Candy Crush Saga Level 1340

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1340 Candy Crush Saga without boosters.
Level 1340 is not a particularly hard level, the spawner only shoots out marmalade, which will not eat your colour bombs, so once uncovered they can be used to remove some of the bombs.
You will need to remove the spawner as it has jelly under it, but the bombs are a priority as they will kill the game faster than the spawner.
Once you have the bombs under control it's a simple matter to clear the jelly and complete the game.
Video below by Johnny Crush

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Candy Crush Saga Level 1339

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1339 Candy Crush Saga without boosters.
It is important that you remove the spawners as quickly as possible or you will be fighting against the cream blockers the whole time.
Use stripes and stripe/ wrap combos and at the same time you should be growing the popcorns into colour bombs.
Use the colour bombs to clear some of the jelly in the corners which are hard to get to.
You can also use stripes and stripe/wrap combos to get those difficult jellies, but they need to be well placed at the sides or top and bottom.
A colour bomb switched with a stripe could be useful too, although this won't give many points it will clear some jelly and help to remove the spawners.
If you are having trouble with level 1339 you could try using a jelly fish booster, this will help with the difficult jellies and the fish will also remove jelly from under the spawners sometimes.
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Candy Crush Saga level 1338 Tips and video

Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1338 Candy Crush Saga without boosters
Level 1338 is an ingredients level, you have to collect three ingredients to complete the level. The first two are on the board and the third one will appear once the first two are collected.
Concentrate on growing the popcorns in the middle of the board using wrapped candies and other special candies. The final ingredient will drop down the middle column so the sooner you clear the popcorns the better chance you have of completing the level. At the same time you should be using those combos to clear the waffles at the bottom of the board. Wrapped candies and combos using wraps will be best, but if you can get two colourbombs together from the popcorns you can switch them together also.
Video by Cookie 
Original tips and video
At the start try to make matches beside the Sawners to stop them spawning the cream blockers, if you can get rid of the ones at one side of the board you can work on that side to get the ingredients down. 
At the same time as you're bringing the ingredients down you should be making stripes, wraps and combos, which you can use to hit the other two spawners and keep them under control so they don't block the ingredients.
The ingredients fall on moves 21, 16, 11 and 6 so make these moves where you want the ingredients to fall to make it easier to get them out of the exits.
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