Candy Crush Saga Level 9207 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 9207 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 9207 is an order level, you have to collect licorice and licorice shells to complete the level. The shells can be collected using the stripes which drop down beside them and the stripes need to be detonated using colourbombs. Make moves under the colourbomb dispensers each side of the board to get the colourbombs to hit the stripes. If you switch a colourbomb with a wrap you may be able to change some of the stripes into wraps which will grow the shells faster.
You shouldn't have to worry too much about the licorice as plenty will drop as long as you don't clear it every move.
Video by Skillgaming

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


pinlock said...

i cant get the licorice on this at least 8 to 10 short everytime..

Twins mom said...

@pinlock, same here!

Sandy Crusher said...

me too!

Beachlover said...

I can't get the licorice.

Patty123 said...

Not enough licorice. What's the trick?

old timer said...

Not to worry about licorice? That's the biggest problem here, not clearing the shells.

Sentinel said...

With 6 moves to go, and my score somewhere between 200,000 and 300,000 the top line/record began to cascade horizontally in an endless loop. At this point, there was no visible licorice on the board except for two closeted color bombs.

As the cascade continued, my score continued to run up. After 2 or 3 minutes, it passed 400,000 and the screen indicated that I would get sugar stars if I won.

After about 15 minutes of this nonsense, the score passed 2,500,000 but nothing else changed. So I quit and will start level 2907 over if and when I find it convenient to do so.

Thank goodness I have never bought any boosters. After looking at earlier complaints about the lack of licorice on this level, I would be more than a bit upset to have bought and used any boosters only to be stymied by an inability to get to the end of the game (win or lose) because of an endless cascade

I sometimes gamble (paying money to hopefully win more money). But, paying money to win nothing but passing a level in a computer game is a concept which baffles me.

ZZZ said...

No one is buying anything from you King as long as you continue to rig games in order to get purchases! At least you coukd be fair. Other games out there for you all.

Tom said...

Posting for a lucky board please

Kevin said...

Has anyone got any genuine tips for this level? Clearly Cookie's advice is nonsense. I'm determined I'm not going to buy the extra moves they'd love me to buy...

Kevin said...

OK, I've worked it out and passed the level. The colourbombs fall every 2-3 moves if a move is made under the dispensers. The liquorice drops every 3-4 moves if a move is made under the dispensers. If you can get a colourbomb switch with a wrap or a stripe on the move where the liquorice is in the process of dropping then it collects plenty. Do it a couple of times and you should get enough. A double colourbomb switch doesn't have this effect, but you'll need at least one to collect the locked colourbombs on the conveyors. Hope this helps.

nutmeg said...

9 moves left no licorice but she did say always to leave one on the board, It's worth a try.

nutmeg said...

nope that doesn't work either, they won't drop!!!!Augh!

nutmeg said...

haha king, all licorice, but one shell left.

Hassel said...

Lucky board please 😥😥😥🤔🤔🤔😎😎

Laura said...

To get enough licorice you have to make moves where you don't clear ANY! If you do this you should be able to get plenty.🍀

Domie said...

Posté pour la chance.
Merci ☺️.

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck!

Anonymous said...

Really tired of this level. Been here 3 days. Need to move on.

Carrie722 said...

What the hell! Not enough licorice is ever on the board. What gives? Help. PFL

ChrisChristopher 1 said...

Another impossible level waiting fa them ta do it 4me boring boring boring boring boring boring boring

Greylady said...

Not enough licorice falls onto the board

cookie56 said...

Pain in the a$4, can't get enough licorice to drop.
Posting for luck.

Lola said...

Lucky board please. Dislike. 🍀