Candy Crush Saga Level 9496 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 9496 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 9496 is classified as a hard level so you are likely to lose some lives before you manage to pass it. This is an order level, you have to collect caramel squares, blockers and rainbow rapids to complete the level. Concentrate on collecting the caramels and blockers and the rapids will be collected once the other orders are cleared. The frog is very important and can be used many times to help with clearing the level. If you placed the frog on top of the caramels beside the colourbomb bonbons it will regrow immediately. You can also use it to collect the keys if needed, but you should avoid getting it trapped in corners where it can be hard to regrow it.
Video by Cookie

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


Sunny in Buffalo said...

Good tips, the frog is the key, moving it side to side over the CB bonbon "thing", should have come here first :( good luck!

mue said...

oui mais pour moi ça ne fonctionne pas ......

forgetmenot said...

not getting very far, I need a lucky board please!

Sentinel said...

Here we go. I have played and replayed this level 25 times without success. On a few occasions when I had 1 move left, I could see that if that move was unsuccessful then I would very likely succeed if I stooped to purchase 5 extra moves. But, I have never purchased extra moves or any other boosters and never will.

I mention this only because my so-called "Fantastic Five" team currently has 6920 out of the required 7000 points to receive the main reward which includes a UFO. There are 80 points to go and about 16 hours to do so. I have contributed over 2800 points to that result. Two random others have contributed over 1500 points. If all 5 members of the "team" contributed 1500 or more points, then the 7000 point target would be an assured result.

Then come two random freeloaders who have contributed next to nothing. I will not be party to pulling them across the finish line while stalled on level 9496 or any other level. I don't really care whether the freeloaders or somebody else takes the time to bring the "team" across the finish line. But, I am bemused by the marketing strategy of when designing new levels.

Sentinel said...

Well! I signed in today to find that somebody (not me) on the "team" got 80 or more points to take us across the 7000 point "Fantastic Five" finish line. So we all got the reward which includes a UFO. I don't know what level was being played by the person who did this. As to this level, I finally got lucky and passed on the 29th try using a CB booster at the start.

Janesh said...

Sentinel I guess I'm out of the loop on the Fantastic Five point deal.
I'm struggling with this level and I will not pay to play. Posting for luck....... again.

Sentinel said...

@Janesh. I think we are of like mind.

Janesh said...

Sentinel, I agree.
Interesting. I played this level many many times on my tablet with no luck. Switched to my phone and passed on the very first try. The set up was different. I've made it this far without spending any $$$.

Jane said...

Help would be appreciated!!

Flippenheck said...

Help please

Connie said...

Posting for luck

Essie said...

Please help

MichaelBlake said...

Posting for luck

Unknown said...

Onmogelijk dit.super geluksbord nodig.moet het meeste nog.dan beurten al op

Nic said...

Besoin d'aide 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 et de beaucoup de chance s'il vous plaît

Staystrong said...

Posting for luck! Impossible level!

Mom. 1 said...

Posting for luck

Lilly said...

Another ugly level, posting for luck

Lilly said...


Lilly said...

Save your boosters, nothing works. Hopefully lucky board will arrive soon

Lilly said...

Pfl does work. After previous post, with 3 moves left, board exploded and cleared everything. Yay

steve said...

Posting for lucky board having no luck at all

jemkay said...

here I go again waiting for lucky board :-(

Pati said...

Day 3 and can't get below 54 jellies. 😴

Pati said...

After my comment I past this level, interesting

Rosebud said...

Posting for luck

Martha A said...

Posting for Luck

Lizard said...

Posting for luck

Christine said...


Veronica2012 said...

Posting for luck

Laura said...

Got close enough to use my only UFO but thankfully I am done with this level. Good luck everyone!🍀

Zotteoma said...

I put my frog besides the colour ball bonbon but it does not regrow. So not fair.

Unknown said...

Post for luck 💌

JT said...

Classified as a SUPER Hard Level on my devices

Sindy said...

Posting for luck please and thank you in

Sindy said...

Lucky board needed please and thank you in advance for your help

Sindy said...

Help please help me with this hard impossible level

Monique said...

Posting for luck

Carrie722 said...

Help. PFL. Why are all these levels so hard?

Sentinel said...

@Carrie722: Answer - Because Microsoft needs to justify to its shareholders spending billions for its recent purchase of Action Blizzard, the latter of which includes the Candy Crush Saga franchise. Microsoft has realized that it can recover more than enough billions from Candy Crush Saga players worldwide who are naively willing to pay for boosters and/or extra moves. As for the hardness of levels, and as the old song goes "buh, buh, baby - you a'int seen nothin' yet". (Wait for the levels above 12,000).

Carrie722 said...

Thank you, Sentinel. I didn’t know about Microsoft and Candy Crush being bought. I never pay to play either. I use the gold bars that I win from finishing a series to buy extra moves. Now I’m dreading those upper levels. The ones I’m on now are bad enough. Thanks again!

Evelyn said...

Posting for luck and free spins

Angie said...

Lucky board please. Ty
Please help so I can continue to purchase. Ty🥰

Helen said...

The frog DOES NOT regrow immediately when placed on caramels beside bon bond!

Ggs said...

Please help

Ggs said...

Placing the frog on top of the bombon does not regrow it!!!! Please help.

Tina said...

Posting for lucky board

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Emma said...

Please help

Babs said...

This board is difficult and NOT fun!!!

cookie56 said...

Frog does NOT regrow putting it next the bonbon.
Pain in the a$$.
Posting for luck.

Petite voyageuse said...

Pas d’espoir. Les poissons ne servent à rien. Plateau ridicule, quel ennui!

Peet said...

Legendarich kutlevel... niet doorheen te komen met zoveel zetten. Legendarisch staat voor ; niet te doen!

arjuca said...

comme d'hab ... c'est quand vous voulez ... mais toujours pas 1 € ..