Candy Crush Saga Level 9572 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 9572 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 9572 is an order level, you have to collect the skulls, caramel squares and licorice shells to complete the level. To begin with it is very important to collect the key to allow candies to drop intoi the bottom part of the board. Make a wrapped candy and this will clear the key of sugar coats so that it can be collected. Then you can work on clearing the skulls to uncover the licorice shells. You can use the frog to help clear the shells and as you are working on clearing the shells you should also be clearing the caramels.
Video by Cookie

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.


mue said...

difficile je ne m'approche même pas .....

Wendy said...

Video looks easy. Actual board is impossible. Always get an oops. Frustrating

Unknown said...

Frustrerend level weer.zoals gewoonlijk geluksbord nodig

Nic said...

Je veux bien un tableau aussi facile que sur la vidéo, sinon vraiment besoin d'aide et de beaucoup de chance s'il vous plaît

The Savage Traveler said...

Yep. Oops. 😡 Need the 🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀🤞🍀

Shelley said...

Whoa. Sure need luck on this one.

Fed up said...

Oops every time this level is messed up

Joy said...

Ridiculous again.

Lilly said...

Wow, after the last 2 levels I'm afraid to tackle this one. I need a break from Scrooge

Lilly said...

This is just plain asinine! No way without lucky board

Lilly said...

I couldn't deal with the bombs anymore. It took a ufo and party popper to pass this monster!

cvbcb said...

Posting for luck

Martha A said...

Posting for luck

Anonymous said...

I don’t like bombs let alone levels with chocolates…need a lucky board for this level!! Help please. Thank you!

JT said...

Classified as a Nightmarishly Hard Level on my devices

Raisedbybees said...


Carrie722 said...

Help. Levels with the troll and having to grow the frog are always hard. PFL

Unknown said...


Tineke said...

Vreselijk wat een zwaar niveau! Weer zwaar! Het wordt er niet leuker op, denk dat ik moet stoppen, wordt hier nerveus van of HELP ME

Evelyn said...

Posting for luck and free spins

Irmaki said...

Stuck here since two days. No fun at all

bonita said...

Please gift aq superlucky board very hard
I need help to pass

thnks ms cookir

bonita said...

PLEASE give me a lucky board. Bombs give me panic attacks---makes me physically ill.
HELP me pass.

Sherelle said...

I need a lucky board please. This level is do difficult. I keep getting ooops

Sherelle said...

My wafers are double . Help please . Send me s lucky board. Thank you

MiMi said...

Help please!!!

Tan1 said...

I have cleared all licorice shells and there were five of them - but the requirement is for six!

pj said...

Two licorice shells disappeared as I was about to win what's gives.

Lynne said...

Posting for luck

Angie said...

Lucky board please. Ty🥰

Angie said...

Too many bombs. Haven't had any luck here. Need help pls. Ty🙃

Rainbowgirl said...

Cookie has a very lucky board in this video, I’d like that board please there’s no way I get colourbombs with wrap for a good clearance like that

Rainbowgirl said...

Lucky board granted next go thank you

Candy said...

What a truly horrid board!

Candy crusher said...

Find this one impossible!! Bombs go off or not enough moves!!! Posting for luck !!

Candy crusher said...

Time to give up this game!!! Impossible level!! Credit karma ads are horrible. Clicking the x jumps to additional ads. Never again !!!!

Paulapops said...


Helen said...

Gonna be here a while, nowhere near enough moves, seems impossible!

Ggs said...

Please help, tired of losing lives without being able to open up the board! Please help

TrickyTricky said...

Need help pls

Tina said...

Posting for lucky board

Julie joel said...

I am gonna scream it's rubbish this level, the bombs never end time to quit i am so depressed playing this game goodbye

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck time to say goodbye this level is impossible

cookie56 said...

Pain in the a$$.
posting for luck.

Anne said...

Posting for help!

Joanne C said...

Posting for luck

Stylish said...

I am gonna scream it's rubbish this level, the bombs never end time to quit i am so depressed playing this game Need that algorithm board, bombs go off too quickly!