀👍🍀

anonymous said...

posting for luck

Janesh said...

I'm with you John, I will not spend a dime to win levels. Never have and look how far I am! Boosters seem harder to get. Come on lucky board

Df said...

Pfff vreselijk is deze, niet normaal meer dage vast en niet vooruit te komen.
CC help toch eens een keer.

Anonymous said...

Even boosters don’t help so why would anyone spend money for nothing. I don’t understand why these games are different then the help games. I look for help and get none because these games are rigged so we can’t win them.

Unknown said...

Day two in the tarpit. Pretty soon, this game will be as bad as the Soda version, where players can be trapped on the same level for weeks. Need better boards, now!!!

Nic said...

Les niveaux sont toujours plus durs et sans payer pas de boosters
Donc on attend un niveau chanceux 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀
Besoin de beaucoup de chance please

Patty said...

Wow!!!! Really? This is awful, posting for luck please, really dont want to be here for days!!! ☹

Patty said...

☹☹ help!!!

Ruby said...

See no hope to pass this level. Done here.

Mom. 1 said...

Omg posting for luck

Chris said...

This level is ridiculous as usual. Posting for luck.

JP said...

Another terrible terrible level
1 less move
Way more blockers!!
Bubble gum is thicker
Middle area has jelly over it
Fish has extra frosting over it
Get real CC
Miracle board needed.
Can’t see how it is possible

Lizard said...

Posting for luck

Broomie said...

Started with a CB and check it on 1st try...oh yea and the ever elusive lucky board that i don't get on levels not marked nightmarish hard

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Momma Fox said...

Help! Posting for luck

Ian said...

Only 15 moves!! Give us a chance!! Greedy king wants you to buy moves/boosters time to quit playing this game because it isn’t fun anymore

RBlomquist said...

15 moves and an impossible board? Just shoot me now. PFLEASE!!

RBlomquist said...

This level is buried under more layers than Jimmy Hoffa. PFLEASE!!!

Tom said...

SERIOUSLY!! Posting for a lucky board please

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!

Tom said...

Boring !! Whoever wrote this one’s deserves a medal for most ridiculous!! Posting for a lucky board please

Martha A said...

Posting for luck

Marziegator said...

Posting for luck 🙄

Yvonne J said...

Ok, as if it’s not hard enough to pass these levels. Now CC is cheating us. On several occasions I have made a match which included a striped candy and they have not gone off. Shame on you CC. If you can’t beat us fairly, then end the game. I will never and have never paid to pass a level. Good luck everyone.

jenn2727 said...

Posting for luck.. stuck for 2 days.

Raisedbybees said...


Cpap said...

Posting for a lucky board please

cathy said...

Posting for luck thank you !!

rosereddragon said...

Well, nightmare enough! Posting for luck.

Maw said...

Looking for a helpful board ad i start this level.

Lilly said...

Posting for luck!

Unknown said...

Please help if at all possible. I have used all my boosters and haven’t gotten close at all!

Unknown said...

This level I will NEVER complete! I have used many, many lives and all my boosters! I give up and am going to play Sudoku and Words! I have ask for help twice - nothing!

Rosebud said...


Bubbles said...

This is one of those mindless levels. I barely pay attention because there is no use.

Kazza24 said...

Posting for luck 🍀

Veronica2012 said...

Posting for luck

Benaid49 said...

I love this game but they’re getting so greedy making too many levels super hard that you want to buy just to be able to move on.

annoymous said...

Posting for luck!

Mshell said...

Pfl please

Unknown said...

Post for luck

Laura said...

I had all of the starting boosters. Unlike some players posting above, I found the checkmark booster to be helpful. It meant I didn't have to clear all of the crystal covered locked fish in the bottom of the board. Good luck everyone!

Domie said...

Posté pour la chance.
Merci. 😊 .

Najwa Alameddine Abu Hamze said...

Lucky board please

Najwa Alameddine Abu Hamze said...

Please Please lucky board impossible level

Susan said...

After many attempts I got down to needing just three locked fish and one ice (over one of the fish) so I used the UFO. It didn't go anywhere near the fish and all three wraps were in the top half of the board.

Fred said...

very tedious

Nay said...

Back to just mindlessly playing until they decide to throw me the lucky board to pass.

Tereniaa said...

Proszę o pomoc

Evelyn said...

Posting for luck and free spins

bonita said...

lucky board please. I hate when level has "been MADE SIGNIFICANTLY HARDER" To ME THAT says cc king IS CHEATING. Lowering the number of moves Just isn't
FAIR play.
HELP needed here
Thanks ms Cookie for tips & WARNING & for the video by kaz

bonita said...

posting for a Miracle board please. Level is impossible--not even close to passing with my crappy boards, HELP

ChrisChristopher 1 said...

Another impossible level waiting for them to do it 4me borin borin borin borin borin

Tblackmon said...

Can’t even get close. Need a miracle board please

Fordy said...

Pointless level. No skill required for this. Pure greed!! Won’t be spending a penny!!!

Tina said...

Posting for lucky board

JAX. said...

Posting for luck please. 🙏🕉️

Greylady said...

Need lucky bored, stuck over a week, can't even get close, used all my boosters

anabelmabl said...

Pfl please

Lola said...

Not nearly enough moves. Impossible yet again. So unfair. Please help. More moves needed. Lucky board please

Lola said...

You need colour bombs combined with stripes to hit the bottom rows

Rainbowgirl said...

Kazuo has an amazingly lucky board, I’ll have that one please

Claire said...

Just completed. Sorry, you ARE going to need about 20-30 extra moves. There is not any boosters that will do it in the very few moves you are given. Sorry.

Nancy said...

Lucky board please!

Linda Maitan said...

As mentioned above similar board but NOT SAME

Linda Maitan said...


Sandi said...

What a joke of a level. Can’t even come close. Definitely need more moves King

Nikki said...

Another board is impossible to beat. I've been playing so long they'd let me buy 125 more moves. Nope. Not today. So ridiculous you can't play anymore unless you pay. Time for a new game.

Joanne C said...

Posting for luck

Molly59 said...

Help help !! I can’t make it 🥹 Posting for luck 🍀 please