Candy Crush Saga Level 9973 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 9973 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie Tips and walkthrough video for this level. Even experts sometimes need help! I will post videos for every level and write tips where I think they are needed but otherwise please feel free to give your tips in the comments.
Tips: Level 9973 is classified as a hard level so you may lose some lives before you manage to pass it. This is a jelly level and there is jelly over the whole board so everything has to be cleared to complete the level. The frog is useful as are the fish from the fishing floats, you can use the frog to clear the square below the key dispenser at the bottom of the board. Don't place the frog immediately below the dispenser as it will prevent the keys from dropping, place it to one side so it helps and doesn't hinder.
As with all jelly levels you will need to make as many powerful combos as you can to blast the board until it is cleared.
Video by Cookie

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If the level you play is different from the one here it is because the developers have changed it since I played and I have no control over this. Please let me know on our FB group and I will try to change it.



Monorma said...

Stuck here for a while already. The most tricky is to clear the bubble gum to release the jelly fish that spread additional jelly to clear. Been quite there and need a lucky board to definitively succeed. Posting for that.

JaneM said...

4 Luck

Lcky said...

On here firever need a lucky board please!

Maks said...

Third day here. Again impossible level within a horror episode. Posting for lucky board pls

GloryB said...

Very difficult. Won’t be accepting and challenges from friends while stuck on this level, that’s for sure. Posting for luck

JP said...

Another level that I need help with!!
Please give me a lucky board please!!!

GloryB said...

Why is every level you get stuck for 2 or three days. Don’t even want to enter any contests,,,don’t have enough time to get anywhere. Not only is it aggravating it’s frustrating too. CC needs to change things up a bit. How about trying FUN for a change instead of extremely hard.
Posting for luck.

jeanbean said...

How the heck do you pass this level?!
Not enough moves, frustrating, no Fun.
Help …..
Just a Lucky Board will do apparently, according to others players!!!!!

Dkcc said...

Posting for luck 😏

Jane said...

Help would be appreciated!!!!!

Unknown said...

Cannot figure out how to pass this level. Need more moves and a lucky board.

Sharda said...


Pennrell said...

First use the FROG to clear the KEYS after you cleared the KEYS use the FROG near the FLOATS to get the FISH.

Fonz said...

Veel te weinig zetten. Posting for luck again

Unknown said...

Ayuda porfavor tablero de la suerte 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

Unknown said...

Es agobiante porfavor se te quitan las ganas de seguir intentando pasarlo una y otra vez , tablero de la suerte 🙏🙏🙏🙏

Unknown said...

No me lo puedo creer... otro día más intentándolo.. porque no me queréis dar el tablero de la suerte 😭😭😭😭😭

Bertiebassett said...

Impossible as just not enough moves. Will this be the level that makes me say goodbye to CC.

mtnbiker79 said...

Posting for luck!

Unknown said...

Veel te weinig !!!

rosereddragon said...

Seemed quite fun at first . . . now, posting for luck.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mr D said...

Come on CC give us a break

The Savage Traveler said...

Day 2. Plz send 🤞☘️🤞☘️🤞☘️🤞☘️🤞☘️🤞☘️🤞☘️🤞☘️🤞☘️🤞☘️

cc said...

Posting for lots of luck.!!!!!!

Lilly said...


steve said...

Posting for lucky board needed one used my flying saucer didn't land nowhere near the square what a waste!

Shelley said...

Posting for luck!

Ian said...

Impossible greedy king wants you to buy moves/boosters time to quit playing this game because it isn’t fun anymore

Unknown said...

wieder mal ein sehr schweres Level, was kaum machbar ist. Ohne Hilfe ist das nicht zu schaffen

Unknown said...

Ich sage, das ist ein extrem schweres level. Ohne Glück ist es nicht zu schaffen

Watch me crush said...

I am not a fan of these jelly lockers! Very difficult level!! Pfl, please! 🙏

Christine said...

Daar gaan we weer🙁

Christine said...

Na vele levens🙁 je moet wel heel veel geluk hebben om dit level te eindigen met veel te weinig zetten 😱. Aan iedereen die er in geslaagd is, dikke proficiat👍💪

Jo said...

Comme tout ce beau monde je suis coincée ici ☹️….s.v.p. cc roi aidez-moi à passer ce niveau là…..merci à l’infini roi 😁🍬🍭🤗🥰🍬🍭

Unknown said...


jenn2727 said...

Posting for luck..I'm sorry but king needs to give the ones who play and ar up in the ninethousands levels different challenges to be a part of.. win them every so often bc I'm always stuck lol

Ayla said...

Makes me feel like quitting!

Ayla said...


Najwa Alameddine Abu Hamze said...

Lucky board please

Carrie722 said...

Begging for help. PFL

Carrie722 said...

Losing a lot of lives. PFL

Unknown said...

Posting for a lucky board please x

Nay said...

And here we go again! Day 3 and can't even come close. Back to just waiting on a lucky board.

Bruce said...

Need a lucky board please

Unknown said...


bonita said...

Yep back again asking for a Miracle board with super smart fish, please.
I definitely NEED HELP. Levels are too complicated for my skills (or lack of skills)
Thanks Ms. Cookie for tips about frog & keys. I read FISH & I knew YOU would play the video: Queen of Fish.

bonita said...

gift me a lucky board, please.
HELP ME pass bombs exploding give me panic attacks

Corvettegirl2000 said...


MiMi said...

Help please!!!

Anônimo said...

Outro nível totalmente nojento, impossível e ridículo. Este jogo está decadente e acabado, querem vender reforços a todo custo. Quadrilha de estelionatários. Melhor opção é deletar esta merda, existem jogos melhores, inteligentes e honestos

Anonymous said...

Posting for luck

Helen said...

Need a lucky board like in the video please, oh and extra moves would be useful

Anne said...

Posting for a lucky 🍀 board.

cookie56 said...

Pain in the a$$.
Posting for luck.

Joanne C said...

Lots of comments. Posting for luck