Candy Crush Saga Level 9005 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 9005 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 9005 is a jelly level and there is jelly over the whole of the main part of the board but there is no jelly in the top row so that doesn't have to be cleared.
The frog is the way to complete this level. Grow it using stripes or a colourbomb, then wait until you have collected enough waffles to open the first lock on the right side of the board. Place the frog on top of the waffles in the right section. Keep growing the frog using colourbombs and keep placing it on top of the waffles in the right section, only plave the frog on waffles with jelly under them. Don't worry about the rest of the board or the keys, everything will be cleared as you keep growing and using the frog. Work your way down the right section until all the jelly is cleared, then you can see what jelly is in the left side, which is much easier to clear.
Video by Cookie

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Luís Bernardo said...

Perhaps the most difficult level of this episode. Frog is the key and must be used as much as you can. Good luck everyone 🍀

Sunny in Buffalo said...

Yep, should have come here first, perfect tips, good luck!

Candymom said...

I figured out the frog strategy but still need a lucky board. This one is tough!

Buddy said...

Posting for luck

Graham the nomad said...

Just another level determined by luck. If you have played 9000 levels you will have figured out that using the frog early to release the keys and hit the waffles is what you need to do.

Actually doing this is a different matter.

Patty123 said...

Thank you for the tip where to place the frog. I hadn't figured that out by myself.

blonde said...


Chrissy said...

Terrible level. Too dificult.

Sunset said...


Bertiebassett said...

This level is impossible. Wasted so many boosters but just can't clear it all. Not always easy to see what squares need clearing towards the end. Don't waste hammers because they had no effect. Think this may be the end of candy crush for me.

Bertiebassett said...

Update on my earlier post. I've finally managed to pass this level, using no boosters (used plenty previously to no avail) and two moves to spare. Not sure how I managed it but it is doable if you have a lot of patience.

Janesh said...


Wendy said...

Hard to figure out where to place the frog. I get down to 10 waffles left and hit more waffles, but they don’t seem to count. Frustrating.

Flippenheck said...

Help please.. Good tips

Flippenheck said...

Help needed please

Broomie said...

Tough level..I've been placing frog on waffles but they never seem to stop falling along with the licorice. Tough to clear what's under them. Help please.

Agnes Power said...

Help!!Posting for luck and a lucky board please!!!

Pati said...

Hard yet fun to play

MichaelBlake said...

Posting for luck

joyous100 said...

Posting for luck

Lav1022 said...

Passed first time. Glad I read the above first. Frog is key. Did start with CB and wrap/stripe.

Joy said...

Waffles are very confusing.

Joy said...

This is insanity. Hammers don’t work because waffles keep falling. Three days is enough of this 💩

Jannie said...

Great tips about the frog but finding it very hard to grow as my colour bombs self detonate before I can use them!!!

Jannie said...

Think this is where I quit. An hour of boosters, and wasted gold bars and a ufo still can't pass. This is definitely the most frustrating level EVER

cathy said...

Posting for luck thank you !!

cvbcb said...

Been here awhile.. don’t see much promise. Posting for luck

Mb said...

I used a fish booster and worked the frog from top to bottom.

JT said...

Classified as a Hard Level on my devices

Rosebud said...

Posting for luck

kate said...

I figured out the frog strategy but still need a lucky board. Posting for luck. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rhodesia said...

I also figured out the frog situation but I still cannot get there!

Vishwas Jeevant said...

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

Posting for lucky board please

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!

Anonymous said...

Need lucky board please

Najwa Alameddine Abu Hamze said...

Lucky board please

me said...


Unknown said...

No frog now. Just me, or has the level changed?

Unknown said...

The level changed, it’s super hard. About to quit playing, this is ridiculous, I refuse to pay to pass this level

Nay said...

Totally different board now and no frog....gonna take a whole lot of luck to pass.

Unknown said...

No frog, too many jellies & too few moves esp with having to get all the barracades down.😢

Unknown said...

Totally different board. 23 moves to clear 144 jellies! If you keep playing you can spend $1.99 for 35 moves! Not much of a strategy game if it is impossible to win without paying. Hard is one thing, but imposible is another. Might as well play the lottery. Your odds ar about the same. I have bought bars before, but The level was just hard, not impossible. This one is impossible, so King, you win. I am done!

Tineke said...

Ik heb waarschijnlijk de kikker niet ontdekt, maar ik vind het weer een vreselijk niveau dus mijn vraag HELP HELP HELP HELP ME

Bernie Hayes said...

Posting for luck ✨️ 🙏

Carrie722 said...

Totally different board. Nightmarishly hard. P

cw said...

Candy Crush Saga level 9005 is totally different in comparison to the tutorial. I do not see any keys. Please, I need help. Using boosters is a waste as it does not help, Not enough moves. I need a lucky board.


Unknown said...

Ubndoable this one within the moves avail. Impossible level. Time to quit.
Onmogelijk level deze. Niet te doen in zetten die gegeven zijn. Hopeloos en frustrerend. Tijd om te stoppen met dit spel. Grr

chevy said...

This is not 9005 on my game. Need help please.

ex player said...

Why on earth am I still playing this? It’s become incredibly boring lately. Have finally passed the 9000 mark and still showing 8000 and now this level that has obviously been changed.

MiMi said...

Help please!!!

Evelyn said...

The video is different from my board! Posting for luck and free spins

Evelyn said...

Posting for a lot of luck and free spins

ChrisD said...

Ridiculous level no chance with only 23 moves. Boring yet again. Passed 9000 and still showing as 8000 and level nothing like those above. Am so fed up with this game now. Level after level tough and refuse to spend money. Wouldn’t recommend anyone to play this game any longer, used to be enjoyable!!!!!!

Sevillanas222 said...

Use the frog? What frog? I’m getting nowhere near this level and it certainly needs more moves.

Susan Fillippeli said...

This level is unwinnable. Only 23 moves and the frog is long gone. I refuse to buy my way out of this level and, at this point, there doesn’t seem much reason to play. I don’t mind difficult levels if I can see a path to win, but there is no path to clearing the board without purchasing extra moves. King has gotten so stingy with awarding gold bars or special candies to force us to buy gold bars. But here’s the thing. I’ll purchase gold bars to supplement what I win, but not when I feel like I’m being held up for more money on every other level with fewer and fewer viable options to win them.

Helen said...

I have a different level, no frog but impossible to pass, way too few moves! Not enjoying this game anymore!

Tereniaa said...

Jestem tu trzy dni i nie ma możliwości przejść ale to jrst inny poziom bo nie ma żaby inny układ i jest okropny jestem zła

bonita said...

please gift me with HUGE MIRACLE board. Moves are constricted & there is NO logic to the level. First time I have complained about a level being F'en STUPID.
I would love to read TIPS & VIDEO from ms. Cookie--

Dben said...

9005 has totally changed. Pretty difficult and no moves extra.

Tina said...

Posting for lucky board

SVA said...

I liked this level the first few times but after a few days being stuck I’m over it.

SVA said...

This level is BS!!! I wasted all my boosters already. If the only way to pass this is to pay for extra moves, CC should be ashamed.

Anne said...

Posting for a lucky board. Help!

Emma said...

Please pkease h ez lp help

Emma said...

Fed up with this level... Olease lucky. Board

Linda Maitan said...

Different board
Not enough moves

Linda Maitan said...

This is bs
You give me a booster for 5 min but. I good board
Then I almost get it but it was 5 1/2 min later so booster gone
Not sane board. And when I find examples of sane busts they have lots more moves

Linda Maitan said...

Posting for luck

Linda Maitan said...



Linda Maitan said...

Only luck will do it
Not the same board

Linda Maitan said...

Ha ha. They gave me a drug fir 5 min and then the most unlucky board
Seriously 2o days

No frog

Different board

Linda Maitan said...

It’s about a month
Not even the correct board. Got it down to 1

Linda Maitan said...

lol. It’s been 1 month
Different board
Even has 2 bombs
Did get to one
Are you giving me lucky board or not

Linda Maitan said...


Linda Maitan said...

My new version is harder than the one they show

Petunia24 said...

3 weeks now and not a hope in completing. Boring boring boring and no sign of a frog.
Cant afford boosters so have 2 options stop playing Candy Crush or quit for good.
It’s 50-50 at the moment😡