Hints and tips showing how to pass level 9358 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie
Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help!
I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 9358 is an order level, you have to clear the sour skulls and collect the cherries to complete the level. All you need to do to collect the cherries is to collect the keys. However the keys are hidden under the skulls, so the first job is to clear the skulls. Once the keys are free collect them to release the cherries and the job is donwe.
Video by Cookie
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If the
level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have
changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know
on our FB group and I will try to change it.
So glad I gave up this game! Another level that they reduced number of moves. Now you can’t get the skulls or keys in the number of moves allowed! 💤💤💤💤
Have not seen any videos with anybody beating level with 21 moves. I can not get keys much less cherries!
Amazed! Won this on 3rd try, no boosters, I've been waiting for a bit of luck
Would like to move on spending days on 1 level no fun at all lucky board I guess is needed to win anymore certainly no strategy 😕
I always wonder how many spend money to pass levels. Never have never will. Sooner or later I'll pass it.
This is the most stupid level I’ve ever played.
Not buying!
I’ll wIt for a lucky board
Impossible even with boosters. Sometimes I don't even manage to clear the skulls let alone the keys. Just have to hope for a lucky board again.
Even by CC's recent standards this is the most impossible boring tedious waste of time level yet. Just have to wait and wait and wait for a lucky board. Any suggestions for a game to replace this tedium?
Moves reduced again.posting for luck
There has to be a secret to clearing this level. Can’t even get to the first skull. Not enough moves probably.
Most idiotic ever.
5 less moves.
Can’t even get the skulls never mind the keys!!!
What crap.
Sit and wait for a ridiculously lucky board!!!
Smarten up cC!!!
Making me so irritated!!
Supposed to be an enjoyable game???
Not anymore!!!
Lucky board please!!!
Dit is echt niet leuk meer! Echt heel saai om dit level te spelen... zit hier al dagen en heb nog niet 1 keer een kers zien vallen... dit is geen eerlijk en helemaal geen leuk level!
Unbelievable. I can barely even get ONE skull cleared let alone 3 & then keys. King, you are ridiculous.
Pft.krijg niet eens 1 schedel.kan je nagaan wat een rotlevel het weer is
Vreselijk level.krijg de schedels niet eens en dan de rest nog.onmogelijk.tijd voor andere leukere spelletjes.zal nooit en nooit betalen.en waar zijn de weekorestaties met vrienden???ook weggehasld.word er niet beter en leuker op king
I have candy swirls under the keys..so i have to get the skulls, the keys, then break the swirls..there are definitely not enough moves for all that!! Do better CC.. you're losing us!!
Yep BS for sure!! I thought I was wrong about the swirls and if i just collected keys like the tips say I would get the cherries..but nope used gold bars for extra moves to get the last key and I have to break thru wall of swirls too! Not only reduced moves but added blockers!! That's so f'd up and I'm so done!!
Posting for luck
Gaat weer lekker NOT niet leuk, vreselijk kl*te level. Helppp
What a mob of fools we are. This game is BS yet we keep on playing playing and playing.All the games now I am playing for days to pass. But this game is undoable without lots of money spent. KING YOU ARE SO GREEDY. GOODBYE
Ridiculous. Boring. Frustrating. Time for a break. Hope to return with some 🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞
Dishonest king is at it again and again. Taking away moves to take your money. Screw you king i am never going to reward you for your crookedness. I will lose my 5 lives and then play an honest game and let them get rich from the ads. While you get nothing again. Nothing from me and nothing from the ads. That makes you the loser in more than one way.
Posting for luck! Impossible level 1 CLEARLY not enough moves!!
Posting for luck
Posting for luck - quite a lot to clear in the moves available.
Boosters are a waste because of the thick sugarcoats.
Well by the amount of comments here I will be here for sometime can’t even clear sculls in 21 moves. Haven’t seen one key yet no boosters left
Impossible greedy king wants you to buy moves/boosters time to quit playing this game because it isn’t fun anymore
Posting for lucky board that's 3 in a row now impossible not doable in the moves we got!
Posting for luck
I can only collect one skull if I’m lucky how is level
even possible I really need a very lucky board so 🤞🤞🍀🍀
Posting for luck
So difficult to open up the board. Need help please
You've got to be kidding!! What a nightmare!!
Vreselijk leven, zelfs onmogelijk, hulp aub
Hulp aub
Need a lucky board please.
I've made it this far,Don't want to quit now. But I'm so very tired of having to play every level for days before getting through. So posting for luck and a lucky board. Please.
There is nothing more to add as all the comments cover it . Lucky Board pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
21 moves????
Guess I’ll have to keep playing until I get those 35 extra moves to pass this level… you might get a lucky board sooner than later.
Have not even gotten close. Only been able to collect 2 keys-run out of moves.
This is impossible with the number of moves given. So tired of spending days on a level waiting for a lucky board. Posting for luck!
Lucky board please 👺👺👺👺👺👹👹👹😚😚😚
This level is really ridiculous with way to few moves !!
How do you get past the first 3 rows?????? Sick of this game. Even boosters and watching commercials doesn’t help.
Classified as a Nightmarishly Hard Level on my devices
Oh this one is just dumb...I have maybe 4 or 5 moves after getting the skull( if I get it lol)then trying to get the keys is a joke let alone breaking the swirls for the cheeries
Posting for luck definitely need it
Didn't even get the first skull 💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤
The number of moves is one thing but breaking the sugar coats is ridiculous.
Sad. Just plain sad.
Getting no where fast posting for luck 🍀
KING is doing it again: anoying people whit unbeatable levels. If this is their way of working I'm done with this game!!!
Posting for a lucky board please xx Not enough moves xx
Absolute stinker. Too many blockers, not enough moves.
Lucky board please
Ridiculous level. Occasionally I get through the skulls, one or twice I’ve got the keys, then you have to start on the swirls. The last time I came across a level like this, I uninstalled it, left it 2 weeks, reinstalled and they threw gold and boosters at me like there was no tomorrow. Looks like I’ll have to do it again. I least I may get rid of the Megan Tranor voice over its now got.
Can this be done in 21 moves?
Please help. Difficult level
Need a lucky board please
Please help! PFL
Stuck. Can’t collect much of anything. Help. PFL
Cozy blanket, gets how I feel
Wat weer een vreselijk drama!! Kom niet eens in de buurt, ach waarom moet je iedere keer zeuren voor hulp! Vreselijk.
Kom op HELP ME.
Moet ik nu echt stoppen!!! Wat een drama, HELP HELP HELP HELP
The tips lately are ridiculous. No tips, just tell us what we have to collect. We know that! We want strategies, etc.🤷♀️😱
Ditto! Pflpkz&lb2!
Ridiculous level, no chance with so few moves, can’t even get the skulls let alone the keys too. Time to give up this now boring game. No tips am guessing because no one passes it without a lucky board or parting with money, which I am not doing. Bored!!!!!
Tough level.. Posting for luck and free spins
Never been stuck for more than two days but this one’s a killer - not giving in though - I will not use my hard earned gold.
Defeated disgusted with CC KING always reducing moves forcing players to BUY EXTRA MOVES to pass----Place in Hell for these evil spawns of the Devil!!!
NO Morals or conscience just GREED.
asking for a MIRACLE BOARD--HA HA
thanks ms cookie
PFL haven't even seen the keys yet, let alone collect them. Blah
Posting for luck again please
Hi to all, just came in to read some of your experiences with this level and guess what? Went back to CC and got the lucky board!
So yes, sooner or later the algorithm will have pity of ourselves and sends us the "in"famous lucky board.
However, the bottom now is completely different and you need to hit the same target 4/5 times while dodging falling liquorice. In my case I got 2 near wrapped candies on the bottom right corner and wiped out everything.
Good luck
Posting for luck please. 🙏🕉️
I've an issue, I've friends that send me lives and for two days I've not received extra lives..might be reason it took 200+ goes to win a game. Who can help me with this?
Now I can't get thru this level. Strange?
“Does what it says on the tin” nightmare, can’t even breakthrough the first level Lucky board please
Lucky board granted 7 minutes after posting thank you
Another impossible level. Just boring
21 moves 4 all this is totally pathetic. Really!!!!!!!!!
Este nível se resume em uma única palavra: Impossível!! Meu conselho para este nível é não usar (não resolve) e não comprar reforços é isto que eles querem que você faça. Este jogo está decadente e acabado, merece uma auditoria para constatar as fraudes praticadas, quadrilha de estelionatários. Melhor opção é deletar esta merda, existem jogos melhores, inteligentes e honestos.
As dicas são: limpar os 3 crânios azedos com o menor número de movimentos, coletar as chaves, eliminar os arcos de arco íris, e finalmente coletar os dragões. Fazer tudo isso com 21 movimentos. Apenas um imbecil seria capaz de acreditar que é possível. Para começar os movimentos disponíveis são únicos e não tem qualquer função útil, quando é possível e é muito raro, eliminar os crânios azedos, será no penúltimo ou último movimento. Essa é a farsa deste jogo com o intuito de ganhar dinheiro às custas de iludir e manipular os jogadores mais ingênuos. Isto é passível de denúncia para retirar esta fraude da Internet, por lesar as pessoas. Estou bem inclinado a fazer isso.
Only 21 moves, no way to hit the skulls, collect the keys and clear the swirls, no way to do it without buying gold bars for extra moves, @King, please send a lucky board.
Posting for lucky board
I don't understand why King goes back and lowers the amount of moves given, making their loyal,daily-playing fans go thru he** just to pass a level-in exchange for those removed moves King loses these daily playing fans. That is what I believe. This is an impossiblelevel to pass, and I have no extra $ to spend on Candy Crush because my budget is super tight this month, just barely had enough to pay my $429 electric bill this month(only had to forgo 1/2 my foodbudget to pay it) no money, not even .99 cenrs to buy 10 gold bars so I can pass it, so if I don't get a lucky board I suppose I will be stuck on this level for days and days turning into months and months, eventually I will just get so irritated and King will lose another daily player. Maybe I'll get lucky posting this but I doubt it -never works for me LOL. Come on King you've got to do better than this! Especially for your players that are over 9,000 levels and you know are loyal to your game !
Posting for luck
Posting for a lucky board. Help!
Help, help , help!
100 comments got to be hard. Posting for luck
Can’t even get one skull, can’t even clear the crystals covering the colours, algorithm board is a must.
moves on this level are heavely reduced. not fair King, not fair
Horrid level! No way on earth I’ll ever get this one out without a lucky board help 🤦♀️
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